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Mystifying Morning


I had a rather strange, almost eerie, experience during January/February this year. I'm hoping that somebody can provide me with a logical explanation because try as I might, I don't seem to be able to come up with one.

I go through phases of insomnia, quite regularly, and by approximately 03:45 on this particular morning I knew it was time to get out of bed. I couldn't turn the light on to read or turn the TV on, my husband deserves some consideration. So I grabbed my usual paraphernalia off my bedside table and made my way to the kitchen. Coffee time.

Only when I was standing in the kitchen about to refill the kettle did I realize that I hadn't turned the light on. At that time of the morning it's the logical thing to do. Then it hit me. It hadn't been necessary to turn the light on because my entire courtyard was almost as light as day, which in turn reflected in the kitchen to the extent that I didn't need to turn the light on. I could see my way around with ease. Perhaps I need to explain that I don't have standard size windows in the kitchen, mine are rather large. Also, I'd removed the curtains a few years earlier, firstly because I didn't like them and secondly, they were unnecessary. Nobody could see into the kitchen from outside; it's fully enclosed by a courtyard and outbuildings.

The first thing I did was check the outside light. This is just an ordinary light above the backdoor and by no means lights up that entire area. Needless to say the light was off.

Of course I had to know where the light was coming from so I decided it was necessary to go out and inspect. With my hand on the doorknob the thought flashed through my mind, no hang on a minute, there could be some scary humans out there trying to set me up. (At approximately 04:00 on 22 December last year my husband and I were held up at gunpoint in our house and robbed.) So I walked into the dining room, next to the kitchen and looked outside - darkness. The same with the lounge, on the other side of the house - darkness. Into the bathrooms which are situated on the same side of the house as the kitchen - darkness. Back into the kitchen - light. Just to mention here, it was light enough for me to clearly see the red colour of the tiled roofs on the outbuildings plus every single item which is kept out there but the trees in the background, outside the courtyard, were in darkness. Also these were not street lights. Our property is close on 2000 square meters and the street lights don't reach that far.

I speculated on all sorts of things, ranging from paranormal to alien but didn't then, and still don't, know what it was. My logical brain keeps telling me this was some normal, perhaps rare, phenomenon. My husband is convinced it was something alien! No ghosts for him, he fancies the little green men (perhaps I should make that little green ladies).

Well eventually I dozed off on the couch in front of the TV and arose to natural light everywhere. Nothing strange in the courtyard, everything perfectly normal.

It didn't end there. Just after 09:00 the same morning I was cleaning my gas hob in the kitchen, still speculating about the earlier mysterious event. My rubbish bin is kept in a cupboard to the left and slightly behind you when you face the hob. It's quite a big bin. I must add that it is very secure where it is situated. Well I got the fright of my life when this bin simply fell out of the cupboard right behind me. The cupboard cannot open on it's own, that's impossible. Even if it could open on its own, that bin would have to be taken out manually, it cannot simply fall over. Fortunately I'd emptied the garbage bag and placed it in the garbage removal bin, which stands outside in the courtyard, the previous day, so there was no mess on the floor.

Well this just knocked me for the rest of the day. I couldn't come up with logical reasons. So what did I do? I spent most of the day out on the veranda reading and talking to the parrot.

So of course I'd love to hear from all of you as to what your take is on my mystifying morning!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Melda, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

blosomes (24 stories) (148 posts)
2 years ago (2022-08-08)
Meu amigo!
Something is protecting you in this case!
Like many had commented, the light 😳
It really is an experience all people who meditates or an exportin such will really experience. 😉
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
3 years ago (2021-08-29)
The light makes me think of protection, perhaps you are being protected. The trash bin falling over like that might be a sign telling you "we are here." 😊 Maybe your husband is right, it cold be E.T.'s or your guardian angel. Thank you for your story, I enjoyed it very much.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-11-19)
outofthemirror - Thanks for commenting.
Yes that was one very strange morning!

