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Work Place Ghosties


I work for a popular grocery chain here in the Western USA. Ultimately, we're owned by a much larger corporation that operates many different chains. In Las Vegas, the grocery industry is very competitive, and many times larger chains have been forced to close some of their stores and sell them to other chains that have a better potential for profit due to their formats and abilities to focus on the demographics of the area. A few years ago my company purchased several stores in this manner.

One particular store has a very infamous past. In 1999, a man entered the store, very early in the morning, and started a random shooting spree that left four people dead and another critically wounded. All were employees. One victim was a middle aged woman, a bakery/service deli clerk, the same department I work in. Another victim, a produce clerk, was also killed in the same area.

This store has never been my "home" store, but a few weeks ago I spent a week there, helping out the B/SD manager as she was short on help. I was kind of excited, because all of my fellow employees I'd talked to who make this store their "home" believe that it is, indeed, haunted. Here are my experiences.

For the first couple of days, I had been sensing something, but thought with all the negativity it was probably residual. So the fourth morning, while doing my prep work I said, "Okay, well, if you're here you can show me. I won't be scared. Just do something out of the ordinary." Our ovens hold two racks; they slide onto a bar that then lifts and turns them. There is a slide bar that locks the racks in place so they don't get stuck by the movement of the arm. Since most of the time I bake two racks at a time, I leave one lock in place so all I have to do is slide the next batch in and secure the one lock. I hadn't had a problem with the locks to this point, but... On this day, every time I went to put something in the oven I had to secure BOTH locks. I was getting very frustrated, and left a few of my shoe prints on the floor of the oven from having to step inside to get the racks unstuck.

My next shift started off with me looking for the little knife we use to score the dough. Very important piece of equipment, I might add. Because of its size, it's always kept in the same general area so that everyone can find it when needed. That little thing was nowhere to be found, so in my frustration, I used one of the bigger, bulkier, harder to maneuver knives, and yes, I was letting loose with a grand string of expletives all the while LOL. I finished the first batch of scoring and went to the restroom. When I returned, lo and behold, there the thing was, right beside my bottle of water! I would have seen when I set the bottle down, or at the very least, during my frantic search.

The next morning, my next to the last day there, was by far the most active. While preparing the first racks to be baked (yes, the knife was where it was supposed to be), I heard an older woman say, "Hello?" It sounded like a customer would when not seeing anybody behind the counter. But, the store was closed. The only other women there were the Non Foods clerk who is rather masculine with a much lower tone in her voice, and the girl on the floor cleaning crew who was running the buffer at the time. I said "Hi!" back, and thanked her.

A while later I went upstairs to retrieve a scan gun to do the markdowns. The guns are kept in a locked room with the type of lock that you push three numbers, and I didn't know the combination. But, I heard some banging and rustling around as I climbed the stairs. As I rounded the corner I saw the door on its way to closing so I ran for it, but it shut just before I got to it. I stood there, pounding on the door for about five minutes, but to no avail, as no one was in there. The book-keeper wasn't there yet nor any checkers, or anyone who would need to access the room.

Later on in the day, I got the combination but when I went upstairs, the door to the room was ajar. It is supposed to be kept closed at all times. I had passed another employee on my way upstairs because the break room is up there, also. I thought to myself, "Surely she would have seen the door open and would have closed it?" I asked her about it the next day, and she said it was closed when she was up there. I should mention that I know she wasn't in the room because there are motion sensitive lights that stay lit for about ten minutes after no motion is detected, and the room was dark when I stepped in.

I don't know, maybe some of these events could be explained logically. But I did do my best to debunk everything.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, zzsgranny, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
Hello zzsgranny, I really don't know how I missed this story of yours in November, 2012. Great experiences indeed. I am very fascinated about the little knife disappearing and reappearing. Well, I think this was what you wanted them to show you and you asked them to do something out of the ordinary to make their presence more felt and I think it was what you experienced. Great narration and I enjoyed it thoroughly. Interestingly, I like work-place ghost experiences.

But you did not tell us what others have experienced. Definitely you must have queried them when you were there in the store. Ain't it.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.

darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
I was just saying who were you talking to about that comment thing it was me or that person no need to get angry
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
darkassassin: Are you even reading my stories, or are you going to continue to clutter the threads with your dribble? Stick to one story thread, please. Otherwise, contribute something relevant to the thread and story!
darkassassin92 (119 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
Note I did not call you stupid it was that person that started with a p
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-18)
RedWolf: 😆 I've found that if you ask nicely, they will return your things... But I was so frustrated, what I said was, "gimme back my damn knife, PLEEEEASE!", and a lot more 😆...It worked LOL but I should've been nicer!...I didn't forget to say thank you though...

Cosmo: I just realized I didn't reply to you, sorry!...Yeah, you've witnessed one of my cursing sprees and it ain't pretty 😆...

Thank you both for reading and commenting!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-18)
I loved the story. I feel awful about what happened to those people. But as you said it was a good thing it was early in the morning. I too have ghosties find me. I guess growing up in a house with spirits makes me more sensitive to them now. I had to laugh when you said a little knife went missing and you let loose with the expletives. For awhile after my father in-law died he would let me know he was around by taking things I just put down and make me go crazy until I said okay dad you can put it back. I would go back to where I put the missing object down and it would be a few inches away and turned around. 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
Shelzy: I love hearing about them, too... And what's even better is having your own experiences confirmed by other employees... Twice now, in my home store, I've had "someone" come from behind and say "Boo" 😆...The last time I could've sworn it was my boss, because she'll do that when I'm busy working to tell me she's going on break or where ever... When I looked around, she was inside the department, a good 40-50 feet away LOL... The first time, there wasn't anybody around...I'm hoping if it happens again, my store director will let me view the video... I must have looked pretty silly, standing there looking around 😆...While talking to one of our meat department clerks, he said he hears his name called frequently, but in differnet people's voices... Maybe once the store director, the next time his boss, etc LOL...

