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A Beautiful Warm Experience


I would really appreciate opinions from readers. I don't know how to personally interpret this experience. All I know is that it was wonderful and left me teary-eyed.

When I recently joined YGS my intention was to relate my paranormal experiences as they happened from childhood onward but I am moving ahead with this one as I found it absolutely intriguing and still often reflect on it, wondering what it could have been.

Strangely enough, I only see "things" when my husband is away, which happens occasionally when he has to go to various cities or towns. He presents training workshops which do not always take place at the city we live in, or locations nearby, so at times he is away from home for a few days. I do however hear and feel things even when he is in the house. I use the word "things" simply because I cannot think of a better word for it - no slight intended towards the ghosties!

As usual I fell asleep with the TV on in the bedroom. This always happens as when my husband comes to bed he switches it off. I am a typical early to bed, early to rise type of person. (Wouldn't it be great if healthy, wealthy and wise applied?!) My husband is the exact opposite. This event occurred the first night he was away on one of his business trips and of course I did not switch the TV off.

In the early morning hours the light and flashes from the TV were becoming really irritating, although I had turned down the sound. I am not happy sleeping alone at home and having the TV on is a comfort to me - not that it would save me in any way from a break-in etc but it helps psychologically. Also, I keep the kitchen and lounge lights on, plus the TV in the lounge, when I am alone. Perhaps silly but it works for me.

Now to the nub of what I consider to be my most heart-warming, touching experience. It was still rather dark outside but I could hear birds beginning to chirp and decided to switch the TV off. I sat up in bed and reached for the remote. Imagine my surprise when I saw a dog sitting inside my room, on the right side of the door, staring at the TV. It looked like a Spaniel but was far bigger than a Spaniel. I later realised that it could possibly have been a Retriever breed. Also, it seemed to be just under the door handle, which means that it could not have been sitting on the floor. I was totally astounded by this and, believe me, I was totally awake. I saw no colour on this dog. Although it was very clear, it did not appear in any specific colour, i.e. Golden-brown which it would probably have been.

The dog was only the beginning of this sight. Still entranced by this I looked at the entrance of the door itself. There appeared, in solid form, a little boy which I would place at the age of approximately three years old. (I say approximately three years because he no longer had his "baby legs". I think other mothers could relate to that, I hated it when my kids lost their baby legs!) - He was wearing a light T-shirt, possibly white, and old-fashioned underpants. When I say old-fashioned underpants I mean those that were worn by kids in and before the sixties. My eldest son was born in 1975 and I could not have bought underpants like that for him even if I wanted to. This little apparition was the most beautiful child! He had blond hair. I do not know for certain the colour of his eyes but they seemed to be blue. He had this little smile and emanated all the beauty of a truly wonderful being. I simply could not take my eyes off of him! I also have doubts whether this child was standing flat on the floor. His feet seemed to be pointed downward, i.e. Possibly standing on his toes or just above the floor line.

The little boy then turned around and disappeared from my sight. I was not prepared to leave it at that. I had to have proof of what I had seen and said out aloud: "Please let me see you again, just for a second." I was so ecstatic when suddenly he appeared in the doorway again. I felt such love towards this child, not the love I feel for my own children but on a totally different level.

I wanted to interact with this little boy. I asked him to come to me and to talk to me. I so badly wanted more of him! He did not do that and simply turned around, went on his way and that was the end of it.

I have to admit that after seeing the child I no longer concentrated on the dog. I did not see when it disappeared from view. The entire incident could not have lasted longer than a minute or so but it is quite surprising what you can experience in that short space of time.

I got out of bed, it was approximately 04:30 (morning), made tea and just lived through that experience in my mind again and again. As I said I was teary-eyed. I so desperately wanted that little boy to sit on my bed and talk to me!

Please readers let me know what you think. Were these two entities guardians, spirits or merely ghosts? I personally do not believe they were ghosts because of the emotions that I felt. I have experienced ghosts in my past but have never, ever, been moved to tears by them. Here I am talking tears of happiness and almost exultation!

Would love to hear from anyone who can assist on this.


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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Melda, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-11)
Bee_Beans - Thanks very much for your comment, I appreciate it.

