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Creepy Events At My Neighbour's House


This specific neighbour passed away during 2005/2006 at the age of 72. We had been neighbors for close on 20 years at the time of her passing. She and her family lived directly across the road from me. I used to call her Em, although that was not the name she was normally known by, simply my name for her. She had five sons, the fifth of which was adopted.

It is necessary for me to give you some background regarding the relationship between Em and I. We had a sort of love/hate relationship at one stage, mainly because she was extremely inquisitive and made it her life's ambition to know everything about everybody in the neighbourhood. Being a reasonably private person, this irritated the hell out of me. We also had a huge argument one New Year's day because she was lighting fire crackers to amuse her grandchildren, which affected my little Staffie, Cleo, extremely badly. I honestly thought the dog was going to have a heart attack! By the way, these activities are banned in our area and elsewhere in SA unless they are held under controlled conditions. She didn't speak to me for about a year and then, inexplicably, decided that I was the best thing this side of the equator!

So, to proceed with the event in question. Whenever Em, her husband and youngest son decided to take a holiday (vacation) for a few days I was the only one she trusted to take care of her house and animals. (Her older children no longer lived in the vicinity.) She provided me with various keys, the code for her alarm, etc, plus all the food for the animals which included dogs, cats and a parrot. I was never comfortable in the house but was not prepared to be led in the paranormal direction. It was a lovely, large home but didn't sit well with me.

A few months before Em's death I was again left in charge of the home and animals. I had to go there twice a day, morning and early evening, for the benefit of the pets. No problem, I lived across the road. The family left for a few days, I seem to remember that it was four days.

The cat had kittens, approximately a week old and mommy and baby kittens decided that their place of comfort was in a hole underneath one of the couches. Needless to say I was in my element with these kittens (cat lover)! Personally, I would have cancelled my vacation trip under those circumstances but to each his own. In fact I went across the road more regularly to check whether the mommy and kittens were okay.

I duly made my way across the road at approximately 06:00 one morning and I was totally horrified. On entering the house I saw the parrot, the floor scattered with feathers and the bird in a cowering position on the floor of the cage. She was not a beautiful parrot at the best of times, tending to tweak her feathers every now and then, but this was truly something different. The feathers were scattered all over that small space. I couldn't induce her to get back on her perch, even with a piece of apple, her favourite. This poor bird was in a seriously bad place.

I then turned my attention to the kitchen. At the door to the kitchen entrance were Em's sloffies. This is a South African description. I assume you would call them thongs or slip-slops or whatever? In any case they are casual sandal-like footwear! In the corner of the kitchen the dog food, pellets in a large bag, was overturned and spilled out in that area.

Despite my fear, because it had certainly turned into fear by that stage, I checked the rest of the house. In the main bedroom the cupboard doors were open. The second bathroom had the most horrific stench.

After that I was not prepared to enter that house on my own. In the morning my husband had to accompany me (much to his chagrin) and my daughter had to accompany me in the evening. No more extra visits to the baby kitties, their mommy was exemplary!

Just to end this (I don't want to become boring) Em phoned me regularly. I told her what had happened and of course she was in total disbelief. She said she had probably left her "sloffies" at the kitchen door, which she was accustomed to doing. Believe me, they were not there when I started looking after the house and animals!

On the night before they proceeded home I received a phone call from the security company because of the alarm at their home constantly going off and agreed to meet them at the house. I didn't hear the alarm, don't know why. Nonetheless once I saw security arriving I quickly made my way across the road. I had to be there, I was the one with the keys! Besides the security guards I found another neighbour (I'll refer to him as Rambo) also on the premises with a shotgun. I have no idea what he was intending to threaten with all the bravado, no humans in sight, only a cat and kittens inside and dogs outside!

I realise that this is turning into a rather long account. About two years before all of this happened we had a rather horrific incident in the neighbourhood. I won't go into all the details but there was a gang attempting to rob the house next door to Em's house. To cut a long story short, they were arrested except for one who made his way onto Em's property and after being warned by the police to stop, he was shot dead on their premises trying to climb over a wall. Could he have been the culprit of the strange events? I have no idea.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Melda, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Hello Melda,

Strange things sure do happen here. 😨

I just have to persevere with Rookdygins cleansing and shielding ritual as often as possible.

Best wishes
😘 ❀ 😘
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-04)
Miandra - Thanks for your comment. So you see, some weird things do happen for which it's difficult to find a logical explanation.

Regards, Melda
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-30)
Hello Melda,

Thank you for giving me the link to this post.

I enjoyed reading about your experiences.

Best wishes,
😘 ❀ 😘
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-02)
Jubeele - I don't believe that this was a harbinger of any sort. I think it was something which simply happened. Why? I don't know.

