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No Kids Allowed


A few years ago when my children were about 7, 5 -1/2 and 4 they were spending the night at their dad's sister's house. Auntie Monica was babysitting that day, my then husband and I were going to a party and were not going to be back until very late so it was decided that the kids might as well just spend the night. We had only been at the party a few hours and even though the party was nice, good food, good friends, good music, we both felt very uneasy. Monica had babysat before so it wasn't that we didn't trust her, there just seemed to be something off. So, we decided to call it a night and head back to Monica's house to get the kids.

We had the spare keys to the house so we did not knock, it was fairly late so we did not want to disturb anyone. When we opened the front door we were met with a very frightened looking Monica, a teary eyed 7 year-old, and sleeping on the couch was our little ones. I immediately sensed something was not right but didn't ask, we decided to spend the night so we moved the children to the spare bedroom. My 7 year-old would not stay in the room unless daddy stayed with her, so he settled in with her and I went to go talk to my sister-and-law to see what had happened.

She told me that the kids had been playing in the bedroom when suddenly all 3 came running out looking scared and crying saying that they wanted to leave. Monica asked them what happened but all they said is that they were scared to be there and wanted to go home. She got them to quiet down but was not able to get them to sleep in the spare bedroom. She stayed with them in the living room until the two youngest fell asleep. My oldest kept crying saying she wanted her mommy and daddy, Monica sat with her until she calmed down.

Monica says that my son started talking in his sleep and my daughter soon followed. She said it was as if they were carrying on a conversation but she couldn't understand anything they were saying. Monica says it got to the point where their voices were raised and they were almost yelling. She went to try to get them to calm down and she said she put her hand on my son's chest and he started lifting his chest like he was trying to get up, even though she wasn't holding him down it seemed like something or someone was holding him down.

She started praying and just as fast as it started it all stopped, my children went back to sleeping quietly. She told me that she could swear they were both speaking a different language or a mixture of different languages. It scared me a little to hear this but nothing compared to how freaked out she was.

The next morning my kids were being their normal selves, I decided to wait until we got home to ask questions. All I got out of my oldest daughter was that they were playing in the room and there was a voice that yelled at them and told them to get out. I asked her where the voice was coming from and she said all she knew is that the voice was inside the room with them. I tried to get more out of her but my husband told me to stop and let her forget what happened.

About two years after that, that room was turned into a nursery for Monica's newborn daughter. The baby did not sleep there for long, they heard her crying one day and when they walked into the room the baby was laying on the floor next to the door. We're talking about a 2-3 month old baby. Even more weird, Monica had to constantly open windows and doors in that bedroom because it always smelled like mold even though there wasn't any. I went in there a couple of times after the baby was born and to me it smelled like something rotting.

Any ideas what happened to my two young children? Why were they speaking to each other while asleep and in an unknown language?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Haven, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-22)
Hey there! I enjoyed reading your experience very much! However I am sorry to hear about how scared your sister in law and children were and I am glad that everyone is ok! I would have been scared too! I got chills reading all of this especially the part about your sister in Laws baby being placed on the floor out of her crib! So scary!
When I was 5 my mom and dad both said that I was talking in my sleep in a different language that they didn't know. They said it was like I was speaking in tongues. My parents didn't tell me until I was older that it happened but they didn't say much about it but that it really scared my dad. If it would help you I can ask my parents if they have any idea about what it was if you think it could help:) my husband and myself hear one of our daughters always talking in her sleep. Good luck to you!:)
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-15)
Hi Re-T and Jubeele -

Thank you very much for your comments.

The psychic that cleansed Monica's house also told her to get the baby baptized. Monica never told her about what happened with my children yet the psychic gave her details about what happened that day, she told her my children were spared because they were baptized. She had been told this by a different psychic before. She was vague in her explanation of what it was, only told her it was evil and didn't like children because they could see what was there. Didn't make much sense because Monica's baby was only a couple of months old, at that age they don't know much of what's going on in my opinion. But, that was enough to scare Monica and she moved very soon after that.

The shop I was in is not located in a tourist area. In fact, it is located in the "ghetto" part of the city - LOL. I have been in these stores before, but never one with a life size statue. I have to say that I am fascinated by all the stuff they have. I walk around smelling candles, incense and colognes as well as picking up all the talismans and rocks and gems. They have all kinds of herbs and oils, I like reading the labels that indicate what a specific product is for. They have stuff to attract love, money and happiness. They have a section in the back that is specifically for black magic. They do tarot readings and cleansings but help you pick stuff for a DIY cleansing. I don't know, I'm weird, I find all that stuff kind of cool.

