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Real Ghost Stories

The First Ghost Of The New Hospital


Last month I visited Japan again for an opening ceremony of a new hospital at Hokkaido. It was Chinese New Year and there were many visitors around, and there is a saying going, the more visitors the more accidents.

That night right after the party, 2 patrons were sent to our hospital, car accident... It was due to slippery road. The car lost control and spun 40 meters across the bus road and smashed on to a tour bus. Luckily there were no tourist inside or around the bus at the time, but the bus driver had his lower body crushed where the car had smashed. The driver of the car was an old man heading to a wedding ceremony, information from the police said that he stepped on the break too suddenly that the rear tire slipped. Very unfortunately, the car driver died immediately. That night the family of the car driver came over and we had to tell them the tragic news.

Meanwhile, the bus driver was rushed to do an immediate operation. We needed to observe him and decide whether or not to do another operation some days later when he awaken. We found that the bus driver's family had not came over and we realized that he was living alone and had no family.

The bus driver did not wake for almost a week, his company's coworkers and managers did visit but none of them stayed for too long since he was not "in a good shape". The doctor decided to do another operation since the time is limited and they could not wait for him to decide, we had to think the best for any patrons.

The operation did not went well perfectly, from the doctor's information, the patron was bleeding badly during the operation, and the health condition of him was not too good. The patron died at that evening making it the second death in our hospital.

That night when I went to tidy up the patron's room for the next day's use, I saw a person facing the wall mumbling to the wall. I tried to go and ask him who he was but I was stopped by a nurse whom had worked at the old hospital for years, she pulled me over and told me to never speak to "such people". I suddenly realize that the person I saw looked just like the injured bus driver. I may have experienced the hospital's first ghost story...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, GoldenDragon1984, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

Zeromaru (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-07)
Thanks for commenting!
"Do you every remember a t.v. Show called fantasy island?
Could you please look down at your feet and see if you
Have any sand between your toes?", I am not from the States thank you. πŸ˜•
dreamer01 (1 stories) (117 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-06)
hey z,

What the what!

Do you every remember a t.v. Show called fantasy island?
Could you please look down at your feet and see if you
Have any sand between your toes?

good one champ, all the best! πŸ˜†
Zeromaru (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-06)
Thank you I hope to improve my stories in the future and I wish you all the best!

Thank you very much!
"But life is like a school and we are here to learn its lessons."
I totally agree with this, when we are born we learn to breath, after that its mostly the triple Ls, the triple Ls are, Love, Life and Luck.
Love from people around and of course our parents.
Life of where we live, like how the rules and laws and religions, etc.
Luck of our own self, accidents, events, people we meet, etc.
No, I am not trying to start a religion or push my thoughts to others but really my opinion is that we all are born to learn new things like a sponge which never gets full. We absorb thoughts and philosophies of others, in another word we learn from each other and we shall be thankful. OK, perhaps I am going a little too far now, I will stop here. LOL
"Just stick around and wait for Halloween and summer, when some idling teenagers decide to try their writing abilities submitting the most outrageous stories!"
Oh, so to avoid fake tales told by innocents, we have to be sceptic sometime? That is so true. No, I would not think as any of your comments as "attacks", those are important questions for me to clarify the stories of the spirits that I met, but try not to ask about myself too much (I know you did not meant to), I am just a teller, I can introduce myself somewhere else, if I am being too close minded, I apologize for that.

No, I don't know what happened to that person thereafter. I was being chased away and now that I thought of it again, it's a little too blurry for a real person.
Since the nurse saw him too, yes, he could be a real person, but why would he be in a room that a patron just passed away, and no one saw him going into the room? Oh, and this is quite important, the hospital does not have mental health patrons yet, it's new and we need more doctors and nurses. So sad...
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-06)
Hi zeromaru, Thank you for sharing your story. I became quite interested in what the nurse that had worked at the old hospital had said to you about never speaking to "such people". She saw him too. Did you walk away while he was still there? Are you sure it wasn't a real person and perhaps the nurse was implying something else? For example, maybe he was a bit crazy, or just in grief seeking his solitude?

Thanks for reading my comment and questions and I hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards, DandK
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger"


I know and understand how difficult and challenging it is for us, people whose first language is not English, to write a story for English speaking people to read... We have to dress in armor and get ready to face a war in which the weapons of choice are WORDS.

Not meaning to be critical, I think your level and command of the English language is very good, but it would be great if you could write your stories in a more detailed way as to avoid the reader trying to fill out the blanks in order to figure out what you mean... And that's when and why readers start asking questions, trying to better understand what wasn't said.
By now you must be aware that almost every one of the members commenting on your stories share the feeling that there is something "off" about them.

