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Real Ghost Stories

Tarot Mystery (side A)


Divided this into two sides, as it deals with the same time frame.

I began writing this around Christmas time. Between now and then there were some nasty developments. This account starts to feel less fluent around the halfway mark, due to heavy emotions at the time. In retrospect the tarot, a divination tool, became symbolic to me of timing. I'd rather not disclose what I do, but my job is seasonal. Fortunately I was off work during the month of March.

When I first joined YGS I was surprised to find how similar and common some seemingly innocuous details are. One such is the tarot deck and its apparent ability to show up unannounced. But why and how? There has to be reasons and methods for this to happen time and time again to people the world over. This is my tarot what the heckness which began back in 2000.

I was born into and raised on hippy culture. Tarot cards were part of an array of alternative household items which I deemed 'normal' as a child. I would look at the card pictures as a youngster. Then, as a teen, I started doing readings. Just taking this general sort of thing more seriously. Things like crystals, white witchcraft and, of course, the tarot. There was nothing terribly unique about my foray into alternative thinking and nothing abnormal occurred with the tarot until I was 18, almost 19.

In 2000 my maternal Grandmother passed away. She passed peacefully in her sleep at her home. The same home my Mum grew up in. In the months after she passed, the family took it in shifts to clear out her house. It was a large old fashioned house full of antiques. It took months to sort everything out. But everyone enjoyed doing so.

One afternoon I was in 'that room under the house' sorting stuff out. That room under the house was, I guess, a bungalow. It was one room with a concrete floor and an overhead light. Everyone referred to the 'bungalow' as 'that room under the house'.

Well, this bungalow room thing was filled with all sorts of forgotten treasures which I was sorting into piles. One for definite keepsakes, one for Goodwill, one for obvious rubbish, one for unsure. The unsure pile was stuff that belonged to my aunty or uncles and this pile was staying in the room for them to sort through later. This is where and when I found a tarot deck.

I was looking forward to clearing out the room under the house and no one else wanted to do it. So it was untouched. The main reason I was looking forward to this was because there was a life-sized harlequin clown down there whom I was determined to save. This clown freaked many people out but not my Gran, so I guess it was down there in exile or something. The clown lived there for years. When it wasn't in the room under the house, it was in my Gran's bedroom.

My aunty is a total neat freak and for some reason would get a bee in her bonnet about Gran's house and take it upon herself to have a 'clear out' every so often. Over the years my aunt took a lot of Gran's antiques to the tip [insert swear words here]. This used to freak Gran out and she would often hide things, like the clown, in her bedroom to save such things from the tip. I love my aunty but she's the biggest busybody ever. She means well but she's a bloody idiot with antiques, not to mention a blatant disregard for the stress and upset this caused Gran! I could never understand their dynamic.

Well, the clown was nowhere to be found. No prizes for guessing why. Man, was I heartbroken. Right where the clown would sit in that room under the house was a tarot deck. It looked identical to Mum's tarot deck, except it was in mint condition. Mum's had her tarot deck since before she had me. She still uses the same deck and it looks all shabby and well loved. But this one was mint. I figured this was one Mum must have bought years ago, so I put it near my bag.

Mum was up in the main house. When she came down I told her I found her cards. But she said she only ever bought that one deck and this deck must belong to one of my uncles. I thought this was exceptionally out of character for either of my uncles, but I put the cards in the 'unsure' pile for them. Also Gran was not the sort of person to ever be interested in tarot. So I was confused as to who these cards belonged to.

Now, this deck on this day was the Rider Waite deck in a blue box with 'The World' card on the front. Exactly the same as Mum's well loved deck. We finished up and went home shortly after.

When we got home I took my bag to my room, as I always did. Shock, horror! On my messy never made bed was the tarot deck I'm sure I left in the unsure pile back at Gran's. Mum said I must have put them in my bag without thinking and they'd fallen out onto my bed. I was pretty sure that was impossible. But, because of the bizarreness of it all, I conceded that must explain it.

Well, nothing happened for years. I think I put the mint deck on my bookshelf right then and there. In any case it stayed on my bookshelf for years. I kept my tarot deck (which is the 'goddess' deck) on my desk. I've had the same goddess tarot deck since I was a teenager and still use it. But the mint clone of Mum's Rider Waite deck was always kept separate. Don't know why I kept them separate, I'm not superstitious.