Tubby legs - yes, that sounds about right 😊

Regards, Melda
Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-10)
Hi Melda

I really love reading your stories. They are all so well written and you can see everything playing out like a movie in front of you.

Unfortunately I have nothing of consequence to offer. Just that your description of the child in your post and then in subsequent responses puts me in mind of the famous Cherubs. Those rosy-cheeked, gorgeous little toddlers with the baby legs (yes, I use that too except we call them tubby legs - lol).
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-18)
Rook - Thanks so much for your much appreciated response.

Firstly, to all who gave me their very welcome opinions and advice: I was overwhelmed by the genuine interest shown and differing points of view. I appreciate each and every comment❀

Rook I think this story was published at the time your father passed away. At that stage my name would have meant nothing to you so I didn't offer my condolences then but I do so very sincerely now.

I can't describe the awe, the love and the warmth that this little boy apparition instilled in me. This was an emotion that can be designated to a category of its own. The love I have for my own children is completely different.

I have never seen or sensed this little boy and the dog again.

As far as the gift/skill is concerned, oh yes, you are spot on. I have often wondered what my life would have been if I had made the opposite choice when I reached the crossroads. I don't regret the path I chose because that's academic now and to regret it would just be pointless. So let's say the cup is three-quarters full. Then again, perhaps this was the path I was meant to follow, leading to spiritual lessons to be learned in life? That sounds a bit dramatic.

Does my husband believe in the paranormal? Well, do pigs fly? πŸ˜† Let's put it this way. It's impossible to live with me and remain completely unaffected. Until recently he tried to remain unaffected because he had never personally experienced anything which he could accept as paranormal. A few months ago we had an incident in the house which even he couldn't find a logical explanation for. The look on his face is impossible to describe. I won't go into detail about that now but will include it in my next submission (which is way overdue by the way).

These days, my husband seldom travels and when he did he was never gone for long, usually only a few days at random times when he had to do training courses in cities far from home. Most of his business is local.

As far as seeing and feeling spirits is concerned, this goes back for as long as I can remember, as far back as very early childhood. I went through a stage where I tried to cut it out of my life completely but I eventually had to concede that I couldn't ignore something that was simply there. I had to accept that it is just part of who and what I am.

Rook your interpretation of me personally is very humbling indeed! What you describe is part of what I aspire to be but I must admit I falter along the way.

What I still cannot find an explanation for is why these two apparitions, in particular the dog, gave the impression of being elevated. The little boy might have been standing on his toes but I can't say that with absolute conviction.

I find your stance on this extremely interesting and thought provoking Rook.

Thanks again for your insight😊

Regards, Melda

PS: Should I receive any further comments from readers, I might be offline for a few days. I've picked up some problems with my PC which need attention.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2017-08-17)

Thank you for asking me to read this experience of yours. I have found it fascinating.

It is my opinion that spirits try to communicate with us in different ways...

Making noise to get attention, Captured EVP's even 'whispered voices' but one of the easier methods, especially for those who can see them is through imagery...

You describe seeing a Dog and a 3 (ish) year old boy... And something about the way you described them made me refer to the meaning of dreams/images...

So let's start with the Dog, you 'saw' the dog first so let's take it in order...

To see a dog could symbolizes intuition, loyalty, generosity, protection, and fidelity. It suggests that your strong values and good intentions will enable you to go forward in the world and bring you success.

***Alternatively, to see a dog in your dream indicates a skill that you may have ignored or forgotten.*** I placed stars around this bit because I feel it applies as much, if not more than that first part.

(For this interpretation a 'baby' is a child from birth to 5 years old... 5 years to 11 years is a child...ect...)

To 'see' that a baby is walking or dancing refers to the potential and possibilities that life has in stored for you. The future looks bright. It may also be a metaphor that you need to take baby steps towards your goal, in a work project or whatever undertaking you are considering or 'need' to work on.

Now a question or 2 (or 3 or 4 you know me 😘)

Does your Husband believe in the Paranormal? (This is a little personal, you do not have to answer it.)

How long had it been between trips for your Husband?

How long between you seeing/feeling a spirit (s)?

You have not updated this so I ask this, have you seen either of these 'spirits' again?

Here is MY (opinion here folks) feeling on what this experience 'MAY' have been trying to 'tell' you.