Thanks for your good wishes; I virtually live in Fort Knox now 🙄

Regards, Melda
outofthemirror (guest)
4 years ago (2020-11-18)
Melda The light is a Brain Teaser. The bin and things moving would make me worry a bit. Glad your still here after robbery. I send you Peace Love and courage.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-23)
Mr Riggs - Thanks for reading and commenting.

I cannot accurately describe the light. It definitely was not what you would describe as full daylight. The best I can come up with is similar to early dawn when the sun has just started to rise and your surroundings become visible. However that isn't quite how it was and in fact it's difficult for me to liken it unto anything other than light, which it was! It's one of those scenarios where you actually had to be there.

Only my courtyard and outbuildings were visible and the light seemed to somehow reflect into the kitchen. All the other rooms were in total darkness, including the garden, front, back and side.

Nobody who wasn't present on the property that early morning could possibly have seen that light. This is quite a big property, 1985 square metres to be exact. The courtyard area is walled off with high gates on each side. Not even the street lights reach there. Anyone passing by would not have been able to see that area, light or no light.

I have to admit that I didn't get it although "I saw the light". (One of my favourite songs, sorry, I just had to say it!) I still really wish that I'd had the courage to open that back door. I so nearly did but my fear of scary humans prevented me.

Thanks to so many positive comments I now do believe that we are being protected. I spend quite a lot of time talking, in my mind, to whom I hope is a guardian spirit, or any good caretakers out there, and ask to keep us from harm in this house.

Why am I not surprised about what you told me about the witch doctor in Africa? Not all witch doctors are fake but unfortunately many of them are. Well I'm happy to hear that a good man was protected.

As far as the rubbish bin is concerned - well that was just the cherry on the cake. I was deep in thought when it happened so I probably jumped a foot high. No it didn't scare me, I recognised it for what it was and tried to connect it to the earlier event. After that I decided just to let it be. (Why are all these songs springing to mind? "Let it be"- Beatles, love it!)

I've had supernatural experiences since childhood and since life has gone on I can honestly say that our everyday spirit (that sounds as though their presence means nothing and isn't what I mean) doesn't bother me too much. I have in fact recounted a number of these events on YGS but still have a few up my sleeve.

I look forward to hearing from you again Mr Riggs -

Regards, Melda
MrRiggs (7 stories) (102 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-22)

This is as odd a story as I have ever heard told. Not that I discount it, not at all. But it is difficult to wrap your head and hands around.

Starting at the beginning, I wonder if your awakening was not your usual insomnia. Could it be you were meant to see and experience these things? I think that is a possibility. Life does not happen in a vacuum, and there is such a thing as cause and effect. We may be looking at an intentional communication. Then the question would be by whom and why.

In the U.S. We have a slang term - Do you see the light? It is a way of asking if you understand. Put another way, do you "get" it. A person may also say "I've seen the light." That could be a religious reference or a statement made following solving a difficult problem. No matter the use, it means they have been illuminated or enlightened.

Perhaps the purpose of the light was to get your attention. The trash bin may have been the message. You may have a presence. It would seem, if that is the case, that it is beneficial and protective. After your armed robbery experience you have likely been the subject of much prayer. Perhaps this is message sent, message received and responded to.

There is a documented case in Africa about missionary doctors annoying a witch doctor through their medical success. Tribesmen were sent at night to kill the missionaries. The attempt failed because angels stood guard. Not only were the angels large and armed, they cast an unnatural light into the darkness.

Unnatural, no, let's say supernatural light, is commonplace in matters of Divinity.

Bringing us back to earth, could anyone else have seen this light? Perhaps a neighbor or early morning tradesperson. Maybe a patrolling policeman was passing by. And, did the light have a color or tint? Was it steady or did it flicker? Did it seem a natural light, perhaps like daylight?

Your moving rubbish bin is not so unnatural as we tend to think. Jubeele recently had objects move on her kitchen counter. I had the locked front door of my home slam open, startling all in the house. That was caused by the ghost of a teenage girl who once lived there. Your self-propelled bin seems the ideal way of getting the attention of the lady if the house. Message sent, message delivered.