We have numerous myths and legends regarding harbingers of death, warnings, etc, especially amongst the African tribes. Generally speaking the white population tends to go more with the western beliefs.

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-02)
I've had that kind of overwhelming fear before, where for no clear reason, you are just suddenly afraid. But why that particular time though? If it happened a few month's before Em's death, was it some harbinger of some sort? Do you have any legends in SA about such things?

I keep thinking of the words of Arthur Conan Doyle: "...when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth..."
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-02)
Jubeele - I looked for so many ways to explain these events logically but up to now I still can't.

This wasn't a case of just a few things being out of place for which a human being would usually be responsible. It was the way in which it was done and that horrible feeling you get when you realise that something evil has paid a visit. It was no longer there when I arrived early in the morning but the house had this dark pall hanging over it. If you are sensitive to picking up these vibes, you will understand what I mean.

I rushed back home (just across the road) to fetch my husband and even he was astounded. I've always known that there was "something" in that house but never had the feeling that it was mean, so I had no qualms about looking after their house and animals when they were away.

After the scary event, I refused to go into that house on my own. Either my husband or my daughter and her boyfriend, at the time, had to accompany me. Fortunately that was the only occasion that I encountered that meanie in their house.

Well, that's about the only way I can explain it. I don't run around looking for ghosts behind every door because they're seldom there! In fact I'd be more frightened if I found a human being lurking there - to my mind they're far more dangerous 😨

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-01)
I used to have a home security system at the place I lived, after my garage was broken into and the thief stole some tools and used them to break into a neighbor's place. My wheely bin was used to cart off the stolen items - how rude! If you didn't heard the alarm, maybe it was a 'silent' one, with back-to-base monitoring at the security company? The constant call-outs could be faulty wiring or someone was attempting to break into the place. Could it be that someone had been watching the house, found a way to sneak in undetected and was hiding in the closet when you came in? The thought of a real person being there at the same time as you is much more frightening though.

Could the bad smell from the bathroom could be a sewerage problem from a blocked drain that somehow cleared itself later? I had that happen a few weeks ago. Just tossing around some other possibilities...

Still doesn't explain your inner radar telling you something was definitely "off" about the place. That special instinct usually knows better than our eyes and ears. I must tell you I got the chills reading your story. 😨 Thanks for sharing it.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-05)
RCRuskin - Thanks for the reply.

Your friend actually murdered somebody? That is absolutely horrific! He/she must have been in a very bad place to have resorted to something like that 😒

My neighbours never told me of any strange events at their home and I don't doubt that Em would have told me - she was the world's worst chatterbox! If they had ever witnessed the likes of what I did, the whole neighbourhood would have known about it.

The smell in the bathroom disappeared all by itself. I don't know whether this was a demon or an evil entity but it certainly was a nasty piece of work.

Considering all the countries where English is the official language it really is quite amazing how the use of it varies from country to country - and then we won't even mention the accents πŸ˜†

Regards, Melda
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-05)
Hi, Melda. Meant to reply to your reply earlier, but then life happened, and a friend apparently went on a murderous rampage so I may have a new ghost story to share? 😠

The stench of rotten meat/rotten eggs could be just that, but the odors would linger until the source was cleaned up. Skeptic that I am, I suspect some evil/demonic spirits.

In regards to cupboards being closets, I was reminded of a joke about the US and UK, two countries divided by a common language. We should expand that to include Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa, I think. πŸ˜†
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-05)
Jamieqi - Thanks for your comment.

Dankie vir die kompliment, ek voel geΓ«erd dat jy my stories geniet! (The Afrikaans remark is thanking Jamieqi for liking my stories.)

The people who used to live in the house never mentioned any strange events but I think you could be right, if he had been haunting the house and messing it up like that for close on two years, I'm sure they would have noticed!

In fact I have never had my present house blessed and I'm pretty certain that I don't have anything attached to me. My next story, if it is accepted, will actually be about a gentleman who has been around my house for a number of years but he's a nice guy!

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-05)
Kikigirl - Thanks for reading.

The dogs were outside dogs. They never entered the house. The kittens were tiny, just over a week old. They didn't stray from where their mother kept them and female cats with tiny kittens don't leave them for lengthy periods of time.

I couldn't find a logical explanation for anything that happened in that house. If the dogs were inside, I would have put most of what happened down to them.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-05)
Argette - Usually I feel uneasy and uncomfortable but not frightened. At times I feel cold and the hair on my arms rise, as well as on my head. Fortunately not straight up on my head! Then I'd probably scare off the ghost (which might not be such a bad thing after all).

I can't say that I always feel the presence of an entity. There have probably been times when they've been around and I've felt nothing!

