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An Old Friend Is In My Hallway


This happened just yesterday. Rook suggested me to do a ritual, to cleanse and shield my house and what not, to see if he is capable of answering my questions without any risks.

I followed his instructions, every closet I could reach was cracked, and so were the windows. I definitely felt something going on in the process. I made it as positive as I could, and had on soothing music. My heart was racing, mostly cause one of my parents is OCD and I think I would've been yelled at if I had missed something important.

One of the windows had a lock on it, I was only able to lock it at the last second before my parents walked inside. At least four cats would attempt to get out if I wasn't paying attention to them, so I was just passing all over the house to watch the puppies, the cats, and for knowing when our parents would get back.

I had my brother help me get the cabinets closed, and the cats put up (not all, I got the cabinets, he got one cat up cause my brother couldn't reach the second kitty). The type of music I had on was on wasn't technically by a group, it was just a title I typed into you tube called "third eye music" it works best for me, helps me feel pretty zen, and positive. Luckily my brother didn't hear me too late when I told him our parents were back.

What I saw yesterday wasn't much of an event, which is why I wish I could explain more about my point of the story, but since I couldn't I added extra such as the details of what I was doing during the ritual, or for it. When I was passing dramatically all over the house, keeping an eye on things, I saw the white figure of a man standing in the hallway.

I have seen Light at the beginning of the year, but I couldn't tell if his shape was different since he wasn't well put together in the reflection last time I saw him. This time he showed himself to me again, and it looks like he changed, he didn't look like a boy anymore. And honestly I don't see how this man could be anyone else, considering he was wearing the same clothes. If he were a negative ghost, I wouldn't have been able to see him while the ritual was almost over, so I feel that I can trust him for sure.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kya1994, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-18)
Ladydarke- Val
No trouble with the accounts this time, thank-you for the help you guys.:)
ladydarke (113 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-18)
Kya, I wanted to add that if you have more than one person in the house using a gmail account on the same computer, Google/Gmail does allow switching between multiple accounts, so that you wouldn't even have to sign your stepmom or anyone else out of theirs.

Here's a written tutorial on that:


Here's a video tutorial on the same thing, because some people just find videos easier to follow:

Here's a video tutorial on just plain signing out of gmail:


An easy way is that if your stepmom uses say Internet Explorer as her browser, and does gmail on there... She won't be logged in at all on a different browser. So if you went to on Foxfire or Chrome - any other browser she is not using - you would get a blank log in page for gmail, not her account. Foxfire, and Chrome are free. If you only have one browser on your computer, you can download another browser using the one you have. If your stepmom is not using Chrome and you plan on using gmail, I recommend choosing Chrome as it is the browser Google made and works best with their stuff. Here are safe links for downloading the browsers:



Also, if you have a smart phone, you can download the gmail app on there and not have to worry about anyone else being logged in. Whichever method you use, you will have to create an account if you don't have one, with your own unique username and password, which you can then use to log into gmail on any device and any browser.

That was all directed towards solving the major hurdles you were bogged down in last time! I apologize if things have changed and you don't need to worry about dealing with multiple accounts or a shared computer now. My intention is just to forestall potential frustration.
ladydarke (113 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-18)
Sure, Kya! I gather you still don't use email and have no familiarity with it, otherwise you wouldn't be asking lol. I'll provide instructions from that stance and just apologize in advance if I'm being too basic and telling you things you already know.

I remember you were using Outlook, and you were having some trouble sending mail from Outlook to gmail I believe? I think you ended up making a gmail account, but couldn't get it to log out of your stepmom's mail account and into yours? Regardless of which one you're using, let's start off assuming it's going to be simple!

Rook has an email account through gmail, but you can email from any email service to any email service, like from to or to, or gmail to yahoo, or to any address with a school or business designation. They all talk to each other, it's fine! So if you currently have an email address of any sort, you can use that.

First, go to Rook's profile page here:

You can always get there by clicking on his name on any of his comments too. Copy his email address from his page, open your mail program, and paste it in. If you're using that gmail account you made before, you can type "gmail' into the search bar on any browser and get the log in page. You can make a new mail account for free too if you don't already have one of your own. If you don't remember your password from before, make another new account since it's free: here's a tutorial page on setting up a gmail account:

Once you get that done, in gmail you click the "compose" and a new box will pop up. Paste Rook's address into the top field on that compose box labelled "To." The next field is "Subject." Type "YGS need help" on that line so that Rook knows its from this site and not spam. Type your letter in the big open space. When you're done, click the blue "send" button at the bottom left and Bob's your uncle!

