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Double Visitation


I swear, as I sit here typing this up, the temp in my room has dropped about 10 degrees, but only behind my right shoulder; as if someone is reading over my shoulder. It isn't a 'bad' feeling, the vibe is more of someone being curious. I'm just not sure who the someone is.

This is current, having begun on Friday, Oct. 17 at approximately 4 AM. At least, I THINK that's when it began. I'd woken with a feeling of 'something's wrong'. You know, that strange achy feeling in the pit of your stomach. You aren't sure just what isn't right, but you know something is amiss in your own little universe. I tried to ignore it, shrugging it off as a remnant of some dream I couldn't remember, and proceeded to get ready for work. Six AM, I don my coat and open the front door to leave.

Our stairs are very steep and begin quite literally on just the other-side of the door. There's no landing as it were. At the bottom there's a space of perhaps two feet, with the neighbor's door on the right (going down) and the main door straight ahead. As I turned on the stairwell light, I quite clearly heard the word "don't", and then I was falling, tumbling down the 13 stairs and smashing into the main door. I was racked with pain, and ended up going to Urgent Care. Damage: sprained ankle, knee contusion, and sprained shoulder, all on the left side. Of course this meant not going into work and given Naproxin500 to take.

As I laid on the sofa (so I could watch TV and have the leg propped up), I drifted in and out of sleep but that apprehensive feeling never quite left me. If anything it grew stronger, making rest nearly impossible. I had a very hazy moment where I saw my mother and aunt. When I say hazy I mean I wasn't asleep, but I didn't feel quite awake either. They were standing over me, like a couple of worried hens, whispering to each other. I couldn't quite catch what they were saying, but I thought I heard "... More of us to watch over her". I can't swear to that though.

October 18th: I was experiencing abdominal pain for most of the day, which I contributed to my fall. My older brother calls to tell me that our younger sister had been admitted to the hospital, on Friday, for an emergency bowel obstruction surgery and was in the ICU (intensive care unit). Around two pm (when my pain stopped) she had been moved to a private room.

Now, my younger sister and I were not what I would term close. In fact, up until about three years ago, when she was diagnosed with cancer, she went out of her way to be estranged from family. So, why I would 'feel' her pain is a mystery to me. However, the timing of it is quite odd and the only reason I add that detail.

Predawn, October 19: I distinctly hear my mother call my sister's name. It was a warm welcoming call. Again, I receive a message from the older brother that she is in ICU and not expected to live out the day. I already know they are right, and ask for prayers that she passes quickly without more suffering. A few hours later she is gone. Yet I still felt something was not quite right. It wasn't as intense as it had been, but I still felt it.

October 23: I have the oddest dream. I'm at what appears to be a cafe in some sort of transportation center. Seated at a table is my aunt, in front of her is the most beautiful looking ticket - sky blue with the dove of peace all glittery on it. I ask her what she is doing here, and reach for the ticket for a better look. She tells me she's waiting for my uncle and smacks my hand, saying that the ticket is not for me, but for him.

October 24: I am informed my uncle passed in his sleep.

Since then, I've heard different voices call my name (both home and at work). They're generally like a cheerful 'hello', the only thing that bothers me is my co-workers think I'm hearing things, because I'll answer "yes?" or "You call me?" Although, it is surprising the number of them who have said, "Maybe it's your sister". Then there's the localized feeling of cold now and then.

Halloween week, walking to work in the dark, I had the distinct impression that someone was holding my hand rather protectively. Most recently is family photos, making their way out of albums to pop up randomly. The albums are in my room, but I'll find a picture on the coffee table in the living room, or in the corner of the bathroom mirror. Weird stuff like that. Strange to say the least.

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valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
I agree with you. I doubt that any of my 'visiting' spirits would ever harm me, or even try to scare me. Maybe leave me a bit puzzled or feeling WTH, but in general it's a feeling more like someone just stopping to say Hi.
Icreatedyou (3 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-18)
I do not think you are in danger at all. I think you're sensitive to the paranormal, and while you're sensitive... You have a great deal of angels looking over you. I'm sorry for the losses though.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-14)
notjustme, Bushi, and Crone,
Thank you for your condolences over the recent loss of my sister and uncle.
A side note about the moving pictures: not sure that it's related, but it's odd. My niece has contacted me, wanting to do an extensive family tree, and wondered if I might have members pictures. Hmmmm...
Bushi_Mas (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-13)
Val.thats a lovely story... Beautifully written, i feel sad for your losses... Thanks for sharing, best of luck. Love and light.
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-13)
Val - I'm so sorry for your losses, and thank you for sharing this intimate account. I can feel you are a strong person so I know you are alright...right? Hehe. At the same time, what a very interesting experience you must be having with your passed ones. I'm sure they are in a good place now and taking a back seat ride along with you as you finish yours, shining the light for your path =)

Take care~
TheCrone (4 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-13)
I'm glad you recovered. Falls scare the &*^%$ out of me at my age. (They don't call me the Crone because I'm so young and spry!) I wish they would have told you "don't" before you opened the door. Or even "be careful on the steps."