You are a loyal, generous, protective person who has a 'skill/gift' that needs to not be forgotten or neglected. You need to develop this 'skill/gift' but do so slowly. Start to develop it so that you may share some of your 'brightness/insights' with others.

Well there you have it. I hope this helps, still not quite sure how I missed this unless it was during the break I took.

Looking forward to your feed back.


Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-15)
BeautInside - Thanks for your very kind comment. I always miss the baby legs when they change shape!

We often come across things that seem totally inexplicable and the dog and little boy was one of those occasions 😊

Regards, Melda
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-14)
Hi Melda,

What a beautiful story! Please just keep sharing your experiences, I am really enjoying them 😁
In my opinion, I really do think that the little boy might be some sort of "guardian angel". After all, you were scared of being alone due to crime rate and then you wake to such a good surprise, and the feelings that you got... You know, I believe that in supernatural experiences the feeling that you (besides any image) get are very important to understand the nature of the being (good or bad). I believe the little boy, and even the 4 pawed fellow, were there to look after you.

I completely understand the "baby legs" too because when they "disappear" that's when you realise that they are growing up too fast... It is happening to me with my children 😳
CONGRATULATIONS on the new addition to your family! It's just rewarding to see the family growing! 😁

Biblio, you are indeed a fountain of knowledge! That's why I enjoy YGS so much, I just keep learning!

God Bless
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-12)
Val - Thanks for understanding. If we lived in the days of the town crier it would have been spread all over Pretoria, in fact I would have taken on the job of town crier myself!

I love all my grandchildren but there is just something about this little girl - I don't know what it is. I seem to know her? That sounds ridiculous. I had the same feeling when my second son was born. πŸ˜•

Stand my children in a row and I would absolutely not be able to choose among them. The same with my grandchildren, including the little newbie. So many emotions and feelings we cannot explain!

Regards, Melda
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-04-12)
Congratulations, Melda! What wonderful news that is! I don't think you're silly for sharing that at all. Perhaps a bit over the moon - but who wouldn't be with a new grandbaby?! 😁
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-12)
Val & BeagleMom - You will probably think I'm a silly old git for posting this!

Both of you knew what I meant by the "baby legs" and I want to let you know that a new pair of baby legs has just joined the family, my daughter's little girl, Lia, born on 10 April, my sixth grandchild. 😁

Regards, Melda
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-06)
Melda, that actually confirmed how I originally had placed everyone and the room layout. Exactly how you described it just now, with the dog closest to you. I confused myself with the door handle, never mind, I assumed correctly in the first place lol.
I hope you get to the bottom of the feet pointed downward, that's very intriguing. 😊
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-06)
Tweed - Thanks so much, what a beautiful photo of an absolutely stunning dog! You know, it didn't even occur to me that the dog might have been an Afghan. It very well could have been! Afghans are pretty well known in SA although you won't see them as regularly as many other breeds.

The dog was sitting upright on the inside of the door with its head and snout pointing upward towards the TV. The bottom of the metal plate to which the door handle is attached, was plus-minus a metre (perhaps less) above the dog's snout. I could not see its paws or tail, only the upper part of the body. This is because I have a rather high mattress and the dog was fairly close to me.

As I lie on the bed, the TV is on the wall straight ahead of me. Slightly to the right of the TV is the door inside which the dog was sitting with the door behind it, with its left side towards me, head up and turned slightly to the right, watching the TV. The little boy was standing on the other side of the door in the doorway, which is why I could see his feet. In other words the dog's lower half was obscured by the end of my bed. Jeez, that probably sounds very jumbled, I hope you get what I'm saying πŸ˜†!

I have had so much interest shown and assistance from so many of you, I don't know how to thank you! I should have joined this site a few years back when I started reading on here. Anyway, better late than never.