To date nothing abnormal has ever occurred with either my goddess deck or Mum's Rider Waite deck. Any weirdness has only ever occurred with this mystery Rider Waite deck which no one can account for.

In about 2002 or 2003 the mint 'clone RW' deck turned up on my desk one day. I never kept a journal about these types of things back then so the details are sketchy. Pretty sure it showed up on the desk in the afternoon. No one had put it there and this was another bizarre moment that went by the wayside. I never used the clone RW deck, but for a couple of times out of interest, nothing memorable about that either.

Around the time this deck showed up on my desk, I was moving. But still had a lot of my stuff at Mum's. I've noticed this tarot weirdness seems to happen around a move. But because moving sucks, the tarot weirdness gets pushed to the side of 'low priority concerns'. I seem to remember the clone deck showing up on either the desk or my bed on another day around this time, but I really can't be sure.

No weirdness for a few years. The mystery cards stayed at Mum's place, in my old room on that same bookshelf.

Then in early 2007 Mum had to move. Mum's always rented. In late 2006 I was sorting some stuff from my old room and throwing a lot away. Over the next couple weeks I helped with her move. During this time that same tarot deck kept showing up on either the kitchen table or my old desk. Now, I maintain moving sucks, it turns regular people into gibbering idiots. So it's possible that anyone who came through the house, including me, could have moved the tarot deck around at this time causing much confusion in the process.

In 2007, a couple days after settling into her new home, that tarot deck showed up on top of a box of books. I packed that box, carried it into the car, drove it to the house one afternoon and plonked it, among other things, in her new house before the big moving day. I didn't once notice that tarot deck on the top. Intriguingly I don't remember packing the cards and Mum's sure she didn't pack them either, only her own cards which were packed separately.

This was the time I stopped making excuses for these mystery reoccurring cards. Then nothing for years. The mystery tarot deck lived on the same bookshelf in Mum's new home.

To date, I'm always the one who finds these cards, never anyone else. On the day they were on the box of books I'd been transporting pot plants from the other house to the new one, truly a happening for it's practically a nursery worth of plants. Later that afternoon, with all plants moved, I took a look out a back room window at how all the plants looked from this angle. However, before I did this, was distracted by the mystery tarot on that box, in this room.

Fast forward to 2015, Mum's rental home was put up for sale. After about six months of the house sitting on the market, Mum received a notice to vacate, and had to move. (Mum's always been a long term tenant and all the moves mentioned happened in succession.)

Oh, God almighty this is a circus right here. Alright ya'll have got to understand something about my Mum. She's great, super sensitive to all things ghostly, super wise and compassionate. But when it comes to physical world matters she can be, at times, a COMPLETE CHILD. Which results in much stress. It's hard describing my Mum to people, she's great but I guess it's her unique talent for denial which befalls her discord.

I stay with her over Christmas and this year was no different. However, I grew very concerned about her house situation. It became clear Mum would be homeless unless I step in and save the day. (Yes, it was that serious. I've lost count how many times I've bailed her out of crap like this.)

Meanwhile the energy in her house was absolute chaos, very restless. Mum warned me that the furniture kept shifting, the doing of an unknown ghost. It happened pretty much every day and night I was there. I never saw it happen, only heard it. Particularly while in bed, and sometimes during the day. Almost every morning a couple of chairs and the coffee table were slightly out of place. One particularly heavy chair kept being moved away from the wall for some reason.

I feel also the nature spirits were extremely agitated. I'll have to write about all this in another submission, I want to keep this on topic for the tarot. Point is, crap was hitting the fan from every which direction. The negativity was coming from the physical world in the form of deception from an estate agent and Mum's big time denial. I didn't get a bad feeling about the restless spirits, only that they were frustrated and felt threatened by negativity.

While there one night I was up late watching DVDs, when along came a spider and sat down beside her. It was a white tip. Australians know they're bad news and they're roamers. No web dwelling for white tips. If you spot one you squash it. So I took a shoe and squished the turd into the wall. Except I must have missed because the turd ran behind a large mirror when I removed the shoe. No fly spray in the house either, great. I waited for the spider to come out, it didn't. Well crap, I'm definitely not sleeping in here tonight.

Mum doesn't have a couch so I pushed two arm chairs together and slept in the lounge with the furniture mover (told you this was a bloody circus). I asked any furniture moving ghost present NOT to move the two chairs while I slept on them. It all ran smoothly.

