As I have said in my last story, my house is over a hundred years old. From time to time I see a spirit called Michael who once owned my house. This happened two years ago. I was in my sitting room one morning after dropping my daughter to school and done most of the house work so I sat down for a break with a cup of tea. My eldest daughter rang me; she was living down in the countryside at this time. We were busy chatting away and laughing at different things when I heard a man crying in the room. I got up and went outside there was no one there, I went out to my yard and there was no one there,
'Mum are you okay' my daughter asked. I told her what I had heard and she got very worried, ' oh no, not again mum, you always hear and see things in that house ' she replied. I sat back down and continued to chat to her, I was sitting at the window at the front of the house and I heard it again, then from the corner of my eye I saw a man in a black suit at the edge of my settee, he was crying into his hands. I did not want to turn around and look at him; I felt like I was invading his privacy, I know that sounds mad as it was my home. It only went on for a few minutes and then he was gone. The room was so cold and I felt extremely saddened.
Later that evening my son was in his room on the computer when he called down to me. I went up to him; his face was as white as a sheet. 'whats wrong ' I asked and then I heard loud thumps on the window. I got my mop and pulled back the curtain, it was dark outside as it was near midnight, I went out to the front of my house and still no one there. All my neighbours are elderly and I live in a two storey house so how would anyone climb up in the back of my house to knock on the window.
The next day I was chatting to my neighbour when he informed me very casually, ' o the lady who lived in your house for fifty years died last night, god love her, her husband died many years ago in your house'. I knew that it was the man I had seen in the black suit, was he crying because he knew his wife was crossing and couldn't find her?
I went back into the house and said out loud, ' your wife Kitty is in Sligo, she was living with your son Thomas', the coldness in the room left and The sadness I had been feeling left me too. The lady that lived in my house passed away just before twelve midnight.