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The Tree Fort And My Invisble Cousin


I need to preface my story with an explanation, hopefully, to fend off suggestions of "copycat" or plagiarism. My childhood story so closely resembles a recent posting, called "The Tree" that some may doubt that mine is an original story. I assure you that it is.

Others may not think of it is as a supernatural experience and I must admit that, as a young lad, I did not either. Only years later did I think that what we said at that time may have invoked something best not trifled with. On to the occurrence then.

My parents and many of my aunts and uncles immigrated to Canada from the Netherlands. Most of them settled in various areas of Southern Ontario. I was born in Canada as were most of my cousins and because my mother and my aunts and uncles were close, we made the treks to visit them quite a few times a year. We loved visiting our cousins and in the summer we would get to stay for a week at a time at different cousin's places and they in turn would stay at our house with us.

On one such occasion my older brother and I were staying for a week at my cousin "John's" country house, near Galt (now Cambridge), on 10 acres. We were maybe 12 and 13 years old, having great fun together. One of the games evolved into pretending that John's younger brother, Mark, was made invisible by us. Mark was around 8 or 9 years old and was enjoying this too.

We carried this game on too long and eventually Mark was no longer having fun and was becoming frustrated. He would say something and the three of us would say, "Did you hear something?" Or he would touch us and we would say, "I think I felt something but I am not sure what, but where is Mark"? Well, to prevent tears we decided to bring Mark back.

The three of us hatched our method and decided to use an "incantation" to bring Mark back into our dimension. We would say it in unison and then, POOF, we would all see Mark again. We decided to do this in the tree fort and invited the invisible Mark to join the three of us up there.

The tree fort was not a conventional box way up in a tree. It was a large platform made of two sheets of plywood with plenty of joists to support the floor. This was anchored at about eight feet up in a sprawling tree that supported the joists on its branches very sturdily. My uncle, who built the fort, was a skilled forestry worker and also a good carpenter.

It was now time for the incantation. The three of us said, in unison, "Evil spirits hear my plea, bring Mark back to me". Did it bring Mark back? Well, sort of. The game ended abruptly in a very unexpected way.

As we said the last syllable of the "incantation", the whole tree fort lurched and fell out of the tree! It did not tip and dump us out. The whole eight by eight feet of the fort just lurched sideways and down and flopped on the ground. The fort remained intact (I said it was sturdy) and there were no broken branches in the tree.

We were scattered on the fort's floor and other than a huge surprise and a few bumps and bruises no one was really hurt. Mark, by the way, was now very visible. We had no explanation for what happened and the whole "evil spirit" thing meant nothing to us, so we did not even think to mention it to my uncle when we told him that the fort fell out of the tree. We just figured it was weird. I can't remember what my uncle thought about the whole thing.

My brother and cousins (both ministers by the way) and I still talk about this when we get together. We all remember it pretty much the same way. Although we can't figure out how the fort could have fallen out of the tree "naturally" we do allow for that to be possible. In retrospect, however, we all agree that the "evil spirit" part of the incantation was a very poor idea.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kindly_refrain, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Jazzisepic (3 stories) (20 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-07)
Hi Kindly refrain.
Loved your story very strange that the fort fell down by its self, I think you are right that an evil spirit did it.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-05-02)
Kindly_refrain - please remember when submitting friends and/or family stories, we only publish those of immediate family and very close friends. There are exceptions to those rules if you were with the person during their experience.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-02)
Blueraven, I am glad you enjoyed the story.

I have 40-some first cousins in Canada (some others are in the Netherlands). We had so much fun and mischief together as kids. It seemed we were closer than brothers and sisters.

I would love to hear your scary stories from your cousin's place in Canada.

I read your YGS posted stories and they are really involving.

Your great grandmother had quite a life.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-02)
Jazzisepic, thank you for the complement.

I will post a couple more stories that happened to family members once I get their permission.