There, now you have some additional thoughts to consider. They are only speculation and of no more merit (or less, I hope) than your other responses. This encounter does not strike me as a negative experience. In fact, you may have a friend keeping you company.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-11)
MrsRamsay - Thanks for reading.

After all the positive comments I have received, I am inclined to agree that something, or someone, out there is keeping an eye on us. My husband and I are both senior citizens and living on a property which is far too big for us to control and maintain. We raised three children in this house but they now all have families of their own and haven't lived here for years. We're constantly nagged by the kids to get rid of the place and buy something small in a security village. Covid-19 hasn't had a positive effect on the property market in South Africa nor, I imagine, in many other parts of the world.

To be very truthful, I didn't find the early morning events scary at all. I was confused, curious and almost in disbelief. Even the rubbish bin falling out didn't scare me. I got a fright because it happened right behind me and was very loud. That was obviously paranormal, which is why I disconnected myself from the interior of my house for an hour or two at a time. If anybody or anything was interested, they'd have found me on the verandah anyway but whoever was behind it had fulfilled the purpose of the visit. (Except of course I didn't get it!)

By the way, it isn't that unusual for me to be up at 04:00 in the morning. I've always had a bit of an insomnia problem and it also goes back to the time when I often did overnight work from home. Fortunately I've retired now 😊

Regards, Melda
MrsRamsay (guest)
4 years ago (2020-10-10)
Considering the two crimes you mention (including your scary experience), I think the light you saw is a sign that someone is protecting you or at least watching over you during this higher crime moment in your block's history. And the trash bin was also for you, so you would know "they" are there for you. It seems obvious, but that's not to diminish how it all made you feel. Four am can be a scary time to be awake and alone, the last thing you need is some weird, alien light freaking you out!
DarkStar (1 stories) (25 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-08)
Melda, I for one look forward to reading about that event you mentioned. Please post it if you are so inclined...

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-08)
DarkStar - Thanks for reading. No this wasn't Vic's style at all. Vic was a closet ghost, my husband's closet ghost! (I mean that literally, not in the gender sense 😁) He did a few other mischievous ghostie things as well, but mostly in the bedroom area.

Although I'm now reminded of something else which happened in the house and that was in the kitchen and bathroom. I've never related that event here but perhaps I should. I think that Vic was the culprit there.

Regards, Melda
DarkStar (1 stories) (25 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-07)
I agree with Rex-T; perhaps your friend/entity (friendity?) Vic paid you a visit. Otherwise, I've no idee at all...

Best regards,

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-06)
Daz - Thank for the link. It makes for some very interesting reading!

Regards, Melda
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-06)
Melda, if you are going to do some research perhaps start with the evidence via this link below... In 2013 before 8 ex congress members in the press gallery of Washington, 500 witnesses came forward (a bulk of them military witnesses), an ex Canadian defence minister plus many others to testify under oath about the UFO presence... All of the ex congress members agreed at the end we are being visited by E.T and it's the biggest cover up in human history...anyway, good luck with your own research into the field the sooner we all wake up to what's going on the sooner we might grow out of the 17th century barbarism mentality we seemed to be stuck in and actually evolve into the spiritual peaceful loving beings we should be.

Off coarse the lights may be related to something else and yes it don't mean they are interested in

Regards Daz!
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-06)
Daz - I always enjoy reading your comments.

I googled Pleiadians because I shamefacedly have to admit I had never heard of them before. However I intend to do some deeper research because I think what I read only scratched the surface.

When I told my husband what had happened he was convinced that I'd had an alien experience. I didn't disillusion him because quite frankly I had no counter-argument, I didn't KNOW what it was!

So you believe you were taken onto their craft and it was pleasant and left you feeling that it was real and only 1% chance that it was an hallucination. That's quite amazing.

I don't believe that I was one of their honoured guests, my experience doesn't lend itself to that. Even while dozing on the couch with the TV on I was still aware of where I was, that the TV was on whichever programme.

Thanks for your input, it is much appreciated and has left me with some research to do!

