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Flying Flowers Broken Vase


If you have been reading some of my stories, then you know that I have been seeing some activity in my tiny upper apartment. Until now these events have been more of a WTH status then anything. No harm no foul as my brother use to say. But on Saturday, May 17th, there was an event that has me, well, slightly unnerved.

I'd been out shopping with an elderly friend to pick up artificial flowers to place on graves come Memorial day. To my surprise and pleasure she treated me to two bouquets for my apartment. I put one in my bedroom and placed the other in an oriental vase that had been my dad's, in the living room on top of the curio cabinet. To one side stood a Japanese doll music box, and directly in front of it stood a rather large candle in a glass that stands about 6 inches tall, and a two inch plastic wedding-bubbles bottle. That was around 2 pm. I proceeded to go about my day. The roommate came home around 5:30 or 6 pm and we were seated in the living room talking. I was in my chair facing looking left at him, seated on the sofa facing the curio.

Time passes as we figure out what we want for dinner and what to watch on TV until about 7:30 when a large crash had us both staring at the curio cabinet. Perhaps two feet in front of it lay the vase and flowers. My mouth fell open and I said something like, "What the heck just happened?" While he sat, visibly pale, stating he didn't know - but the vase had just 'jumped off' the curio.

I got up and picked up the flowers and vase pieces. Thankfully only two pieces of lip had broken off the vase and it could easily be glued back together. Only one piece, about the size of a dime is still no where to be found. Neither the candle nor bubble-bottle had moved at all. I might note neither had any thing else sitting on top of the curio or inside the case. My initial though was perhaps the bouquet had made the vase top heavy toppling it over. But if that was the case, it would have hit the items sitting in front of it or dragged the doll with. Everything else had not been touched only the vase and flowers.

I stood staring at the curio cabinet, running scenarios through my head when all I can describe as a cob-web feeling ran up and down my arm as if rubbing it. I felt no fear but a sense of regret. Perhaps what ever had thrown the vase to the floor was sorry for its action now. What do you guys make of this?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, valkricry, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-12-04)
Hi Mystic,
Although friend's stories are not accepted for publication, we do sometimes publish immediate family stories. The only way to tell if it would be published is to write it up, to the best of your ability, and submit it.😊 The reason we don't do 'friends' or 'friends of frieds' is it can be too unreliable. Besides, nothing beats first hand accounts.
MysticFrance (5 stories) (95 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-04)
Hi, Val!

My mom encountered the same. I can't submit the story. I've tried before, describing my friend's experience at a retreat house, and the mod said the story should be my own experience.

Anyway, my family (long before I was born), used to rent. At the thirteenth house my parents and siblings rented (where I grew up), my mom experienced something odd. Whenever she's alone during afternoons, while on the first floor, she would hear noise upstairs - the sound of our mirror falling from the wall. She would run upstairs and check on it, but the mirror was still hanging on the wall. She started looking in our rooms, and nothing fell on the floor.

She experienced this for several times in thirteen years, but not often. Sometimes, thrice in a year. And then nothing for a few years. Then, again. It's always like that, until we moved out.

So, yeah. I don't doubt stories like this. I would watch paranormal experiences on TV, especially when Halloween's approaching, and people from science community would always have explanations when it comes to these things. Haha. But it's true: to see is to believe. Or rather, to experience is to believe.

Regards. ❤
Pragya (5 stories) (68 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-30)
Valkicry sometimes may be things pretend to be nice but they are just manipulating. I don't know really whether animals can be fooled. Cobweb thing I have been told is associated with negative energy because I also used to feel the same during my experiences.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-05-29)
Hi Pragya,
Although I have heard of the cobweb feeling being associated with energy, I had not heard that it was generated by negative energies exclusively. I do agree that this entity might be playing with my cat. He doesn't act freaked out in any way, just seems to be enjoying the extra attention. If this 'energy' was negative, wouldn't the cat sense it? Cower or try to hide instead of engaging in the play?
Pragya (5 stories) (68 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-28)
Hi Valkicry,
The feeling of cobweb around is generally associated with negative energies. I will suggest you to get cleansing done of the house on immediate basis. The thing might be fooling around with your pet. 😐
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-05-24)
SDS, except for some minor things (which might or might not be part of this) things are pretty quiet at the moment. My cat seems to be playing with something that I sure can't see. He'll roll about on the floor, pounce, and take off running back and forth through the apartment as if giving chase. Sometimes he'll act as if rubbing against something, where there is nothing. If it is related, and the same spirit, then it probably isn't bad, maybe just mischievous.
I don't think there is anything truly bad here. Just events that I can't neatly explain away.
I guess what really bothers me is whomever this one is, I can't see, hear, nor truly feel their presence, as I generally can. There's no familiarity to where I can name a family member, or describe it. I think it might be the same one who was so active back in October though.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-24)
Hi Val, thank you very much.

You said in your reply to Darkness, you said that you already had the pop but might have forgotten. I don't think so because after you expressed your feelings loudly, why suddenly all the sinks got unclogged simultaneously. I don't think that it could be termed as coincidence.

