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More Occurances - Paranormal Or Just Abnormal?


I have had a few recent experiences that I would like to share. I have not been able to find rational explanations for them myself. I would also like to note that I am not seeking help or a resolution to my experiences, I would simply like to discuss them and see what others think.

Most of these things seem to happen at work. As of right now, I still have not been able to find out anything much about the building I work in and who/what was here before the company I work for. I would ask for research help from others, but since it is private property, I don't want to go giving out an address and getting in trouble for it.

1. It was the end of the day and I was walking from my desk up to the front office. On my way, I passed by the receiving dock. Pallets of product were lined up beside the conveyor, which at that time was turned off. The warehouse was very quiet and most of the staff were gone for the day. Just as I came up on one of the taller pallets, I distinctly saw a dark figure move out from behind the pallet toward me, and then quickly behind it again, as if it had been caught. I'm on friendly terms with most of the people here, and I just thought it was someone messing around, so I walked up to see who it was so that I could say goodbye. As I rounded the corner of the pallet, the figure had vanished. I never heard a sound and there was no one in sight.

2. On a different occasion, I took a break to go to the ladies' room. There are only three stalls in the bathroom: two small ones and a wider, handicap-friendly stall. The two smaller stalls were open but I am a person who likes my space, and since we do not have any handicapped persons at my work, I usually use the larger stall. I went in and closed the door to do my business. After a moment, I heard the toilet of the stall furthest from me drain a little, as if someone had depressed the handle only part of the way, and I thought to myself that it was odd because no one else was in the bathroom. After a moment it flushed all the way, and I quickly did the "oh crap..." shuffle toward the sink, washed my hands and bolted.

3. While sitting at my desk, I have often felt a very cold touch against my hand or arm. Warehouses are drafty and it's not unusual to feel little breezes, but this is a very faint touch, almost as if someone is lightly tapping the back of my hand or my arm with very cold fingers.

4. On occasion, my boss asks me to come in earlier than my usual start time (which is 06:00 am) and I leave when it's still dark to get to work on time. On my way to work I drive down a very long and unlit stretch of road to get to the freeway. I usually go slow because there are all sorts of animals wandering out and getting hit there all of the time. I was in a hurry that day so I was going a little quicker than normal, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a large fluffy white dog (like a Chinook or an Alaskan Malimute, with a curved tail) trotting along the side of the road. I immediately slowed down. As I turned my head to get a better look at it, the dog vanished. I think it was reminding me to watch my speed.

5. On the way home, I go down that same road. On this instance I was driving home at night by myself. I had my windows down and my music blaring, and I was feeling good so I was speeding a little again (I know, I'm terrible...) but this time it was not a dog I saw, but a person walking along the opposite side of the road toward me wearing dark blue or black jeans with their hands in the pockets of what appeared to be a gray hoodie. I just caught a glimpse of this person in my headlights before they upturned their head slightly as if to look at me and completely vanished. For a few seconds, my radio dissolved into static, and then the station returned again. I haven't seen any news reports or heard anything about anyone being hit on that road within recent years, and pretty much all that's out there is strawberry farms, cornfields and dairies. For whatever reason, I didn't tell anyone about seeing that person until now.

6. My last two encounters happened at home. The first was shortly after my mom had surgery on her wrist. She was downstairs talking to me about the surgery while I made a sandwich, and we were the only two people home. We both heard the floorboards above us squeak as if someone was walking over them. My mom and dad's bedroom is right above the kitchen and their floorboards are very noisy when walked on. We gave each other a look. "Must be the cats," she said. I grinned at her. "Really?" I said, "because one of them is on the arm of the couch and the other one is sleeping in the living room." She blinked at me, and then resumed her conversation as if not wanting to discuss it, but then we heard it again. This time it was at least five distinct footsteps, one after the other, moving very slowly. "Our house is haunted, mom," I said cheerfully, and she glared at me.

7. The last one was in my bedroom. On occasion, I will get the most pressing and inexplicable sense of dread in my bedroom. I cannot seem to pinpoint exactly where it comes from, but it's there. All that I've been able to find out about our house is that it's just over ten years old, and before it was nothing but dairy farms, and before that, empty desert. It sat abandoned for about two years before we moved in. We could tell it was a hangout for hooligans because there were cigarette burns in the carpet, grafitti on the inside of the cabinets and on one of the upstairs walls, and a few holes in the windows from a pellet gun when we first moved in. We also found airsoft BBs in the front and back yards. Anyway, I was sitting down in front of my computer and playing a game when something told me to look up, and I caught a glimpse of a shadowy figure peering around the doorway. As soon as I looked up it moved back into the hallway. I thought it might have been my brother, who likes to jump around doorways to scare us, but when I got up and walked out into the hallway, there was no one there. In my bedroom I have also experienced inexplicable electrical interference, such as static and randomly changing channels on the TV, dropped phone calls, quickly drained cell phone batteries, and internet connection failure (even after replacing the router, changing the password on it and buying a new wireless receiver, and of the other four people who use the internet in the house, I'm the only one who has problems even when no one else is on the internet). I also leave my iTunes on my "Sleep" playlist when I go to bed, and on occasion I will wake up to find that the program has been mysteriously closed or my surround sound will be completely turned off.

