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Unknown Phenomenon


This had happened with me 15 days back. I have very prompt believed in the worship of lord Shiva. I quite often go to the nearest temple, the Gauri Kedareshwar temple. It is one of the most ancient temples of this city. It had two main entrances; one from a bazaar named upon the temple and hence called/known as Kedar Bazaar and the second entrance which opens from the ghats and had been named on the temple and famously known as the 'Kedar Ghat'. Whenever I made a visit to the temple, I prefer to take the first entrance because the second entrance which open from the Kedar Ghat had a cremation ground nearby (say the adjacent ghat) known as the 'Harishchandra Ghat' which is a famous cremation place where Hindus burn the bodies of loved ones after their demise.

One can see the continuous process of cremation standing near the door of the temple and it sometime would give you bizarre feelings. A person who just had worship god and came out of the temple full of positive feelings suddenly sees bodies being burnt on Chitas (pyre), corpses being washed up in holy ganga before being finally put on pyre, gives odd feelings.

Returning home, I often choose an alley which is a shortcut to my residence. The entrance of that alleyway there is another temple known as the 'The Dharmeshwar Temple'. In the Garbha griha (Garbha griha is the small unit shrine of a Hindu temple) of that temple is a Shiva lingam (meaning "mark", "sign", or "inference" is a representation of the Hindu deity Shiva used for worship in temples) which according to the myths was established by Yamraj (god of death). This is the only Hindu temple in the world in which the god of death is being worship.

The people after performing the cremation rituals, worship in the temple as it is being considered that if they worship in that temple the dead relative of theirs will get rid of the tortures of Hell after his death even after committing thousands sins when they were alive. There is an open house like structure near that alleyway for those people who had traveled with the dead corpses of their relatives from far to reach to the cremation place; could take some rest before getting prepare for the last rites.

Coming back, I had a prompt belief that ghosts and evil entities are mostly active in faint lights or in the nights. But soon, my perception would be demolished by some nasty experiences. After completing my worship, I took that alleyway to return home. As I had mentioned above that it was the shortcut to my residence; while crossing, I saw a dead corpse of a female who was kept and laid on the ground in an unusual position which I had not seen before. Usually in Hinduism, we position a dead corpse's head pointing towards north and feet pointing towards south direction which symbolized the direction of death.

Her legs and hands were folded and her full body was wrapped with a red cloth. She looked bizarre to me as I had never seen a female dead body wrapped in red cloths and body laid on the ground in the seating position. The whole posture of the dead corpse looks horrible to me. I just quickly crossed over and tried to kick the whole experience out of my mind and tried to recall positive thinking so that I could forget that horrible visual experience. I returned home and gave the Prasad (a devotional offering made to a god, typically consisting of food that is later shared among devotees) to my family members and started getting prepared for the office.

When I was clothing up near the dressing table, I saw a female creature standing near the window which was situated behind me and hence clearly visible from the affixed mirrors of the dressing table. I immediately responded and looked behind but I saw nothing there. I thought that it must be an illusion (or something like that as I don't have the words through which I could explain that feeling). I had my breakfast and went for the office. The whole day I heard sounds like slow breathing near to my ears which I had never experienced before. After leaving from the office I returned home. I took my dinner and went to my bedroom. As I opened the door the whole room was full with burnt skin like smell. I called my youngest brother, he too smells that. We opened all the windows and sprayed some room fresheners and locked the doors again. We (I and my youngest brother) sat in the drawing room and watched television for an hour or so and then I along with by brother entered my room. As entering the room again we smelled the same odor. I call mother and she too smells that. My mother told us not to worry about it as this odor may be coming from our neighborhood where someone might have involved in doing some kind of tantric kriya (black magic or something like that). I then get to bed as I was tired and my youngest brother get involved in playing games on computer. I picked up a comic book (as I am fond of reading comic books) and devoted myself in reading it.

While reading the comic book, I stretched my hands in order to rest them, suddenly I saw a woman standing near the gate in red saree and she vanishes before I was able to make any movement. I said to my brother what I had seen a seconds before. We immediately went to my mother and asked her if we have any guest of aunty leaving in the 3rd floor. She replied that our aunty had gone to meet her relative that afternoon and she would be returning after 2 days.

I return to my room and I again smell burnt skin like odor. I started thinking about what and why I had seen her and what was the connection between him and the odor? Was she a ghost of that corpse which I had seen that morning?

