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Holiday Visitor


Last year at Christmas, I went to Colorado for a holiday. I own a house over there so I stayed in that for the duration of the holiday.

I got there on the 20th of December, at midnight so immediately I went to bed. In the morning I was woken up by this rapid banging on the front door. I opened it and this guy was standing there babbling to me in a foreign language. He was quite upset so I let him in and tried to calm him down. Eventually we got to the point where we could understand each other and we could communicate effectively. He explained to me that he had just seen a person hanging in one of my upstairs windows.

I was a little disturbed by this as I had not yet been upstairs. I ventured upstairs with him behind me and checked the room he had seen the person in. On opening the door, there was nothing there as I expected. The man, who had introduced himself to me as Emmanual, swore blind that he wasn't lying. I shook it off as his imagination and he left without another word.

The rest of the holiday was enjoyable and I really didn't want to leave. However on the last day, Emmanual turned up again and told me that he heard me fighting with someone. I really didn't want to be freaked out on my last day so I told him that he was imagining it and to leave me alone in the most polite way possible. He then told me not to get on the boat. Then he left.

The way he said it really scared me. It was as if he was warning me against some sort of attack he was to take part in. After that I decided to book the plane instead to get home. The reason I am writing this now is because my friend who was driving the private boat that was going to get me home, just phoned me to tell me that the boat got crashed and he had just got out of hospital.

A few days later my friend who is my next door neighbour in Colorado told me that someone had committed suicide in my house and had been found hanging in my upstairs room that Emmanual saw it in.

I am quite scared now because of what Emmanual told me. What do you think about it because I am quite scared now.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Oceana, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

hawkseye12002 (3 stories) (36 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-01)
Hi everyone...

I have been away because 1) I have been busy and 2) I have kind of gotten a sour taste in my mouth for this site, now... But... I am back to say a couple more things.

I must first apologize. My post started out as just me trying to point out that you guys should not be so hard on the original posters, because we are not the ones who have the experiences. We are not the ones who went through what they did so who are we to judge what they're telling us? Instead... My emotions got the best of me and I kind of flared up and went off... I lost my cool. For that, I apologize.

I do not necessarily disagree with the "nit picking", I am just saying don't nit pick and then beat a dead horse into the ground with it's leg. Do you feel inclined to do some research and see if you can find out something about it? Do your thing... Knock yourself out. But to go to extreme lengths to try to prove or disprove someones statement here in one of their accounts...ugh...that just set me off.

I see that Oceana has not responded and quite frankly, I can't blame her. I'm sure I would've walked away, as well.

She had mentioned taking some pills, I am wondering if she had some hallucinations. I guess we'll never know, now...

Anyways...I'm not going to comment on it further, I just wanted to apologize for going off the way I did... I could have handled that post a lot better than I did. My apologies.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-27)
Rook - The problem lies with me. Quite honestly I feel sorry for the O/P. I don't have the right to interfere with your interaction with her and I apologise for doing so.

Regards, Melda
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-27)

Thank you, but being one of the 'nit-pickers' and discovering that some of the information I questioned was indeed factual I feel the need to give the O/P the benefit of doubt and another chance to 'clear up' any misunderstandings concerning their submission.


Having... "...followed this site for a number of years, enjoying the accounts posted."

You must know that I am one of those 'nit-pickers'...I have been a member sense October 2008 and my stance now is the same them... If an individual who submits an Experience does not get basic details correct then what else may be incorrect or perhaps even false.

Then there are situations like the one on this Submission... Many of us had multiple questions concerning some of the details the O/P provided. So they asked about them. I was one of them myself... And as you can see I have returned to this Submission, because I was able to 'research' some of the details they provided and thus proved that what they said 'could' happen... (Started with 'Google...followed provided links to either specific Ports of Call along the Texas Gulf Coast OR to the US Customs web site which explained where the Ports of Call for privately owned vessels were.)...

So there you have it... I do hope Oceana will return and follow up on my latest comment... But that remains to be seen and is completely out of my hands.


