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Real Ghost Stories

So That's What They Look Like


Really? Seriously? Wait, is this happening, really? Wha...?

These were the thoughts running through my mind two weeks ago.

At 5 to 9 PM on Tuesday July 7th I felt like someone was looking at me. I turned around, expecting to see my husband, but instead saw weird smokey darkness. I was in our lounge room and looked back to the doorway. The smokey darkness was outside this door, in the hallway. The hall lights were off, so it was quite dark where this weird apparition billowed from. The smokey what-have-you was maybe a meter or so tall, like an odd cloud which sort of rippled within itself. I fixed my gaze on it and thought 'What the hell?'. I really didn't know what I was looking at, and I didn't think 'ghost' at first. Thought it was my eyes playing tricks. I kept watching.

After a moment I realised there was more to it, above the smokey part. Now, at first I thought it was one of my large acoustic screens, and therefore thought 'why has Husband moved that into the hall?'. I looked up the 'screen' and realised it was a person shape, super dark, and darker than the billowing smoke below and TALL, around 7ft. Realisation set in: 'Oh, you've GOT to be kidding me', and the rest. Yeup, red eyes. Closer together than I had imagined, I might add. Not really glowing brightly either, like most people have seen. This was a diffused soft glow, in a meek red, not bright nor deep nor vivid. Definitely not the striking red glow that so many others have encountered. When I saw his eyes I half laughed in disbelief.

A few seconds later he disappeared in a weird haze. He may have been disappearing when I looked at him because the apparition wasn't completely solid, more like 50/50 translucent/solid. It lasted around ten seconds. But about five of those were spent looking at the smoke what-have-you trying to figure out what the hell my eyes were up to.

Unlike the vast majority of Shadow Entity encounters I've read on here, there was no sense of foreboding to this at all, before or after. Just me very surprised, but oddly enough in a nice way. He felt curious to me, as if watching what I was doing trying to understand something. I was listening to music, in 'my zone', had been for 20 minutes or so. I did hear a strange noise before I felt 'looked at', it sounded like a scraping sound. I didn't pay any attention to the sound until later when I was pondering the visitation. I've read loads of stories on here where people describe hearing a small but prominent sound before seeing a ghost. Based on others' accounts I feel this sound is connected to a physical manifestation. Perhaps this is the sound ghosts make when they enter our atmosphere in a manifestation. Maybe, if we're within hearing range when they do this, well duh, we hear it. I wonder if these sounds are caused by air movement/expansion. Similar to a very miniature thunder clap. Even though it sounds nothing like thunder. I didn't notice any sound when he disappeared.

When it was over I yelled in disbelief:


Because since learning that Shadow People exist, thanks to YGS, I never thought I'd actually encounter one. Before learning they were real, I thought they were products of peoples hallucinations and/or dreams.

I went straight to where Mr Shadow was standing and felt around for coldness, while at the same time trying to articulate to my husband what happened. Unfortunately he was in the laundry washing brushes (artist) and, though calm, I was relatively speechless with some Dark Lord in front of me. We couldn't feel any coldness until my husband felt the wall. The wall directly behind where Shadow Man had been standing was noticeably colder than the rest of the wall. I wonder if he went through this wall after disappearing or if his presence made surrounding objects colder. Now, don't know about you but we never go around feeling the temperature of our walls. So, because I'm curious about the coldness association with ghosts, this fact is relatively new to me by the way, I was rather enamoured with the cold spot on the wall. I kept checking it, and it eventually 'warmed up' to match the temperature of the rest of the walls. It probably took about five minutes to match normal temperature. Which suggests to me it only cooled the surface area of that section of wall. I don't know why but I jotted all that down.

Since banishing that horrible presence from my last story, we've had a lot of nature spirit activity at our place. It's as if they're rejoicing or something, it's very cool! While I was staring at Mr Dark Lord Shadow Entity I couldn't shake the feeling of nature spirit. It's how he felt to me. That he was somewhat of this ilk. I was surprised to get this vibe from him and it's left me open to the possibility. Now I wonder, when people get spooked by an agitated red eyed variety Shadow Entity, if it's connected to something happening in their area or their home.

Since that evening every time I enter or leave the lounge room I touch the wall to see if it's cold!