Aussie: Yeah, nobody deserves that...Fortunately, it was early in the morning and there were very few people there or the toll may have been much higher...I'm happy you like my stuff, your opinions hold a lot of weight with me ❤

Thank you both for reading and commenting!
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
Some things are meant to happen, but I don't think any one deserves to be shot at random Granny, I agree with your thoughts and homework on this location that the energies do have un finished business and are present in this store and probably will be for decades to follow... Although debunking what you could, I believe what you have offered is enough to support your feelings of a genuine haunting... Thank you for sharing it Granny, I have always enjoyed following your stories cheers mate...❤
shellzy (8 stories) (218 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
Granny I have to say I love a good workplace ghostie story! 😆. I hate when they move stuff around that you need like the small knife. I can see this ghostie peering out from inside the walk in oven having a good chuckle at your annoyance having to use the awkward big knife on the dough then waiting until you have finished to put it back in an obvious place! 😉.
I worked in a department store in an office with a resident ghostie that would swing a big heavy metal walk in safe door shut while I was in it lol. I cracked it and told him to quit it one day and he never did it again after I blasted him! 😆
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
[at] granny yeah they seem to follow you about don't they 😆

Gonna have to sit and try to remember everything for my journal got 4 months to catch up on! I know I won't remember everything!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
I know LOL. Yesterday I was telling 2 of the guys I work with about Dalton saying that and one the guys muttered,"You scare me too!" I busted out laughing. I said, "Good!"
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
It's funny because I do the same thing to Pat sometimes. He will do something and I'll just tear into him. Then I look at his face and he's all like... Whoa ok then...LOL! 😆 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
I was sitting here thinking of Dalton telling me sometimes I scare him and couldn't help but laugh thinking it reminded me of this 😆
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
LOL! Poor ghostie was probably like... But...but... I was only looking at it. 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Hey cosmo - instead of the ghosties scaring granny, she probably scared the crap outta them 😆 OMG can you just imagine them carefully placing the knife back and slowly backing away? 😆
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Ha! Miracles I thought the same thing when I saw the title. I said oh granny posted another story. 😆

Cool experience granny! I'm glad whoever took the little knife gave it back. Your cursing spree probably had the poor ghostie like... Uh oh I better give it back 😲 LOL!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Thanks to all for reading and commenting!

DARKNESS: It really was a tragedy, and I think it's one reason the previous owners decided to disassociate their name with that particular location... And I'm with you, I hope they find peace soon...

BJJ: 😆 There's a lot of scary equipment in that department... One of the safety features of the oven is that the door won't latch without a good amount of pressure, so it's nearly impossible to get locked in...However, I wonder at the necessity for the release on the inside LOL

Morticia: Those journals are awesome!...I don't know what my problem is and why I can't let sleeping ghosties lie, but I agree with DARKNESS, they'd find me anyway LOL!

Fergie: Thank you and you're welcome!...Love me some "ghosties"! 😆...I've gotten a little braver since joining this site and actively doing some "hunting"...

Kuhlmad: This particular store isn't the only one in our chain that is reputedly haunted, but it is by far the most active...I've had a few little experiences in my "home" store, and also in another former "home", "Chilly, Silly Ghostie", although I don't think that was a resident of the store 😊...

Again, thanks to all!
Kuhlmad (3 stories) (57 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Thanks for this granny! Stories that take place at work are my favorite. It is probably nice to have a change from your everyday schedule. Sounds like there is never a boring day!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Lol granny, another awesome account!

I must concur with Miracles, only you would choose a title like that! You will have to register your 'trademark' LOL.

I love the way you practically 'dare' them to manifest. I doubt if I would ever be that bold... Not with 'strangers' anyway!

Thank you for an entertaining read. ❤
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Granny I had to chuckle when I saw that you asked them for proof. They certainly gave that indeed 😊

Ah speaking of journals must update mine. Dreams that have that feeling that theyre trying to point me to what's going on and the gut feelings (which are never ignored theyre too often right or at minimum with a lot of truth to them) that have been I have been having have been strong of late!
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
Walk in...oven?!?
Oh hell to the no! This will feature in tonight's nightmares I'm sure.
Very cool interactions with the presences though. 😁
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
I remember this Granny, Hahaha funny you mentioned the Hansel and Gretel theme there Marjie because I was thinking the same thing, imagine you got locked in there accidently? Lol.
I think your right Granny I know you would have done everything by the book and what you know is right to debunk things, in the end there is no denying the fact that something is still going on at the store.
They would have picked up on your spirituality aswell like a beacon and made sure they got your attention. What a tragic thing to happen to them, I hope they are able to move on within the near future. Thanks Granny! 😁 ❤

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
LOL granny - I love those interactions too. The ones that make you turn around like you really expect someone else to be standing there, when you know darn good and well there is no one else there 😆 But you heard them, so they are definitely there 😉
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
Miracles: I know, huh?...Thankfully our oven doors are equiped with an emergency latch similar to the ones on the inside of freezer/cooler doors 😆...My experiences there were mild compared to some I've heard... I think my favorite was the little "Hello?"...It was really amazing... The rest of the time they were just messing with me 😆...

When, oh when, will I learn to be more specific? 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-12)
granny - I saw the title and just knew this had to be from you 😆

Okay, seriously, I was envisioning Hansel and Gretel when you were standing in the oven 😉 Be careful what you wish for LOL

I loved these updates on your "journal," granny (nope, not saying one word... Not one LOL). I would have to agree with the people who work at that story. I think there is some definite activity and I'm glad you had the opportunity to experience some of it 😊

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