Like Macknorton says "some people are less patient or tolerant when they perceive than someone may be attempting to deliberately deceive them."

I wouldn't blame you if you think I am as sweet as a hyena. I still find difficult my way with words and sometimes I surprise myself after reading some of my comments that come much more blunt than intended... It always happens a 'publish button' too late! 😒

But life is like a school and we are here to learn its lessons.

I do not expect you to forget my "attacks" to your stories, I was only trying to understand what you're saying. I apologize for my lack of tact.

Quoting your own words:
"I do want to hear more strange events in real life, not just internet tales, I thought this is what the site is about, am I wrong?"
Oh, yes! Just stick around and wait for Halloween and summer, when some idling teenagers decide to try their writing abilities submitting the most outrageous stories!

Other than that, the site is a wonderful community and a place where a person can learn a lot about many things besides the paranormal.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Sarcastic humor is one of my favs! I think you very well could be funny πŸ˜†.
If your friends are saying you are then most likely lol.
Zeromaru (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Thank you for answering my question! 😁
My friends all say that I am an emotionless comedian. πŸ˜•
So you think that I am a funny person?
Thank you again πŸ˜‰
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Hehe ok was just making sure you were ok 😊.
If you ever see a spirit again, it really depends on what kind it is. If you speak or communicate with it.
If your intuned with your emotions, feelings and body reactions you will know if its ok to communicate.
Be very cautious:)

You seem like a very delightful person, thanks for responding back
Zeromaru (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Oh, did I miss you? Thank for commenting!
You really is researching!😲
Thank you very much but please don't rumor, the place is still new. I don't want the place to be "famous" in spirital things, I mean... New patrons might be scared and will stop coming to the hospital, that's why.😐
What I believe is every hospital will have their "first time", and I had witnessed this hospital's "first time".
I meant spirital events by the means of "first time".
Zeromaru (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Thanks for commenting!
I never tried to speak to the spirits because I have very little chance to see them. I wish I could have spoken to him and see what's going to happen or what the response will be. By the way do you think I should talk to the spirits if I will ever meet one again?
It was a joke when I said that I was about to cry... I responded that way because I don't want to be thought as "the main character" that's why there was very little information of myself, because my opinion is that what I do is not important, what the spirits did is the main event.
I will be more careful to make myself understandable.

To say the truth most of the time I will find an explanation of the whys and what's in the experiences I had, most of the time you have the answers, yes, like the simplest thing as a paper flying, it's obvious sometimes but when you think again, it will be confusing sometime... I don't mean to hide or make up any thing in my stories, sometimes I will just write as I would be the only person reading... But thinking about so many reasons and questions around, I guess I will have to change the "style" of my stories. I am not a good writer, but I do hope to clarify that those are real; I would like to "help" those that had parted the world by posting their stories, if I could make myself clearer.

I am actually very glade that you guys were asking me that many questions. Do not hate me because I am posting "crap" stories, please do feel free to ask more if the stories I post are not clear enough.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Tweed no worries about otter, otteer came to be because I was creating an email account when I really should have been out the door and on my way to work... Being late I typed in otteer instead of the intended word otter, which is my animal, it has stuck with me cause I was to lazy to change it lol!:)

Ps...I think when the op says I'm not a science guy, he means I am not a detective... Just my thoughts.
Pss...Jan 2016 a new hospital wing*surgical/emergecy critical care did open up in that city, and they had horrific winter weather (snow) that month. Tourist buses there are in many cases very low slung with the cab as low as regular vehicles. A car could do a lot of damage to those cabs.
After looking at some of the crash photos in Japan, I don't think ill me taking a tourist bus there any time soon!
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Tweed, I think you summed it up well.

Otteer, fair enough you rushed to his defence but we have to put this experience in context. Zeromarus other stories, in my humble opinion, all have an air of "really? That doesn't add quite add up", and other members have consistently questioned aspects of them.

Yes Zeromaru politely answers when other members put, I think, reasonable questions to him.

However, I think it's the individual's right to question a post if it doesn't add up, even if they are genuinely confused at the details and require clarification in order to assist the poster or simply to understand.

I also think that some people are less patient or tolerant when they perceive that someone may be attempting to deliberately deceive them.


spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Maybe it is the language barrier that confuses most.
We do tend to get defensive if we feel someone on here is trying to pull a fast one, or trying to hide parts of a story.
I will say though, not trying in the least to be rude, but because of the use of some words I had to re-read.

