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Doppelgangers Oh My (story 5)


I can't say I've ever seen a Doppelganger. However some of my family members have.

2010 - at this time the family members residing in our home were: Our oldest daughter and her husband, our youngest son, and our youngest daughter.

My husband saw the first one sometime in 2010. He came home from work at midnight. I was asleep on the couch in the living room. He was on his way through our room to the bathroom to take a shower, when he saw our youngest daughter sitting at my computer. He called out to her. She didn't answer or even move. He assumed she had earphones in and didn't hear him. He realized he had forgotten to grab a towel from the laundry room so he turned around and headed that way.

Our bedroom is on one end of the house, the laundry is on the opposite end. He walked down the hall, through the dining room and kitchen. Just as he was about to open the laundry room door, M (our youngest daughter) stepped out. My husband asked if she had just been on my computer. She said no she had been in the laundry room.

We all picked at him about getting old and seeing things. That's before I did some research on Doppelgangers.


Shortly after my husband saw our youngest daughter's Doppelganger, our youngest son saw mine. This happened about 6 o'clock on a Saturday evening. I had just finished cooking dinner and was waiting for my family to come home, except for our youngest son Z who had gone into work about an hour before.

I decided to do some laundry while I waited. I always had to keep myself busy when I was home alone. I still had the notion that if I was doing something there was less of a chance for me to encounter anything ghostly. Plus, staying busy made the time go by faster. I was in the laundry room with the door shut when I felt or maybe heard someone come into the house.

(As a side note: there is absolutely no way anyone could ever come into my house without me knowing it. Whether I'm awake or asleep. When our kids were younger they use to try to fool me. Never happened. I can feel the least change in air pressure. Drove them crazy.)

I asked, "Who is here?" Z answered me and said his new manager sent him home to shave because he had a 5 o'clock shadow. He was fussing about it as he went down the hall into the bathroom.

I stayed in the laundry room folding clothes. We have never kept our clothes in our bedrooms. I have a huge laundry room so everything clothing wise is kept there. Oddly enough I was folding Z's clothes when I heard, "Mom, why are you putting those in my room?"

I opened the laundry room door, walked out into the kitchen just as Z walked into the dining room from the hall. The look on his face frightened me. It looked as if he had just seen a ghost. I watched as all color drained from his face. I asked him if he was ok. He just stared at me. After about a minute he snapped out of his trance.

The following is what he told me: He was standing in front of the bathroom mirror shaving when he heard a shuffle. He looked up and out the door. He saw me dressed in a red robe walking really fast, holding a stack of clothes. I entered his bedroom so he stepped out of the bathroom to ask me what I was doing. I didn't come from the direction of the laundry room, I came from the opposite end of the house from the other bedrooms. His is the first bedroom in the hall before you get to the bathroom. I did own a red robe at that time; however, I was fully dressed in jeans and a t-shirt. Nothing red.

Before that day Z was a non-believer of the paranormal. For years He swore he still was, he refused to talk about that day. About a year ago he and his wife bought a house built in 1940. He's now coming around to the fact that there are some things that have no other explanation.


Last week (April 22, 2016) my oldest daughter was visiting. She and I were laying on my bed talking. I fell asleep. She got up to get a drink from the kitchen. As she was leaving my room she saw M's (youngest daughter) boyfriend coming from her bedroom which is directly across from mine.

She said he had a faraway look in his eyes. He was laughing as if something he and M had shared moments before was extremely funny. He walked down the hall into the bathroom and shut the door.

S continued on to the kitchen. She got her drink and started back down the hall. As she was right outside of the closed bathroom door, she noticed J was stepping out of M's bedroom. He looked as if he was half asleep. He asked her if someone was in the bathroom. To which she replied, "You". She reached over and opened the bathroom door, it was empty.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, yomomma, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Madgurlee (19 posts)
8 years ago (2016-08-19)
omg your house definately has something going on unless its you they are attracted to. I really don't like dopplergangers. The idea is so scary.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-13)
haha Yomomma, but how many times have you found yourself WANTING to ask 'how's the ghost stuff?' I know for me that's like every day, but those I want to ask aren't the sort to appreciate it, so I shut up. πŸ˜†

Re the beds of it all, hmm bit of truth with a bunch of urban legend thrown in, sounds like. I can buy the bed moving, but to the other side of the room without someone waking up? Err, yeah maybe, but not every other night. Shame they moved away, would be interesting to hear it from them directly. Neighbourhood gossip is unreliable at best. πŸ˜‰
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-12)
Tweed - "Paranormal Hot Spot" hmmm. Rumor has it years ago, there was this family who lived down the street from me who experienced strange things. One of those things was their children's beds moved at night, while they were sleeping in them. They didn't just move an inch or two, each morning the beds would be on the opposite walls. They were here for only a few months. I have no idea where they moved. I heard they packed up and left during the night.