ChickenLittle (11 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-24)
I tend to agree with Hawkseye. I have followed this site for a number of years, enjoying the accounts posted. In the recent year or so, there seems to be a "gang" of several who take joy from "exposing a fraudster". I am not just referring to this particular poster. I have read several accounts that appeared to be authentic attempts to describe an event profound to the poster. Instead of focusing on the main thread of the story, two or so will start "nit-picking" the finite details with the apparent goal of "discovering the truth". ]The problem is not that questions are being asked; it is instead the tone and manner in which they are asked, even to the point of accusing the poster of lying before they are allowed to answer the questions. This puts the poster at an immediate disadvantage, something I think the commenters know and enjoy. Absolutely, I have read some accounts and just rolled my eyes. Just let them stand or fall on their own merits. I have some experiences (real ones), and at one time thought I would eventually post them. I have questions about my experiences, but at this point, I wouldn't trust the commenters on this site to give me anything but grief. I wonder how many others feel this way. How many legitimate posts is this site missing? Another point about the "research" that is conducted. If you want to nit-pick, many times the poster is disbelieved because someone researched, but the commenter does not detail their research methods, sites, and results. (Google is only a beginning, not a definitive research site). C'mon guys, this site was great once. It is now beginning to resemble a snotty (wasn't allowed to use my other word of choice) sorority.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-24)
Rook - You are such a nice, kind person. Please let this go. I think Oceana has been broken down enough on other accounts besides this one. At this stage the truth of her story doesn't matter anymore.

Perhaps she'll reply to you and be bashed even more? I don't want to see that happen.

Regards, Melda
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-24)

I have done my due diligence and researched Texas 'Ports of Call', there are a number of them along the Texas coast... But a Port of Call along the East Coast of the US seems easier to arrive at, if traveling directly from the UK, all that extra distance sailing down and around Florida seems unnecessary (just a personal thing)...unless you met your friend in the Caribbean somewhere and then made your way to the Texas coast... (again, just me...)

So, put to rest, UK (or Caribbean) to US (Texas) via personal (ie: pleasure craft) yacht is possible.

I still would like these questions I asked answered...

"Is the House in Colorado 'Brand new'? Easier questions... Are you the first owner?

If not I suggest you do some research on the home... Perhaps a suicide did occur in the house you purchased...

Your submission deals mainly with things your neighbor 'saw'...either in your home or in his head... Have you had ANY unusual experiences/feelings in your home in Colorado?

From your comments you seem desperate for... Well here's hoping its help/advice and not attention.



I wonder if the O/P will oblige me?


valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
Darlin', I think you've more than made your points on what you think about the OP. Perhaps it's time to stick a pin in it, and let it go?
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
Hi Lady-glow,

Just having a quiet day, and wanted a little fun.

This gives me the opportunity to tell you how much I enjoy your comments. I often skim down to read what you have written, then I can know as to if the story is worthwhile or not.

Thank you
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
Msforgetmenott - if president Trump ever gets to read this story, I'm afraid he'll want to start building walls around every one of the states.

Knowing Oceana's history, I wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't remember the the name of the place where her house is and, of course, if someone asked her to check her passport for her port of entry, she wouldn't be able to do it because it expired and she already put it in the trash!😒
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
and I forgot to ask is your house in the flat lands desert area or in the small hilly area?
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
Hello Oceana,

I was wondering if you traveled with a passport from the UK, or did you slip in a back door. Also, where is your United States home, in the city or the town of Colorado. Just wondering on the map, where your home is.

Thank you in advance for this information.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)

Ok, ok...yup...more questions because of this statement from you...

I only know I have a house in Colorado and I went there in his private boat and drove me to my house. I don't have a clue about anything else. I'm not making it up I swear. I know that I got a plane back to the uk and that there was a suicide in my house in Colorado."

Is the House in Colorado 'Brand new'? Easier questions... Are you the first owner?

If not I suggest you do some research on the home... Perhaps a suicide did occur in the house you purchased...

Your submission deals mainly with things your neighbor 'saw'...either in your home or in his head... Have you had ANY unusual experiences/feelings in your home in Colorado?

From your comments you seem desperate for... Well here's hoping its help/advice and not attention.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)

I can see your point... Why nit pick every detail... It seems as if we are being big, bad internet bullies...

And yet the devil is in the details...