Why after all these years of never seeing a red eyed variety Shadow Entity do I join YGS, become open to their existence, and then encounter one?! I don't know, but I'm glad, despite being previously glad to the contrary.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-11)
Tweed, I find myself tonight looking through a lot of old stories about shadow men. I came across this one of yours and I have to say that I'm not convinced it was a shadow man that you saw, when I compare your description to what I've seen.

I think your description is more like that of an apparition. I know I don't have any right to act like an authority on any of this, but the things I've seen that I refer to as shadow men are very dark. It's like they are absorbing all of the light near them for the energy needed to manifest into their shape. They are darker than a dark room.

I'm convinced from their appearance and my own mental comparison with devices such as photodetectors, saturation in a photomultiplier tube, and other types of low light level detectors, that a shadow man won't manifest in light because the amount of energy would be too much. They would become saturated in the photodetector-like analogy.

My one experience with what I believe was an apparition of my boyfriend's newly deceased (less than a couple of hours) mother reminds me of your description.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-11)
Hi Punkys, what you and Val say is pretty much what I felt was going on after it happened. The way I focused in on the 'smokey' stuff felt familiar. Like something I'd previously brushed off, not paid attention to.
As for nonbelievers who've not had experiences themselves. I know one who used to believe and had one absolute undeniable shared encounter who now refuses to believe in anything remotely paranormal. Very strange, ask him about his doozy experiences (there's been a few!) and he gets all angry about it, but doens't deny it happened, go figure! πŸ˜† But I agree, most nonbelievers simply haven't encountered anything physically unexplainable, oh well maybe they will. Or they have and not known it lol. Thanks for reading! 😊
PunkysMama (4 stories) (62 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-11)
Hello Tweed,

Going off of what some others have already said, I feel like once something becomes a real thing in your mind, your mind is 'opened' to it in a sense. It's like the skeptics. They will never believe or feel that they have experienced something paranormal until something happens to them that they literally cannot explain away scientifically. And some find that from that moment, their life becomes a whole plethora of paranormal activities because their minds literally refused to see those things, accept their existence, they were closed to it. And now suddenly, anything is possible!

Probably why children have so many experiences with the paranormal before society tells them what exists what does not. What is right what is wrong. What to turn of what to keep on. Even if it is subconsciously.


"Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon." I never knew there was actually a name for this! I work in a large office and have been for over 3 years. Once I meet someone who I have never met or laid eyes on "to my knowledge," who has been working there for as long as me or longer, I SEE THEM EVERYWHERE. To the point that it is STRANGE.

Good to know this is actually a known phenomenon. It's funny how we puny humans always think we are the only one that something happens to. There is NO WAY someone out there in the trillions of people actually has had this happen before! Haha. 😳
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-26)
This is just a quick note for Manafon and Hecate to let you know I emailed you as promised. Might want to check your spam folders, as Hecate's first email ended up in my stupid spam folder for a few days!
Sorry it took forever and a day to get back to ya'll. I'm neurotic and been quite busy. Like I am now as it happens.
Could I also be a further pain and request that you use my screen name 'Tweed' on YGS and not my actual name.
It's not YGSers I'm concerned about, it's the big wide internet where you never know who'll be reading. In an ideal world I'd be an open book, but I've learned that lesson, not a wise idea.
Thanks for all, especially for your understanding of my crazy tortured artist ways. 😊
Manafon (4 stories) (74 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-23)
Tweed--The internet is in many ways as amazing as paranormal activity 😁 I understand completely about wanting privacy! I have had several experiences with people that have made me a more jaded but (hopefully) smarter person.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-23)
Val, I've been thinking about that since it happened and I must admit I have over the years seen a few shadow like apparitions. But never took much notice, well hmm, I think *didn't want* to take much notice would be more accurate. Because a lot of those times I was busy and didn't want to be concentrating on anything supernatural. These days I'm much more balanced so Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon (thank goodness for copy/paste lolπŸ˜‰) makes a lot of sense. I do that with word association too.

Hecate, I'm going to make a point of watching The Red Violin. I remember you talking about a humour class, very interesting the link between humour processing and music! Also I hadn't thought about our Dark Lord Smoke Machine becoming a regular around our place! I figured it would be a one time 'passing through' thing. But who knows, maybe he's keeping tabs. I'll keep my antenna up.

