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Okay Then, Who Sat On My Bed?


I haven't written a story in a while, mainly because not much as happened in a while. But this is my most recent situation to date.

It was about two months ago when I got my wisdom teeth out, and if anyone knows how that goes... It wasn't fun. The pain medicine made me really sick and I could hardly get out of bed for two days. The first night I was completely asleep, but the second night I was woken by the feeling of someone sitting on the edge of my bed. I thought it could have been my dad or my mom coming in to check on me, so I opened my eyes, and of course there was nothing there. But since I was still so drugged up and sleepy, I just went back to sleep, but I knew something was still there.

I've always known things where in my house because I always have the feeling of being watched. Especially from the hallway. I have no door to my room (my room is super small, and the door took too much room) so because of these factors the hallway light is ALWAYS on at night. And also because of the fact that the only way I can really sleep is with a movie on, the TV is also always on. To some people that would be too much noise but to me it's just enough. But in all of this time I have never have anything really weird actually happen in my room like that. But I knew that it was just one of my family members coming in to check on me. So I guess that's the reason why I was able to fall asleep so fast right afterward.

And it helped because the next day I stopped taking the pain meds and was able to actually get out of my bed finally. So maybe that is why they sat on my bed, to let me know that my sickness is about to end.

I know that some of this information is useless but I needed to fill the minimum some how;)

Thanks for reading

Love from GIRLIE

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, girlie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-10-05)
MysMarple: It depends on where in the queue your story lies. If it has been reviewed and rejected for any reason you will have received an e-mail, similar to the one you got when you submitted it. By the way, submitting your story more than once isn't necessary. In fact, all that does is clog the queue for others who may be as anxious as you to have their story published. The more stories we have to review the longer it takes.

Be patient and your turn will come. 😊
Mysmarple (1 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-05)
I have submitted my story twice. Why hasn't it ever been published? 😕
girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
Thx sds ill try. And towards Bob: I'm not realky sure. It was some heavy duty meds. Like two different kinds and not over the counter. But for the rest of the time I had not seen anything that shouldnt have been there:) anyway yeah... Aftee those first three days it was bad but aftee that I healed super faster. So fast that even the doctor was surpised. Lol
Bob101 (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-14)
What kind of pain medication where you on? I know many people who were prescribed tylenol 2s after having their wisdom teeth out. One possible side effect of this (and other pain medications) is hallucinations. I'm not saying that is what happened and I'm not trying to be rude, just curious.

Anyway you didn't seem to feel threatened by what happened, so that is good news. Hope your recovery was swift and complete 😊
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-13)
Hello girlie, it or they could have been attached to one of the objects. We can't be sure. Still I would like to suggest that if you feel it so uncomfortable, why don't you just speak out loud, of course, with respect that you require your privacy and that you request it or them to go away and not to disturb you. It does require some courage but it will work. But be respectful to them.

Kindly inform the developments.

Regards and respects to you.

notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-13)
Arjay - sorry to hear this but try not to live in fear. I kmow it's hard if you constnatly see and feel beings, but know you are powerful too. Everyone has a "light" around them, if you meditate, try to expand that light in your mind. This is your light and it will protect you. Perhaps try praying before and after bed. Demand bad entities to leave in the name of the Holy One if they bother you. Annother thing I would try is get a cleansing done for your home and yourself. I'm no expert but i'm sure many people on here can help too. If you want to submit a story, we would all love to comment on it, that way we have a better understanding of what you deal with. Thanks for sharing.- notjustme ❤
girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-13)
sds- no. It's not really an evil feeling, more just on the side of uncomfortable. I mean, I'm sure you wouldn't like it if someone kept watching you all the time either, wither or not they're bad. 😳 I mean there are tons of weird feeling around the house. Like downstairs, near my bathroom I have the impression of a man. But in my hallways it's a young girl. My friend also believes its a young girl as well. One night she was going upstairs and she thought she saw something on the second floor landing. She told me it was small, and white, and in front of my parent's bedroom door. (I also hate going towards their bedroom alone. I know weird, but I hate it when I come upstairs and their door is open. I have to close it before I continue, but with it even closed I feel like something is in front of it looking at me.) Again, I don't believe their evil or anything, just there. Also my parents and I collect a lot of stuff from yard-sales and dumpsters, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of these things are happening because of the ghost's connection to the object.
arjay (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-13)
notjustme- sens I was 5 years old and accidentally do a astral projection. I always feel and see "beings" until now I'm 20. I feel like someones watching me and fill chill and fear.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-13)
Hi girlie, thanks for your kind reply. If what you say is correct, your friends hate the hallway and stairs, definitely they must have also felt some presence. If you feel it is negative or evil, then why don't you try to cleanse the house. You have to do it with the involvement of your parents. If your parents are skeptical, even then won't they agree for cleansing the house for your sake. I think if you feel that it is negative entity or evil presence, then try Rook's cleansing method. It helps. If needed, please go to Rook's profile page or ask us. We shall gladly post it for you.