Regards, Melda
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-05)
Hi Melda,

Some Pleiadian mother crafts can light up a house like a Christmas tree and if they decide to take you for a ride you usually hear a very distinct humming noise, I'm 99 percent sure I was taken a few years back (as I can imagine a few of you having a chuckle take it easy on old aussie haha)... The question on whether we are alone in the universe is no longer a question, that has been answered... The evidence is overwhelming you only need to stop laughing about the subject and surf the net for proof and you'll find plenty?

The question is, who are they and why are they here? Many theories and different opinions however they seem to have an interest in our evolution and they do single out certain subjects.

You may be in there sights? Quick throw on the tin foil hat lol... Usually those folk they take don't have a clue they are gone, why me? I wasn't frightened and that was basically the first question they asked me. The pleiadians are our closes neighbours... They are basically our big brothers and being on their craft me thinks? Was quite an interesting experience... It wasn't on my bucket list and no I wasn't probed lol.

Now, 99 percent sure 1 percent doubtful?... If what I'd experienced was some sort of an hallucination then wow, it was a bloody good one. Of coarse I have to accept the possibility of it being an hallucination however my gut tells me otherwise.

Regards Daz
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-04)
SWS - Thanks for your response.

I doubt whether I'll ever know what really happened that early morning. I think it's one of those things that you wonder about for the rest of your life!

As for the criminals, we have to wait for justice to take its course.

Keep well,

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
4 years ago (2020-10-04)
Hello Melda,
What an unusual situation. I thought maybe a full moon but someone has already asked that. Then I thought perhaps you may have a faulty light switch that indicates off but is actually on. Then after reading further about the bin falling on its own, I thought paranormal.
Sounds like you were in the presence of a visitor. Alien or spirit, who knows?

Let us know the outcome to this experience. It has me baffled.

I'm really sorry that you and your hubby were held up at gun point. What a frightening ordeal for both of you. I'm glad you didn't come to harm. Keep us posted on the outcome of the criminal being caught.

I've over voted you today and can't give you any more upvotes at the moment, so I'll try again later.
Best wishes,
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-04)
Maybe it was someone guiding you and looking out for you since you didn't feel fear.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-04)
Lealeigh - Thanks for your comment.

Most people who have commented have put this down to the paranormal and I think I agree. The question is why, why me and my house? Protection because of the criminal acts perpetrated in my neighbourhood is a big possibility and it does give me a feeling of comfort.

I don't know whether those evil perpetrators and murderers will ever be caught but I pray every day that they are.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-04)
lady-glow - Good to hear from you!

It was an extremely confusing experience and like you, I don't either know for sure what it was but there was nothing scary about it at all. Picture yourself walking into something unusual like that and feeling no fear but not understanding what you're seeing. Strange indeed!

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-04)
The_Lost_Voyage - Thanks for offering your opinion. This will forever be a mystery to me unless eventually somebody can offer a logical explanation.

I'm beginning to accept that this could have been a paranormal event but wish I had the answer as to why. Caring for and protecting me sounds good.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-04)
Rex-T - Thanks for reading and commenting. You could very well be right that it was a display of comfort and care. It makes me feel good to believe that!

I think maybe T-Rex should head down this way for a while 🤔

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-03)
Hello Melda.

I'm sorry to hear about your experience with those burglars.

That was an interesting event to witness and, though I have no idea about the nature of that bubble of light, agree with the suggestion of a rather positive paranormal event.

Thanks for sharing this intriguing experience.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (257 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-03)
Melda, great story, the strange light does seem to suggest some of what we've seen in movies and TV regarding encounters with aliens. It is puzzling, I wonder if like some others have suggested they were drawing energy to project such light, maybe that was their intent to communicate and get your attention. They used the energy to really light everything up rather than use it to manifest in form, it must have really taken some energy to do so! It could be they were trying to comfort you, it could be they were trying to protect you. Perhaps with what happened with your neighbor, there could have been some unscrupulous individuals skulking about and lighting up the kitchen like that may have scared them off or prevented something untoward from happening, we may never know, though I have heard of similar encounters with Angels. Though its baffling, I don't sense anything harmful about the experience. I look forward to hearing more from you!
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-03)
Hi Melda,

It hurts me to know that you were attacked in your own house. I hope they found the people who murdered your neighbor - I would assume them to be the same people who attacked you.