I heard someone invisible whoosh past and sounded like they sat on another chair as I was drifting off to sleep. So I spoke aloud, in case they didn't hear my first message, I said, "I'm sleeping out here 'cause there's a f---ing nasty spider in the other room." I went to sleep. Then later woke to the sound of the kitchen drawers opening or closing (this was one of the furniture movers regular activities). But the coffee table and all the chairs in the lounge remained stationary that night. Thank goodness.

While I was there, with Mum's impending move on my mind and inspired by tarot tales from Val, Rook and others, I looked for the mystery tarot deck. Which was suspiciously no where to be found. Mum didn't know where it was and said she hadn't seen it for years.

I went home and hoped against hell Mum would move out already. She didn't. By late February I was making arrangements to go BACK to Mum's and save her from impending eviction. I had already, over Christmas, contacted emergency housing services, storage facilities, spoke to a lawyer, a hoard of other people and had a worse case scenario plan in place. Like I said, I've done this crap before, but it's never got to this point.

Me doing this stressed her out so much she made herself sick, coughing and dizzy spells. She went to the GP who told her she had low blood pressure, anxiety, bronchitis and an ear infection.

I went back to Mum's in early March. I hadn't been there more than two days. In the wee hours of the morning I was having a lucid dream where I kept opening my eyes, but I was asleep. I kept seeing black and white static, like from a detuned TV. I also kept hearing static, like from a TV. When I opened my eyes I could see something white and fast fly past circling the bed. I'll write about this odd entity another time, or we'll be here all year. It was as if this entity was interfering with my sleep in a way that was keeping me alert to physical surroundings, without being completely awake. Not scary just different.


Suddenly the floor shook, sounded like something dropped in the kitchen from a great height. The clang and clatter of vibrating dishes and so forth. With this I broke through the static and was wide awake. Complete silence. Looked around, no light under the door, maybe it was a possum, or part of that noisy static dream thing. I lay back down and started to doze. I could feel my guardian in the room and felt a faint pressure like he was holding my hand. He's really not the touchy feely type to go 'there there'. This felt anchoring with a general warning of 'stay here', so I did.

After around 20 minutes of light dozing I heard noises in the kitchen like someone walking around heavily. Only this time there was light coming under the door. I could feel this urgency to get up, the mood in the room had changed completely. So I got up.

The kitchen light was on. As I rounded the corner I met with Mum who was staggering against the wall. She slurred "I just woke up on the kitchen floor." Immediate fear set in and I knew what the bang was. I helped her back to bed and called an ambulance. Against Mum's insistence she didn't need one. She was not a healthy colour at all, could barely walk and I was afraid she was injured. I asked her a million questions about the position she woke in and exactly where in the kitchen she woke in and what was the last thing she remembers. The details of the bang I heard and where she woke etc were consistent with her having collapsed at the sink, into the bench opposite.

Shock does weird things, can you believe I capered about for minutes looking for the phone books to find the ambulance phone number? In Australia it's 000 for emergencies, everyone knows this, I know this. Well, that's shock for you.

The paramedics got there in no time and stayed for about half an hour. They insisted on taking her to hospital for further tests and indeed one nicely refused to leave until she agreed to go with them. It was about six in the morning by the time they took her to hospital. They told me not to worry and that everything seemed okay, but for possible concussion and concerns over the cause of low blood pressure.

Coincidentally this happened on the same day she was supposed to move out by. Later on I phoned the hospital and spoke to Mum who was very groggy but feeling better. They were keeping her overnight. Turned out she had pneumonia, in lower chest, which had lowered her sodium levels. The ear infection didn't help but the low sodium levels were the culprit for low blood pressure, dizzy spells and eventual collapse. She had a bunch of scans and tests because of the fall and everything checked out fine. She was put on heavy duty antibiotics and remained on a drip for sodium for a day and a half.

Mum loved the hospital, said it was like a holiday resort. But she's restless and couldn't wait to leave at the same time.

While in hospital she had a ghostly encounter, which she gave me the go ahead to share. The doctors didn't want her to leave until her sodium levels reached a certain level, not to mention she had to wait for a few test results. She'd been inquiring about when she could leave but was so tired she fell asleep. She was in a comfortable sleep when someone slammed a fist or something on her bed and yelled: "DON'T LEAVE!" She woke up with a start, there was no one there. She asked the guy in the next bed "What was that?" to which he calmly replied "I've got no idea". Mum's not sure if the guy heard or saw anything, or if he was 'playing along' thinking she was bonkers. He was reading, preoccupied, so who knows.