Regards, Melda
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-06)
Tweed! Oh, my Gosh! The Afghan Hound is so adorable, I am sure that I have seen such a show! Biblio, I had a look at the spaniel breeds you mentioned, also, so adorably cute! Animals are just too cute for words!
Between all you guys, I am going to end up adopting a pup any second now! 5... 4... 3... 2...
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-06)
Melda, could this dog have been an Afghan hound?
They're pretty tall dogs, and have many different colour variations. My Gran used to show this breed. The age of your home fits with Afghan popularity in Europe at least. Not sure about South Africa. Definitely not Australia, couple of school chums thought they were horses. πŸ˜• Well I can't imagine mistaking them for horses, but I can understand a spaniel resemblance.
Also my Gran would get up at ridiculous o'clock in the morning, still dark, to groom a show dog before a show. She'd groom the dogs on a table, seemed to be designed for grooming dogs specifically. Depending on how high your door handle is, maybe the dog was lounging on a table? Was the dog sitting up, or laying back like the one in the picture?
I lived with Gran for a bit when I was a kid and I'd get up to watch her prep her dogs. I had to stand on tippy toes to get a good look at everything on the grooming table.
Maybe something like that was what you saw.

Just some thoughts. 😊
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-06)
Fergie - I'm actually surprised that nobody asked me that question before now, I was expecting it! No, I have never had a miscarriage. So, the identity of my little friend still remains a beautiful mystery.

I should have realised that your granddaughter wouldn't be so little anymore, the years pass so quickly!

Regards, Melda
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-06)
Melda, I know you said that the love you felt for this child was totally different to the love you feel for your children, but I must ask this; have you ever had a miscarriage?

I know I will most probably get shot down for this - but, it was just a crazy thought that popped into my mind.

PS: Thanks for reading my submissions; my apologies for your tears. BTW, my sweet little granddaughter isn't so little any more - she is now bigger than me! LOL.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
I really don't think there's any way anyone could keep up with all the changes in languages, and then toss in slang...*rolls eyes*. I swear the only thing I know that changes quicker is programming code, and my underwear.
Anyway, I always learn so much from you,I'm (not so secretly) pleased I could tell you something new!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)

I run into the same problem when responding to assorted narratives here. When I'm responding to writers who use British ("The Queen's English") spellings and sentence structure, I tend to revert my spelling to British because I'm thinking in British English. When I respond to American writers, I write with American spellings. With some writers (such as Tweed, who is Australian but spends time in both the U.S. And U.K.) my spelling & syntax are erratic! This breaks the most common "rule" in English: "Even if you're making a mistake, at least be consistent." Grrr!

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Val: Thanks for the correction to my unnecessary correction! I knew that "veldt" and "field" were etymological cousins, but I did not know that the alternate spelling of "veld" is becoming more prevalent, and that "veldt" is becoming old-fashioned. That's what I get for reading H. Rider Haggard & other Victorian adventure novelists...
-Biblio. 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Biblio? Veld is also correct. SA uses a lot of Dutch terms, 'veld' being one of them, means the same though.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Biblio - Thanks so much for your speedy reply.

You really are a powerhouse of knowledge! I haven't even heard of a few of the Spaniel breeds you mentioned, including the Kooikerhondje. 60cm could be plausible, if you consider that the snout was pointed upward and the dog was not looking straight ahead or down, then approximately a metre below the metal plate for the door handle.

Also bear in mind that I took all that in within a second or so. I did not see the dog in its entirety, i.e. Paws etc as I have quite a high bed - extra depth mattress - and the dog was inside my bedroom, whereas the little boy was outside my bedroom in the doorway, which is why I managed to see his feet. The little boy was further away from me than the dog.

My remark about the grammar was honestly simply a joke. On my previous story you said that I apologised too much and you were quite correct to say so. I have often enjoyed your critique on people's grammar, especially when they use words with the clear intention of showing off and obviously don't understand the full meaning of the word!

Just on the matter of my spelling of "veld". In South Africa we use that spelling in both English and Afrikaans. There are a number of Afrikaans words which are used in the English language here, another one being "braai" (barbecue). There are a few more but I can't think of them all just at the moment.

I'll probably have to watch my language usage on YGS as most of the readers are American - eg "vacation" and not "holiday". It can be so confusing!

Once again, thanks for your input Biblio.

Regards, Melda
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)

Thanks for the thoroughness of your response; you've clearly given this a lot of thought prior to posting the data! The floor levels being different after remodeling a house and/or building a new structure are no longer potential explanations.

This brings me to the next point: the dog. There a multiple spaniel breeds (Springer, Cocker, King Charles, Brittany, and Papillon all come to mind, as I've known owners of these lovable, loyal breeds).