Manafon, what a great thing the internet is. Where you can do a radio feature in Canada from Illinois and musicians can release their own music, ah so cool. I was going to send you some things along with Hecate, I haven't forgotten. It's impossible for me to forget, trust me that'll make sense!
I absolutely hate being cryptic and therefore pompous. But if the last few stress filled years have taught me anything it's to protect ones own privacy, regardless of how idiotic it may seem. 😳
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
I was thinking about how you said you'd never encountered a shadow person, until after you had learned about them on YGS, and I wondered if it might be a case of the "Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon" or "frequency illusion". It's like when we learn a new word (maybe even had to look it up) and then all of a sudden *wham!* we seem to hear it much more often. It isn't that that particular word or phrase suddenly skyrocketed in popularity, we are just more aware of it. We unconsciously keep an eye out for it, and as a result find it surprisingly often. Maybe, it holds true with things like shadow people too. Perhaps you've seen them before, but your mind wasn't sure how to process it. Especially if it wasn't doing anything to attract attention, and you thought nothing more than 'weird shadow'. But since you've learned about them, and this one did something to bring attention, your mind said, "So That's What They Look Like". Just a thought.
Manafon (4 stories) (74 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Hi Tweed--Like Hecate0 I would be interested in hearing any music samples you might want to share. My email is on my profile page. I am always on the lookout for new sounds! I actually have a featurette on a little radio station in Canada (CJAI 92. 1 FM called X-Rayed Records where each Friday night I discuss a different band/musician and then play a track by them. I pre-record my bit for the show as I live in Illinois.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Tweed, I highly recommend The Red Violin. Joshua Bell plays the violin. It relates to our piano discussion.

I am glad the humour idea resonated with you. I don't think I have mentioned, I teach a Psychology of Humor class. It is very social. But what students don't expect is the first week is spent covering cognitive neuroscience. How the brain processes things like humour (and music) along with our ability to focus our attention and intention are all vibrationally linked, especially related to what types of neural networks are processing them. Smoke Machine Guy feels your vibrations, I bet. I can't wait to hear more about him. I think you have a new friend, a gruff, humour-perceiving music lover. πŸ˜†
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Whoops, Sorry Val, have a habit of leaving the computer midway through typing a comment. So didn't see yours in the meantime.
Haha I'm glad you found it funny! I chuckled to myself while typing some things up. Lol Glad you can relate. 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
I've only heard of The Red Violin but never seen it.

I think you may be onto something about the humour aspect of Smoke Machine Guy. It's probably linked to something in how I process the 'what the hell' of it all. I think it is actually.

I don't have anything online currently which has *this* piano in it. But I have a slew of demo/jam recordings of this piano to pick from, I'll find something worth a listen. 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Forgive me, Tweed - but I sat here and giggled through most of your narration, simply because your reactions reminded me so much of well - me! 😊
I don't see why the vibrations produced by music could not have an influence on the paranormal. After all both are forms of energies. Perhaps smoke guy was attracted by it.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Tweed, did you ever see the movie, The Red Violin"? One of my favorites. I hope the sound of the piano is in the music I get to hear.

THANK YOU for your attentiveness to the parts visible in that side bar for comments. I, too, consider my first sentence or two exactly as you do. 😁

I think one of the things Smoke Machine Guy (now I will honor him with caps) is intrigued with about you is your humor. You should use Dark Lord and Smoke Machine Guy interchangeably. In my family (of kindred spirits), when you are included in the humor, you are truly part of the family. 😊

I look forward to your e-mail.
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Oh Hecate OF COURSE the piano came with its own spirit, pianos are real beings unto their own don't you know. Of course you do, I'm joking. There's my crazy thought for the day signed and sealed. πŸ˜‰

Hahaha smoke machine guy I love that! We've been calling him Dark Lord, said in a silly gruff voice.

I'm so sorry to hear you were stalked. 😒 I would have opened my comment with this but I knew it would show in the comment preview thing on the side of the site and didn't want to draw attention to it. (Yah, that's how pedantic I can be about safety). I have my reasons for being careful too, I won't go into that on a public forum. Will email you within the next few days, with some links etc. Thanks for being so understanding. 😊
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-22)
Tweed, the focus of my whole house would be that piano. I bet the sound of it attracts lots of things. Did it perhaps even come with its own energy/spirit? I hesitate to ask because here is another place where people pull out the crazy jacket with the sleeves that tie for me. I have crystals believed to potentially attach to other types of energies.