I've often wondered if these 'things' are something that are happening to even more people on this street or maybe even across this town. I don't think, "Hey how's your ghost been acting lately?" would go over too well so I don't ask.
rynne (70 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-11)
Hello Miracles, thank you:) I have written to him, but he does not seem to have collected his messages there, thought I'd send him a smoke signal here:) Appreciate your catching it!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-11)
rynne - if the questions don't relate to this story, please contact rook via his email listed on his profile. Thank you 😊
rynne (70 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-11)
Rook, thanks for the information. Have some questions for you.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-09)

Sorry, Been a bit busy.

As for the environment having a effect on the 'walls' between dimensions...

It's my belief that YES it plays a part... Natural energy levels and conditions could effect the 'barrier' between dimensions. The basic thing is ALL the conditions need to be right for this type of 'window'/thinning wall/transparent barrier... Call it what you will... To happen.

Some of theses factors would be Environmental (ON BOTH SIDES), an individual (s) who are sensitive, TIME... (enough passing so that the necessary components can work together to 'create' the window. It's not going to be a single 'thing' its going to be a combination of things that cause this effect. Until this is studied, scientifically studied, its really hard to tell just what it takes for this to happen.



(Please keep in mind these are my opinions and theories.)
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
Oh sΓ³sia! I was wondering what doppelganger is. There is a believe I guess it was Japan (Sorry, again some knowledge from my favourite TV shows), that there are 3 similar person around the world which looked similar to oneself. When that person will ever meet that similar person on their own eyes something bad will happen. Spooky.

Thank you for sharing.

Blessings from SΓ£o Paulo

bspilker (1 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-01)

That is interesting. Do you think the environment has any sort of effect on the brief thinning of the "bubbles walls" in your theory? Again thank you for your thoughts on this subject. As I have always been fairly interested in it.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-01)

Well this is all just theory however under the right conditions I think it could be possible.

I liken (Biblio did I get that one right?) a 'multiverse' to soap bubbles. Each individual bubble is it's own dimension, each individual dimension (bubble) touches x amount of others. Where they touch may be subject to thinning at times, this thinning allows for individuals to 'see across'.

So if its a certain type or level of energy that causes the 'thin spot' then individuals 'sensitive' to that sort or level of energy are able to see 'across'.

The next logical question is 'can we cross over at these thin spots?' and my answer would be this... Not in our PHYSICAL BODIES. Just like a bubble the 'wall' of the dimensions is 'physical' and if a physical body pierces it...'POP!' goes two dimensions. If however were have astral projected, or are in some other way out of body... Ie our consciousness is now 'intelligent energy' and we 'match' the energy of the 'dimensional wall' then the crossing can be made...

Something else to think about... The further you get away from 'your own bubble' the greater the differences will be between the dimensions...

Example: You manage to 'cross over' one 'dimension', the only difference you find is that the colors you know are called different things in this 'world'...what we call red they call green. However if you manage to cross many you find that events on a 'world' level are different... Ie Germany won WW2 or the Civil War never happened.

Again this is just theory, but fun to discuss and think about.


Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-01)
Yomomma, far out about your journal entry. Looking forward to that. You must live in some kind of paranormal hot spot. I don't know what that means exactly, but it sure is busy around your place. πŸ˜†
bspilker (1 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
Since Yomamma doesn't mind, if it here is my question. If it is a glimpse into an alternate universe would it be possible for 2 people to see through it at the same time, I am asking because I have had that happen.
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
Hi again Tweed! Well maybe you're thinking about that damn ice cream truck again because of this:

Journal entry: May 6, 2016 - the ice cream truck has made a return visit... This time only my youngest daughter heard it.

I'll be submitting that story soon.
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
Hi Mazzmarach! Yes the Doppelgangers do seem mechanical from the descriptions my family members have given.
My oldest daughter said when she saw J (youngest daughter's boyfriend) he didn't acknowledge her or even look in her direction. That's strange for him because he's a very polite person, usually if he encounters someone coming from another room he steps aside and let's them go first. This time he just kept walking towards the bathroom. Recorded events maybe? Something to think about.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
Hi Yomomma,

I don't know why but I can't shake the feeling all these doppelgangers are connected to that ice cream truck that woke ya'll one night. I wish I knew why I think that, but I don't lol, it's just a hunch.
Umm, you don't have to answer this, it's more for you think about than anything. Was there any unpleasantness in any of your lives around the times these happened? Or anything positive? There's something about multiple people experiencing this at given times that makes me wonder about, not so much alternate dimension, but an alternate outcome to something which impacted everyone in the house.