If you're still having the conflict with logging out of someone else's gmail account in order to get into your own, just try another service. Here's a tutorial for yahoo:


And here's one for live:


Let me know if you have problems.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-10-18)
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-18)
Oh yes, I'm glad to hear from you to hun. My esteem was going down hill, and I made myself look like a jerk, so I took a break. After the ritual I did there wasn't much contact from any spirits, and now that it's been a year, maybe two... The spiritual scenarios are going sky-high, but only with one spirit.
In which case, I won't be able to post many stories about, cause it's going to sound fictional, but I'm okay with that.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-18)
It's personal I don't want to hash it out here. And that's no problem, I won't keep bugging here then when I figure out how to email rook.

I can't remember how to email him. The supernatural events have been too intense, not so much I don't want to deal with them, just want to talk about it, I just need instructions on how email him on Google, I've forgotten.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-10-17)
The mods have their emails on their profiles. Like Ladydarke I'm not quite sure what type of help you're seeking.
ladydarke (113 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-17)
Hey Kya! Nice to hear from you again. >^.^<

If your important thing is help with uploading stories or pictures or whatnot, maybe try emailing those questions to a mod?

If the important thing is help with a supernatural situation and its pretty intense to keep dealing with while waiting for the story to be published, why not trying emailing Rook directly? He's generous with his time when people are having emergencies and should be able to help.

Hope all is well with you!
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-16)
-To anyone! Preferably mods.

I have written a new story and is yet to be published possibly, but I need to talk about something important immediately. Because I don't know what to do. 😢

Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-07)
Maybe at first, it's different this time by now since this is a time where I barely know him, and most definitely it has been some time since he's had enough energy to keep me knowing him. The advice I got from Rook has me skeptical about the relationship he started since an incubus knows how to mask themselves, and if he is, my father didn't even know because of the mask he's possibly hiding behind. Honestly, by today it doesn't feel okay to me either, I used to say goodnight to him, along with a three word sentence that I won't even mention in the comments. All I said was "Goodnight" to him last night, then I asked him only one question, "Are you and incubus". I felt the warmth of the palm of his hand caressing my face before I asked the question, and he let go as soon as I asked. I told him, "I don't care if it takes a year to answer me, I want to know." I doubt he will, I'm pretty sure an incubus would lie to. But after all the advice, this is probably the start of confronting him. I will ask him to leave if this ritual can help me figure out for sure if he's who he says he is, but only if he's hiding his true self like you and Rook thinks he is.

I don't feel judged whatsoever, I don't consider it like that because you and Rook are only trying to help. And definitely, I'm usually one to take my time with things, even in situations like this. It will for sure if I don't decide to kick him out of my love life before then, it's only a definite maybe for now since I don't know if he's been masked this whole time or not. It'll either be a definite yes, or no once I figure out the answer to my question. (if he's an incubus or not)

Thank you, your very kind. 😊


ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-07)
Dear Kya,

It sounds as though you may have become emotionally dependent on this entity. It's not a healthy choice, but don't feel ashamed. Plenty of people, when consumed by loneliness, develop unhealthy attachments (watch 'My Strange Addiction' sometime; it's truly eye-opening). I don't want to say it is OK because I worry a bit about you finding yourself in danger.

Most importantly, please do not feel judged. It takes time to work through these things. Slow and steady wins the race. I just hope that you will place your focus on what you truly want (a fulfilling human relationship). At least, you still remember that this is what you want and have only seen this alternative source of companionship as a place holder. That is good. Just remember that to open that space in your heart, the place holder must be moved aside.

Please feel free to communicate while you move through this process. You seem a sweet soul and deserve support. Be well!
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-06)
I had second thoughts about more of what I needed to say after I was finished with my last replies. And I will admit I wasn't entirely clear. I'm not fully reliable on this entity, and I don't remember word for word on the things I thought of after my replies. But by now I'm feeling the best sides of both doubts, about him being positive and negative. I will not say I know for sure what his intentions are, or what he might do if he really isn't who I think he is. I will be doing that ritual again today for sure.

Maybe that reply to ZulaGirl is from my perspective, but for all I know this entity is doing all these things to get me to trust him so I can give him what he wants, just as you said Rook. I'm sorry if I sounded pretty blind when I replied to ZulaGirl about my opinions on him, this next reply is to correct myself because I still have no clue what his true intentions are, and if he is getting me to trust him for a few horrible reasons that leads to what he wants. This is my recent update, hope its more of a sigh of relief since I realized my flaws in my first reply to ZulaGirl.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-06)
I know, I'm not trying to make it out to be like that, it's just difficult since my father would stand against it either socially, or angrily. I know it can't be done just twice and that's it, it may not work like that in that case.