I love the pictures moving. It's like what my father-in-law does. Moves something so they not only know someone is here - they have a pretty good idea who it is.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
lady-glow, thanks for reading and commenting!
[at] ifihadyou: understood. At least you tried.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Val: I'm sorry for your losses.
Thanks for sharing such an interesting story.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Oh trust me I have tried. My father does a good job in hiding from me and my older siblings. He is pretty much untraceable. No job listing, no address, no phone number... Nothing. But this post isn't about my problems. As I have said, I am happy you two got to reconnect:]
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
I feel you are talking about your family? Sincere advise? If they are still on this plane, then pick up the phone and call. At worse - they'll hang up. And, that will really suck (experience talking). But, nothing ventured - nothing gained, and at least you will know that you TRIED. The more time that passes the harder it will be to do so. All you can do is open the door, it's up to them to meet you part way.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Thank you for the lovely compliment. I think that life is all about possibilities. It simply is not black and white, but infinite shades of grey. Sometimes, science and logic can explain away what on the surface seems 'unexplainable', but there are times, when try as we might, it just will not neatly fit into a cubbyhole, but will remain a conundrum. At those times, we just have to be willing to accept that there is more to life than what we yet understand.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
It's wonderful that you were able to reconnect with her before [and perhaps after] her passing. Kinda sucks not being able to:
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Wish-Not and ifihadyoux,
No argument from me that it's all very strange.
I do know that my sister did regret staying away from us for so long, and she realized it was of her own doing. During one of our phone calls she said that something good had come out of the cancer. When I asked what that was, she said, "it gave me back my family." So, the idea of her traveling about (as she could not before) and visiting family, seems plausible to me.
Wish-Not, no worries, I've healed up quite nicely. 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
elnora, all I can say is 'maybe'. *shakes head* It all happened so very fast. It was like tripping over an invisible gum wrapper, if you know what I mean. One second I'm vertical and the next - well tumbling about in a dryer comes to mind.
jynnantonnix (2 stories) (21 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Very cool. I sort of feel as though I'm "detoxing" or something here. I've never really had even a slight tendency toward being psychic or having any communication with the supernatural world, though, oddly, it's always seemed that many of the people I become close friends with ARE sensitive to such things. In the past few years, the online forum I spend the most time on has been an atheist one, which suits me as religion in general has never made sense to me, and almost any supernatural encounter, whether with a god figure, a demon, or a departed human is far more easily explained away with logic and science than otherwise. However, there is a small percentage of occurrences which truly ARE unexplainable, and people who want to claim that they are definitively impossible are just as bothersome to me as people who want to claim absolute knowledge of a deity and its thoughts & wishes. I'm a skeptic, but like to keep an open mind. I've really enjoyed all the stories by you that I have read as they don't jump to conclusions and are not full of drama, but mostly very well observed and analyzed recollections.
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Woah that is really strange. I am sorry for both of your losses, estranged or not. Maybe your sister regrets being estranged and is watching over her family?
I thought that was kind of sweet of your aunt to wait for your uncle, I personally believe your dream was a true meeting with your aunt.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Val- Holy Cow I hope your alright. Any kind of fall at our... Oops MY age comes with worst outcomes than expected.
I love the part of the curious one looking over your shoulder.
Isn't it also curious how your family stays with you in your injured time when everything else is happening to them as well. Oh man, that ticket thing was wild.
Great share Val
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Do you think the "Don't" was someone trying to warn you not to fall?

What happened with you and your sister's pains sounds a lot like what happens with twins. It may be that genetic knowledge that something is wrong with that other one, even if you are just siblings and not twins.

I am very sorry for the loss of your sister and your uncle. Your dream was obviously very beautifully symbolic.

I think it's nice that your family is still around you and trying to make themselves apparent to you. I think that the family pictures is a clever way of doing that, a sort of "Look, I am this one."

Thank you, as always, for sharing a heart-wrenching and amazing experience from your life.

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