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Alarm Bells In The Hospital


This account, as my last one, involves strange goings on surrounding my mother. Some might consider the following as merely a coincidence but I find the odds of that being so, astonishingly small. While not strictly "ghostly" I believe that it was orchestrated by those not in the physical realm.

In 2007 my mother was, sadly, stricken with terminal cancer. Towards the end of her illness she was hospitalized in a town, a thirty minute drive from London, Ontario. My brothers, sister, our spouses and I had taken on shifts in an around the clock bedside vigil during her last few days.

It was an early evening in May and it was my turn to be at the bedside. Although my mother had not regained consciousness for several days by this time, her vitals were fairly steady. This was not to last. Her breathing changed while I was there with her that evening and the nurse told me that the end would likely come soon.

At the same time the sky was darkening outside and an impressive thunderstorm was developing in the distance. It headed for the hospital and hit was some vigor. I love a good thunderstorm and watched it go through its paces with its intense flashes and ripping thunder. As the storm ebbed a new sound split the air.

The fire alarm bells were sounding in the hospital. We were told that we could remain as it was just a "trouble" alarm, not an actual fire and that they had put out a call for maintenance.

My mother was doing very poorly by then.

The maintenance person on call for the hospital that evening happened to be my brother (he was an employee of the hospital). He saw me in the hallway and said that one of the smoke detectors was in fault mode.

He searched for the alarm and isolated it to the floor my mother was on and then to the wing, then to the hallway and you guessed it. It was the smoke detector in my mother's room.

With my brother now also in the room my mother gave her last breath and died.

I do not believe that this series of coincidences were mere chance. It seems to me that my mother wished for my brother to be present when she passed over and managed to do so in a grand way.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kindly_refrain, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-13)
I know this is an older one but I'm bumping it up since I clicked on it after your recent one. All your stories are very good.

Anyway, yes I have also heard the common occurrence of people waiting to pass over until loved ones leave the room. My husband though was with his father at the moment of death and sometimes it does happen this way as well.

But I wonder... Fire alarms are usually things that make people leave the room Perhaps it was an attempt to clear the room instead?

Also I wonder if the alarm went off because it was detecting clouds or mists of some sort. A type of otherworldly smoke.

Sorry for your loss.
Jazzisepic (3 stories) (20 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-23)
Hi Kindly Refrain,
Its me again sorry I have been a bit inactive for a few months things going on in my life. Loved your story, I agree with you that your mother would want your brother their when she died.
It's something I think my mum would do if she was going to die.

Hope all is well, and I hope you had a lovely Christmas and new year.

Yours Jazz
boo_boo1988 (1 stories) (3 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-03)
I know I am late to the party, but I really enjoyed your story. I have worked in a nursing home for over 6 years and have had the chance to take care of many, many people in the last stages of their lives.

It has been my experience though, that even if a person holds out for days or weeks to say goodbye to a special loved one, that they usually wait for that person to leave before passing on.

I think it's lovely that your mother made it so you didn't have to take the burden of watching her take her last breath alone.

I am sorry for your loss, and send best wishes to you and your family.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-14)
Pandora_PDX, I'd sure like to hear more about 360 degree vision and your NDE. Looking forward to your post.
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-14)
Hi Kindly_Refrain,

Thanks for reading all my stories and enjoying them, and also my writing.

Pandora_PDX (23 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-11)
Well my friend, someday we shall know. & you are quite welcome. & as far as how she did it... She wasn't restricted by her body anymore I've had a NDE. (& when the submission page comes back up, I'll share it)... I only signed up to share all my stuff, & of course they don't say submissions are down until AFTER you sign up lol. I can tell you we have 360° vision tho. It's pretty trippy. Anyhow, there's nothing stronger than that mother/child relationship. She was sending off "the alarm". Your mama loves you. ❤
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-11)
Pandora_PDX, thank you for responding to my story.

I have two daughters and a son. I agree that the bond between mothers/sons and fathers/daughters is special. Maybe you're right, saying that was what the action in the hospital that evening was all about.

I sure whish I knew how she did it.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-11)
maggirockz13, thank you for your touching response. I have read your stories and enjoyed them and your writing very much.

I find, in general, that the writing from India really resonates with me.
Pandora_PDX (23 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-11)
Yeah no way is this just coincidence lol. I believe this is too much coincidence to pass off.
Your mama was saying bye to her boys. As a mother of a son and two daughters, I'd be lying if I didn't say the mother son bond is simply different. A mother loves her daughters DEARLY, & doesn't love one over the other, BUT... There IS something unique and special about the mother/son and father/daughter relationship. ❤ ❤ ❤
maggirockz13 (13 stories) (163 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-11)
Hi Kindly_Refrain,

Your story really touched my heart. Your Mom was so connected to you and your brother. She wanted to spend her last breath with you both.
May her soul Rest in peace.

Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-10)
Enlightened1959, I always thought that my mother had a soft spot in her heart for my younger brother and that is why she "summoned" him for her passing. I never considered your angle; that she may have wanted me to have company during that intensely emotional time. Thanks.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-10)
Thanks for you comments twelveam. My friend's wife is a nurse and she has also shared with me quite a few stories where a loved one passes as soon as they are left alone in their room. In my mom's case it seems to have been the other way around.
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-09)
Hello Kindly!

I KNOW this was your mother who set that alarm off! And she did that knowing your brother would be the one called in to help. She didn't want you to have to be alone with her when she passed!

Thank you for sharing and no way was this a coincidence!
twelveam (74 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-09)
hello Kindly refrain,

I can relate to your thoughts on this. In 2001 my grandmother was in hospice and on the day she passed, during that day all the different family members had already been in to see her and I decided to stay with her in her room that night. It was about 4;35 A.M. And I decided to go grab a cup of coffee from the lobby and bring it back with me. It just so happens that the staff forgot to make the coffee that morning, and I decided to drive 1 1/2 miles to the nearest dunkin donuts. When I walked outside and grabbed the door handle on my car to open it, this chill came over my body and made me look up towards the window of my grandmothers room. I brushed the feeling off. When I returned 15 minutes later, the nurse told me she had already passed. I said wow, I was barely gone but a few minutes! The nurse said she passed at 4;40, which would have been the same moment I had that chill by my car door!

I fully believe my Grandmother did not want me to be there to witness her passing, as she was a pretty private and proud person. I DO believe what happened was NO COINDEDENCE and that your Mother wanted your brother there as well. That experience was quite unique and special! I am truly Sorry for your loss though. Blessings to you and your family.


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