[Side note: the Brittany spaniel is a great retriever of hunted fowl; my friend's dad would take their Brittany spaniel with him during the pheasant season in Massachusetts, then he'd bring the birds home and cook them into some damned tasty dinners!]

As you're in S.A., a dog from the Netherlands comes to mind: the Kooikerhondje. They were bred for use in duck trapping (with wicker or wooden cages instead of with noisy guns), and -interestingly- appear in the paintings of the "Dutch Masters" Rembrandt and Pieter de Hooch, and Jan Steen seems to have included one in almost every painting he did! However, their average height is 40cm at the shoulder (well, "the withers" if you want to be technical), so the head would only be another 10cm above that --well under a meter. The Picardy spaniel has been around since the fourteenth century, and is 60-62cm at the withers, and the Blue Picardy -which is a "glossy black" which looks blue in sunlight- would best describe the apparent lack of coloring you witnessed, but it is the same height as the chocolate-brown breed.

Have you noticed that these options are slowly ruling themselves out of my multi-pronged attack on their concealed identities?

I have read of a type of spiritual interaction in which the floor/ceiling of a structure was of no consequence to the entity, and those fall within the "guardian angel" category. Back when I was trying very hard to be a religious person (I wanted to feel the peace and comfort it gave to my mother, amongst others), I read multiple accounts of supernatural encounters. One such encounter described a pair of angelic presences who visited a man, but only the angels' waists & belts were in his 3rd- or 4th-storey apartment, the rest of the "presences" were beyond the confines of his rooms. I've related --in a response to someone else's narrative-- that one of my mother's friends had an angelic spirit show up in the form of a protective large dog and escort her on her walk home (past a group of very scary individuals) from the train station to her front door, then wander off, never be seen again. While I'm among the last to climb aboard the "guardian spirit" wagon because of my inherent objection to being manipulated/scrutinized by forces beyond my control, I'm running out of alternate explanations at this point.

Thanks for providing both interesting ideas and reasoned pre-emptive statements to prevent the length of this message from spiraling out control, Melda.


P.S.: I deliberately try to avoid commenting on grammar and punctuation on YGS, unless the author has either irritated me with outlandish "Troll" claims or has totally mangled the language; doing that is part of my day job. You may, however, like to know that the word "velt" is spelled "veldt" because it is from the Afrikaans, not originally an English word. 😊
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Biblio - I truly wanted somebody to raise that point because I found it rather baffling. As you said, nobody addressed this point. In fact I even considered adding a general comment to readers for their opinions on this.

There has never been another structure on the property and the only changes effected were done by ourselves but that only went as far as remodeling the bathrooms, kitchen, enlarging outside entertainment area (under-roof) and swimming pool. No floor levels whatsoever were changed.

We have lived in this house for 30 years - well it will be 30 years in middle December this year. I estimate that this house was built 50 to 60 years ago. Not too long before that the area was open veld. I know of no other history concerning the property. We bought the house from a couple who had lived here for a number of years but then moved to another city. I don't know whether they were the original owners but they did rent the house out for a while before we bought it.

As far as the dog is concerned: Originally I thought it was a Spaniel but soon realised that it much too big to be a Spaniel. Then I thought it could be a Retriever breed. I would say its snout (as its head was raised while it was glued to the TV) seemed to be approximately a metre (possibly less) below the door handle. When I say "door handle" I mean the whole structure that the handle is attached to.

Perhaps this is a breed of dog that I am not familiar with but I feel that it would have had to have been very large to reach that height, hence my deduction that it could not have been sitting on the floor. In fact you have given me another thought here - perhaps it wasn't a dog at all but another animal which resembled a dog? I am open to any suggestions.

Now to the little boy: Yes his feet were pointed downward and he was not standing flat on his feet. Whether he was standing above the floor line or on the floor is speculation on my part. I simply noticed that his feet were pointed downward, which made me think that possibly he was standing on his toes.

I hope I have answered your questions. If not - fire away! I also hope that I haven't made too many grammatical errors but I'm sure if I have you'll let me know πŸ˜†. This particular aspect of my story is very intriguing to me, so please satisfy my curiosity as to your take on it.

Regards, Melda
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1092 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
Greetings, Melda.