That's about it for now.

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zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-14)
Devious: I bought a brand new little recorder at a garage sale Saturday for two bucks 😆...It's a Sony ICD-B500, built in mic... Maybe something like that wouldn't raise to much suspicion, you could always tell them you use it as a date reminder or something... I was using an older Sony of my husband's, but it was picking up too much back ground noise and even closer sounds weren't very clear...

Okay, to e-mail I go!...Thanks ❤
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-14)
granny: for sure! Please feel free. I am not pro at it but I'll do my best.

As far as the guy at work, I have not SEEN anything else, but I have HEARD two separate voices. This has happened twice. The first was a male voice that said "I'm right here" and the second was a woman's voice that said "did you hear that?" I am willing to accept it might just be bizarre acoustics, but of course when I look around no one is anywhere near me. I have not discussed what I have seen or heard with anyone at work because I'm afraid that someone will start playing tricks on me and sort of "taint" the authenticity of these occurances.

I am very much tempted to start browsing Amazon for a voice recorder, but I doubt I would be allowed to have one at work. We have to go through metal detectors to get in so I'm pretty sure they would notice.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-14)
Oh yeah, I have some questions about the Audacity program, want to know if I can e-mail you?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-14)
Devious: Any update on the guy at work?...For some reason, I've become really interested in this one LOL 😆...Curious if anybody else haas seen anything of him...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Devious - thank you and I will most definitely take you up on that offer. I had asked one of my brothers and my nephew-in-law (both electronic nuts) to help me. Neither of them had the time. Could kick both of them too 😆. Don't know why I put the 😆 in there. I'm serious. They know how I am. I don't understand this stuff.

Anyway, I'll yell when I get stuck. Thank you 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Hey, you are talking to a 100% natural blond, sister. If I can do it, so can you! 😆 Actually I figured out how to do most of it myself just by playing with the settings, but the tutorials are helpful too. If you need any help with the program please feel free to shoot me an email or a FB message and I'll see what I can do. 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Devious - hallelujah! Is it also Dumb Blonde friendly? Cause I truly am when it comes to electronics. I could tell you some stories, but they'd embarrass even me 😆.

I'll look it up. Thank you 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
I have even better news for you Miracles, and please feel free to stalk me whenever you like! 😆 Audacity is actually free.


It is very easy to use and the Help file contains step by step tutorials on how to do EVERYTHING. Plus, if you can find the lame encoding. DLL file online somewhere, you can actually save your sound files as MP3s. You can also record directly into your computer using a headset or microphone, or import audio from another source (such as your digital recorder).
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Devious - seems like I'm dogging your footsteps today, huh? The EVP thing caught my attention. Audacity? You've used it? You like it? I ask because I have an RCA digital recorder that I use and I've picked up several EVPs. I just can't figure out how to use the software that came with the recorder. This one I can truly blame on the dumb blondeness. Is Audacity a software that you purchase of the net or a Radio Shack, Wal-Mart, Target kind of thing?
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Hey ya'll, just to let you know I have not abandoned my endeavors here. I have been busy with a lot of family stuff and though it seems like I am constantly "haunting" this site, that is because I comment from somewhere other than home. 😉

This weekend I am having a birthday party so I doubt I will get much quiet time, but if the house clears out on Sunday I plan on researching software to use with the laptop webcam where I can let it record overnight and save to a separate hard drive. If anyone has any ideas please pass them along. I also re-downloaded a software program called Audacity which I have used to edit audio before, and it seems to be the program of choice for EVP. It allows you to monitor individual frequencies and increase/decrease volume levels of them as necessary. If I manage to capture anything, I will post up links where the audio and video files can be downloaded.

In terms of the grittier research (through public records) I may just be dumb but I have not been able to find ANYTHING on my work's property except for who owned it last, which just seems to be a general investment or property reseller company. I know that we have employees here who have been here for 20 years, so I know that we have been here at least that long.

