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Ghost Hunting With Loonies


On May 24th, 2012, I and several others had the opportunity to investigate one of the most, reputedly, haunted places in world: The Historic Ohio State Reformatory, more commonly known simply as Mansfield Reformatory. This building is a mixture of Queen Anne, Victorian Gothic, and Richardsonian Romanesque architecture, and was designed to be as least imposing as possible as it was never intended to be used as a prison for hardened criminals. The belief was, at the time, that many small time crooks could be "reformed" and taught how to become productive members of society through programs like furniture making and other skills. Through the years, good intentions gave way to the necessity to find a place to hold said bad guys and Mansfield became a maximum security prison. My company included four other posters from this site: Miracles51031, cosmogal926, stephyw2001, and clever210, a few friends of theirs, my son JR, and my niece Julie. All together, we numbered thirteen (where's Bilbo Baggins when you need him? LOL) We decided to give accounts of our own experiences, since we all will be submitting. Here're mine:

The night began with a visit through the museum. Here we saw, among other things, a chair designed for electro-shock treatments, old photos of the building in its hey-day, photos of past in-mates and wardens, a display of some of the handmade weapons confiscated (which was truly scary), and in a large glass enclosure: a replica of "Old Sparky" the electric chair. There were no executions in Mansfield; those were done at the prison in Lucasville, Ohio. Still, it gave me the creeps looking at it! From there we were taken on a tour of the building by our guide Scott. Great guy, and I have to commend myself and all the others for not pointing out to him how much he resembled Jason from "Ghost Hunters". As we were guided through the twisting maze of hallways and stairs Scott proceeded to turn the lights off. It was only around 7:30 pm, so we could see to make our way to the meeting/break room. And then, we were free to roam the building at will until 5:00 am.

If EVER I should have taken the advice of Miracles on the "Miracles Journal", it was now because events have become blurred. I'm not sure of chronology. I'll be recounting from my scribbled notes taken from listening to my recordings. It is a very large building, and in the dark the first few times through are confusing until you get know your way around, so please bear with me. Thankfully, JR has played enough video games like Resident Evil and Silent Hill to be a great point guard! However, I led our trio at first and a few times after.

Our first experience was in the sub-basement shortly before entering solitary confinement; a place recently discovered through some excavation on the site. We all felt a major chill, but soon it became apparent that there was a draft. Still the place had a bad feel, and JR was creeped out to the point of nearly leaving me behind as I made my way up the stairs. He'd asked if I'd seen a shadow, and as I turned to investigate where he had motioned he said, "I'm just not feelin' it down here" and left. In my most valiant effort to maintain my "ghost hunting" voice, I pleaded (giggling nervously), "Don't leave me!" It was at this point, unbeknownst to us, that we caught our first EVP. Apparently, someone was offended that we didn't want to spend any more time with them. (#1) at 23 seconds


Somehow, stumbling around in the dark with just our flashlights, we made our way to the Deputy Warden's quarters. The Deputy Warden's quarters were on the highest floor, the Warden's just below. As we descended the stairs to the Warden's quarters, once again JR saw a shadow. We got out the recorder but I didn't think we were getting anything so I said, "I'm not getting anything." You guessed it: EVP #2, just a male whisper. Like someone whispering to someone else, it's hard to make out exactly what is being said, but it's cool. This is shortly after our first encounter with "the demon bats from hell" that will, undoubtedly, play a major role in the others' stories.;D (#2) at 1:19


After pizza, a cold drink, a well deserved cigarette, and a great discussion about "demon bats", we were on our way again. We decided to head into the East block, the tallest free standing steel cell block in the world. We entered on the second tier since we had come through the newly renovated, glass enclosed, fully air conditioned, central guard station (that the proprietors also rent out as a banquet hall for events like wedding receptions). We wound our way to the fourth tier, and approximately half way down the guard walk, we heard a scream/screech. I happened to be on point, Julie in the middle, and JR bringing up the rear (we had to walk single file as the walkway is very narrow and too close to the cells for comfort, and brought back memories of the handmade shanks in the museum). JR looked to see where the noise had come from, and discovered the door to the block had been shut. I quickly snapped off a photo, but the flash didn't reach as far as the door, or JR's flashlight. (#3) at 13-14 seconds


We continued on around the block, and when we reached the door that was shut discovered that it was indeed, still open. We played with it and realized that it was well greased, and couldn't have made any kind of sound. Also, in our excitement, we mistook the bars for being the door, when actually the door was covered in steel mesh. But, shortly into our trip on the next floor, we came upon a cell that HAD been closed. We still have no idea if this is what we heard, but it seemed odd that just one out of all those cells was closed. One note: we tried several doors, and all were well greased and didn't squeak.