I will, and I'll get back to this as often as I can. That's good to know, in case it is what he is, it'll keep me cautious of him since being masked is of an incubi's capability. I don't doubt it 100% in this case, I'll further along the rituals and keep on trying to find out what he is, and try to get it into affect when possible.

Thanks for the help you guys, I know I've said thank you before, but I never understood much about an incubus before, nor knew they existed up until now. And not knowing of them I may have eventually gotten myself into trouble with this entity at sometime, so I appreciate all the help I can get.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-06)
Thanks for your understanding, with love especially for me, it almost feels impossible. But I enjoy my life anyway, and I understand what you mean. This entity who has gotten me to fall for him at a certain point, he even understands that I have the right to move on if I did come to love another whose within the living, I mean honestly I'm pretty sure if emotions get intense for him it would be enough for him to be angry, he's never tried hurting me before the few times I have spoken about moving on. Ill assume he'll be sad, but looking from his point of view, its to be expected, cause I am of the living, and he is not. I have doubts of him being harmful in my opinion, only because so far, it looks more like he cares for my happiness, and what I want, he's never stood against me being in love with someone who is alive, and he's never had the obligation to try and stop me.

You are right though, he is a good entity, but it doesn't change the fact that he's in the way of my love life. I don't have any intentions on even wanting to be with him forever, just only until I fall in love again, without him. Now look, I don't want him to go away, even without energy I feel him near me every night, I don't feel physically touched, but I often feel warmth on the back of my neck, and where my back is like a arm is around me. I don't know how to fall in love again, in a sh*** hole like this. I'll definitely give it a go if we move sometime, and if I'm even lucky, it's possible I could fall for someone before we move, but then when we move there's no chance he can come along if we do, it's often usually like that depending on the family circumstances.

I have no intentions with being with him forever, I just want him around for that long in case my love life goes down hill every time. I just don't want to be alone, whether I help him show himself to me, or have energy, or not. Neither of which needs to happen, the unnecessary is never needed, and its not important... Having him around, and along with him knowing me very well, I just want somebody that's there, when I'm alone, even when I do try to fall in love with suitable people. It may seem selfish, I'd just rather have him when I'm alone rather than having nobody when I'm alone.

He is, you probably don't think so but he is, cause that's exactly what he wants, he does want what's best for me. I take no offense if my questions are left unanswered, even after I identify him a little more. He never stands in the way against my decisions, I won't deny that he is in the way somewhat, but he's not choosing to be, it's because I'm making him the center of attention with this energy stuff, and trying to indicate his true intentions. Which I still might go long with just to figure out if he's masked or not. But aside from that, its my fault he's in the way, nothing is really his fault in this situation, even though when dealing with most spirits its possible it may not have no good intentions. Its just not how this one seems, if he were angry of me being with another, he would've hurt me, or my first love a long time ago when he was still here. He hasn't done any harming of the sort against my wishes.

Yes, I understand, I know I am, compared to other people who know what there doing, I sometimes just don't feel that way, only when it comes to music. But other things, its possible I could miss a few things, as long as I don't look close enough. And Ill try to, that candle thing you just mentioned, I don't know if there expensive, in case of power outages, my father might not let me, its usually what we have candles for, but I will ask for one.

I disengage at times, I often get lost into conversations with the person I'm romantically involved with, the one who lives on the other side of the earth. The only time this entity is felt around is in the night, this isn't permanent, like I have mentioned, but considering he cares only for my happiness, and not what he wants, I don't mind it, only until another loved one comes around. If I do wind up together with another person, I may ask him to stop laying next to me, it just hasn't happened yet cause I'm still alone, I know I'm not entirely, but the time I feel alone the most is when I'm going to bed, at times he may not even be off the bed unless I'm asleep. Try not to take him the wrong way, this is why I see him as positive in the first place, because he never keeps my wishes from coming true when I say I want them to, or in the moment when they actually do.

I will for sure, I feed them everyday, and I pet them the chances I get. I'll enjoy being alive until the day I die, even if his entity stays around until then, there won't be any worries of him, cause he will allow me to move on, whether he's sad about it or not. I've figured this out a while ago, which is why I've had doubts about him being an incubus, he maybe happy when I accept him, but still wants what's best for me to.

Thank you. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-05)
In the place the first:

A Cleansing is NEVER a 'one shot deal'...they have to be repeated to ensure they are 'working'...kinda like sweeping a hard wood floor... Sweep it good on a Monday and by Wendsday it has to be swept again becasue of the dust.