The O/P states that they were going to travel home the same way they traveled to the US, via Boat then by car to Colorado. That is fine... However (AND THIS MAY JUST BE ME) I am finding it difficult to locate which PORT OF CALL on the Texas Gulf coast excepts INDIVIDUALS arriving from overseas. If that proves true then the O/P has 'fibbed' to us and if that part of the 'story' is untrue then what else may be the same? (If someone has information that I have not Found please tell me... I know Cruise Ships depart for the Caribbean from ports like Galveston, does that mean individuals can travel to and from the UK via the same Ports of Call the cruise liners use? 😕)

Something else to think about, IF the boat they were to return on was wrecked BEFORE 'Emmanuel' got his premonition would not the O/P have heard about it because it changed their travel plans? Yes they 'flew' home... And did not find out about the wreck until after arriving home in the UK? WHY? I think someone would have told them that the boat had been wrecked and they would have to make other arrangements for travel before showing up 'dockside'. But that's just me.

Again, just me nit-picking...

This community is for TRUE experiences not FICTIONAL stories... Does every experience with unexplained occurrences turn out to be Paranormal... Certainly not, but those who submit there 'ODD' experiences can read through those already posted and see that the members here do our BEST to help them figure out what they may have experienced... In the process we manage to weed out a few 'pretenders' and on occasion we even have to defend against 'Trolls' in the comments section.

I do apologize if you feel that any of us are being 'bullies' to particular individuals, that is not our intent. We do our best to have an open mind about every submission, but sometimes, there are things we questions AND as I stated 'The Devil is in the Details' and our questions, HECK even our outright 'doubting comments' help us to get to the truth.


valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
First off, you do realize that when we do a bit of 'sleuthing', as you call it, the result can go either way, yes? And that there are more reasons than trying 'to prove a story false' for looking? Some of us are born curious creatures, with a need to know. Sometimes, this 'sleuthing' supports the OP's claims.
What you see as nit-picking, may be just a form of clarification for some. Personally, I'd rather be asked a hundred questions about details to help make myself clear, then to go misunderstood, and doubted. Not everyone reads all the comments, so the same question might come up a few times. Never mind the fact that several comments might be being posted at the same time. Or that the questioning is actually attempting to clarify and bare the OP out.
The parties are nothing new. Confused the heck out of me when I first joined here. But, then I began to understand that it was a celebration of a small victory over those who believe that because we believe in the spirit world, that we'll believe ANYTHING. The struggle against trolls is real and ongoing. We do not hold them on every story we doubt, only those where as we feel we have thwarted yet another troll attack (basically someone pretending to have an experience, and wanting us to be quite gullible).
I will tell you this about these 'bullies' as you say, because I know you're still relatively new, here barely a year or so. They may sit on a fence now and then, ask a lot of questions and visit Uncle Google often, but they are also the first ones to say, 'Hey guys! I found this - so THAT really happened!" They are also the first to apologize if they find themselves mistaken. Or offer what they understood the OP to mean. Now if those are the type of folks that 'disgust' and 'sicken' you, I don't know what else to say but maybe we aren't the group for you.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
I'm a bit confused... Or maybe I'm just not getting what Emmanuel told you that is still frightening you, as what he said already passed. Is it that he already knew these things that frightens you?
I can see where that could be unnerving, but hardly scary.
Did your neighbor say when this suicide took place? I'm just trying for a time frame here. Was it shortly after/during your return home? Was your house broken into, for them to do such a thing? And why your house? (I know you don't know why, but that's something I'd be asking.)
I ask because for those with the sight, some see the future, some see the past as if today, and then there are those who see both. This small tidbit could shed light on Emmanuel.
There's something else I really don't understand. Since your original plan was to sail back to the UK, but then you decided to fly, did you cut your holiday short or stay the extra time afforded?
Now this is from jealous me: you have a job where you can afford foreign property, as well as the time off to enjoy it? Gads, I simply can't imagine having that kind of luxury. I'm lucky if I can afford to go camping in my backyard!
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Hi Hawkeseye

Everyone's entitled to an opinion, you've just stated yours. Join the club.

In my opinion it's FAR worse for people to knowingly come on to a site that's clearly dedicated to REAL spirit / ghost encounters and submit works of complete and utter fiction, than for some intelligent people to ask logical questions based on rational and clear thought because the submission does not make sense or does not follow a realistic thread.

Sometimed stories on this site are cliched nonsense clearly influenced by B grade horror movies.

Unfortunately it happens far too often on this site. Some stories are clearly fiction and are laughable and others just don't seem "true" and it's those ones that niggle at the reader and create more questions and answers, are the ones that create tension for people. That's why questions are asked; people have searching minds.