I bet smoke machine guy likes the sound of you playing.

I completely respect the anonymity thing. I had a student stalk me a few years ago, and overlapping time-wise, a student threatened me... Then murdered someone, but was released on self-defense. He was arrested a year later for the crime and convicted. Safety? My mantra. Most of my suggestions here include psychic self protection. Feel free to send music to my e-mail, or no. I am very cool with boundaries.

Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-21)
Manafon, I heard something about that Stonehenge acoustic theory about a year ago. You just reminded me, I was going to look it up but long since forgot. That would be something else, can you imagine. Wonder if Spinal Tap knew they were on to something haha
I'm sure I've experienced something like what you describe with headphones too. Never underestimate a good pair of headphones.

Hecate, you like Ravel too, awesome! That Petrof sounds like a really good fun piano. I've met a couple Petrofs over the years, you wouldn't know it to look at them, but they pack a mean punch.
My bff is a Bosendorfer, (farewell savings), husband calls it my ouija board haha.

I'm surprised ya'll are interested in my stuff so thank you, much appreciated and I would love to hear anything you've done too!
I really really like and value online anonymity like a lot, more than like, I love it. (See lessons and hard, painful ways of learning them) I won't be pasting links here. If you like I can email instead. Sorry for the less than instantaneous 'click'.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-21)
Tweed, love the Ravel piece. I like Ravel anyway.

I think they like ALL of your music choices, maybe intrigued would be a better word. Your music and your ability to understand his respect rules sets you apart. I can just hear the "what are you about?..." bit. Enigma, another good word. Like you say, he's figuring you out. And I am with Manafon, can we hear some of your own compositions?

Is your piano a Petrof? I sing at a local coffee shop where the owner is always proud of his Petrof in the shop (an upright) and one at home (the grand). I do not play, but it does attract some fun pianists. Mondays often get rowdy. It is quite a piano.

Always fun...
Manafon (4 stories) (74 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-21)
Tweed--The idea of music being used to create an altered state in the listener (to connect with the spiritual realm) reminded me of some recent theories about Stonehenge (and other stone circles) where it has been speculated that the acoustics were perfect for multiple drummers to create a trancelike state in the people participating in rituals.

I suppose this trancelike state is produced every day at concerts around the world! I have certainly felt it from great jazz shows I've seen by the likes of Pharoah Sanders and Dave Murray to rock concerts like Yes and King Crimson. As I wrote earlier, I have also experienced it by listening to music through headphones!

On another note, have you posted samples of your music anywhere online. It would be cool to listen to some!
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-21)
Hecate, I love the association of sound/music and plants. We talk to our plants and trees all the time. According to the less enlightened it makes no difference. We always strike cuttings where others fail, our plants thrive on seemingly nothing but water and conversation. Funny that. πŸ˜‰

We nearly always have music on. That evening it had been Alice In Chains (grunge/rock), but I can't imagine that would attract such a visit. Maybe the energy of how we interpret the music might have. So that was on for a while.
But at the time of the encounter I had put on a classical piece 'Le Gibet' (how appropriate) by Ravel. By far the best rendition of this is by Gulsin Onay, if you're intrigued here it is:
(haven't watched that hope it sounds okay, it's an acquired taste don't like sit through it if it's not your thing.) But anyway that gives you an idea of the mood which is probably relevant to what lead up to it. Onay's interpretation of Le Gibet can move me to tears depending on what mood I'm in, on that night it was more of a focused energy sort of deal.
After that I did something only a Gemini could and stuck on Sound Garden, that's when I heard the weird scraping sound. (By the way, that sound sort of filled the room in an understated way. It was kind of high pitched but not overly so.) I thought it was odd but didn't pay much attention. Then I felt looked at, turned around, saw smokey bizarreness, turned the music off and kept watching the smoke.

So I think, if music had anything to do with it, that classical piece would be the culprit. Because of what it does to me.
Oh my, just thinking about the music timeline has made me realise it seems to have 'waited' for Le Gibet to finish before mentally/metaphorically tapping me on the shoulder. Hmm I wonder.