Regards, Melda
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-04)
Hi Melda,

Yes that's all me lol I always have to find a rational explanation for everything. The times that I didn't, which are very very scarce, I was still at doubt at the begining 😊 In any case, for me you have at least 2 aspects that make me believe that something supernatural actually happened that day.

Argette- if I can help: for me when a place or situation doesn't feel right it doesn't hit me right away as something wrong or evil. The first impact is that there is something off but it is not obvious and I may, or may not, realise after about a couple of minutes or so what exactly is hanging in the air (not literally) by a strong sensation of fear, sadness, empathy... In my case most of the times I feel there's something wrong but just keep in doubt. This is the best way I can describe it and I don't know if it's the same with other people. Just hope this helped.

Jamieqi (3 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-04)
Dear Melda

You have been through a lot in your life, and it is quite terrifying, however, I am extremely intrigued by your stories and would love to read more.

Please don't make your stories shorter than what they are, because we (as the readers) like to read your experiences and would like them in full. I suppose if the story get's too long for someone, they should stop reading.

Out of all that you have posted so far, this one has given me the most chills - mainly because I am often afraid of being alone in my (any) house due to past happenings in my life concerning the unknown.

However, I feel that if it was the robber that was shot there doing that, he would've done those things when the owners were there (asleep or so) to spite/scare them because he had no relation/reason to frighten you. I suggest maybe something attaching themselves to you or something from your past that had access to that house (and not yours because the priest blessed your house) I stand corrected.

Please post more, Afrikaans: ek wag in spanning.

Regards Jamie 😨
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-04)
Melda, thanks for submitting!

You have been on this site for as long as me (if not longer), and you have written and submitted incidents and experiences which "do" relate to paranormal activity, other unexplainable and bizarre occurrences et cetera. Your history clearly has these experiences which are paranormal and extraordinary, so, I feel that if you think and feel that this incident was paranormal or "non-physical" in its nature, it most probably was even if there is reasonable explanations for the events.

One of the animals (ie. Kitten or dog) could have been hungry and overturned the kibbles. If it was a cat, it makes sense that the parrot was also upset as there is a chance that the animal made a few attempts to bring down the cage, barked or meowed or conducted other predatory-prey behaviour which set off the poor parrots nerves. The slippers are also strange but could have been missed the first times around or dragged out by one of the pets. The stench in the bathroom could have been whatever the animal looking for food found! And lastly, the part which does have me a bit baffled... The open doors! I think, this might also be a mistake of the animal looking for food or a place to hide (expecting its owners home to deliver discipline when they see what the animal has been up to in the bathroom). Still, the open doors worry me, wind maybe?

All that aside, I do believe you Melda because you have been around this type of spirituality all of your life. If any person could tell, whether it be by; instincts, intuition or experience, it is you.
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-03)
Melda and others, can you tell me how it feels when a place doesn't feel right?

I'm trying to figure out if I've ever experienced this. I might have, once, in rural Europe.

Does it feel evil? Like someone else is there?
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
BeautInside - No problem, I didn't explain the layout of the house!

It's always good to look for logical reasons - I do that all the time 😊

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
Roylynx - It has been quite a number of years since this event took place and I have very little interaction with the present occupants of the property. I don't know whether they are experiencing anything supernatural there at this stage.

Thanks for your interest 😊

Regards, Melda
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
Sorry Melda, didn't realise that the flip-flops were suppose to be on the other side of the house. πŸ˜•
Actually I thought they were in a room right next to the kitchen or something, my mistake...
That is also odd indeed!

Blessings. 😊
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
Hmm... It is hard in this kind of situation really, let time solve the problem? If the spirit is not aggressive please do not fear. When there is animal (in this case kittens, cats and dogs) in the house, I have heard that they give the place positive energy which may "weaken" the negativity of the spirit, not to be teasing you, no matter how the building changes or any re-construction, it will not change the activities of the spirits, they haunts the land and it may just be a flow of energy that the person gave before his death, in another word it is just "nature". If there are no rumors it's better not to make any as per your choice, good job! Glad to hear that the kittens are OK (cat lover number 2).

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
BeautInside - Yes the smell in the bathroom was very unpleasant and weird. In fact the whole house was weird that morning.

Something definitely scared that parrot witless and I doubt whether it was anything outside the house.