I just read your story and left a comment there; very interesting.
Blueraven (3 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-02)
Aren't cousins great! Your story made me literally LOL 😆. We lived in the states, and the cousins were in Canada. Some of my best memories were visiting them on the farm. It was haunted too, but more of the frightening variety.
I totally enjoy your stories... Keep them coming! ❤
Jazzisepic (3 stories) (20 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-02)
Hi Kindly refrain.
Very good story.
Your stories are amazing you are one of mu fav writers on here.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-05-01)
Hi Tweed, I believe it was "a super extreme fort cleansing".

I did not consider that having fun might give any energy to a spell casting. For that matter I have never really thought much about spell casting at all. I thought we may have attracted a negative spirit though, or as we put it at the time, an evil spirit.

Now you have me thinking about spell casting which, pretty much, I thought was hokum. I have heard some stories though, hmmmm...
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-29)
Kindly_Refrain once in awhile we get spirits we don't want around but my son and/or get rid of them.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-29)
RedWolf, you sure have a busy spirit life at your house. All is usually very quiet here in that regard. Over all we like it that way.

I am glad he can cheer you up though.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-28)
OOPS my father in-law is at it again and I'm on the P.C. He thought it would be funny to put my regards in a second time and I didn't notice until I posted. I got some bad news the other day and he has been trying to cheer me up.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-28)
It could be that a nature spirit living in that tree didn't take kindly to the "incantation" you used and let you know by tipping the tree house without any intent to harm anyone.

It could also be that it was happy to have children playing it it until you used the incantation. You would have better off saying "powers that be please be bring my cousin back to me".

In the future please don't use the words evil,satan,devil when doing an "incantation". Also if you are doing an incantation for say I wish to the devil I had gotten that promotion instead of Max. You must be mindful of the return by 3 times. Because if Max knew or suspected that you did this if he says please return this problem back to sender by 3. You may end up messing up at work so bad you may end up unemployed.

I have at least one sister that is very jealous that my life turned out better than anyone expected. Even though I have severe back problems. When things start going sideways I ask that the the problems be sent back to sender multiplied by 3. Guess who ends up with more problems than she already had. You got it,it's the sister who is most jealous and would do something like that.


Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-28)
Kindly Refrain,

Without wishing to sound too much like a hippy, your incantation may have just 'worked'. Maybe not in the context of your game, but it influenced what happened. All successful spell casting relies on energy and intent. Since you guys were having fun and had been for some time, I'd say enough of the right energy was created to influence what happened. Gosh, maybe you guys performed a super extreme fort cleansing without meaning to! 😆
Sounds like something paranormal was going on that day.

Thanks for sharing.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-27)
Calamity, my sentiments (almost) exactly. Almost, because examples such as Ouija Board stories seem to go badly south at times, even when the intentions are just to have fun. Hence my caution in all of these matters.

Is it enough caution though?

I know this will sound very paranoid but I sometimes wonder if just being interested in this material, visiting YGS, and reading and writing accounts of these experiences will attract unwanted attention.

So far so good in my home, I think. The other day, however, I could not find my grease guns and when my wife went to look for them they were in a spot I had been to at least three times and should have tripped over them. My wife says it's not supernatural at all, it's just a "husband thing".
Calamity (2 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-27)

Strange experience. It's possible something was letting you know it was there with you.

Although intention is everything, it never hurts to be aware of what we're saying. You never know just who may be listening!

Calamity 😆
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-27)
lady-glow, thanks for your response. I understand what you are saying (thanks for translating by the way). It may well be that what happened was not unnatural but... The invitation to unsavory entities... Well you know.

Whatever happened, I am careful not to make any invitations to anything otherworldly, in a flippant or serious manner,...Just in case.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-27)
Kindly_refrain: If I'd fell for every time I say "me lleva el diablo!" (the devil is taking me), I would be riding a wheel chair and probably missing at least one of my limbs! 😆

Interesting a puzzling experience. Thanks for sharing.

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