No idea who this ghost was, but I'm glad they yelled at her, cause she listened and stayed!

Believe it or not everything felt serene and calm during this time. Okay, you know how there are times in life where the birds sing, planets align or whatever and everything syncs perfection up to 11? Like that.

There was a rental Mum really liked but had been too ill to inspect. I spoke to the property manager who had dealt with Mum before. This woman remembered Mum, said she was the best tenant she'd ever had and convinced the owners to take her on. After a few phone calls back and forth all that was left to do was for Mum to inspect it and fill the application.

Crisis diverted. I cried for a good while, tears of relief and everything else. I really can't express how much stress this has caused for the past freaking year and it all came to this enormously dramatic pinnacle.

The next day Mum checked herself out of hospital a few hours before the doctors, and that ghost, would have liked. She was still a bit seedy but heaps better and glad to be up and about.

The next week was spent driving stuff over to the new house. The first time I went to the house I took a wrong turn and had to back track. When I drove back the right way, I passed Mum's current house again, and as I did I had to wait at the lights. I was stationary looking at the house, and I could feel something going on in there. Jesus, there's ALWAYS something going on at Mum's place, but this felt heavier with significance

Next day I was looking for a removalist phone number. Looked in a desk cupboard and blow me down if a tarot deck wasn't smack bang in the middle of this cupboard. It was a Rider Waite deck, in mint condition again, but this time it was in a yellow box with 'The Magician' card on the front. I repeated 'No way' for a good 30 seconds. Mum said she had no idea where they'd come from and they were definitely not there before. I know they weren't there too because I'd used that cupboard the day before. Mum was running late for a GP follow up so she dashed off. Leaving me alone with an apparent new box of tarot cards.

I thought about the moment at the lights when I sensed significant activity. Wondered if the cards were this activity and why a different deck now? The other blue 'clone deck' of Mum's cards didn't turn up, or at least they haven't, maybe they will.

I promised myself if the tarot turned up I would drop everything and do a reading. So true to this, I prepared for a reading. When I opened the box there were ten cards separated from the rest of the deck by the accompanying booklet. So, figuring these ten might be an intended message from 'beyond', I placed them in the Celtic cross spread in the exact order they were found.

Here's the reading:

SUBJECT King of Cups

OBSTACLES 4 of Pentacles


WORKING WITH 3 of Pentacles (reversed)


COMING TO BE 6 of Wands

QUERENT'S ATTITUDE Lovers (reversed)




Intriguingly the desk cupboard this new yellow boxed deck showed up in used to live at my Gran's in the room under the house, and it's on this desk the clown used to sit. When I entered that room back in 2000, found the clown missing and a blue boxed tarot deck in it's place, it was on this very desk. (Not my old desk, a different one.) This desk was moved to Mum's place weeks after the blue boxed tarot showed up on my bed the first time. I don't know what this detail could mean, but it seems mighty significant now. Which brings me back to the 4 ft life sized harlequin clown and why I probably shouldn't gloss over it.

Gran owned and ran a florist shop. Mum worked there part time and did most of the flower deliveries. However, back in the day florists sold all kinds of knickknacks, as well as flowers. So Gran's shop was full of fancy furniture, fancy ornaments, you name it. Her rep, who supplied her with fancy and sometimes antique stock, was who and how she got the clown. The clown was a window dressing prop and was never for sale. Also the clown was new at the time, not an antique.

When I wasn't at creche and later kindergarten, I was out on flower deliveries with Mum, or mucking around in the shop with the clown. That clown and me were like best buds. When she wasn't fulfilling her duty as window dressing she was upstairs in the store room. This became the location of many a make believe game with the clown.

When Gran sold the business I used to play with the clown at her place. As I got older I always said hi to the clown.

Well, I've never connected the clown with the desk and the tarot weirdness before but typing all these details out has made me wonder if it's all connected.

I've since taken the yellow boxed Rider Waite deck home with me and have been using it. The energy is quite intense with this deck, as opposed to my Goddess deck which always feels calm.

I'd love to know why tarot deck weirdness happens to people. Why the tarot deck, what's the significance? Who's behind it?

