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Real Ghost Stories

My Mom's House 2


As most of you know by now, I and my son JR recently went on vacation to Ohio. Per usual, we stayed with my Mom. Normally when I visit her by myself I sleep in the spare room downstairs; however, due to my step-dad's recent chemo treatments, she thought it was better that we stayed upstairs in the apartment to be as little disturbance to him as possible. I was really psyched, but JR, after the experiences he had the last time he stayed up there, was somewhat apprehensive to say the least.

We had started our trip with an early morning flight, 6am, which meant we had to be at the airport by at least 4:30. When we landed in Cleveland, we spent most of the day with my brother and his family. By the time we got to my Mom's, almost an hour away, we were very tired from our trip. JR went riding around on the 4-wheeler until it was dark, and then we went to bed. We slept very well... The first night!

JR had slept until around 1pm, (but accounting for the time change, for us it was only 10am) and at around 4pm, he told me he was going upstairs to take a nap. I fiddled around for a while and decided to go upstairs too, about a half an hour later. I was in the kitchen, standing by the table when he came down the hallway and saw me. He nearly jumped out of his skin! I asked him what was wrong. He said that the entire time he was laying down, something kept poking him. He said it was just a light little touch in the ribs, stomach, back, chest, and on his face. It freaked him out, and he slept on the couch from that point on. I told him the ghostie probably figured he'd had enough sleep and he needed to get up and moving.

Shortly after he decided to nap in my room, I went to the bathroom. There is a closet between the kitchen and bathroom, and the door was ajar. I asked JR if he'd been in there, he said no, and neither had I. My step-sister had been living there for some time and had just recently moved out, and still had some belongings there so we were trying to respect her by not being nosy. I closed the door and discovered that it was kind of hard to do; it was very sticky and made a squeaky noise as I did so. I think we would have heard it open. I also discovered that the knob was loose (and noisy) and would move if pulled or pushed, and was only there to assist in opening the door since there is no latch.

I then went into his room with my recorder. I noted where I was and why, and also some voices of others who were talking outside in the neighbor's yard. I had taken my notebook with me (thinking "won't Miracles be proud?") and was documenting what had just happened. I glanced at the recorder a few minutes later and the screen was blank, meaning the batteries were dead. So, having a backup, I went to retrieve it and discovered the batteries in it were dead, also. Don'cha know, we had no spares at the time since I had just put fresh batteries in both recorders before I left Las Vegas. I figured I would pick them up when we went to get the disposable cameras. All I got on my recording are the notations I cited and some rustling of paper as I opened my notebook.

The next day JR and I were busy running around visiting the local cemeteries and doing a little shopping. We did the dinner dishes and went upstairs to let my step-dad rest. JR decided to go out and have a cigarette before he hit the couch for the night. So I was sitting on the couch enjoying the silence, and I heard him rummaging around in his room, then I heard him approach the living room. The hallway is squeaky, but at the point where the door separates the two areas there is a very big, deep creak. My step-sister had left a full length mirror, and it was positioned so that I could see down the hallway from the couch. No JR. In fact when I got up to see what could have made the noise, I heard the back door close, and him sneezing as he came up the back stairs. Cool, huh?

The next day was our ghost hunt at Mansfield. Afterward, we had gone back to Cleveland and stayed there until Saturday morning. JR's sister, who still lives in Ohio, came and scooped him up to spend some time with him. I was going to get the whole upstairs to myself, so I decided to spend the night in JR's room. I left a little light on above the sink in the kitchen in case I had to use the bathroom during the night.

I had stayed up rather late because I was going over my recordings from the ghost hunt and making notes. I went out to have my last cigarette of the day. When I got back upstairs, the little light was off. I went in and sure enough, the switch was in the off position. I turned it on again and went to bed.

When I sat down on the bed I said, "Okay, ghosties! Gimme your best shot!" I lay down, and immediately felt pressure in my head. My body felt tingly, and I felt sick to my stomach. I sat straight up and said, "Thank you! That's all I need! All I really wanted was a poke or whisper, so you can stop now, please." I slept through the rest of the night and the only other disturbance was the smell of a skunk who'd sprayed someone/thing. I got up the next morning and turned the little light off.

That evening, as we were getting our things packed up to leave in the morning, I tried to turn the little light on again; however, it didn't work. Before we went to bed for the night, I told my Mom and Step-Dad about the light, that I may have burned the bulb by leaving it on for so long the night before. Frank said the light was on 24/7 the entire time his Mom and Dad had lived there and they never replaced the bulb. But since Sandy had been living there, the light got temperamental, and would work sometimes, sometimes not, even after replacing the bulb. I told them to keep an eye up there in case it decided to come on some night, and I didn't want them thinking the ghosties had done it haha. My Mom gave me one "those" looks, rolled her eyes and said, "We won't!"