To answer your questions on the face, it is a skull. There are holes where there should be eyes. It is wearing long robes that cover that back of the head. I one hand it has a small globe, in the other it has a scythe. The shrine is at her feet with candles, food, and lots of tequila.

I guess I can also be described as a skeptic and a believer rolled up in one. Yeah, I like that...

Thanks again! ❤
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-14)

I suffer from the dilemma of being a skeptic with an open mind. YGS has helped me understand that it is OK to first start ruling out the mundane and consider whatever is left that can't be logically explained with an open mind (sounds like Sherlock Holmes).

I've experienced "situations" that have scared, shocked and intrigued me because they defy logic. While, I have no problems discussing these incidents with Jubeele, like you, I have chosen not to publish them on any site.

From an overall perspective, my first thought after reading your submission was that there were too many coincidences to be explained away as "something mundane". The fact that your two children were still exhibiting some kind of influence after they were moved out of the spare bedroom is concerning. The psychic that cleansed the house but then suggested that Monica move out must have known more about the entity than she was willing to discuss.

Also, I've got to ask you about that shop in Mexico. You see, when we were touring the American South West, our tour guide would occasionally warn us of "tourist traps". I'm assuming you know what this term means, so my question is "Did you get that impression, when you were in the shop"?
The other question I have is "Did the statue of La Santa Muerte have a face or a skull"?

On a light-hearted note, your description conjured up in my mind an awesome vision of the Grim Reaper toting a bottle of tequila with a lit smoke firmly clamped between her teeth.

On a serious note, if her face was a skull, one would think that the inhaled smoke would come out of her eyes, etc.

And there you have it Haven, a skeptic and believer rolled up in one. Seriously, we agree with all the other posters, you have nothing to worry about because you write from the heart.

Hope to read more.
Rex-T and Jubeele
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-14)
Hi, Jubilee. As far as I know, Monica's husband was not a worshiper when they lived in that house, I could be wrong.

I have heard different sides on worshiping 'La Santa Muerte'. Some people worship her and seek her protection, she has worked "miracles" for them. Others, including the Catholic Church, condemn her and say she is evil. I have heard that the price to pay for her protection is very high and usually involves paying with the lives of members of your family. Some people consider this a cult that involves black magic since some of the petitions to her are for the harm or demise of enemies.

A couple of months ago I walked into a botanical store in Mexico looking for sage and incense to perform a cleaning, and I accidentally "bumped" into her. Well, a statue of her. I was freaked out because the image is that of the grim reaper, in full size! Apparently, I amused the shop owner because he walked towards me laughing and told me to not be afraid. He then proceeded to tell me that she was good and that she would do anything for me if I asked in good faith. I saw that she had an alter with a lot of candles, fruit, sweetbreads and even had bottles of tequila and cigarettes. She also had money pinned to her robes. The shop owner then proceeded to light a cigarette and place it in her mouth. We stayed talking for a few minutes, he told me that he leaves a glass of tequila out for her every night and in the morning the tequila has been consumed. He then told me to look back at the statue and see how she was smoking. The smoke coming out of the cigarette was not like when it is lit and it is consuming by itself, the tip would light up a little and then smoke would blow out. I was too embarrassed to ask him to take the cigarette out so I can see if there was a hole and maybe a fan blowing to explain what was happening. I discreetly looked around for any source of ventilation, I also wanted to look behind the statue to see what was there but I just paid for some incense sticks and walked out. I didn't want to insult him by asking what he does with the money. I'm really skeptical about this whole religion.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-14)
Thank you, Miandra. I really appreciate your kind words. ❤ 😁
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-13)
Hello Haven,

This was a really frightening experience. Especially when there's the safety of children involved. Thank God everyone got safely out of that house.

It's interesting that the issue was mainly with the spare bedroom. When Monica's husband worshipped 'La Santa Muerte', did he ever used that room for worship? Was there an artefact of some sort left behind or used to be there?

'Our Lady of Holy Death' is connected with protection, healing and safe journey to the afterlife. I wonder if the children represent life and renewal, qualities which could be anathema to Santa Muerte, who represents death. Their life essence would in effect change the balance of energy in the house. Perhaps that is why they were told to "get out" and were made to feel unwelcome.

From what I've gathered (not that I'm an expert), any possession would require consent of the person involved. It's all about free will. I also believe that Monica's baby and your children's innocence provided a measure of protection for them. As for adults, we all have the choice to reject evil and refuse to follow its insidious ways.