I the place the second:

Yes, Incubi and other entites and spirits CAN appear as what ever they desire... White Light... Blue Light... Red Light...Green...whatever...its our 'gut feelings' concerning them that can help us determin thier true nature. Having said that when it comes to Incubi and Succubi these feelings can get muddled in our 'desire' to feel Loved and Wanted... Be that simple comforting intimate touches and lite kisses... To out right passionate 'sexual' encounters... The degree of which is determined by the 'entities' needs... Light kisses and comforting intamate touches generate a certian type of energy, just as pasionate sex generates another type.

Another issue is this 'entity' truly does not understand that its 'needs' end up being negitive to its host (YOU)...which means the Cleansing and Shielding will take even more time to truly effect IT.

Please continue to keep us posted.


ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-05)
I respect your openness, Kya; truly, I do. It is not easy to open up about matters so personal, even with the slim veil of anonymity that the Internet affords. I understand your feelings of loneliness. It hurts my heart. In a world of so many, no one should have to feel alone and isolated (unless that is how they want it).

I do not believe, from what you have written, that that is what you want. I hope you might find the following advice helpful. I respect that you are brave enough to confess that since living people have left you feeling so alone that you have taken an interest in another type of relationship. This isnot as uncommon as some might imagine. It is uncommon to have the courage to admit it.

I wish for you to consider that this spirit is a hindrance, rather than a help, to your (totally natural) want for companionship. This hole in your life is ripped open so large that this entity has found a way in. Think of it as a hole being filled by death rather than life. In time, continuing down this road will leave you feeling further unfulfilled, confused, and in possible peril. I do not want this for you or anyone.

You may believe this entity is a guardian. It is not for me to say that it is not. However, a true guardian would want what is best for you. What is best for you is to focus on life and living things. Please heed my warning that many among the 'troublesome' will invade someone's life under this guise. Like a frog put in cold water and slowly boiled, you will not feel the rising temps until it is too late. I am concerned that your answers tend further towards, rather than away from, this entity.

Rook and I have gotten into it a bit over ritual. I have read rook's description of his ritual and (it will come as no surprise) that he is knowledgeable and the premise is sound. However, I never advocate ritual for anyone who may be inexperienced. Ritual is a process of opening that should (ideally for experienced and inexperienced persons alike) only be conducted under or with the mentorship (or companionship) of a kind, good-willed, and knowledgeable other. Alone, it is too risky, sometimes even for those who have years of experience and expertise. The world is a big, wide place full of many things, both good and evil.

Here is my advice for you: please try to emotionally disengage from this path you are on. The entity's reaction to this will clue you in to its true intent. If you ever feel afraid, sprinkle salt as barriers (doorways, bed, etc. Wherever you feel most afraid and vulnerable. Listen to these signals) while saying prayers for protection.

Although I do not recommend ritual, here is a small and innocuous one that may help. Using rook's recommendation for a white candle, each night around dusk, light it and say a prayer for love (human romantic love). Close your eyes and put your heart into it. Before you go to bed, douse the candle and say a prayer for general love (God, friends, family) and the protection imparted by this love. Believe the words; feel them in your heart.

During the daytime, prepare your life for life. Clean the house and make it presentable as if your true love were to come and see it. Not all in one day, but slowly, happily, and with purpose. Grow plants and stick them in every available corner. Stuff your home to bursting with living things (if you have cats who like to dig in plant pots just place some open pine cones on the soil. Cats don't like the feel of those on their tender paws).

Open yourself to caring for your pets and the people in your life. Hopefully soon you may wish to volunteer for a cause you believe in or join a group with similar interests. Get outside and exercise. Even if it is just a walk. Fill your lungs with fresh air. Feel your body being alive. Savor that feeling and remember it when you feel blue. Leave no room for deaths to intercede. I wish you all the best, dear Kya.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-05)
I guess I would have to say, I used to trust him. Only cause he barely carries energy anymore. I used to have feelings before, and don't now, because I don't know him anymore. He is no family member, if he was I would know. It's possible he was the little boy from my Yucaipa house story, and with that much history going back from when I was twelve years old, I'm trying to test him, not knowing if he has history with me, or not. He may have been partly a childhood ghost that used to be there, but I know I can never know that without a professionals help.

