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My Visit To Alcatraz


I'm on vacation this week, and my husband and I took a short trip to San Francisco for the sole purpose of touring Alcatraz Island. Just getting there was an adventure in itself, but I won't bore you with the particulars of that leg of the journey.

I never realized the close proximity between the island and the city of San Francisco until we were on the ferry. I can understand how torturous it must have been for those in the D block cells (solitary confinement) to be able to see, and at times hear, the activity of a very much alive and bustling city; so close, and yet: so far. Sounds clichΓ©, but one need only make the trip to comprehend the truth of those words.

While the weather in the Bay Area rivaled that of my current hometown of Las Vegas, an eerie fog rolled over and enshrouded the island. Standing on the landing dock and looking at the sky, we could literally see the fog rolling in the sky overhead. The wind blew constantly, and chilled me to the bone, having forgotten my jacket in the hotel room in Oakland haha. Still, those who weren't suffering the same bout of forgetfulness were feeling the chill as well.

Regrettably, we had to opt for the afternoon tour, as the night tour had been booked well in advance. It was an audio tour, and we were each given a headset at the beginning, which I chose not to use. I think I was probably the only one to make such a choice, but I didn't want anything to interfere with what I might hear.

Our plans to visit in the middle of September panned out really well, as I was very appreciative of the lack of children present. Nothing against kids, but they can cause unnecessary distractions. The tour rules recommend that children be at least 9 years old, as it is quite a big place, and younger, smaller children would become bored and restless. The rules are very strict about unruly children, that unruliness isn't tolerated. There were only three children I saw the entire time I was on the island: one baby in a carrier, and a boy in a wheelchair accompanied by his brother.

I mention the lack of children because my first "experience" involved hearing children laughing and playing in the area between the door to the outside recreation area and the mess hall (nicknamed "Times Square"). There, also, is the stairway to the upper floors of the "A" block. I heard them twice as we walked around that area. My research hasn't divulged any reports of child ghosts; but it is a fact that during the Native American occupation of the island during the late 1960's a 13 year old girl fell three floors to her death down a stairwell. The stairwell in question has never been mentioned, but I believe it is the one at the end of cell block A, where I heard the children.

The tour of blocks A, B and C over, we proceeded to the infamous D block. I expected a dark, dreary dungeon-like atmosphere, but was surprised at how well lit the hall was. It was depressing though, since the light was from the nearly two stories of windows that the upper level cells faced, giving the prisoners full view of the Bay and the city. Torture, indeed.

With the exception of one cell on the ground level, all of the cells were dubbed "the hole". Here in D block, many men lost their sanity, and a few their very lives. I won't go into the history of these cells, as Google is a great source for that. But I will say that 14D is known to have claimed the life of one, who, screaming in terror throughout the night that he was being attacked by a demon, was found dead in the morning with evidence of having been strangled.

The first cell on the ground floor is just like all the others in the prison. It was here though, that I refused to enter. My husband wanted to get a picture of me behind the bars, but I could not allow myself to enter this cell. Twice he insisted; and twice I said, "F**k that! I'm not going in there!" I felt a fear like I've never known, and a complete aversion to take even one step inside. I did however, go into 14D, and snapped a few pictures. Still had a very depressing feeling, but no fear like the first cell.

On our way back to the landing dock we saw the tiny outbuilding that was the morgue. We got in line to view the inside, and I was really excited. (I have a somewhat morbid side, as I'm sure more than a few of you can relate to!) The outside door to the building has been removed, and a sheet of plexi-glass placed over the opening. The room itself is below ground level, and one can peer through the glass to the room below. Taking any kind of picture through the plexi-glass is futile, as the distortions are ridiculous. There is, however, a small space at the top just large enough for the lens of my camera. So I took two through the glass, and two through the small opening. I think you'll find this series of photos interesting. Some of the emotions I felt as I peered into this hole were: grossed out, sad, happy, lonely, fearful, and finally relief, like I had been set free; all in a matter of seconds.

My Visit To Alcatraz 1
My Visit To Alcatraz 2
My Visit To Alcatraz 3
My Visit To Alcatraz 4

It was a great trip, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. And I can cross off two entries on my list of "places to visit before I die"!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, zzsgranny, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ghostmancjm (1 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-19)
so a bit of history on the location of the photos the spot is historically known as the morgue I have been one of the few people to get to actually go up in there and investigate and there has been photos of others that I have seen in this same spot that it looks like the Grimm reaper is standing there weather or not the photos are real or not that need more analysis I am a paranormal investigator with out my own group yet so am not practicing right now if any one wants to join me and lives in the north Carolina area send me and email to codymcclain84 [at]
jane_lee (4 stories) (32 posts)
9 years ago (2015-12-11)
Great story... Thanks for sharing zzsgranny 😁...especially the pictures...
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-17)
Hi, nice story... I just got through the link given by allesgute154. Terrific... 😨
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-17)
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-17)
Granny! I still don't get anything from these pics. Nope. Nothing except the fogginess. 😭
osnapitsDebra (guest)
11 years ago (2013-07-09)
zzsgranny thanks and yea it is kind of hard to catch any paranormal stuff since there is a lot of people making noises. But I hope I could catch anything weird but if I do ill probably run off to my mom panickig lol πŸ˜†

-Debra ❀
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-07)
Debra: It's hard to pick up on anything with hundreds of people milling around! πŸ˜† I really wish they would allow private investigations, but I guess they don't need the extra funds they would generate LOL. Good luck on your next trip!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-07)
RedWolf: I'm sorry, I just saw your comment.