As for my personal house, I will have to do some more digging, but again all I have come up with is what I already knew about the land having been cow farms prior to the building of the houses. Hopefully my experiments with EVP and video will shed some light on what, if anything, is hanging out with me.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-29)
DA - I just started reading this story and have a suggestion. Go to your city's/county's web site and look for a property assessment or property assessor's office link. You can usually do a property search by street address regardless of whether it is business property or a residence. Some cities/counties will show the names of previous owners and some won't, but it's worth a try. Let me know what you find out.
luce (2 stories) (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-27)
As long as they don't mind sharing the space with you guys, it's probably okay to live and let live. Oh wait, they're ghosts. Face palm.
Seriously, I hope they don't do something nasty, because some of them don't really play nice.

Thanks for taking time to respond. Off to read more of your stories! 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-27)
Luce: it/they seem not to have a schedule... I have taken to teasing my mom since she's so steadfastly in denial about the footsteps upstairs. "Hey ma, the ghost is cleaning your room for you again!"

You can just stand there and listen to them pace back and forth, sometimes just for a few seconds and other times for a few minutes. Initially I thought it might have to do with the pipes, because they make a slightly similar (but louder) sound when the hot water is on, but I have experienced this when no one else is home and no water sources are running. I have also heard it on the stairs a time or two, though on the stairs it seems more tentative, almost like it isn't sure of where it's going. I'll hear steps down two or three stairs, then silence for a long time. Maybe an hour or two later I hear the steps creak again, almost like whatever it is is going back up. I can hear this all the way from my bedroom which is three rooms away from the stairs and down the hallway.
luce (2 stories) (44 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-27)
That was so creepy. How many neck-raising incidents have you had so far? Are your "housemates" more active on a particular time or day?
believer21 (3 stories) (56 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-15)
I agree, it also was barren for so long. I grew up in the high desert, and I remember as a kid, maybe 6 or 7, a new house was going up down the street from my grandma's. While digging they found a skeleton, in a tattered suit, with old (I believe 50's era) casino chips in its mouth. The guy died of a bullet to the head, and then was buryed in the middle of no where off old route 66.

Barren area just attracts that kind of stuff, and that causes a breeding ground for bad energy. I hear its the same on the East Coast, Mass in particular.

Geez, seeing something in my mirror is a huge fear. I'm surprised he didn't start believing after that. I guess you really can rationalize anything. My best friend never believed my stories, until one night we watched an object in my room move it self.

I read quite a few of your other stories and you just seem to have the right energy. ❤
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-13)
Believer21: I think so... I know it goes a long way south, all the way up into the foothills if I recall. It's kind of funny too, because if I was reading my experiences from the outside perspective, I could certainly understand it if people didn't believe them. I wouldn't believe some of it myself unless I had experienced it. I'm trying to learn to be more open-minded and understanding of other people's stories too, because if I can experience some of the weird crap I have, I'm sure other people can too.

From what I've read, California is a very haunted state... Probably because there's such a high and diverse population and a whole lot of land previously occupied by Native Americans. I have a deep respect and reverence for the tribes that used to live on these lands. I think they were very spiritually powerful and aware people, and their presence very likely could be the reason why so many people have experienced what they have out here.

My brother is the type that doesn't believe in anything, really, though he does suggest that he believes in God. I remember back a few houses ago that I had moved into the room he had been living in when he moved out, and on occasion I witnessed a dark spot, almost like a black mist, that would hang out in one of the ceiling corners. I had also seen glimpses of a small blond boy, possibly around 8 years old, reflected in the mirror of my dresser. Back then I was terrified of paranormal stuff and just tried my best to pretend it didn't happen. I didn't find out until after we moved out of that house that my brother had seen the same little boy in the mirror of HIS dresser in that room. We had gotten onto the topic of ghosts, but I had not previously told him what I had seen.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-13)
This is the link to the Shadowlands website detailing some of the areas in Cali that are haunted. I believe Horse Thieves Canyon Rd is listed under Corona.


Sorry if the link doesn't point to the right place, my work's web filter blocks the site.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-13)
Thanks Jav, I didn't even remember that story! The area in which that story took place, I'm wondering if the trail they were on was Horse Thieves Canyon Road, which is said to be one of the most haunted places in that area. A lot of people have had uneasy feelings, panic attacks, and physical attacks from unseen entities. I'm not sure if it actually had anything to do with the chicken coop killer, but if nothing else, that area does have a lot of energy.

As for the hoodie guy...I'm still not sure who it could be. I tried looking at the missing persons website, but I couldn't find anything that matched. I think the problem with that is that I don't have a very good idea of what he looked like, other than a guy in a hoodie 😆 I'm sure there are only a couple hundred million of those in the world at any one time...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-11)
I've been doing some back checking on an old story and I found something you may find interesting. You had read the story, even commented on it. That's what stopped me in my tracks. I'm not suggesting it has anything to do with what you are now experiencing, however, it was a little too coincidental if you ask me. Mainly because it immediately made me forget what I was searching for to begin with. I'll put the link to the story up, and your comment really caught my eye, as I'm sure it will yours.