It would have been awesome if you actually were able to talk to the said spirit, just to hear of the response:)

Dont cry Zeromaru ❀
Thanks for sharing,
And I hope you share your other experiences.

Zeromaru (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Thanks for commenting.
Well, the appointment was made a couple of weeks ago, what can I do?
I can tell you the following, I am not a doctor nor am I a nurse now, I was a nurse intern years ago; could I not study and do bit more than a nurse? I guess you don't have to make the decision for me, thank you. If you think this story, or every single one of my story not comfortable at all, I will apologize.
Do I have to report to you what I am doing right now? Well, I am taking a break and still have to work at the basement of the hospital (2ish in the morning here). Oh, they will pay me over time fees, don't you worry.
Could stop dissecting me please, I am about to cry... πŸ˜•
I shall be more specific next time, thank you.

Thanks for commenting.
Those are attacks? I mean... I expect that my stories are all questionable, but I did not know that what I do will matter that much (?), oh well, if that's how things go here I got to learn, maybe I will have to make myself more understandable.

Thanks for commenting.
Hey thanks for asking that, I wondered why as I re-read, then I realize that I did not explain that during the season, there will be many Chinese visitors at where I am. That's why I wrote "Chinese New Year"
Yes, I studied science, and know about them of course, but sometimes things does not work the way it is, if you know what I mean... That's why in here I said "I am not a science person", and I do want to hear more strange events in real life, not just internet tales, I thought this is what the site is about, am I wrong?

Thanks for commenting.
For that I actually thought that it was a person, now that I think of it maybe it's a little too shady
Yes, I was just INVITED there; I am misleading you guys, should I just say I came to help my friend right at the beginning, and ended up staying. I am not experienced enough to help out the doctors that's why I thought I could tidy up the rooms instead.
Yes, I know it is Science... Thank you.

Thanks for commenting, and hey, you don't know about sugar gliders? I bought it from a breeder legally, please don't call the cops. The little one, I got it in Japan so it was not travelling with me at all, he is actually quite new, about a month or older, I got him thinking I could make my friend happy. Oh, another "fake tale" is coming up if you want to read that.
"So far all your stories involve questionable authority figures, police officers, security personnel and you just happening in on the action."
Officers. Yes, due to my work. Security personnel? No... You mean when I was in Macao? Then yes, how memorable, that place wasn't bad, but services...hmm...
"As far as I'm aware Japanese laws are super STRICT in some parts..."
Yes, Japanese laws are strict and very "old fashioned". As I know so far they still based on the laws made like 100 years ago, during Meiji period.
"Just so we're all clear, please make no mistake this is not a role playing website."
So you mean I had to nude my identity and let everyone know what I do where I live and who I am!? I guess no one would be that interested (?) No, that's not what you mean; I understand that, sorry and thank you for reminding me, I will try not to be too nosy. 😐
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Otteer, LOL sorry for calling you 'Otter'! As you can tell I've got cute-animal-itis right now. πŸ˜†
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
Zeromaru, on your profile you say you keep a sugar glider as a pet. Had to run a search to confirm this was even legal, turns out it is. So, as you've said you travel frequently and, one assumes, on a whim, who takes care of the cute little guy?

So far all your stories involve questionable authority figures, police officers, security personnel and you just happening in on the action.
As far as I'm aware Japanese laws are super STRICT in some parts. So forgive me for finding the eagerness of law enforcers privileging you with willing grace and embracing insight ever slightly too much to digest.
Just so we're all clear, please make no mistake this is not a role playing website.

I must be going soft because after searching pet sugar gliders, I just want to cuddle one! Especially this one:
Zeromaru, please give your glider a cuddle from me.😊

Sorry Otter, Lady Glow is like Queen Continuity, absolutely no detail escapes her! I'm sure if you read this members other stories you'll agree, they're a bit err 'suspect', shall we say.πŸ˜†
Mhannerism (2 stories) (82 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
"I saw a person facing the wall mumbling to the wall. I tried to go and ask him who he was but I was stopped by a nurse..."

At first I thought, "wow this looks like a movie clichΓ© to me" but I didn't mean anything, just fascinated it could really happen. But questions arose which I don't have to because the others have done it.

Let me clarify that the nurse and nurse aide do the cleaning/changing bedsheets of a hospital room aside from taking vital signs. BUT! But, you said you were only there for the opening of a hospital because you were only INVITED and you didn't mentioned that you were offered a volunteering job. This is a vital part of the story because people didn't expect you to be an all-arounder in some hospital since you were only invited for an opening ceremony and you could see that it caused confusion and now that you've explained it in the comments' section made it even more confusing.