As I've mentioned to Rook, I do have another to admire that only lives on the other side of the world, but here I have nobody other than this entity that has been around, or has followed me around for years. I wish to establish a relationship with it only because looking for a man to fall for in this place never does me any good cause no matter what I'm always screwed over, even by and old friend I have history with, unless I move to better place, in a better neighborhood, trying to not be single down here will be useless, its possible to keep on trying if I want to keep getting myself hurt. Him and I aren't even friends anymore, and I used to go to middle school with him. So honestly, with the years, and possibly history, I'm giving this option a chance only because it feels like my only option for the meantime, and I will have to say it may not be permanent since its possible I could meet this person I like that lives very far from me. And I don't just like him, its not love Ill have to say, but I know it could be possible if meeting up with him is. What has me trusting him is that we talk everyday, he has nothing to hide, whatever I say to him, whether its a book of paragraphs, or shorter, he replies to it all, and that kind of person is very hard to find especially out here in this place. I don't care much to see into the future, I have tarot cards if I feel bored, but I'm not even sure if the readings are accurate at times, and even if it is, the readings are different every time. I'm not much a fortune teller, nor do I care for them, or what this apparition might do or tell me if I find out he has good intentions. I definitely don't want to communicate with troublesome entities, and I honestly wouldn't care to communicate with the dead at all if I were happy with another who I'd consider more than a friend. This entity has gotten me to seen him as more than a friend on a certain level, for at least a few years, and even over the years he seemed mysterious to me. Even so, Rook and you might think I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt all the way, but I would be if I were trying to figure these unanswered questions out on my own through the internet without his opinions of wisdom, or any other person who has opinions the same as him. For people whom I seen as more than a friend, including the dead attaching themselves to me... Ill never be wrapped around anyone's finger, even though its been years worth of time. And the last time I was wrapped around a mans finger, was when I didn't understand the consequences that I would face, I didn't expect him to leave at first, but he did, because he allowed to let the wrong person wrap himself around her finger, and now that I have been there, and done that, I wouldn't be crying again, I mean I guess I would if I knew this entity were to leave for good. But my crying wouldn't be as harsh like from the first time this happened, cause leaving sometimes is apart of life, and fate. Its to be expected, if its supposed to happen. I just don't know if it is supposed to happen in this case until I figure him out more after I do more of this ritual.

I know that, and that's honestly why I'm not jumping into what I am asking for. I just want to figure out what he is, whether he's positive or not, once I figure it out through more of these rituals, he'll get kicked to the curb, or he will stay. But only if I'm very sure if he's positive. And I appreciate the help.

I hope I haven't left out anything unanswered, if so ask the questions that have been left unanswered. And I will answer them to the best of my ability.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-05)
I don't mean it that way, I don't know if he even has good intentions for me, or if he even loves me, and that's why I'm trying to test him, to figure this out.

The fact is, the only time I have ever fallen for anyone was in my freshman year of high school. I have had only one boyfriend after my first love, and I didn't even fall for him. After this entity showed himself to me, he may have been the only one to have gotten my heart, and its slipping away somewhat. I again, am not giving him what he wants right away, I'm going to figure him out first with this ritual you suggested for me. And I don't want to give him energy just to touch him, nothing sexual will even happen right away that Ill even do only cause I'd rather see his face, or possibly get a hug if possible. And the reason I'm not jumping into it right away, is because I don't know what he will do with that energy.

It's not that I feel he is the only one that loves, I again am not sure if he does. He's just the only guy around since my first love left, and he has been around for years since I have been single. I'm still single, and don't worry I'm not crying a river about it, its just damn near impossible cause it hard to trust anybody. I have a history of dating men who care only for themselves, and being a player, on top of hiding it, and who knows? I know it be better to love someone in reality, but someone I actually consider a soul mate who doesn't seem fake himself whatsoever is on the other side of the world. Believe it or not, him and I talk everyday, and about actual opinions about politics, and things going on around the world that can't be stopped. *anything aside from political views in general* I just don't have anyone like that here, and this entity, its not like I trust him with everything... I just don't have anybody else, other than this other guy that lives on the other side of the world. Him and I talk about 'trying to meet" but both of us know very well that its possible we might not. And in case its still impossible to get through to douche bags in this ridiculous place as well, it just feels he's my only option for the moment, meantime, whatever. My apologies if you think I'm starting to get in denial, I just want to figure him out, and go from there.

He got me to know him here and there with as much energy as he can use at first after my loved one left. Never asked for anything in return, it's been a while since he had any energy at all, so I'm trying to test him and see if anything else happens when I do this ritual a few times more. You probably think I'm getting wrapped around his finger already when I'm not noticing, but truly I am not. There isn't any other guy around that even knows me, and considering hes seen me for at least more than five years, and has shown himself to me over the three to four years since my first love left, I'm just trying to figure out this unnecessary option, I know you think I probably shouldn't go along with this anymore, and kick him to the curb right away. But, what has me skeptical about him being an incubus, is that father can identify if an entity is positive or not, he's told me before that the entities under our roof aren't harmful, on top of doing at least a couple, or a few things to keep any demon out of the house.