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, zzsgranny, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
RedWolf: Thank you for reading and commenting...Yeah, this house is pretty cool... Everytime I go on vacation and stay there, I wonder why I left... Then it either snows or a skunk's spray keeps me up half the night and I'm suddenly reminded LOL 😆...Again, thanks!

Rook: Thank you for explaining that 😊
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
Thank you for clearing this up for me. As you usually do, not just for me but for anyone who has a question. Thanks again.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-02)

The 'discussion' concerning comments and deletions began somewhere else but was 'brought' over here by the O/P (zzgranny) who happens to be a mod and she did not wish to clutter someone else's commetns thread with this...'discussion'.

So a number of these comments seem to have nothing to do with her original experience.


RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
Okay I am totally confused. How did this comment thread start with comments on how lovely this story is. Which by the way I thought it was a great story. To an angry argument and insults about comment deletions. Granted this story was written quite awhile ago and just read the story so I am in the dark about how the thread turned into a verbal argument. I am NOT pointing a finger at anyone but I feel that this thread should have ended long ago with everyone agreeing to disagree and any concerns should have been brought to Martins attention. Please keep me in the dark as I don't want to get into the argument.

Kryodrache (3 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
I'll be sad to see you go, MizMiMi. I enjoyed seeing you around the site. It's a shame that drama pops up now and again here, but... It goes without saying, cram enough people together, there will be disagreements.

Take care, wherever you end up going, and good luck in the future.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
It's funny to see that "mob mentality" that has always been blamed on others. I think I'll take myself elsewhere, as this is site OBVIOUSLY overrun by to many mods with a god complex. My suggestion is to get an actual job, so you don't take one that you volunteer for so seriously. Sayonara kiddies.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Granny-Not sure it's possible to have made your point any more clear, you've done so several times. Thanks for that clarification... Again
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
I'm not sure where you thought I was "messing" with anyone. Perhaps you need to go read what I posted, again. It's called an opinion, and last I checked, that's exactly what you did in your last 2 post. Thanks for your input.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
MizMimi: Thank you for voicing your opinion...I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to do so... But from this point on, please voice your concerns and opinions about the moderation of the site directly to the administrator...

I hope I've made the point clear... Thank you...
Scbsd (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Ok, MizMiMi, please let me illustrate...

You said--"I see this time and time again, comments deleted by mods who don't like them."

And Martin (the site owner) said (quoted from zzsgranny's profile) --"And most of all, do not berate our mods for doing their jobs. We choose them for being level headed and mature individuals on this site, they don't delete posts simply because they don't like them."

Do you see my point now?

Jumping on the mods, who are hand picked by the site owner just smacks to me of a complete failure to understand how a site like this is run.

I'm an idiot about 80% of the time, but even *I* know better than to mess with the moderators on a website.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Scbsd- Sorry, I must have missed your point somewhere in all that...
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Hey! Didn't I cover this on my last post!? Oh well... Off to clap erasers!
Scbsd (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Sorry to butt in here, but from ZZsgranny's profile...

If you have a problem with the way this site is moderated, please take the appropiate steps and contact Martin, the site administrator, with your concerns... Bringing your concerns into the comments thread on a story only takes away from the topic and causes deletions... You can contact the admin by clicking on the "Contact" link at the top of the page...Also, be aware that comments not following the "Comments Guidelines" will be deleted... You can find that link at the bottom of the page...