As I read your account, I began to wonder about your descriptions of both entities, especially your description of the dog's location, "it could not have been sitting on the floor," and the boy's seeming elevation, "His feet seemed to be pointed downward, i.e. Possibly standing on his toes or just above the floor line."

As no-one else raised this point in the comments, I'll ask you about it:
How old is your house?
Was there some other structure upon the site before your home was built?
Do you know the history of your home before you moved in?

Sightings of levitating entities are not the most common experiences, but when they do occur, they're usually residual hauntings in which the spirit is walking on a floor which no longer exists, For an entity to demonstrate apparent levitation skills *and* to interact with your request for a return to your room is a rare interaction, indeed.

I'll await your response to determine whether or not this line of thinking will prove helpful to you.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-05)
KikiGirl - Thanks so much for reading and for your comment. It was indeed a wonderful spiritual experience.

Just who this beautiful little being was, I'm afraid I don't know. I do not believe he was simply some little ghost popping in to say "hi" but then again I could be wrong on that as well. Whoever or whatever he was, if he ever decides to visit me again, I'll welcome him back with open arms!

Regards, Melda
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-04)
Melda, what a lovely, intriguing experience! It seems like it inflamed all of your loving, nuturing, comforting, alluring and adoring emotions, all wrapped up in a wonderful, enlightening spiritual experience!

A "guardian", of sorts? It seems highly possible. The Google definition of Guardian is "a person who defends or protects something" or someone. Maybe, you were, just, at that place in your life whereby you were in the "right" space and the "right" time for your guardian to make passage, reveal himself/herself, connect with you and convey his message? Regardless, whether he was not able to stay with you very long, you will 100% know and be certain of the special bond that you share.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-04)
Personally, I don't think it's too far fetched to think that there are particular entities who look after good people in need. They are contained in the mythologies world wide; Ancient Egypt, the Romans, and Greeks, all mention such encounters, and through the centuries such tales have endured. We're talking in every culture there seems to be some belief in entities who have intervened on their behalf.
But exactly whom or what (angel, saint, spirit,deity, etc.) a person believes to have encountered, is probably based on that person's learning in life. IE what they've been taught to believe.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-04)
Valkricry - Even if I hadn't been Christian your comment would not have offended me. That is how it came across to your mother and she related it as such. I'm also pleased that I could add validation to your mother's experience. She must have felt as blessed as I did by that beautiful little being!

Thank heaven you didn't decide not to comment on my story - It helps so much to know that somebody else has had a similar experience.

Regards, Melda
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-03-04)
I'm glad my mom could help validate your experience for you, as your story did the same for her's for me. It's funny in a way, you were trying to "sheer away from people who tend to be a bit sensitive as far as religious beliefs are concerned", and I nearly didn't post my comment not wishing to possibly offend you. So glad I didn't offend!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-03)
Tweed - Thanks again for your comment and insight. Val has validated something for me that I spent much time contemplating on, ie what you have raised regarding Godly, or heavenly, entities interacting with mere mortals for a specific reason.

I am so, so happy that Val's mother experienced something very similar. I can tell you from my own experience that she was truly blessed 😊

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-03)
Valkricry - I am blown away by your account of your mother's experience. You see, I don't have the words to describe the beauty emanating from this little being for people to actually comprehend it. It seems your mother felt the same. It is unlike anything I have ever experienced and it seems she felt the same way. Even the term "baby legs"! Lol, thought I had invented that but I remember hearing the saying "anything you think of, somebody else has thought of it before".

I agree with you, too much for coincidence - which I don't believe in by the way. When I've experienced "coincidence" it turned out to be anything but coincidence.

This experience touched my soul and my very being and I never believed that this little boy was merely a ghost. I've seen a number of ghosts in my life but nothing to compare with the overwhelming emotions of love.

I can understand why your mother could have felt that the little boy was Baby Jesus. It never even occurred to me at the time but what did occur to me was this little boy was not merely a ghost but perhaps a heavenly messenger sent to spread a little love where it was needed. I did not mention that in my story as I was trying to sheer away from people who tend to be a bit sensitive as far as religious beliefs are concerned. I did however mention that I did not believe that he was a ghost. As for the dog - I have no idea. He seemed to be a TV addict!

Thanks for letting me know of your mother's experience Val. It actually brings a new slant and goes a long way to validating what I experienced 😊

Regards, Melda

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