Good Luck,
believer21 (3 stories) (56 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-10)
doesn't that road connect into Riverside? Or it use to. Cause a road by the same name in Riverside has a lot of unexpained activity. Maybe something to that. Hm.
Your experences are amazing, southern California seems to be a big hot spot.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-10)
And johntravis: thank you very much for the website! I'll take a look at it as soon as I get home.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-10)
winx717: excellent advice! Thank you very much, I'll be doing that when I get home (from work 😉).

Geetha50: I think she secretly believes me, but she doesn't like talking about things like that. I remember when my brother and I told her about the little boy had seen in one of the rooms at our last house. She kind of gave us a weird look and just shook her head, like she didn't know what to say and didn't really want to discuss it.

The neighbors in the house behind us are actually in the process of moving out due to foreclosure right now, and they're the only ones we know of who have been there since the houses were built. Our neighbors on all sides seem to change every few months because of all of the families affected by the real estate crisis here in Cali. Lots of families fell for the whole "adjustable rate" mortgage deal, and many people are losing their houses because of it. In fact, the house we live in was acquired by the bank after the last family that lived in it lost it to foreclosure, and our family bought it on a fixed rate loan after the banks finally got in trouble for all of the shady real estate dealings. At any rate, I've never really heard the neighbors mention anything about the family that lived in the house before us. I know at least one family other than ours lived in the house since it was built...it's worth looking into at least.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-10)
I had to laugh at your mother's expression when you told her the house was haunted.

What's with the handicapped stalls, I thought I was the only one do that?

About the history of your house, why don't you ask your neighbors about it? Same thing for your business building, why don't you ask your boss or someone who worked there a long time?

DeviousAngel, don't worry acting cool when your head and heart tells you run. My sister does that. I remember she got sung by a bee and her left foot swelled to the size of small football. She is petrified of bees but her reason for not moving was because she was trying to impress a guy. Sometimes I don't get her. 🤔

Have a question about the guy in your room. Have you tried talking to him?
winx717 (2 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-10)
I am not sure if someone already suggested this or not. I am at work, so I was only able to browse the comments. I work in commercial real estate. Typically tax records are available on your county website. You should be able to search by address. Usually these will have a "roll" of all the owners and transactions from person-to-person or perhaps company-to-company, in your case.

Though the information is available to the public, not all counties are as thorough as others.

I hope this helps, and again, I am sorry if this was already suggested.
johntravis28 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-10)
Haven't looked at this properly but you might find somehting here

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-10)
Drkness/believer: that long road is Milliken, which turns into Hamner going toward the 15 fwy from the 60. The city is called Eastvale, and it was formerly known as an unincorporated part of Corona, so you're pretty close to the mark there. 😉

Johntravis: that's not a bad idea at all... I didn't even think about checking out the missing persons list. Do you know where I might find something like that? I'll see if I can come up with something on my end. And I think this weekend, if I can get some quiet time, I'm going to try making contact from home.

Jav: thanks for the advice! I have a free weekend, so I'll see if I can head down to the county office and do a little research if they're open on weekends. If I find anything out, I'll let you guys know. As I had mentioned before, in terms of people who have died at this exact facility I think there was only one.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-10)
If your serious about researching the property where your work site sits I know a couple of things you can try but really the best place to start is at the City/County offices.
This is to a site that teaches how to do historical research for deeds, etc...http://dohistory.org/on_your_own/toolkit/index.html
Hope this helps!


[at] believer21,
I think I know just the road you are talking about, and yeah, it's pretty dark and lonely out there.
johntravis28 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-10)
This is probably a stupid question, but have you tried talking to the one you saw at work and home? That's what I'd do anyway...I'b be brick scared, but I'd gove it a bash:)

With the guy on the road, this might sound a bit morbid, but search the missing persons list for somebody fitting that description, he may have been picked up there and died since but not been found?
believer21 (3 stories) (56 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-10)
Which part of California are you in? I ask because that road sounds like one in Norco. I remember when I was little, driving down it one night and seeing this guy just walking when I turned around after we passed him he was gone.
I remember it so well because that was one of my biggest fears as a kid, to be going down a rual road and see something paranormal.
So, if it is that road in Norco someone else has seen hoodie guy there. ^.^
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-09)
Hey Devious, some awesome accounts there friend, I'm interested bout that stretch of road I think there is definitely something more to it I myself seem drawn to it for some reason, weird I know! 😕

Also I think it is the same person at your work I can't remember wether or not you said if anyone else has witnessed anything before? He appears to you because he knows you will be able to perceive him, but you already know this. 😊

Great accounts Devious thanks for sharing them. 😊


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