There's also people who can't write that well and they struggle to "paint a picture" as they say and sometimes those true submissions are hard to read /follow. Others are very skilled at writing and their stories may appear more believable, yet are not true at all.

In my OPINION people who treat YGS as a platform to practice horror fiction is nothing more than deceit and deliberate time wasting of sincere individuals. Is dishonesty a good thing? Is that ok? Is that acceptable to do that? Should an audience NOT say anything if they feel they are being deliberately misled, or lied to?

I would not recommend entering any website or forum and leaving your brain at the door. I am certainly not a skeptic, in fact I have an absolute belief in our spirit nature's, the afterlife and a Higher Power but that doesn't mean I should blindly accept what is submitted here as true. Nor should anyone.

I suggest to others to approach life with an open mind but always use your reason to explore the truth and always stick to your principles. If something makes your reason revolt then listen to that intuition and follow it.

And lastly (my soap box is needed somewhere else) when you submit work in a public forum you should expect all sorts of reactions, both positive and negative.

Peace to you.


lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
Hawkseye - is it wrong to try to find the truth? 🤔

Blah blah blah blah... That'd do! 😘
hawkseye12002 (3 stories) (36 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
I am quite disturbed and put off by something I have been seeing a lot of lately, and that is what I akin to being "bully behaviour".

If somebody submits something that you believe is a lie, then call them on it... But do not sit here and pick apart every single freakin' thing they say!

Why does it matter what route she took? Why does it matter what pills she was taking? Why does it matter if she flew on a plane, drove or whatever... WHY DOES IT MATTER? The gist of the story is that someone saw a suicide by hanging via her window and then forewarned her of an accident that she was able to avoid.

And Lady-Glow, your comment: "If a seer, Emmanual isn't very accurate, after all, the boat was already wrecked by the time he warned you against getting on it.

And, IF your friend crashed his boat, it surely should be some mention about this accident in the news, but I came empty handed when trying to find any information..."

First of all, the way I understood it... She was told of the boat wrecking AFTER she arrived home in the UK, which means the boat would've been wrecked between the time she left Colorado and arrived in UK. The boat was not already wrecked when he warned her. Second of all--WTF? Seriously? You're so gung-ho about proving her story false that you're going to go sleuthing all the papers about a boat wreckage? Omg... Seriously... Find something to do with your life.

You all find someone who you think is lying and then start to pick apart their story. It's bad enough you nitpick it to death, but then once you all "jump on the fence", that isn't enough... You have to throw a freakin' party on it. Someone, can't remember who but THANK YOU, reminded everyone that this is a place to share and comment and not to share recipes.

To me, this is bullying behaviour. In high school, when someone pushes you down on purpose, that is a bully. But then when that person turns back to his friends and they ALL laugh at you and make fun of you, that makes ALL of them bullies. You all are exhibiting this and quite frankly, you sicken me.

I'm disgusted with the lot of you.
sophiethunder (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
Oceana, I do believe you. I think that Emmanual could see the future or something like that. I don't care how you got there and shame on those who called you a liar because you were out of it for the trip there. Whatever it was you live in UK and that happened in USA so calm down, I'm sure the answers will come to you eventually.
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
I took these tablets and the whole trip was a blur. That's why I was relying on my friend take me to where I needed to go. I have travel issues. The holiday, I can remember, the trip there, I can't.

Please believe me. I need someone to help me with this. I'm so scared I can't sleep at night.
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
I'm just telling you what happened. I don't know anything really, I'm telling you what my friend told me. I keep asking him all the questions you ask me and he tells me the stuff that I have told you. He took me everywhere, I only know I have a house in Colorado and I went there in his private boat and drove me to my house. I don't have a clue about anything else. I'm not making it up I swear. I know that I got a plane back to the uk and that there was a suicide in my house in Colorado. I don't know why you don't believe me because it's all true and it happened. I came on here because I am creeped out right now and wanted someone to tell me that what happened was not me going crazy. And all I have got is a load of questions about how I got on holiday. I dont' know ok. Friend planned it, friend organized it. I know that I stayed in my house in Colorado and all the weird stuff happened. I'm really not making it up.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Rook asked Oceana if he was departing from a port on the Gulf of Mexico or was going to travel to a port on the East Coast to which Oceana replied, "Gulf of Mexico I think".