I really wish I knew why this made me think of that damn ice cream truck! Oh wellπŸ˜†
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
rookdygin- please be my guest. I'm fascinated by this as well.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
Mazz (bspilker),


'In Tune' may be just the way to explain the 'thinning wall'. The 'harmonics' or 'vibrations'...energy levels... Call it what you will. Some 'thing' caused a 'window' to either open... Or at least allowed a thin spot to occur that acted like a window, allowing the individual to see across into an alternate dimension.

Now this may have been a 'two way mirror' effect... And 'events' may have been seen in one direction 'across' OR perhaps this was a 'true window' and the individual in the 'other dimension' is wondering just what they saw as well.


As long as yomomma does not mind we can discuss it here. If however they feel it detracting from their experience we will then find another experience to chat on. What do you think yomomma, that sound fair?


Mazzmarach (2 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
Ahoy, Yomomma.

This is quite an interesting read. Since a majority seemed to happen in that house, do you think that those are recorded events that are being played back when certain conditions are met? From what I've read of doppelgangers, they're usually intelligent; these seem almost mechanical - set on a routine and oblivious to anything else... Unless (if we are to go with Rook's dimensional theory) what you're seeing is indeed another dimension. Would that then mean that the house's harmonics were in-tune to one of its other copies across the multiverse during those times?

Fascinating stuff,
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
yomomma - if you haven't found it yet, here's the link http://www.yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=9109. I didn't provide it because I hate assuming someone is going to want to read one of my stories LOL
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
Hi rookdygin! I believe you are right. I've actually done some research on alternate dimensions. It's fascinating.
For years the only documentation we had was in our minds. A few times we would write things down. Right now I'm dedicating myself to keeping a journal because things are picking up again. Thanks for reading my story and for your input.
bspilker (1 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
once again yomomma great story, I have had my own experience with a doppelganger even crazier I think I wasn't the only one to see it.

Rook that is a very interesting explanation to it, if you don't mind I would like to hear more about it in a different forum, not to hijack yomomma's story.
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
Hi Miracles51031! Thank you, I'm so glad someone can relate. While it's been nerve racking at times for the most part it's been a blast. (now I have to go find the experience you spoke of) 😊
yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
Hi Wish-Not! The experiences in the stories I've submitted so far have all been in this one house except for the Cowboy one. That one took place at my sister's. Other than seeing the little boy in 1996, I believe the majority of activity was between late 2008 or early 2009 and early 2011. After that things got quite for a while. Between early 2011 and the present we've had weird things happen but nothing really major, Until recently. (I'll get to that in the next few stories) As always we have things missing only to appear back in their original spot later. I've been shoved a few times right outside my bedroom door over the years.

I contacted an investigation team at one point. However as a family we decided against an investigation because we live in a very small conservative town. Population under 3000, 14 churches... We do not attend a church. Early on my family was already labeled, the non-religious going to burn in hell family. Now that our kids are grown we may reconsider. Thanks for reading my story.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
If I may offer a possibility...

Seeing into an alternate dimension... What each individual saw was 'in fact' the individual they thought... Except they were 'seeing' through a 'thin spot' in a dimensional wall.

It works like this... Here we are... We have our timeframe and events that have shaped our 'reality' while in an alternate dimension 'they' have different events that have shaped theirs... Could be as big a difference as Germany winning WW2 or maybe Tesla won the battle over Edison... Heck it could be even more subtle than that...

Anyway in this Alternate Dimension your Family bought/built their home in the same location you live in now... But the floor plan is different allowing your son to 'see' you bringing clothes to his room from another direction than your Laundry room.

For your Family to have multiple experiences with this is rare... Does ANYONE in the Family keep a Journal? If not please start one as a great deal might be learned from the details of this and future experiences.


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
yomomma - it's funny how, when reading your experiences, I can completely relate. I shared an experience of mine when I first joined that now, after reading your doppelganger story, makes me question what I really saw.

Thanks for sharing this 😊
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-31)
yomomma- That's some crazy stuff! Not once but three times? Wow 😲 I'm curious if it's one entity assuming the identities each time?

Sounds like you have all kinds of experiences. Has it always been in the same house?

Great story yomomma, thanks for sharing.

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