Just in case anyone has missed this message from Martin on the homepage, here it is:
"Note from the admnistrator of this site
The primary reason for the comments section of a story is to provide feedback related to that story. People posting their experiences usually want clarifications or assistance from more knowledgeable people with the paranormal field, from other people with a similar experience or input from anyone else to help them interpret these events. It is natural for a community site to have various conversations that may not always be on topic, but if a discussion is not helpful to people sharing their stories, or worse, becoming detrimental to positive assistance because of its unproductive tone, I have specifically instructed our moderators that they were allowed to delete part of the feedback that became problematic, which may include posts that are part of the off-topic chatter, even though these posts are not at issue by themselves. Please don't take it personally when it happens, it's just a matter of managing discussions, not censorship. And most of all, do not berate our mods for doing their jobs. We choose them for being level headed and mature individuals on this site, they don't delete posts simply because they don't like them. If you have problems with certain acts of moderation or the publication of certain stories, you can contact me, be specific and I will look into it."
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
Thank you Miracles, but I'm not quite sure where you're coming from. I didn't state that I needed to contact Martin about a post, I was simply saying that in MY opinion there are certain comments that I don't agree with. Thank you though.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
MizMimi - there is a notice on the home page instructing members to contact the administrator: "If you have problems with certain acts of moderation or the publication of certain stories, you can contact me, be specific and I will look into it."
MizMiMi02 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-01)
All I'm going to say about this subject, is that if the posters have to abide by the comment guidelines, then the mods should have to as well. Don't want bullied, don't bully others. Want us to use common sense in our comments so they don't get deleted, use common sense in yours.
I see this time and time again, comments deleted by mods who don't like them, yet posters have to endure a relentless backlash when they even so much as stray from the center line. I also see people who have comments that are just inappropriate, yet some of them are left on the thread. It just makes no sense at all for things to be this way. I can understand where each side is coming from, but good grief, must we all try to get a leg up by slaughtering away at each other?
I don't give a flying sheets butt if I am liked either. I didn't come here to be liked by anyone, including the mods. Would it be nice? Sure it would, who doesn't want to be liked. But necessary? Nope. I came here to share what I have experienced, in the hopes of being surrounded by like minds. This surely isn't what I had in mind.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Jave: I have one person from your friends list, it's the lady who authored the book about Big Bear... She was suggested to me by YOU...

Ari, it's okay...
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Oh ok... Rookdygin just convinced me that it might just be a one post wonder... So no worries...perhaps.

PS- this is linked to my last comment. I am sorry zzsgranny for taking up space on your page.
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-31)
Hey all you guys and gals, come over to
And check out the comment before mine. If this is going to be a trend then it worries me.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
And granny,
I have one last thing to say to you. You are calling me paranoid and crazy, right?
Then why is it that you have made a point of going through my friends list on face book in the past, and made friends with people from my home town. You couldn't know these people any other way than from my list. You have never lived there. Yet there you sit with them on your friends list.
Now who's the paranoid one?

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
Thank you Brit. I have no intention of stopping for anyone. I know I can hold my head up on this one. And the next one too. They can't stop me from caring, I won't let them.

Jav ❤
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
No point being sad about it Jav, it's only a website and they are only people. They don't know you so their judgement isn't going to be correct, is it? Just do what you know is right and don't worry what faceless strangers think. Who cares? ❤ chin up honey ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
You know, I don't know which is worse. The fact that you have revealed you have this much hatred stored up just for me, or that you would ignore a possible pedophile simply because I am the one to point him out. Either way, it makes me sad to see this is the way I am judged by you.

Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
Jav it's pointless. Nothing will be done about it, he will keep posting under multiple names and no one will take a blind bit of notice because apparently scoring points by thinking up ways to insult each other is much more important than ensuring the site is safe. Just pray that no youngsters are drawn in by his stories or fake persona.
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
urgh I have adhered to the guidelines. Miracles just deleted my post because I called her out on her behaviour. Me saying you are acting like witchy schoolgirls is no worse than you accusing Javelina of being manipulative, paranoid, and of hearing voices in her head. One rule for mods, another for everyone else?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
Thank you for bringing it back to the real subject. I get worn out trying to keep up with the insults when all I really cared about to begin with was getting a handle on this guy.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
I don't make a penny doing this, why do I care about advertising dollars?...All I'm saying is, if you comment and you know full well you're not adhering to the guidelines, don't whine about your comments disappearing...

And if people are deleting their accounts, then that's their choice...
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
and I'd just like to add that I'm not "friends" with anyone on here, I have no particular preference for any of the other posters. This isn't me blindly sticking up for someone because they're my mate and I feel obliged, this is just me feeling like I have to say something after watching the seemingly relentless attacks on a few posters. I'm also concerned about the negligence with regards to a potential paedo with multiple accounts on the site, which still hasn't been addressed at all by the way because everyone is too busy making personal digs at each other.
Worried_Brit_Chick (6 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
if you don't want to change the way you moderate, then don't complain when posters pull you up on it. You do realise websites are supposed to be for the use of posters right? As in this site has not been created for you to play Ms BigBoots stomping around on a bit of a power trip?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-10-30)
And with that comment you can actually hear other members deleting their accounts. Nice choice of words there granny. No one could ever accuse you of giving a damn about that advertising dollar.


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