We took several breaks during the night. At one point, several of us decided to go to the Deputy Warden's quarters again and sit quietly to do a proper EVP session. Unfortunately for me, I had switched recorders, and the one I had at the time picks up and creates a lot of noise so I can't share that particular one since I can't hear it LOL. But I can tell of some of the experiences we had. If you recall, at the bottom of these stairs is where JR had his second sighting of a shadow. It is in this room that our guide, Scott, had told us of his experience where he had been punched in the kidney by an unseen force. We now refer to it as the "kidney punch room".

The main room in the center of the apartment is quite large, with what appears to be an elevated stage at the far end. Here I, Julie and JR sat. Miracles sat on the floor a little ways away from us. We sat in silence for a little while, and Miracles asked if anyone wanted to talk to us. JR heard something in another room and grabbed the EMF detector. The room he was in was joined by a common door to another room, and in this doorway the EMF detector spiked a couple of times. He walked away and went back, but it never spiked again. It is in the first room where several of us heard a slight scratching close to the floor and wall, but not IN them, and near a window. We thought it was possibly the "demon bats" playing around so we sort of ignored it. Miracles went in with her recorder and what she came out with has since changed our minds. You'll have to read her story to find out about it though.

As we sat in silence, we began to hear footsteps on the stairs just outside the door. These continued on and off for some time, and I hope Miracles got it on her recorder! We were joined by stephyw and her friend, so at that time we assumed the footsteps were theirs until we continued to hear them. Again, silence overcame us, and Julie had the distinct sensation of something tickling her side like a cat rubbing against her. JR continued to go from room to room with the EMF detector, and was picking up random spikes in several locations. But the one that really got our attention was on one side of a small table in the center of the room, near the floor. The detector was spiked to the max, so I went downstairs to see if there was a light fixture or something else that could have been causing such interference. I had them tap on the floor where they were getting the highest readings, and there was nothing on my side that would cause it. There was a light on the ceiling at the other end of the room, but no visible cords.

Upstairs, we ran the detector along the floor to see if there was a cord between the floor and the ceiling, but all we got was silence. But around that table near the floor it was wild. We ended our session, and continued to the chapel, since our first attempt at getting there was foiled by the "demon bats". There's strength in numbers, after all.

I actually didn't experience much in the chapel, and I still had the crappy recorder. So I'll leave this segment to the others.

This is where my notes become confusing, even for me. I'm not exactly sure which cell block we were in, but I think it was solitary confinement. We had picked up most of the others after another break, and proceeded to walk through the block again. We weren't being overly quiet, in fact, we were quite negligent in using our "ghost hunting" voices. However, on our way out and while I was discussing with stephyw about snapping a picture (the others had gone some distance away), I picked up another EVP. To me, it sounds like the same guy from the first one. (#4) A sigh, then at 4-5 seconds


Later on, and close to the end of our hunt, our little trio once again took off on our own to the East cell block. We were feeling rather battle worn, so we decided to just walk around the bottom and snap some pics and record. JR noticed that Julie's flashlight was becoming dim, so we stopped to change the batteries. We fumbled around in the bag JR had and couldn't find them, but then I remembered I had the bag with the spares. We heard a small commotion, and shined the one working light toward it, and paid for that mistake by being dive bombed by a "demon bat"! And soon after another, and another... But on my recording, as the second and third bats made their approach there was someone warning us of the attack LOL. (#5) no citation needed lol


Throughout the night I experienced some scents. Urine and body odor being the most common, and I mentioned it about 5 times in my recordings alone. These smells came and went, were never in the same places, and were at times overwhelmingly strong. I did get to smell the perfume of the Warden's wife, and so did Julie; me at the top of the stairs in the Warden's quarters, and her at the bottom, as we all made our way back to the break room after an exciting experience with the "flashlight trick", courtesy of our guide, in the surgical infirmary.

In the East cell block during the time when EVP #3 was recorded, I was on point, and kept getting the sensation of spider webs across my face and left arm, the one closest to the cells. You can hear me wiping them off, complaining, asking JR if he'd experienced this, and stating that surely enough people had been through there recently that there couldn't be any spider webs there so quickly. Thinking about it later, we were all in black shirts, and had the sensations been spider webs it would have been apparent as they would have shown on the black material. I experienced these quite often. The coveted position in our trio was the one in middle, since the one on point would be the first to see and feel things in front of us, and the one in the rear would constantly get the feeling that someone was following too close behind.

All in all, this is one of the greatest experiences I've ever had. It was wonderful to finally meet and put a real person to the screen names mentioned, and it may sound strange but I consider the time spent with my son and niece as "quality time". We had been planning this trip since August of last year, had to wait until October to book our reservation, and started the countdown on January 1st. I walked away from Mansfield with the sense that yes, this place is haunted, but probably residual in nature. That feeling changed during the next few days as I went over my recordings, and listened to some the others had. There are intelligent, interactive spirits roaming around the place. I think we're going to go back some day.