I'm not giving him the benefit of the doubt, believe me. And I'm not sure if your right cause if it was truly negative it would've been kicked to the curb the first day I did this ritual. Don't get me wrong, its possible you could be right... But all lights were on everywhere in the house, I let there be as much light as I could, and especially in shadowy areas. He didn't show himself to me in the dark, and considering he's not asking anything in return, or have asked anything from me, I'm a bit skeptical about him being negative, but I'm not doubting your opinions either. I going to keep on testing him, because I'm still unsure what he is or feels for me, I'm sure how I feel about him, but that's not even the point I'm trying to make. It doesn't matter how much I care about him, what matters is the truth, if his intentions really aren't bad, or are. I will always be taking everyone's words and opinions into consideration, so try not to think this entity has gotten to me when I've said many times, even he can't get me wrapped around his finger, incubus... Or not.

My father used to have a job in an Indian tribe dealing with spirits, helping them move on I guess, the good type of entities. And that's honestly why I believe him, when he tells me "Every entity under our roof, won't hurt anyone" he in fact spoke of them like they would protect us if they chose to, one family member of ours is an angel, my grandmother. She comes around every now and then to knock on my fathers door, he can see her shadow in the doorway at night, and she does that to check and see if her family is alright. I mean, I honestly think, if she, or my father knew this "incubus" you assume to be would have his a** kicked by her, and thrown out by my father. That would be the case in the first place if incubus is how he was identified. But again, I'm not sure if the incubus knows how to mask itself to look, or seem positive.

I have another question, can any incubus be any color? Light or dark? I named this entity Light, because he seemed like an angelic entity to me over the years, and I want to know that even for years with a incubus, is it possible there disguised as an angelic creature? If you understood me well, I'd tell him to leave in a heart beat if I were sure he was capable of hurting me, or wanting to hurt me, I just don't know yet since I'm unsure if there capable of masking themselves, even in my fathers eyes.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-05)
My apologies, but that's the thing though, I don't even know if he is, I didn't exactly know comments would be making my confessions apart of the story. I'm just trying to be clear, but Ill try not to be too clear further along while answering or asking questions. I understand why your telling me this, and Ill take it into consideration. It may have been unnecessary to say that part, the thought just didn't occur to me since I didn't know what his relationship really is to me in the first place. Ill have second thoughts if the term boyfriend/soulmate comes to mind, if I knew right away that the comments would count for the story, I would've deleted them.


ZulaGirl (50 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-05)
I am curious what you mean by 'trust' this apparition? Do you think it is a deceased family member? Do you hope to communicate with it? If so, why? Do you wish to use its energy to scry (see into the future)? Or do you believe you want to establish a relationship? If so, why? Because you are curious? Because it is forbidden? Because you wish to feel 'special' by establishing communication with the dead or the 'troublesome'?

Perhaps you will not wish to answer these questions to me in full view of the board. I get that. And it hardly matters. I am only here to help; so, if nothing else, ask them of yourself before proceeding down a potentially dangerous path.

There are plenty of living entities (and almost infinite means) that you may communicate with while you are alive. Being alive is a gift. Special is defined by being an individual, especially a happy one with healthy relationships. Do not attempt to break bread with the dead; it will only bring you fear and sorrow.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-04)

And we are right back to why I 'HAVE NOT' shared with you any types of 'energy exchange'.

You keep saying you only want to see him... So you can feel and understand what 'HE' wants... And Thats just what 'HE' wants... YOUR ENERGY.

Things may not be sexual in nature at this time, HADES it may never develop into that kind of a relationship... But the fact is 'HE' wants your energy and your saying 'HE' is the only one that loves you.

This spirit is already dividing you from your family... Isolating you so you will provide 'IT' with what 'IT' needs, which seems to be energy from you.

It's time to break ties with this 'THING' before it truly begins to effect you... Both mentally and physically.

I am known for being blunt... So here is my FINAL OPINION...

This 'entity' is an Incubus... And while they are know as a 'sexual demon' they need not always be. All they really require is a host to drain energy from... And right now you are this entities host. Please find a way to 'kick it' to the curb.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-04)
Kya - I am going to remind you again to keep your comments and stories away from anything sexual. Admitting he is your boyfriend/soul mate can very likely head the storyline and/or comments in that direction. We are paying very close attention to your stories, and anything that will turn this story or any of your others into a sexual one will be deleted.
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-04)
Right? 😊 I loved those opinions, it actually got me to understand more about the situation actually.

Seriously, I'm looking forward to more opinions and questions from ladydarke. 😊

Well, he hasn't requested anything, if he has I would've mentioned that. It's just something I wanted to do on my own, cause he's the only loved one I have right now, and he lives with me, so I have been pretty close with him over the years he's been capable of using energy for me to see, or feel him. He never asked for anything in return, this is just something I want to do even if its not necessary, I don't have any other boyfriend, or soul mate, I don't know how he is, like how he really feels about me yet considering I need to do more to figure him out.