I have still not able to decode it. Perhaps, I decided to share this with you people maybe you could better explain it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sushantkar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-29)
Hi SushantRai! First of all thanks for reading my experience and I am happy you like it. Whenever I see a dead body, I bow in respect. That's what we all do and know.
The city in which I reside is Varanasi where life and death coexist in peace and my ancestral house is close by to a famous cremation ground. So you see dead bodies passing frequently and if you bow every time it will give you serious back pain 😆

SushantRai (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-26)
[at] sushantkar
I'm really freaked out after reading your personal experience. And I appreciate your courage to bear this horrific phenomenon.
BUT, I want to tell you something very IMPORTANT. Since I'm a Sikh and my mom is a Hindu, I believe in two religions, but respect all. NOW, once I was standing in my balcony on the fist floor along with my mom, when a corpse was being carried away in front of us. My mom said stand in a pray position, bow my head, close my eyes and pray to the lord for blessing the dead-man's spirit and I did the same. She said that I should do this whenever a see a corpse being carried out away.
Good luck and all the best for your forthcoming.
Chin2Raval (1 stories) (23 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-31)
Thank you so much sushantkar for your warm reply. I hope that after ritual this problem would be solved. RIP to her soul. And yes, We are devotees of Shiv. We don't have to bother Right? Jai Shiv Shankar. Thank You and God Bless!
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-31)
Hi angelina11! Well, that's the question I am asking that Why the ghost followed me? And still my question is unanswered.
But thanks for you opinion & reply.

With best regard
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-31)
To DesertDweller- Thanks for the appreciation and I welcome you for having an account in the website. No red didn't symbolized adultery or prostitution in our culture. As figured out by Chin2Raval, in our culture, whenever a female dies before her husband, her corpus is generally decorated like a bride which symbolizes that she is 'Suhagan'

To Chin2Raval- I think you have figured out right reason behind all this thing which had happened with her.Although, I had saw her again on past Friday but this time I had not smelled any bad odor. My mother had decided to perform some holy rituals in order to bless/cleanse our apartment from local priest on tomorrow (Monday). I hope that everything should be fine after that.
With best wishes to you both
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-31)
Hello allesgute154! Thanks for you suggestion.Although, I had no plan of visiting Guwahati in the recent time but whenever I had, I would definitely take a visit to Goddess Kamakhya's temple.

With best regards
Chin2Raval (1 stories) (23 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-30)
Hi sushant, I am also a devotee of Shiv. It was a nice story. Maybe I can help you. See as you told that you saw a dead body of woman coming back from shiva's temple and it was covered in red. See we all know that in hindu if a wife died before husband (as Suhagan) we burn her dead body by decorating her like bride. So she maybe a Suhagan. And you smell something burnt and you saw her. Maybe she is trying to tell you that she died or been murdered by burning her. Hope this will help you solve your problem
Thank You and God Bless!
angelina11 (7 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-30)
according to us chinese, when one dies while wearing a red cloth, that sprit will be very powerful. Which means, the more red the person wears while dying, the more powerful. But why the ghost follow you? 😕
DesertDweller (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-29)
Hello! Your story was so compelling it inspired me to create an account so I could respond. I was wondering if the red signifies anything in your culture with regards to (with all due respect) adultery or prostitution? Since her spirit is restless, could it be that she has attached to you to help in some way. If she was wrongly charged, by societal standards, and treated disrespectfully by wrapping her in red and not properly positioning her? Maybe she needs help, for somebody to understand her side of the story?
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-29)
I have heard that worshipping at Goddess Kamakhya's temple in Guwahati provides relief from evil spirits and black magic. Please try it.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-26)
Hi, Sushant thanks for your reply... Please keep update us. 😁
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-25)
Very interesting story. Thankyou for explaining everything too, we wouldn't have gotten a lot of it otherwise. 😊 Gotta agree with the sugestion to call in somebody like a priest or other gifted person to work on this since there are so many things so odd. A friendly ghost wouldn't leave a stench, or the other things you found odd.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-25)
Hi Phoenix83! Thanks for reading my experience. I am glad to hear that you have been practicing Hindu customs. I fill negative energy when I see her or fill her presence. My mother's perception is that if someone sees a ghost and smells bad odor then it is a sign of witch or devil. Although she so far had not harmed me but I cannot assume that she would never harm me or she is protecting me. 😨
Yes there is a mantra called 'Chandika Path' (since I belongs to a Bengali family) my mother did blessed that place but still it had no effect. 😨
But thanks for your concerns.

With best wishes and ❤
Phoenix83 (4 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-25)
I apologize as my comment was meant for Sushant. Forgive my mistake.
Phoenix83 (4 stories) (13 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-25)
Hello sheetal, I loved your story as my husband and I have been practicing Hindu customs for the past 5 years or so. This was educationally enlightening for me. Do you feel negative energy when you see this lady? If not maybe she wants to protect you, she certainly seems drawn to you for some reason or another. Is there a mantra you can pray that will help her move on to her next life?
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-25)
Hi sheetal! Thanks for giving your precious time to read my experience. Last week I had seen her again. She appears for few seconds and then vanishes. As far as the odor is concern... Yes whenever she appears it comes with her and parishes within a hour or so.

With best wishes ❤
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-25)
Hi, Sushant A scary story with a touch of Indian custom. I am also a devotee of Lord Shiva. I find this story strange specially the women covered in red cloth. Hoping that I'll not get any nightmare tonight. 😨 😨 I want to suggest that you should talk with the priest of temple.
Did you ever seen her and smell the same odor again?

Stay safe. 😁

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