*I hope the links work, if not I'll provide them in the comment section*

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, zzsgranny, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-09)
Dear Granny

What a fantastic adventure! Loved all your accounts; read and re-read them all. I think you were all tremendously brave souls. As for me... I would be right there, arms over my head, hiding under the table from those evil demon bats!

I live on the Northern Beaches in Sydney, not too far from the North Head Quarantine Station. My husband used to fix their phones years ago, but I've never been there. I've been thinking of organizing a ghost tour there in about a year's time. Would any YGS member in Australia (or any other part of the world) be interested in joining us?

Bearing in mind I've only ever been on one ghost tour, which was in Port Arthur, Tasmania, this should be interesting. I could be the first chook taking fright at a giant bogong moth and running out the door!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-08)
Kiki: Thank you for your interest. It's funny, because I was just listening to these again the other day. You might try listening with headphones to block out any outside interference. This is the first installment of the "Ghost Hunting With Loonies" series πŸ˜†. There are 4 more, all written by some in our group who also happen to be members of YGS. This was a fantastic experience for all of us and we've been contemplating making a return trip in the near future. Here are the other stories:

KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-08)
zzsgranny, this was an amazing encounter to share! I haven't heard many EVPs so I my attention was naturally on that aspect. I wanted to note the following on your tracks. My speakers aren't very good, but, this is what I think, I could make out of the EVP recordings:
Note: After all of your recordings end, I keep hearing talking, possibly you guys after the recording ends. Is this normal?! Do other people hear the mumbling and talking, afterwards also?

Http:// - You say, you could hear the word "what". I think, I made out "what are you doing here?"

Https:// - After your question, "are you one of the guards or prisoners?" At 0:44, I hear very quietly "one of the guards, definitely".
And then, at 1:18, I hear the words, "Jacob Mare, hello." I was astounded to hear this as Jacob Mare is/was a street in Pretoria which is very close to the Pretoria Prison. It is well known for policing, criminals, criminal activity, illegal immigrants who dabble in such, and the prison. The street names were recently changed because the names were from pre-democratic times or apartheid, see the link:;*
You will see Pretoria Central or Pretoria prison on the map, not even 5 minutes away!

Http:// - Just before you guys say, the door just shut, I can make out faint whispering. I can't tell for sure, but it sounds like, "I was... A... AT" the "AT" sounds like a person hyper-ventilating.

Http://'t-wait-solitary - "We can't find that page. A report has been sent to our tech team, and they're looking into the problem. Please check back in a bit." Awwww, damn! I was looking forward to listening to this one, too!

All in all, I think you were extremely fortunate to have experienced such a trickerous terrain with a full history.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-23)
Thank you Granny... Even now 14 hours later there is not much about this in the news... A couple of local media links and a whole lot of chatter on various paranormal sites.

While I did not know them my heart goes out to Debbie and her Family as well as the other unidentified male who was killed at the apartment she was abducted from.



zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-09-23)
It's a sad day in the paranormal community today. Mark and Debbie Constantino, specialists in EVP work, have passed away in an all too familiar scenario of murder/suicide. If you, or anyone you know, are victims of domestic violence please, PLEASE get help.

I'm saddened, shocked, stunned and sickened by this news. May Debbie RIP, and Mark...Well...
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-31)
I wanted to give everyone an example of the way to do things. This gentleman links everything he reads and enjoys back to the original site. He has quite a collection and it seems his tastes are very diverse. Anyway, kudos to him and others like him 😊

Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
11 years ago (2014-03-17)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think your 3000th post was singing kumbaya...

Not sure there could have been any better postπŸ˜†
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2014-03-16)

Anyway, what I'd like to say for my 3,001st is:

I'm so very grateful to have been a part of this site for the last 4-1/2, almost 5, years. I've met some very cool people and have made some friendships that, although there are thousands of miles and in some instances oceans and continents between us, I know these wonderful personalities would not have graced my life without Your Ghost Stories.

Only a few are mentioned in this series of stories. Some day, we will all be in the same place at the same time. Hopefully in THIS life! πŸ˜† But if not, certainly in the next. I love you guys, and I thank you for being who you are. ❀
goldduster (55 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-08)
I read all 5 of them last night I enjoyed them alot. Now I want to go down there real bad. I live in the Akron area.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-01-08)
goldduster: I hope you get the chance to go again... It was really cool that we had free reign to roam the site all night long... There are four other stories in our series you may be interested in... Just click on my screen name, they're listed in my favorite stories...