It will for sure, and thanks, I'm sure I can work things out, I'm only hoping it won't end badly.

You to. 😊
Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-04)
Ladydarke made it easier to be more specific about my intentions for for what I'm trying to do. Even though I trust him, my father has always been over protective over me, even with this spirit. He'd never allow him to be in this house again if this entity ever raped me, or tried to have sex with me. I remember hearing from my mother "Your father would know if he'd ever try" so even my father is cautious of him. Which is probably why Light hasn't gotten very far when he'd have enough energy for me. I'll keep on trying the ritual if possible. As far as I remember hearing from my mother, my father would either yell at me about it if I said the truth, or he would say its stupid, which is to be expected. So even if I'm uncomfortable with him not knowing what I do, I will ask my mother what days would be possible to perform this ritual again.

I did, and I have. It's not really to just let him do what he wants with me, he's the only loved one I have got, that I have come to love for years, more than my first love, it's most likely to just get to know him better. I'm usually hard to get, as close as I feel to this spirit, or even to other guys in general. So even if I love another, I'm cautious know matter what, being cautious about many things is what I was raised through, and these are situations I came to understand.

Rook-"Followed by placing a shield around herself." is that involved with the ritual itself? The couple times its happened, it does feel that way. I just wanted to ask anyway to see if there is an easy to shield myself in the meantime before I'm given the right day to do this ritual again.

Your welcome, and sorry about the bs, I didn't think to be more specific before until ladydarke gave me very good opinions about the situation. 😊


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-04)
rook - I know a couple of years ago Martin broke it down for us but I honestly cannot remember.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-04)
Give that Ladydrake a medal! 😲

Hi Kya,

I followed your stories and comments during the week and intended to reply on the weekend (now) when I had more time. Well, here I am and, well, Ladydrake has said EXACTLY the same thing I was going to say. 😆

I was also going to offer the suggestion of a prosthetic to your Salad Fingers visitor. Bravo Ladydrake took it to town once more (!), love that. 😊

I'm glad you're keeping an open mind with this ghost. I hope you will keep us posted on how you get on with him going forward. I share Rook's concerns about energy. Personally I've never heard of a ghost requesting someone's energy before, well not for good reasons anyway. It does seem a bit 'off' to me. That said, I've come out of a horrible paranormal presence which left me exhausted. I'm no doubt seeing your encounter through my own wary filter. Point is, this is your experience and only you can know for sure what you feel toward this ghost and his true intentions. Glad you're keeping an open mind all the same. It can take a long time to work out a ghost's true intentions, your patience will serve you well. Best to you!

Take care.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-03)
And the qupie doll goes to ladydrake!

Many, many thanks for 'cutting through the BS'.


My 'hackles' are still raised... You keep stating... In many different ways... That you want to 'energize' this entity so you can 'see him'...or because you want to 'interact better' with him...

Please do not give it what it wants... Keep performing the cleansing... Even if it's in your own room...

Oh, for the record Larkin... Yes I did suggest that an individual who is a self described young adult... Use a Cleansing method... It didn't matter which one, mine happened to be chosen. (Reaching out to one of the mods here... How are the age groups broken down?) I suggested it because as I read Kya's experiences 'alarm bell's sounded in my mind, something did not feel right... So I suggested something that would change the atmosphere (energy) with in the home... And look what happened even though the steps to the method were altered the change was enough to cause somthing to happen.

I stand by my suggestion... And actually urge Kya to do A cleansing of some sort as often as possible on as much of her home as possible... And even on herself... Followed by placing a shield around herself.


Thank you for the updates... I am going to read all of your comments tomorrow.


Kya1994 (10 stories) (174 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-03)
Makes sense, that is what it looks like.

That also makes sense if it were the opposite, although I would have to talk positively about him to my father a lot if I actually knew if he is really who he says he is. If his picture is really him. Even if he gained my full trust, my father would have to gain his full trust to after this guy will have gotten to me by heart.

Of course, its to be expected from seeing only a picture from someone I had just met. When it comes to just pictures, and what a guy claims he says he is, for people like that, its not easy getting me wrapped around his finger.

It does, I would be straight forward in telling her my opinion of what I think of him, and what might be best for her to do.

As for the energy with this boy who had taken a new form, I don't intend to jump into it. I do trust him, and he has been by my side the whole time we've lived here, but again, as much as I trust him, I'm still not easy to simply be wrapped around a finger, if I feel that I need to find out more in order to know for sure that its definitely okay to help him gain energy, I would.