Thanks for reading and, I don't normally say this but, sorry for the length AND the information overload!

It just occurred to me this absolute circus of an account is complete with clowns.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-08)
Para Hunter, the tarot deck in this narrative 'likes', on occasion, to be handled by the querent. Much like Val, I feel there are no set rules, each deck and reader combination is unique. However I agree with cleansing the deck.

I know this is late but I just now read this these comments.
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-06-27)
Although, I agree with most of what you said about Tarot cards, I would say that to allow someone else to handle your cards is personal choice. Many do share your belief that if someone else handles your cards, their energy will be absorbed by the deck and mess up the accuracy of future readings. That's certainly a possibility, but there are so many ways to clear and cleanse your deck of negative energies (this also holds true for regular playing cards) that it shouldn't be a huge concern. But like I said personal choice.
Para-Hunter-Anne33 (19 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-26)
For all who have questions about where and how to obtain possible "NEW" Tarot decks. There are some websites such as who have many different styles of decks and There is something to the "energy attracts to similar energies" thing. This happened to me at my local Hastings media/book store... Where I found and purchased a "Gypsy fortune telling" card/with manual deck. It was created and produced and sold for Mr. Raymond Buckland. A well known name and known personality known in and of the Psychical communities. When you see an image of a set or ANY item... You may feel this "mystery 'connect' energy like Yup, this is the one for me... Or occurrence happens that draws you to "happen upon" an item you are meant to have or even a Person you are to encounter in your life for some reason that only the universe seems to know. Also, another good company is and both do/should have a way to contact them in order to request a Print catalog--IF one of those is what you prefer to page-shop from. Hope this helps. Also, for who all want to know about why aren't other people allowed to touch the cards of the person doing the reading for them? The rule is, You work with the cards often even to practice readings for yourself... This embeds YOUR energies and helps you bond and connect with the cards on your own 'personalized' level. For if you are to do readings for other people, there will be instances the person is encouraged to perform a random shuffle or 'cutting' of the cards so that person's energies are taken in by the cards to get a 'sense' of the person having the question to ask for answers to. I did this for several friends I made through college, and one friend wanted me to read how his upcoming trip to New York City was going to turn out. After I told him It was going to be positive and welcoming to his work (He was going to meet with Art schools to be considered for admittance) He left feeling more happy and confident. And after a couple years he returned home and He hunted me down the second he got in. And told me He was soo glad He asked my help. He told me all of what I told him happened and He got accepted to the 1 school he wanted in most of all. He was elated. OH and FYI, It is also possible to do future/fortune 'readings' with an ordinary deck of playing cards. (caveat) The deck you use for this purpose has to be used for this purpose ONLY after the first time or the energies won't 'read' correctly for future client readings. Stay safe.
SDB1987 (2 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-16)
Hey Tweed,

Thanks for the fast reply!
Ja that's what I thought... I asked because where I live (or nearby) there is no shop like that. OK, I will come across one once, I will look for it!
I don't think I'm a sensitive, I saw some things when I still lived with my parents, but after that not anymore. Not that I'm aware of anyway. I don't even see anything anymore at my parent's place, except that typical feeling when I go to my old room. So I think I kind of "grew out of it". But still...:-)
I should visit my violin teacher once! He was into Tarot cards and he layed a few times his cards for me when I went through a difficult period. I stopped playing 2 years ago, so I don't see him anymore, but I really should! And I probably will!

Thanks again!
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-16)
Hi Sdb,

Thanks for reading, and glad you found it interesting.😊

It probably doesn't matter where you buy from. However, most people who are sensitive to energies would argue it's better to buy in person, from a shop, rather than online. Because in a shop you can hold the cards and get a 'feeling' from them.
But I'm sure these days this same process can be done with online shopping.

I really believe in following your instincts. If you get a good feeling from an online retailer, go for it.
Perhaps the longest part of your search will be in finding the right kind of tarot deck for you. There are loads of different decks to choose from. Again, you should follow your instincts on which deck/decks feel right to you.

I've never bought anything spiritual online before, so I don't know of any good online retailers. But I'm sure they exist.

Oh wow there's a whole lot of crap online, I just checked. There's even a GUMMY BEAR tarot deck.
Hahhahaha, oh god!