Wow, I can't imagine what you must have gone through. It was a horrific day for all of us. Every time I make the trip home I vow to go to Shanksville, PA., to pay my respects. I just haven't made it there yet. Honestly, I don't know how long I'd be able to stay.

I'm slowly getting back in touch with my abilities. Or rather, honing the ability to "open" and "close". Sometimes though, stuff gets in no matter how hard we try to protect ourselves from it 😒.

Thank you for reading and commenting! ❀
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-01)
I just read your story about Alcatraz. You are a brave woman indeed. I have seen television shows and ghosthunter shows about Alcatraz and always get empathetic feelings just watching these shows but also have very vivid dreams about the place. I know I would not get through the tour without getting a migraine. I live on Long Island and a year after the towers fell my husbands cousin was visiting her and told me I HAD to take them to the site. I told her that I could not go because of my abilities. I had a premonition 3 days before that something was going to happen to the towers so you can imagine my feelings as I know city police and firemen. In fact that night my dogs were barking at the double glass doors we had at the time. I thought they wanted to go out but as I got up I saw a fireman holding the hand of a little girl. I don't know who it was but he just looked at me with a sad smile and disappeared.
Also my mother in-law knew that I knew a captain from the Port Authority who died and her body was found on my anniversary.
I have passed by the site on several occasions soon after the attack and have felt the spirits who can't leave because their families have no remains to bury and they are very sad. It also sickened me to see people just stop and gawk through holes in the mesh fencing.
This attack affected me so bad I brought 2 framed pictures of soaring eaagles into Manhattan and donated them to a fire house. The guys were extatic and some of them were crying as others were saying they wanted one for their homes. I wept all the way home.
osnapitsDebra (guest)
11 years ago (2013-06-30)
Hey zzsgranny I have been to alcatraz before since I live in the city and I saw or heard or felt nothing I really wanted to encounter something. Especially in the showers because supposedly you could hear an instrument coming from over there which is being played by Al Capone. But I want to go over there again. Thanks for sharing

-Debra ❀
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-22)
FantomeNocturne: Spring or Fall is the best time to go anywhere LOL! And it just worked out that way for us because of some things that were happening at my job that we were unable to go until that time. I agree with you that trusting "your gut" is the only way to go 😊. I was reading up on the supposed Demon of cell block D, and in most accounts, witnesses have stated that it doesn't just stay in the infamous cell 14D; it travels throughout the block so I think I made the right choice by staying the heck out of there.

I don't have any immediate plans on going back soon, but I know I will someday. I've been trying to find a way to do a private investigation, but it would be costly to say the least πŸ˜†. Unfortunately, we're not all as famous as Zak Bagans or Amy Allan πŸ˜†

Thank you for reading and commenting, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!
FantomeNocturne (1 stories) (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-21)
Wow, I wish I had gone to Alctraz at the same time you did! It sounds like it was a lot less packed, which I honestly do believe would make for better exploration... Especially as far as the paranormal is concerned. That's really eerie what you felt about that one cell you didn't want to go in, but I think you made the right choice not sticking around that cell. Go with those instincts, I say! Who knows what was making you feel that way, and better safe than sorry... Especially in a place housing souls of dangerous criminals, and like the story of that infamous cell where the prisoner died suggests, sometimes something a bit more sinister.

I very much enjoyed your narrative and the pictures you provided, and I learned some things from this. For instance, I had no idea a 13 year old died there like that, that's awful.:c If you go back to Alcatraz anytime soon, I'd love to see if anything else happens while you are there and see how you feel it compares to the visit detailed here. Great story!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
reddy: Yes, the whole sequence goes from left to right... And you're in good company when it comes to coworkers thinking you're strange for talking to your screen πŸ˜†...Several others on this site use their work computers as well... You guys need to be careful LOL!

Sara: You're right, once you see it, you can't help but see it the next time ❀
sara77 (1 stories) (40 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Oh thank the good lord that I am not as nutty as I was starting to think I Well I am, but now I don't feel so alone πŸ˜† You girls left me hanging all day!

I Know right hey Reddy! And a BIG well done to Granny for capturing an apparition on film!
(Is that safe to say with 3 witnesses?)
reddysteady (5 stories) (95 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Sara - so, I'm sitting at my desk at work, staring at the fourth picture, trying every which way to squint and scour and look, moving my head closer to the screen and back again, and then I *finally* see what I think you're seeing and let out a "No way!", which caused funny glowers from my co-workers, and now I'm going to stare at it some more. πŸ˜†

Granny - are those last two photos posted in the sequence which they were taken? 😊
sara77 (1 stories) (40 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-07)
Im stoked that I am not the only one seeing it! πŸ˜†
Yay to Granny, what about you Miracles? See it yet?