Definitely, that is how most men may turn out to be lying about who they are to different women, and as you assumed, he could be a criminal of any sort for all she knows.

There's no need to worry about that, I again am in no rush on trying to give him energy. I can't deny that I trust him, but the advice your giving, it seems like advice anyway, Ill be keeping it in mind and in my best interest for my own protection for the meantime. Even if I know well enough that he is positive, and remained here during and after the ritual, there might be more I need to know before I just go for it, and I'm a patient person, hopefully he is to if his feelings for me are real.

Ive done it more than once, and Ill do it again sometime when both my parents actually know of it. My mother does know, but I never know when to tell my father about these things cause I like to avoid being yelled at, I'm one of those people who like to keep the piece, rather than being around, or being involved in arguments. You might be right, but I gotta say, the time I saw him before he showed himself to me during the ritual, I saw him only as a stream of light in a mirror before I recently saw him, and the reflection was fuzzy, like he wasn't well put together. So I don't even know if he took a different form before the ritual. Since the first time I really witnessed him, like he was there as a normal human being, it was probably three years ago. My point being, he was definitely a boy when I was in high school, but after that I don't know, there has been a short amount of years that I couldn't even see him in detail since the first time he showed himself to me after a loved one left. Don't get me wrong, I'm not in denial, and I definitely agree with you. I'm not one to rush things, just in case things end badly, or in betrayal anyway even if he is a positive entity. 😉

Well don't be, and don't worry about that, I take no offense as long as you don't sound harsh with every word you send under my story like some people. -Lark
And I agree with Hecate, I would also vote positively for you more than a few times if I could. You truly do have good ways with words, I very much admire, and appreciate your opinions, especially since these opinions are partly for my well being. You might've expected a different reply since you did butt in, but you butted in respectfully, and I appreciate respect. I'm honestly thankful, really, even if you expected a different reply.


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-03)
Ladydarke, if I could vote you up ten times, I would! Spot on!
ladydarke (113 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-03)

I read your story, "Angelic," as well as the conversation you were having in the comments with Rook. I understand that you did this ritual as a test to see if this one particular entity was negative or not. The result is that the entity was not banished, but changed form.

I understand why you would conclude that the fact that it could be present at all must mean that it is not negative. However... Coming from outside your conversation with Rooke, and as an impartial observer who doesn't have years of emotional investment with this entity like you do, please allow me to share how the results of your test look to me.

Let's put this in a different perspective, because sometimes a little distance helps to gain clarity. Say for a moment that the unseen entity you were dealing with was instead an unseen person in an internet chat room. They sent you a picture of themselves that looked like a young emo boy, attractive and close to your age. They continue to interact with you as a boy your age, winning your trust and affection, and getting deeper into your good graces. Let's say that instead of asking for energy, he's asking for house keys, since in this case both equal access to you and your life.

Then you do the ritual. Let's say it was the equivalent as if Rook had given you some website that could search out this person's true identity on the internet. What you find out is that this is really a middle-age man who was masquerading as an attractive youth in order to earn your trust and affections.

Doesn't that sound like someone who approached you under false pretenses? What would you tell a female friend who had met a man on the internet, and that man turned out not to be anything like the pictures he was sending or who he was saying he was? Is there any way you would tell her that the best response to uncovering his deception would be for her to give him the keys (energy/access)?

I would think that you would tell your female friend that since the man is not who he deliberately led her to believe, she'd better immediately be cautious. Why did he lie? What else is he hiding? How could he have the best intentions (say a serious long-term relationship) when he knows it's being built on a lie? What was he expecting to happen when she finally found out: Drop her like a hot potato because he never really cared and just wanted steamy online chats? Kidnap her and lock her in his basement where it doesn't matter what she thinks of him? The problem is you don't and can't know: all you know is he lies.

Your friend might not want to believe you and, because she has already come to have feelings for this man, or at least for the man she thought he was. She might even argue that she could forgive the deception. She might feel like dropping the liar is like losing the emo boy she thought he was and that by keeping the older man around she could evade feeling pain and mourning the loss of the emo boy -- even though he never existed. I hope that you, as a friend with her best interest at heart, would stick to your guns and keep pointing out the red flags going up around this guy.

I'm afraid this the exact warning that I have for you. I think that if the first application of Rooke's cleansing stripped away this entity's mask, you should respond by doing it again. Maybe do it every week or couple of weeks. See if the entity keeps losing layers of deception and you finally end up with the truth.

I would not be surprised if Rook replied with a similar warning, but by all means wait until he checks back in. I hope you don't mind that I butted into your conversation. I mean well and I'm worried about your welfare.


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