Unfortunately this site has a stupid pop up ad about something dumb. But it also lists a lot of serious tarot decks. Not just gummy bear ones.
You can look through heaps of decks at that link. Click on a deck to preview what the cards look like. Spend some time getting to know the different decks available. Eventually you'll know what's right for you.

A general call out here, does anyone on YGS know of any good online spiritual shops?
SDB1987 (2 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-11-16)
Hello Tweed,

This is a late reply on your story, but I just read it now:-)

Really liked your story, and your comments on other stories too btw!

I've been reading on this site for some time now, wrote my own experiences (if it weren't any mind tricks), but not sure it will get posted, it's not a nice story to read because I don't remember everything good and everything is a bit smashed together let's say:-)

But Tarot cards have always interested me and I would really like to learn how to use & read them properly! I'm going to check around on internet one of these days for that though! But I keep delaying this search... I am searching already to find a Tarot deck. But can I ask you a stupid question please? Can I buy a deck on a simple webshop...? Those shops always seem like commercial sh*t, and don't attract me to buy one. I don't know why, but I think they are just sold for commercial intentions and that they won't work as they should be working. (Please tell me I'm wrong!:-) ) The reason I ask you, is because I am actually the only one in my surroundings that is interested in these things, so I don't have anyone I can ask. It's really a stupid question though, I know!:-D
But, I have to say, I never thought about looking it up on internet... 😳 Actually, while writing this, I was (finally) thinking I should just google it!

Anyways, I do look forward to your reply, whether I found it on internet or not. I prefer the experience from someone real over what internet tells me:-)

Have a nice evening!
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-27)
Val, lol I took a few weeks away from YGS because of life stuff, so there's always a good excuse in my opinion. 😉

That's a great idea with the manikin angle, I'd not thought of that, thanks!

It does seem like so called inanimate objects choose us for one reason or another. It drives me insane to think about how it all happens, you know how an object gets from point A to point B. Maybe not knowing is all part of the bigger picture, who knows. 😕
valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-05-27)
Tweed! I know, I know, about time I got over here to read this! No excuses, just life stuff - you know how it goes.
With the tarot, I've got nothing as to why some seem so adamant about being with a person. I understand having a particular attraction to an inanimate object, like the way certain crystals will seem to 'call' to one, yet others just seem 'pretty', but this seems to be more of a case of the inanimate (Tarot Deck) choosing us. Weird, but true. In any case, I found your account very interesting.
Your 4 foot Harlequin 'doll' might churn up more answers by looking up manikin instead of doll. Just a thought.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-24)
Tweed, obrigado! That kind of cards lol
I was thinking of these


My little nephew used to love the show lol

I was a nerd too perhaps but I would rather play Sonic the Hedgehog on my old Game Gear by Saga not cards or toys lol

Love from São Paulo

Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-23)
hahah "The idea behind Love Letter is that the players around the table are suitors to the princess. The individuals represented on the cards have various levels of connection to the princess;"

It's Super Mario Bros!
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-23)
Roylynx I'm not sure what your nephew has, but it sounds like nerd cards to me lol.
These are role play based board/card games, often with a 'quest' storyline and medieval themes. Some are simply cards, while others include a board, dice, and other objects. There are loads of different role play games available, this is an example of one
This is an example of a card based game

Yeup, nerd cards 😉
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-22)
Tweed, what are nerd cards?
My little nephew has that card deck with a belt buckle, I think those are anime themed, are those nerd cards? Lol
He could not enjoy the game since none of his friends had those cards, all he can do is running around, swinging the red plastic sword, carrying the deck of cards on his belt pretending to be some characters from the kids show, darn it Bandai do some more work to let other kids know the existence! (Oh, I am sorry).
I tried to find the deck of tarot that I was talking about recently, not even the shop owner knows what I am talking about, so I gave up, forget about what I had said lol

I wish I knew some more about such things, some more research needed.

Love from São Paulo
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-21)
Dana, thank you for your thoughts.😊 I interpreted the cards in another way, in that the difficulties were related to the situation at that time.

I hope you don't mind me intruding, I read your profile and grew concerned for your wellbeing. I hope you are ok, this is a great and supportive forum and there are also support hotlines and services you can contact if or when you feel the need.