There are only two possible responses to your confusion Oceana. One, you were inhaling ether ala Hunter S. Thompson in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas or are making stuff up as you go along. Maybe a bit of both.

Everyone, I would suggest the OP has had his fifteen minutes. Let it drop.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Oh and one more point: if someone broke into your holiday home and comnitted suicide, then that's a crime scene.

The local authorities would be contacting you regarding this incident. They would HAVE to. And they would be able to find out the houses owner very easily.

So for you to hear about an actual suicide (or potential murder) in YOUR house from your NEIGHBOUR and not the local police is quite frankly, almost totally unbelievable in my humble opinion.


Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Hi Oceana

I have to agree with others who have commented. To me this isn't so much a true ghost / spirit experience but more like a vague and seemingly unlikely encounter with some weird guy.

There was no proof of this hanging vision, and nothing to suggest there was arguing in your house.

And in terms of the boat that hit
"something" and "smashed to pieces" well, it would have to be a very shall boat hitting something very large at great speed.

The driver of the boat would presumably have known what he collided with and I would have assumed he then would have had quite a detailed story of THAT event to share with you.

Based then on the assumption your nautical friend wrecked a speed boat; according to some research I did regarding crossing the Atlantic Ocean in a small monohull; it might average as little as 100 nautical miles a day and would have to plan for a trip of just under 30 days.

That sea crossing would be the star of the trip / story wouldn't it? Spending a month at sea in a speed boat on the Atlantic?

Sorry but there is definitely something a bit fishy about this tale.


lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
If a seer, Emmanual isn't very accurate, after all, the boat was already wrecked by the time he warned you against getting on it.

And, IF your friend crashed his boat, it surely should be some mention about this accident in the news, but I came empty handed when trying to find any information...
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Gulf of mexico I think.
I drove through Texas.
There was nothing in the room as in an empty room. I don't keep things up there.
He had no way of finding out about the boat because I didn't say the word boat in my entire stay.
My friend said that the boat hit something and smashed into pieces.
And yes I work and live in the UK and go to Colorado for holidays
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Just me picking nits...

You said...

"Colorado to Texas then drive to the coast and boat from there to UK..."

Were you departing from a Port on the Gulf of Mexico or were you to travel by car to a Port on the East Coast of the US?

A better question might be... Were you simply going to reverse the way you arrived for your visit, if so what Port did you enter and which states did you drive through to get to Colorado?

As far as Emmanual goes...Hummmm...

Is there ANYWAY he could have found out your plans for returning via a Boat rather than flying?

Further more...

"I ventured upstairs with him behind me and checked the room he had seen the person in. On opening the door, there was nothing there as I expected."

What do you mean 'nothing'? Was the room completely empty? Or do you mean there was 'no body' hanging from the ceiling as, you expected? If the room was not 'completely empty' did you check to see if there was something that may have 'caused' it to LOOK like someone was hanging in that room? Another thing... Did you go outside and look at the window to see if you could see what Emmanual was talking about?

Emmanual may have been a 'sensitive' one who can feel or see spirits... AND he may...MAY...have had a 'precognitive vision' concerning your 'ocean voyage'. I say MAY because of two things...

FIRST: The way you describe him telling you not to get on the boat...

"The way he said it really scared me. It was as if he was warning me against some sort of attack he was to take part in."

If he had no way of knowing HOW you were going home why would he sound like a sympathetic terrorist? (ie: (his point of view) I have grown found of you, don't get on that boat... Something bad is going to happen...)


SECOND: This is simply a narrative of... Well fiction. I understand that it says you are a young adult AND that by YGS's terms that age range is pretty 'wide' but To live and work in the UK and own a VACATION Home in Colorado and to travel back and forth via Boat and Car...NICE.

Last thing... Did your friend say 'how' the accident with his boat occurred?

I remain your truly as I sit out here on the fence.


Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Any thoughts about Emmanual? What do you think he saw?
I don't want this discussion to be only about how I went on holiday.
Oceana (11 stories) (47 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
That was the plan anyway. For me it was cheaper. Colorado to Texas then drive to the coast and boat from there to UK. It worked and I know that much. I got there that way and then plane back from Colorado to UK
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Not really. 😕

Oceana, I hope you don't mind to explain your intended itinerary by land and water.
What place in the coast?
Knowing the location of Colorado, I dare to say that traveling by plane would have been the cheapest option.

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