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!
goldduster (55 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-07)
I always wanted to go on the ghost hunt there Me and some friends were supposed to go when they first started them but he ended up in the hospital and we didn't go.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-01)
What an awesome experience! I so wish I could have gone with you all. Maybe next time. 😊

I did want to add that on your first recording at 00:28, it sounds like there are a few more muffled whispers that I can't make out. At 00:31, it sounds like the same voice says "here!"
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-22)
If you're going to make the trip to Bisbee anyway (excellent choice by the way), don't forget about Tombstone. 😊
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-17)
Mmmmmmmm have been thinking, this has really peaked my interest in doing a ghosthunt! And being in the Goldfields region of Victoria (bendigo ballarat maryborough etc) would be a perfect area for it!

Plenty of cementries dating back to the 1800's with some having historic chinese sections still majorly intact.

Theres is a building in Bendigo, Fortuna, intitially a private home then becoming the LAND HEADQUARTERS (LHQ) CARTOGRAPHIC COMPANY AUSTRALIAN SURVEY CORPS (army) which is reportedly haunted. Have always wanted to check that place out! πŸ˜‰
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Aussie: Yeah, it would've been great if you and the missus could've joined us!...Although I don't think she would have enjoyed the demon bats very much LOL πŸ˜†...I have another story to post about my Mom's house, and our stay there this time around...Gott'a wait until Monday to submit it though 😒...

I'm glad you enjoyed my account, as un-SGNs as it is... I know I can't compare to Stuart LMAO... Thank you for reading, and for your friendship ❀
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Thank you Granny for sharing your story, although for reasons privately mentioned I would have been there for sure had circumstances permitted but maybe next time mate... You have given me the next best thing by your in depth account and how interesting and revealing was the group excursion, I was picturing myself right behind you every step of the way, πŸ˜†...well done Granny great account and how good to see friendships here taken to that next level...❀
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
There's some people I'd like to snipe... But I'm thinking we're on different pages. πŸ˜†

I have submitted my story (I'm the one that has explained the demon bats) but its been in Martin's Void since it has photos. So it is (eventually?) going to be posted. Thank you for your patience.

I would so love to hear any account of Aussies on a ghost hunt! We do ours, you do yours, and then we all meet up for one epic ghost adventure! 😁
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Good choice! Just know that if you are ever invited to one... Give them a wink and a nod, then bow out gracefully.

Jav πŸ˜†
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Jav I don't think I want to know what it is! In fact I'm pretty sure I dont! πŸ˜†
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
Oh yes! A snipe hunt is just the cure for whatever ails you. DARKNESS and Taz got a kick out of it when I let them in on the secret. They had no idea. πŸ˜†

Jav 😁
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-16)
[at] granny aussiedaz and darkness I know and I totally agree would be great if we could get together and do a ghost hunt. I have always wanted to do one! I'd have to wait until one was done in my area though as I can't travel due to other circumstances 😭

[at] Jav a snipe hunt? What the? πŸ˜†
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-15)
GodlyGirl: Sorry, but you'll have to wait for one of the other's story for that answer πŸ˜†...You'll enjoy it, I promise...

Jave, I think they're wise to the "snipe hunt" πŸ˜†
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)
I have an idea granny. Since I did teach DARKNESS all about the Snipe, maybe we could find a way to combine the two? πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

Jav 😁
GodlyGirl (2 stories) (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)
Please don't mind me asking, but what are 'demon bats'? Thanks in advance.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-06-15)
Morticia: Here's the Aussies I know of: Aussiedaz, DARKNESS, DragonStorm, shelzy, AussieRedDog and you...There's probably more though... I think it would be great if you all could get together for a hunt!...
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)

Tish is fine, much easier to type too 😊

Yes theyre 2 fellow aussies though I'm not sure where they are either. Aussiedaz is another fellow aussie who is in NSW (im south of the border in Victoria). Mmmmmm might be fun to do a ghost hunt somewhere if we could all get together hey!

I think with the smell of bundy its because of what its made from, molasses, which of course is then fermented with sugar etc to make it into the rum (like it needs more sugar in it πŸ˜†)

<signs off as Tish 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)

May I call you Tish? πŸ˜‰

There's Darkness and Taz and one or two others. Course I do not know how far away from each other you folks may be, but maybe this conversation will catch their attention and something can be worked out.

How bad can a Rum smell? It's Rum it can't be all that bad, can it?


Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)

Theres a lot of people that are put off by the smell of Bundy at first, we always advise trying either with a head cold or with the nose blocked as it does taste better than it smells 😊

As for organising a hunt I wouldn't have a clue of anyone around here, except my ex, who believes in the paranormal and he isn't speaking to me now!

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)

Now that sounds like a rum I need to try. πŸ˜†

If and Darkness and anyone else does get a Hunt together, I think it would be Great.


Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-15)
[at] rook pmsl yeah be a bundy not a fosters as I'm not really a beer drinker. πŸ˜†

And before anyone (ie non aussies lol) asks Bundy is short for Bunderburg Rum which is a brown rum made from molasses in Bunderburg Queensland hence the name 😊

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