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Real Ghost Stories

Why Was He There?


The story I am about to tell you is true and real. To the people that do not believe in spirits, ghosts, or anything supernatural would probably not be interested in this experience at all.

So, this happened I think, back in 2007 and I was only like 7 years old at the time. I was very young but, I remember. Although, I wish that I hadn't due to the fact that I was young and it was a scary experience. I wasn't really the only one who saw it. My cousin saw it too.

It was a weekend, so me, my sister and my cousin Mary decided to stay at my dads for a couple days because we didn't have school obviously. We were very hyperactive kids and loved to run around outside and play with whatever we could get our hands on, so we did. We played all day until it was time for dinner and after that we would go right back out and continue whatever we were doing but, then we would have to come in and take a shower, etc...

We had just showered and were getting ready for bed. We all three had to sleep in a twin size bed. We were all very small so we could manage. It was very dark in our room so we kept the door open and the bathroom light on that was down the hall. We all fell asleep and I woke up by a weird sound coming from the door. I looked at Mary and asked her "Do you hear that?" she said "yeah". Every hair on my body stood up. We both looked over and saw a man. It was dark so we only seen the black outline of him. He was very tall, about 6'5, wearing a large black fedora hat, big black boots, and a long black trench coat. He was leaning against the doorway and tapping his foot like he was waiting for someone or something. I then covered my head with the covers and laid there

For a few seconds, uncovered myself, looked and he was gone. In a blink of an eye. I rolled over and went back to sleep.

I don't know who he was, what he wanted or why he was even standing there. It really scared me as a kid because honestly I knew about ghosts but, I knew they couldn't hurt anyone. Just the thought of people and me being able to see them is really what scared me. Maybe he was trying to tell me something or he was just there. I don't know. Help me.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, babysmooch, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ygaian (10 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-26)
😭 ohh... Very horrifying... Feeling like shivering already... Reading the story I just went speechless 😐
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-26)
Babygoatpuller, I noticed the same age discrepancy and have my doubts as well. Add to that the double entry pointed out by Biblio and the lack of commentary from the author. I believe I'll take the seat next to you on the fence.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
Creepypasta are essentially fabricated, internet horror stories, passed around on forums and other sites to disturb and frighten readers.
There's also a website by that name where people can submit their horror stories (fictional by the majority).
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-22)
Dirt Creature,

What *is* a "creepypasta"?

Spaghetti that tries to strangle you when you turn you head?
Rotini that waits until mid-digestion before drilling its way out of the consumer?
Macaroni & cheese made with the peculiarly-named "cheese food product" by Kraft?
Vermicelli made from real worms?
Elbows which contain actual elbow joints, bones, and ligaments?
Lasagna, but the original Greek meaning before Romans adopted it?

I strongly suspect that there's a really banal explanation behind all of this...

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
DirtCreature - you are right. And sometimes we (meaning members of YGS, not just mods) catch on rather quickly. Other times we get fooled. Just depends upon who is doing the storytelling 😆
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
[at] Miracles, I understand ^^

One can't just dismiss a story unless there is very good reason to. Well the people on ygs are pretty smart and tend to figure out things really quickly (like when I think it was Tweed who figured out an account on here was telling creepypasta/fake horror stories).
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
DirtCreature - I haven't read this story so I'm not basing my comment on it. This is a general statement only.

There are guidelines we have to go by and we try very hard to adhere to those. Sometimes there are stories that have been submitted that we have no doubt are completely made up. But other times, even if our gut is telling us the story is fake, we have to go by the YGS rules.

And the truth is, just because we (mods) or our members think someone is submitting an untrue experience, doesn't mean it is untrue. Some people have a difficult time putting into words their experiences. It doesn't make them any less true.
DirtCreature (guest)
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
Is it just me or does it seem like people submitting phony stories are getting through the mod system more and more? (Please do not take this as a negative criticism of the mods. I bow down to them *gets on knees*).

I wish people would stop trying to lie and send in their creepypastas considering this a serious site with serious people seeking community and/or help. Need some pest spray.:/
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
You say you were 7 years old back in 2007 babysmooch, which would make you 16 now. Yet it says your a "young adult" up by your name.

When you start out your story with "The story I'm about to tell you is true and real", have another story that is almost identical and your age doesn't match up, I'm going to jump up on the fence with this one. 😕
Enlightened1959 (8 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
Hello Babysmooch,

So do you think this was the "Slender Man", "Hat Man", "Shadow Man, or "Stick Man"? (Which in my opinion are all manifestations of the same entity.) Sure sounds like him.
No matter what it was, I don't think I could have fallen back to sleep. I would have woke everyone up and turned all the lights on in the house until morning!

Very scary!
Myst (63 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
Paranormal_SN: Please re-read paragraph 3:"It was a weekend, so me, my sister, and my cousin Mary..." Hope that helps.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
Biblio: from babysmmooch's only comment:
"...Honestly, in my head, it's blurry to me but I remember it like it was yesterday."

I hope next time she decides to write a story her head is not blurry and she'll remember that she has submitted two versions of the same 'experience'. 😐
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
Though you've clearly written the story with different sentences, the sequence of events in his narrative is almost identical to your tale, "The Man By The Door" (yourghoststories.com/real-ghost-story.php?story=23887) which you published on YGS back in September. Was this a second instance of the same haunting, or dd you resubmit the story? I don't know why you'd want to post the same story twice, especially as the distinction between your cousin and your sister is more clear in the first version, though Mary asked you "Do you see that?" in the earlier tale, and now it's you who asked her.

You began your first story with "This is my first ghostly encounter that I have only let a few people know about. Although, I have tons more to tell that I have experienced myself throughout the years." I do hope that means the next story you tell will be a different event, not another revision of this one.

Paranormal_SN (8 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
another thing unnoticed initially thereafter, is the word 'all three' in the sentence "We all three had to sleep in a twin size bed. We were all very small so we could manage." You didn't mention anywhere about who's actually the third preson you just mentioned. Since from the beginning until the end, you have been only speaking of yourself and your cousin, Mary (which still remains a mystery, if it's actually your cousin or someone else)...
With Regards,
Paranormal_SN (8 stories) (25 posts)
8 years ago (2016-12-21)
hi babysmooch, well first of all, the very first thing I'd like to point out is that about your starting itself... Since this is a forum dedicated to supernatural and paranormal things itself, hence I don't guess if any registered YGS user wouldn't actually believe in your story. The second thing what I found while reading your story is that, you had initially just mentioned about you and your cousin who according to you, also had seen the apparition, then all of a sudden after you said of having fallen asleep, you mentioned something of 'Mary'...which remains a mystery if whether it's your cousin's name prementioned or someone else's. Anyway, overall it was great reading 😁...hope you haven't seen 'it' after this incident took place...
With Regards,

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