And lastly, I studied Nursing and I know most of the time, like 97% of it, is Science.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-05)
First of all what difference does it make that it was the Chinese New Year? I just read about this. Japan celebrates the New Year on January 1st whereas China celebrates the Lunar New Year (first full moon of the year)

You say you WERE a nurse, but you're not a science person? As lady-glow would say, what the what? No matter where you live a nurse is a nurse. A nurse is the doctors right hand person, they take vital signs, let the doctor know of any patient complaints, they assess patients every morning in the hospital,etc... Nurses have to know SOME SCIENCE.

otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-04)
Holy crap people! If you don't believe the story, walk away as our moderators would say. Lady glow that last comment was out of line in my opinion, the op has been nothing but polite in these attacks!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-04)
Zeromaru... Zeromaru...
I don't expect you to admit that this is a made up story... But after each of your comments it looks worse and more confusing.

Just look at this:
"Last month I visited Japan again for an opening ceremony of a new hospital..."

And then:
Before this job I used to be a nurse in the old hospital as an intern, that's why I knew what I am doing, maybe I am just being too confidence (?), well, I studied a few more years for my position now, and got a chance to work here in Japan with a few of my friends, who now works at the MRI. Yes, I actually work here now, sorry the story was abit old." 😲 πŸ˜•πŸ€”

What the WHAT?!

It is obvious that this story is ways to incredible, unbelievable and questionable...
Let's act like the mature adults we are and not make a circus... Just drop it!

This comment from Zeromaru is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-04)
Hi Zeromaru. Maybe it's a language barrier but there's so much of your story that doesn't really sound right.

I think you need to explain fully exactly what your job was at this hospital. You said you were visiting for the opening but you then seemed to be in direct discussions with the doctors regarding a person who was no relation to you.

And without seeing the bus, I would be surprised that the bus driver had his lower body crushed by a car hitting the bus. If the car was spinning around it wouldn't be going that fast. If it was just travelling straight and hit the bus head in, then that's a far more serious impact as a much higher speed. I could imagine the driver could be badly injured or killed.

And speaking of buses, I'm going to have to sit on the fence in this one as well with all due respect. Pass me the timetable lady glow.
Zeromaru (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-04)
Thanks for commenting!
I think you are misunderstanding something πŸ˜•
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-04)
There are some seriously lax rules at the hospital in this story. Lady-glow is spot on! Apparently you can just wander in and pitch in! Ever wonder what it's like to perform surgery on the victim of a car accident? Walk into your local hospital and volunteer.

The world is apparently much simpler than most of us have assumed. I'm going to head out to the fire department and try out one of those trucks. Looks like fun.
Zeromaru (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-04)
Thanks again for commenting again!
Um...Do I have to answer axactly what and who I am?πŸ˜•
I knew the person whom opened the hospital, that is why I am invited, I am just a random people whom had chances to know all those important people, what do I do? I travel around, I like volandeering, and so I could be in the hospital all day long, I don't care what my position is, helping out people sound not bad at all, do you think I am nosy, bobbing myself to other people's business? 😜

"IF the car driver died in the crash, the bus driver would be the FIRST person to die in the hospital, wouldn't he?"

True, why did I wrote "second"? I might be too tired of re-checking my story... Sorry 😭
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-04)
"...the car driver died immediately..."
Do you mean he died at the scene of the crash or as soon as he arrived at the hospital. This is important in order to understand the following statement:
"...from the doctor's information, the patron was bleeding badly during the operation, and the health condition of him was not too good. The patron died at that evening making it the second death in our hospital."

IF the car driver died in the crash, the bus driver would be the FIRST person to die in the hospital, wouldn't he? πŸ˜•
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-04)
Zeromaru: I'm sure by now you are aware of my inquisitive nature.

I have a question for you:
What, exactly is your field of work?
"Last month I visited Japan again for an opening ceremony of a new hospital at Hokkaido..." -To me, this suggests you hold a high rank in the directors board of some institution?

"...That night the family of the car driver came over and we had to tell them the tragic news." -A doctor? Not unusual, though a little strange that they would allow a guest into the OR.

"That night when I went to tidy up the patron's room for the next day's..." -A JANITOR?! Seriously?

It is hard to believe that one person would perform all those jobs, don't you think so?πŸ€”

Climbing to the fence and rolling my eyes...

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