Regards and respects to you.

notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
Girlie- thanks for the reply! Glad it was a nice presence that came to you. God bless!- Notjustme
girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
OH and thank you all so much for reading my story. It really means a lot to me.
girlie (15 stories) (426 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
notjustme- no I wasn't scared. Surprised a bit. It was more just like a comforting presence. I was having a real hard time.

Sds- I have had my TV on to a movie that automatically replays over and over (Right now it's been Sherlock Holmes) for over seven years. So it's nothing new to me at all. Yes I have told my parents about it but I don't think they completely believe me only because they know my connection to the paranormal and don't what to agree with me and make it "too real" if you get my meaning maybe. But all of my friends who have come over to my house agree that there is something in all the areas I tell them I feel watching. They all hate the hallways going towards the stairs, and the upstairs hallway. But the watching pretty much stops at the doorway to my room. No idea why. But I feel like I can breath better and become calmer when I'm in my room, with some sorta noise going on.

To everyone: I forgot to mention another thing that has happen recently. My t.v stays on all night all, it only goes off when I wake up and get up, and turn it off. My parents NEVER turn it off either, because they know I'll notice. Anyway I woke up one morning and my TV (plus DVD player) was off. Completely. It was strange. I knew we didn't have a power outage or only my DVD player would turn off and the static on my TV would be so loud I would wake up. But it didn't happen. I asked my parents if one of them turned it off for maybe a freak thunderstorm, but they claim they didn't. Strange huh 😉

(sorry if I miss any words in the above rant, I'm sorta in school right now, and so I was rushing.) lol
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
Arjay - but to be fair, we don't always know right away what it is that we encounter. I think it's safe to say most of us would be at least surprised at first when and if we do encounter the paranormal... I remember when my mom passed away I always prayed to her "mom I love you but please don't pop out of nowhere" 😭 and she never did, but I feel her everyday beside me ❤
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
Arjay - hello! I ask because normally whatever entity is around you would feel what it wants you to feel. If it's bad, then it would cast a frightening/threatening energy towards you. But let's say if it's a loved one, then you would get a rush of warmth or a good feeling... Almost like a relief for a brief moment.
arjay (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
hi notjustme. What is that mean if you are scared when you felt a presence?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-12)
Hi girlie, the wisdom tooth extraction is really painful. I recall my painful experience a couple of months ago. I want to ask you a question. You said that you switch on your TV and sleep. Is that a recent phenomenon after your experience or that is how you sleep for a long time.

I feel that some loved one, who passed on, perhaps one of your grandparents could have visited to assure you that you are on your way to recovery. But you said that there is a presence you have been feeling in the house and that you have been constantly watched. Did you discuss with others in the house about this. Perhaps that could give us some clues. May be others might have also felt similar experiences. Kindly give us more information about the feeling of being watched and that could have more inputs to suggest.

I still feel that there is nothing evil or negative in the house.

Regards and respects to you.

Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-11)
I might go with the dissregard idea also, but as I've had relatives hang out to sing to me during hard times, I think this is awesome. Good story.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-11)
I tend to disregard anything that happens when I'm whacked out on prescriptions.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-11)
girlie- sometimes when we go through "painful" times, a relative would visit us just to check up, I have a feeling it could be in this case. Were you scared when you felt the presence?

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