I agree with Rex-T. I think that the light was there to comfort and protect you.

- Maria
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-03)

The fact that you find yourself awake around the time of your horrible experience, combined with the illumination of the backyard, leads me to wonder if an entity/entities have recognised you situation and this is their way of trying to comfort you.

Certainly, an area lit up by an unknown source of light at four in the morning would be avoided by low-life's that would not want to be seen.

I agree with the others that this light appears "other worldly", you know, it is everywhere yet comes from nowhere.

Maybe Vic is back in town guarding his hidden treasure and kicking the trash bin in frustration.

Take care and stay in touch.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-03)
Tweed - Nice to hear from you. You've been missing in action for a while.

I've really tried to find a logical explanation for my lit-up courtyard and kitchen that morning. I googled everything I could find and I found a big fat nothing. I was hoping that somebody could come up with something normal!

So unless somebody on this forum can suggest a logical explanation I have to go with the flow of the comments and accept that it was in fact a paranormal event.

If only the trash emptying ghost would arrive every Wednesday morning I'd be very appreciative. Every now and then I forget.

Referring to your last sentence, I too hope that somebody is looking out for me. I know I shouldn't even mention it here but the most tragic thing happened yesterday morning at 02:30. My neighbour was shot and killed during an armed robbery. I can only think that he retaliated and tried to attack the intruders. They don't normally harm you if you're compliant. This is in fact a very good neighbourhood but crime in our country is rampant.

If the good spirits are around they're welcome to light up my bedroom and sit on my bed. Then I'll feel safe.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-03)
Jubeele - Interesting that your friend had a similar experience. If it's the friend I'm thinking of, ask him for his opinion on my experience!

In my case only my kitchen was lit up. It wasn't like full daylight, but more early sunrise where you can see an area very clearly without needing artificial light. I stood there for quite a while, totally in awe. I know it gets light here very early in summer but not at 04:00 in the morning!

Then after that the rubbish bin falling on the kitchen floor? I think I spent most of the day on the fringes of reality, not quite being able to wrap my head around these weird events.

Maybe I did have a spirit or two looking in on me because at that stage I was quite anxious and not sleeping very well.

(As far as that robbery and other related events are concerned, I'll send an email through to you tomorrow morning.)

Regards, Melda
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-03)
Hi Melda,

You know how people visualise a white light as part of meditation or cleansing? That's what this reminded me of. As Manafon said they wanted to get your attention somehow to confirm it was them/paranormal. Maybe the bin was their idea of a message, "We've taken the trash out".

Really sorry about what happened last year. Like to think you've got someone looking out for you.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-02)
Melda - so lovely to hear from you! I hope that you are all doing alright after that robbery. Such an awful thing to happen.

You certainly had a mystifying morning. Moonlight and sunlight are as different from each other as - night and day. The moon gives a silvery or amber sheen; on a few full-moon nights, I've even gone out into the courtyard, thinking our outside light was on. But there's no mistaking the garish brightness of daylight.

Your experience reminds me of the time, a few years ago, when a friend was awoken by someone calling his name. Looking for the source of the voice, he walked through his house, wondering why all the lights were on. But they weren't. It was early morning and there was no moon. He did get the feeling he was being watched and assessed by a Presence, but it meant him no harm.

When he later checked his email, he found that I had sent him a message around the same time the voice had called him. I'm still not sure if he saw some eldritch or angelic light, or was having a lucid dream. But remember me telling you about my guardian spirit (for want of a better description)? I've sometimes wondered if she went over to check him out...

Who knows? Maybe you received a special visitor who dropped by to look in on you. Like an angel or a guardian spirit coming to visit you unawares. The radiance exuded throughout your house makes me think that if it indeed was a spirit, it was ancient or powerful one. Perhaps it was a blessing, a reminder that Someone still watches over you.

Sending you our love and well wishes. 😘

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