Sorry if I've spoken out of turn, and I really don't mean to upset you and hope that I haven't. Your profile struck me as a request for help, is all. 😊
dana321 (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-21)
SUBJECT King of Cups

OBSTACLES 4 of Pentacles


WORKING WITH 3 of Pentacles (reversed)


COMING TO BE 6 of Wands

QUERENT'S ATTITUDE Lovers (reversed)




These are strange cards. I thought a bit a bout it what it could mean. What it looks like it is about a powerful man who is in love or romantic but wants power and control and there is no cooperation. Everybody is doing what they wand and have fun. And there is a fear to be decieved. Yet there is going to be a victory. There is going to be a new chance to start all over again.
But wanting controll means afraid to lose. The lover might hold to tied and is distrustfull what can stand in the way. We must learn trust sometimes. That could be in this case. And learn to let lose of some controll it all and stop being to negative since good things can happen to and we must give it a chance otherwise we stand in our own way. In the end there will be an understanding.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-21)
Aww, thank you Fergie! 😊

Wow that was a pretty cool reading. I can understand why that detail bothered you at the time and stuck with you all these years. 😆
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-21)
Hi Tweed,

My knowledge of tarot is zip, zero, nada. Consequently, your account was all "Oh WOW"! To me.

I do have a little anecdote for you though. The one and only time I encountered someone who read the cards was about 20 years ago. My husband and I had a stall at a craft market; the lady in the next booth started reading tarot and asked me if she could do a practice run with me - I said yes. I didn't ask any questions, and most of the stuff she told me is long forgotten now. The only thing that I remember was her telling me that a member of my household was pregnant. I remember thinking, "Dear God, please NO!" Naturally, I was thinking of my three daughters - two of them unmarried and still living at home. I never gave a thought to my "ironing lady" who occupied our servants quarters. I later found out that it was indeed her that was pregnant.

Thank you so much for your interesting account. I learn so much from you.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-20)
Thanks again for everything Biblio. I read your response hours ago but hadn't time to reply. Between now and then I've been trying to place where I know that Silvestri logo. I don't remember it on the clown, but it must have been there in the form of a label. This perplexes me because back then I found labels on toys/dolls offensive. Because, to me, it ruined authenticity, figured humans don't have labels so neither should toys and dolls. It used to really annoy me if I couldn't cut a label off. So, with all that background, I find it very odd that the logo is ringing loud bells, yet my label aversion yields no recollection of any logo on the clown. Perhaps it was tucked away under a hem and I wasn't bothered by it.

Wow, it feels like that logo is really jogging something that hasn't occurred to me yet.

Thanks again for the info, it really does mean a lot. 😊
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-20)
That was just me being me. When I'm curious, I do become rather relentless in pursuit of information. I taught 3 classes, proofread a colleague's publication, and catalogued about 2 dozen books, so I didn't have as much time as I'd have liked to help out, but I thought I'd send you what I could find. You know from previous conversations that I have odd ideas which give me a head-start in weird directions, and I'm on the right track about 80% of the time.
--It is hugely embarrassing when I'm wrong, though; that's good for keeping the ego in check!--
Once I've gotten clues that the track has some validity, then it becomes a matter of focusing my attention to the details and using both deductive and inductive reasoning while seeing if the voices in my head have any further input. It is, really, why I call my self "an intuitive/sensitive" instead of a psychic, a clairvoyant, etc. It usually feels like I'm on the right path, then I start hunting.
(I couldn't show you the Silvestri logo in the last message, but I can send you a link to it on line, now:
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-20)

Ummmhmm I really have no clue on correct tarot acquiring procedures. Bonding with inanimate objects comes naturally to me so I've never really given it much thought. Sleeping with the tarot under your pillow or being the only one to handle them for a while is all news to me. Not to say all that doesn't help people, I don't know maybe it does. I guess the idea there is to infuse your energy into the cards.
I think using the tarot is like anything else, practice makes perfect. 😊
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-20)

WOW!ok very interesting.
I used to have a tarot deck. My mother had purchased them for me, for either Christmas or my Birthday, which one not sure of anymore its been so long ago.

I tried using them, quite often, didnt understand them and eventually they gathered dust in my dresser drawer.

I've read when purchasing or recieveing a tarot deck, no other person besides the reader are to touch the cards. Is that accurate or just superstition?

Now being older, I have decided I may just purchase another deck myself.

How can I begin use after a purchase? What would the correct way to "bond" with my cards?

Anyhow... Sorry this experience had many memories of my time with my tarot deck come up.
So exciting!