BTW I just showed Hubby and he can see it too ❀

Thanks Granny for the validation
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
You have great eyes, the "V" part isn't in any of the other pics πŸ˜†...How the heck did we all miss that? πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
sara: OMM! I see it now! LOL...It's very large, right?...But I'm thinking maybe it may be just the way the light is playing, but I'm going to see if it's obvious in the other pics... πŸ˜†
sara77 (1 stories) (40 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
LOL Thankyou Miracles and Granny. Maybe I am seeing things that are not there, but its really clear to me... I wish I could circle it or I wish that there was someone here other than my daughter who is off school with a flu... I am needing confirmation that I am not one of those people who see things because they are trying so hard to see something. I will just have to wait until hubby is home 😊

It is so obvious to me that I even had to Google "What Alkatraz Inmates wear" as what I am seeing is not the typical black and white stripes πŸ˜†
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
sara77 - I am not the best one to ask about pictures, because I suck at seeing things in them πŸ˜†. Granny has even given me step-by-step directions and I still haven't been able to see what others have seen. I'm horrible 😭 I'm better at "feelings" or "impressions" I guess than seeing something in the pictures. It certainly doesn't mean what you see isn't there. It just means I don't see it, which means nothing LOL.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
One of the things I really hate about going some place like this is: I always want to go back because the first time leaves me feeling like I was gyped LOL... Time pressures, too many other people, the WRONG people, etc... I love my hubby, don't doubt that, but I think Miracles and the rest of the ParaLoonies would have made for a much more enlightening tour ❀ (sans Demon Bats from Hell πŸ˜†)...

The third picture is really the one that has the strange effect on just about anyone who sees it, even if they don't view it in the context of the series... Given that it was part of the series, I have to say there's something there...

Sara: I'm going to take some time and analyze the fourth picture a little more on my own computer to see if I can see what you're looking at... Right now, I admit, I can't...I'll be sure to let you know!...

Thanks guys! ❀
sara77 (1 stories) (40 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Granny,Miracles and Reddy- I followed your comments to this story (which I had never read before) and in the fourth picture I could see a man, this is before I opened the picture this made me automatically go into the fourth picture first but when I opened it I could no longer see him, I then looked through the other three photos, closed them and then could see the man again (when the photos are not blown up) He looks like he is standing at the end of the bench (white shirt, dark jacket)

So thinking it must be an optical illusion I opened the photo again to see what was causing this illusion and found another man (a different one) between the bigger pipe that is at the base of the bench and the smaller one that has the grid thing leaning against it. Right at the base of the larger pipe on the ground.

He has dark hair and is looking to the right wearing a light coloured V neck shirt his hair looks like the elvis style that was all the rage in the (60's?)

Am I seeing things? Can anyone eles see what I am seeing?...I keep going back and opening it up and can see it plain as day.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
reddy - you'd seriously have to think there is something there, wouldn't you? 😨
reddysteady (5 stories) (95 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Miracles - My tummy did a little backflip when I read back on the comments in this thread. Yours and also 'believer21' "First off those picturees make me uncomfortable, and I get the weird sense of a tall man standing in the back of the room in the third." 😲
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
red - I thought you might find this interesting. This is my comment on granny's pictures (I copy/pasted a portion of my comment for you to read):

"The 3rd picture? It makes my stomach knot and my heart hurt. There's just something about it that makes me feel really bad." Funny, huh?
reddysteady (5 stories) (95 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-06)
Alcatraz is such an eerie place - I've never been on the island itself, but I've visited Frisco pleanty and it always sticks out as this incredibly lonely, forbidden place in an otherwise gorgeous, inviting Bay. Your third photograph gave me the straight up willies, though I can't "see" any"thing" in particular (I haven't read the others' comments, yet, either) - It just feels...Yick.

Great narrative - Thank you for sharing! 😳

PS - ^-^ When you mentioned the strict rules about unruly children, I couldn't help but to guiltily smile at how many times I got my parents kicked out of cool places... πŸ˜†
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-10)
[at] zzgranny,
I watched that too. I love that show. I had forgotten about the childs/childrens voices you heard though.
But that whole trip to cell block D gave me the chills. That was freaky.
I need to watch it again now.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-10)
My interest in Alcatraz was renewed after watching last night's episode of "The Dead Files" πŸ˜†...So, after a little more research, I found out that the little girl died from a fall in the Warden's house, which is a separate building on the grounds, and no access is permitted as it was ruined in fire...

So now, I'm unsure about the children's laughter I heard... I know I heard it, but whether paranormal or not, I can't say...
bhavyapattz (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-04)
hey that was realy nice experience grany thanks for sharing... I realy wish I could go there but being in india alcatraz is bit far but I would like to visit there some times... Scary pic thanks for posting... You should haue take evp of those voices. Cant wait to read your other stories...
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-29)
LOL, the people I worked with there would definitely agree! πŸ˜†

Darn that minimum character count, huh?

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