On the topic of vibrations and pieces I've noticed an increase in paranormal activity since buying my piano, or more specifically since it arrived in the house over a year ago. I don't think the piano is haunted by anything other than its own beauty and awesomeness but it is a sensitive creature. This model is specifically designed to be extremely sensitive and nuanced. I'd been saving for it (and a place to put it) since I was 22, people thought I was nuts, I didn't care. It came from Arizona😊, but it's Austrian made. (It made way more sense to get it sent from Arizona than buy locally, big drama of a purchase). It wouldn't surprise me if our bond (piano/pianist) combined with the more dimensional/physics side of its sound/nature contributed to me becoming more open to ghosties in recent times.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-21)
Tweed, not only would music act like meditation and change your state of consciousness, but again, the vibrations of the music are key. I wonder if they prefer specific pieces of yours, specific chords or tonal combinations. There is lots of research with plants and animals and music. Hmmm I also sense that this being respected you, especially given how you describe him, which I love, by the way:

He had a very formidable presence. There was a sense of respect, boundaries and a ruthless discipline to uphold such

That is just cool. Your description let's me feel why you say you understand that they scare people. Sounds like a powerful little smoke machine. Like I wrote earlier, I think you are a magnet. 😊
Tweed (36 stories) (2526 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-21)
Hecate and Manafon, thanks for insightful comments.

I was replaying this in my mind after submitting and really should have thought about it more while I was typing: The sighting lasted more like 20 seconds than 10. Time tends to alter when there's music around, never mind.

Manafon, I just read the story you spoke of and I think we can easily identify those close to us, we feel them on a deeper level. Music has always been 'my thing' but really I think it's everybody's thing. It's the first language, it pre-dates spoken words. It's no wonder it makes us receptive to the spirit realm.

Hecate, That's the impression I got, that he was observing/tuning into the same frequency. There's a link between music and encounters for me, always has been. Have a feeling he was drawn in from the energy around our place. It felt like a question/confirmation of sorts, like: 'What are you about?/What am I about? Okay, we're good.'

I want to know what's up with the 1980's smoke machine. Like he's going to break into a power ballad and put on a laser show from his eyes haha. It was very beautiful and he was striking in appearance. I can tell why they scare so many people, he had a very formidable presence. There was a sense of respect, boundaries and a ruthless discipline to uphold such which reminded me of some Fey types, particularly trolls. I don't think Shadow People are trolls, but he 'felt' to me to be wired similarly, with similar values.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-20)
Tweed, I want to extend what Manafon said. I wonder if this little guy was tuning into exactly the frequencies you were tuning into in your zone. I feel trees by feeling a very deep vibration. My hands sense different crystalline structure rocks, and different vibrations around bodies. I bet your music is attracting things. Do you find increases in activity when you are in more creative states? I imagine you have spurts. Most creative people do. I feel like they congregate outside your window when you play... 😳 because they like it.

Just some thoughts... 😊
Manafon (4 stories) (74 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-20)
Tweed--That is an incredible experience! I have never encountered a shadow person/entity before but it sounds wild. The fact that you weren't frightened but intrigued seems to be a good sign.

I really wanted to comment because of your "in the zone" state of mind listening to music. Listening to music takes us out of ourselves and probably makes people more susceptible to paranormal occurrences. I felt the presence of my deceased mother after I was "in the zone" listening to music on my headphones for about an hour. It had put me in a peaceful and very relaxed state of mind. (I recount this here on YGS in my story 'An Invisible Clock Ticking')

Seems like "Mr. Dark Lord Shadow Entity" is a "good guy" 😁 Riveting stuff!
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-20)
So, Tweed, you think you are opening more maybe? Huh? Just a thought... πŸ˜† Jeepers. You see all kinds of things. And, like so many of us here, you attract things. I am like a magnet for all sorts of stuff, incarnate and other. Trust your gut. I like the nature spirit celebratory energy since you banned your last pesky thing. If this new thing doesn't feel bad/negative/whatever, say 'hi'. But I bet you already thought of that. I think you do already have really good gut instincts for these things. YGS helps all of us understand more about what is out there. 😁

Thank you for always sharing your cool experiences with us. Best to you and yours.


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