I want to ask you one more question. After that unclogging of the sinks, anything else happened? Because you said that if it is not a kind spirit, then it should leave. Well, if nothing happened after that, after the unclogging I mean, then what to make of it, was that a bad one or a good one? That is why I asked.

Thanks for your reply.

Regards and respects to you.

Tominaga_10 (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-23)

Teehee! I'll be sure he doesn't! 😆

Most of my work means sitting and staring at a computer uselessly, so I find my time is well spent learning from y'all!

And you're very welcome. ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-05-23)
Thank you very much for your kind words. I sure hope your boss doesn't find out! Lol
Tominaga_10 (4 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-23)

At the risk of sounding like a complete and total stalker, I've been on YGS for only a week or so now, but I have managed to read all of your stories while at work. (I'm sure my boss would love that! 😉)

I would just like to say how amazing you are, and that your trials and your joys have given me hope, smiles, tears, laughs, and most of all: inspiration.

You seem like such a wonderful person, and I'm so heartbroken that you've had so much pain in your life. But you are living proof that "It's going to be okay."

So thank you, Val. Keep on keepin' on, and keep on writing for us, okay? ❤
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-05-23)
Lunahenry, I'm not sure. Both of my parents are deceased. I don't know if it matters, but the flowers are tiger lilies, bought as they were my mother's favorite. A friend of mine suggested that perhaps my son's spirit saw my dad's vase, with my mom's favorite flowers as a 'memorial' for them and had felt left out. *shrug*. I really don't know what to make of it.
Lunahenry (2 stories) (50 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-23)
You state the vase was your Father's. Could it be that he was trying to get your attention?
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-05-23)
Hi Darkness,
Thank you for reading and commenting. The thrown (or perhaps dropped?) vase is the only thing that has happened so far that I can see as potentially an indicator of something not nice. Things are usually just weird or odd. What I call WTH moments, and I can usually dismiss them with a maybe I. For instance, with the pop: I have been very tired and stressed lately, it's a possibility that ' maybe I' had already gotten the pop and had just forgotten. But, I would have thought I'd have opened it at least. Plus, I have no recollection of having been in the kitchen prior. It's a WTH moment.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-22)
Hello valkricry, hope you are well, well these are certainly interesting events I must say, after reading your comments regarding the drink and your drains I get a sense that whoever is residing within your home is absolutely thriving off the attention you are giving it. But geez eh an icy cold drink sitting on the side table waiting for you? I think I could get used to that 🤔.
Interested in hearing more regarding this apartment, I haven't been on the site as much these days but I'm going to have to have a read through some more of your accounts. All the best:)

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-05-22)
Oh,SDS, I am so sorry to hear of your father's passing. Please accept my sincerest sympathy.

I'm really not sure what the 'spirit' felt regret for. Initially I thought perhaps breaking the vase, but a few other odd things have happened since then that has me even more puzzled. For instance both kitchen sinks and the bathroom sink became clogged. Clogged sinks happen, no big whoop, but all three at once, without running slow first? Ok the kitchen sinks share a common main drain, so both acting up very plausible, but the bathroom too? No matter what I did, I could not unclog them either. That started on Sunday. By Tuesday, I was frustrated to the point of thinking that a 'real' plummer might be needed. That's when another odd thing happened. Again, it was around 7 pm. I was in the restroom, cussing at the clog. Roommate was in the living room watching TV, when we both heard a thud from my room, as if something had fallen. Only it wasn't a sharp thud like something had been dropped, but deeper like when something is sat down heavily. I hear my room mate cry out in surprise and I go to see what the matter is. He's still on the sofa. I go to my room, and find one of the covers from the ceiling fan lights on the floor. Yet the screws used for holding it were still firmly in place. Weird.
That brings us up to last night. I got home from work, and the room mate was out, which means except for the cat, I was alone. I was rather enjoying the solitude. I went to the kitchen to get a pop, only to find there was none. I sighed and went back to the living room, to find a bottle of pop sitting on the side table - unopened and icy cold! I smiled a bit, even though it was yet another weird thing. I opened it and took a big swallow. Talking to the air I said, "I know you're here. Hopefully, this is a peace offering, because if you aren't a kind spirit, you can just get out now." I listened to the silence. I shrugged, "well if you want to talk, I'll listen." With that I went into the kitchen to fetch a snack. My eyes fell on the clogged sink. I heard a loud gurgling sound and a swoosh. Both sinks drained as if there had never been a clog! Checking the bathroom, I found the same to be true. OK, could be the last dose of drain opener finally decided to work, but... Timing sure is odd.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
10 years ago (2014-05-22)
My dear friend Val, this has made me thinking. Initially I also thought that the weight of the bouquet could have toppled the vase but you have visited this aspect at the fag end of your narrative and informed the shocking revelation that whatever that was in front of the vase was not disturbed.

I have a feeling that something wanted to attract your attention and did this and as you put it, it felt sorry for its action. Hope the activity does not turn harmful or violent. You said you felt regret but what for? For the breaking of vase or something else.

Nice and crisp narrative Val. Btw How are you? Haven't been to the site for quite some time now, may be for over 3 months now because of my dad's illness and his subsequent passing on last month. I should be regular from now on.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.


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