Lol your mom I love her, she sounds like she and I have similar personality traits 😊 hehe.
Exhausting yet so loveable!

That tarot really wanted to be read!

Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-20)
lol Roylynx, that sounds like nerd cards, my term for them. Husband's into all that. They're gaming cards, with mythical themes and a bunch of other crap. Think grown men sitting around a table pretending to be wizards and warlocks, *ahem*, nerds. 😆
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Tweed, oh! Sorry I didn't mean to chase you around during your busy hour, really sorry.

I don't know if I sound like if I am making up a story, I got a call from my friend just now, I asked her what she meant by communicating with some cards, and she told me that it was a dream long ago and that she think she was communicating with the Hermit in the Hermit Card (card number 9)

No, my friend had the Sacred Rose Tarot deck, maybe with 2 booklets.
Details of the card decks could be found at the above link.

What I meant was it is like a deck of playing cards but a little bigger, under the picture of each major and minor cards, there is a small paragraph, probably explaining what the card meant, it seemed simple but sound useful, I can't see such deck online though. I will try to go to the store and buy it if it's available during the weekend so that I can be more detailed.

Love from São Paulo

Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Roylynx, just briefly 'cause I got to go.

As far as I know every tarot deck comes with a booklet explaining the meanings of each card. I don't know what tarot your friend had but I assume it would've come with a book. 😕

Not sure what your friend meant about communicating with a card either. Perhaps she resonated with some of the cards? I can relate to that. Or maybe she was talking about the energy within the deck. Not sure.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Tweet, I have heard that some deck contains explanation on each card. How do those work?
Also, I remembered that years ago my friend use to say that she could communicate with some card, do you know how to? I should have asked her instead but I was not so into those things that time, this story had made me a believer once again.

Love from São Paulo
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Red, I think it's probably a good thing to reference the book regardless. Even those who do readings every day, I'd assume they check the book from time to time too. 😊
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
I'm glad you said you have to consult the book EVERY TIME. I was starting to feel like I was an idiot because it seemed like it came so natural to you with the cards. I gave up on my Tarot cards because I too had to consult the book every time. I never felt a connection with my deck off Goddess cards even though I kept them under my pillow for a month as per a Psychics suggestion so the cards would pick up my energy. I can do the Ouija Board with only me touching the planchette and have people think of their questions but stopped after my friend had his melt down years ago, I can do psychometry or just read a person but those cards have been sitting on the shelf for years. Now that I know I'm not the only person here who has to consult the book maybe I'll try them again.
Regards Red
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Biblio how the hell did you get that info?! Is that from your library records or something? I've been able to find next to absolutely nothing about the Silvestri company other than they existed at some point. All I ever get is freaking ebay and esty and crappy-etty-crap-crap, it's like the internet has become a giant shopping mall instead of an information hub. Frustrating doesn't cut it.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)

The Silvestri Art Manufacturing Company was founded by George Silvestri, as a window display company who imported miniature lights from Italy and manufactured both dolls and animatronic displays in Chicago Illinois. "The Saturday Evening Post" interviewed him on December 20th, 1952, in an article entitled "He Gives Chicago Its Christmas Look" (p27). I do know that a December, 1955, article in "Popular Science" (p112) discussed a Five-Foot tall Silvestri animatronic Santa, so 4' tall dolls wouldn't have been difficult for them to manufacture with great attention to detail 20+ years later. Much of what we now consider de rigueur for northern hemisphere storefront Christmas window displays was refined or invented by this company; their name -in trade circles- was pretty synonymous with "high quality manufacturing." (Odd side-note: during WWII, Silvestri also produced a plaster globe for the U.S. Navy with white continents and a black surface for bodies of water; white chalk diagrams could be used to train navigators, then erased and re-used!)
I'm having trouble tracking down more information on both "Silvestri Bros" and "Silvestri of Italy," but I am supposed to be cataloguing nonfiction at the moment.
Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Miracles, let you in on a secret, I may sound all intelligent and old hand with the tarot (or maybe I don't!), but in truth I have to consult the book EVERY TIME! 😆 I'm talking about when I use the Goddess deck, which I've been using since I was a teenager (I'm 35 soon). I think the most important thing a reader does is interpret. That's really all that matters. Hone in on interpretation, the rest be nonsense by comparison.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Tweed - makes perfect sense but any response would probably make sense considering I'm virtually clueless. I really need to learn Tarot 😢

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