It's highly improbable that the cat would have collected the flip-flops way on the other side of the house (very big house!) and placed them neatly at the entrance to the kitchen door. She was far too preoccupied with her kittens to get up to any form of high-jinks. They were so tiny that you could fit two at a time in the palm of your hand 😊

Regards, Melda
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
Hi Melda,

Thank you for sharing another great experience. 😊

What intrigues me the most is the smell.
I could dismiss the pellets to simply falling over, the flip-flops to just the kitty taking a break of being a mother and start palying around with it and by coincidence leaving them nicely placed, and the parrot (roylynx is correct as parrots do tend to pull off feathers whenever they are nervous) to be stressed out either by the cat and kittens or by any animal outside. But the smell confined only to the bathroom- when it's expected to be felt in na area close to where it comes from too- and disappearing when you returned later with no apparent reason is strange to me. Could this be a form of a (smelly) ghost thief to manisfest itself just like other users have mentioned? It seems likely to me. 😊

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
By the way, I must just mention my usage of the word "cupboard". This can be confusing to Americans and readers from other countries.

When I talk about "cupboards", I actually mean closets! In SA we refer to bedroom cupboards, linen cupboard and so on. These are actually closets in your "language" but cupboards in ours.

I thought I should just make that clear. I have already become accustomed to referring to "vacations" instead of "holidays". In SA we go on holiday, not on vacation. I try to bear the language usage in mind but sometimes these things just slip through πŸ˜†

I remember the confusion caused by "robots" instead of traffic lights, I think it was in one of Kikigirl's accounts πŸ˜†

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
lady-glow - No this definitely did not happen even close to the anniversary of this criminal's death.

I know that specifically because the shooting incident happened during May (I remember because we had to go to a wedding that particular day) and Em and her family went on their seaside trip in September during the short school vacation.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
Manafon - Em didn't ever mention anything paranormal to me. She didn't come across as somebody who would even discuss such a subject, which is why I never mentioned to her that I felt uneasy in her house or confided in her regarding some of my experiences.

I felt uneasy in that house long before the robbery/shooting incident but not scared. Whatever it was definitely did not give me the feeling of evil, simply that "somebody else" was there. However the feeling in the house when I arrived there on that particular morning to feed the animals was quite ominous, to say the least, although I don't believe that it was still there when I arrived.

Only one of Em's sons had keys to the house and he accompanied them, together with his wife and two small children, on the trip to the seaside, so he definitely was nowhere near the house. Even if he had been there and went along to inspect the house, there is no way he would have left it in such a mess. He would have been terrified of incurring his mother's wrath πŸ˜†

When I told Em of the incident, she made light of it, e.g. She must have left the "sloffies" at the kitchen door, the dog food fell over on its own, the cat used the bathroom and so forth.

I knew better but decided to leave it at that. There is no convincing a non-believer!

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
Roylynx - The robber that was shot was actually part of a gang which was attempting to rob the house next door to my neighbour's house. He managed to escape onto her property where he was shot by the police for not stopping when commanded to do so.

The dogs were not in the house and appeared to be perfectly normal. They were not affected by whatever happened inside. The cat and kittens seemed fine as well. They were securely hidden under the couch, in fact it was a slit in the lining at the bottom of the couch.

The house was sold after Em died and her husband died about six months later. It was then reconstructed into rooms for young single people, a commune type place.

I have never been inside the house since the reconstruction, although I greet and chat to the young people occasionally but don't want to scare them with horror tales!

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-02)
Argette - Yes, the condition of the parrot, mentally and physically, was very disturbing. Unfortunately there isn't much you can do to console a parrot, as far as I know. This particular one bit pretty badly as well, so she was a terror to feed, let alone clean her cage, so I couldn't attempt to even stroke her head!

That stench was something else! I've never smelled it before and fortunately never since.

Regards, Melda
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-01)
Melda--This was an interesting account and I've been thinking about it the last few days. I was curious to know if you ever talked to Em about the feelings you got in her house or if she ever shared any paranormal experiences she might have had there?

If Em and family did experience unusual occurrences, did they begin before or after the gang member was killed on the property? If afterwards, it would provide at least a bit of evidence that the gang member could be haunting the place and continuing his reckless ways.

You did, however, state that Em had five children and that the older ones had moved from the area. Is it at least possible that one of them had a key and stopped in, made a mess, and left between your visits? That could possibly explain the drawers being opened, the slippers on the floor... And even the stench in the bathroom. Some people are slobs!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3178 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-01)
Melda: this experience is fascinating.
Do you know if all this happened around the anniversary of the robber's death?

Anyway, you sure are a brave woman!

Thanks for sharing.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-01)
Wow, this is fascinating!
Possible reason for this account is the robber still trying to do what he wanted to (to get in the house and rob) He did not "finish" what he wanted to do and so his action before death could be rewinding.

Just curious but how did your fury family members reacted? Were they aggressive? Did they behave strangely?

One thing I have heard about parrots is that when they are stressed in anyway, they temp to pull their own feather, it sad to see a stressful parrot when they should be happy like a five year old child... I hope his is OK now?

Blessing from SΓ£o Paulo

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