Be Safe and Well. ❤
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-13)
Hello Haven,

Just like Twighlight, I have really enjoyed reading your posts and comments. Twighlight explained it really well. ' No one here will judge you'. You are a part of the YGS community and like Twighlight says members here are open minded.

Please consider sharing more experiences. I thoroughly enjoy reading your material.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-13)
Haven, I understand on the hesitation on submitting certain past experiences. But I agree with AugustaM on the people that generally get thrown the BS blankie on their stories being too unbelievable, are the people that aren't regulars on this site, and ignore any questions that others may have, to try and understand what they claimed happened to them. With you being a regular on here now, I don't think you should worry about not being believed, especially when you're answering everyone's questions that are asked. With some of our regulars on this site submitting their experiences on seeing things like fairies etc, and not being told they're crazy, and that they don't know what they're talking about, I think you'll see a lot of us here are pretty open minded. I understand given your past though, on so many people, especially ones that are close to you, not believing you to the point of punishing you, or calling you crazy for what all you've told them, I don't blame you for being hesitant on what all you'll share here. But I hope eventually you'll be able to trust that we aren't like that here, and feel comfortable enough to share your other experiences with us. From what all you've told us so far, I believe it's obvious that you're a magnet. I couldn't imagine going through some of the experiences you have shared, and think you're very strong to be able to live that kind of life. I'm sorry so many have made you feel the way they have, because they don't believe, or understand what all you're going through. Honestly I think the main reason they're like that, is because it scares them to think of there being any truth in what you tell them. I've loved reading what all you have chosen to share with us, and hope in time you'll be able to share the one's that you're afraid to tell, but respect your decision if you choose not to tell them as well. I just wanted to let you know that I do believe what you've told us here, and would not think you're crazy for the life you have to live over your ability to see the other side. Thank you again for sharing another one of your experiences with us, and hope to hear more soon 😊
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-13)
Thank you, Augusta! I am beginning to feel more comfortable on this site the more I read the stories here. I realize that I'm not crazy, and hey, if I am crazy at least I know I'm not alone.

Monica moved out of there and tried to look for answers. I know she went to psychics and was hooked on getting tarot readings and I think she even messed around with the Ouija. She became obsessed with all that stuff for a while until something happened (don't know what) that scared her 'straight'. She took refuge in the church and no longer does any of that. I haven't talked to that family in a while, I know that her husband was a worshiper of 'La Santa Muerte' (Death Saint) and she was trying to get him to stop, not sure if she succeeded. All I know is that at the time the incident with my kids and their baby he was not into that stuff so I'm sure it had nothing to do with it.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-13)
Wow - yeah that's frightening all the way 'round! I think the assumption that there was something nasty residing in that room - maybe even demonic but there is no way to know for certain precisely what it may have been without access to the history and really having been there. I'm glad she is no longer living there!

And don't worry about folks being critical of your experiences - that sort of backlash typically happens when a stranger to the site posts something particularly far-fetched. You are no stranger to us ❤ You have been around and contributed enough to have established yourself as a credible individual - that changes everything. But if you truly feel unshakably uncomfortable, do what you feel is best.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
DeliverDawn -

No, I have never heard anyone speak in tongues. My ex sister-in-law seems to believe they were. I don't remember if she told me why she believed this. I know I was told this before and Monica said that it was exactly what she thought but I don't remember why.

Monica no longer lives in that house. I haven't spoken to Monica in 4 years, not since her brother and I separated. I wish I had the nerve to call her and ask her about this incident again. I want her to tell me again why she was very adamant that my kids were speaking a language (she called it tongues) and why exactly she thought they were being possessed. I'm sure she would talk to me, we didn't end in bad terms. I just don't want the "small talk" and know I can't just call her up and go straight to the question without sounding rude, hahaha.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Hi Twilight -

Creepy does not begin to describe what I have seen and been through - I am a magnet for this kind of creepiness. Really, I have some things that I have experienced that I will never write about for fear of being ridiculed and called a liar (or worse, crazy). I have read some of the comments here to other stories and they are enough to make me keep some stuff to myself. I read stories here that have happened to me and I can relate to, sometimes I comment and other times I don't because I don't want it to look like "yeah right, she's been there, done that". Don't get me wrong, I love this site and am glad I can share some of my experiences, something I do not feel comfortable talking to anyone about. Growing up, I didn't want to tell my mom because she would get so scared and I didn't want her to feel that way. I told my grandmother once about a lady that would come to me at night when I would visit her home in Mexico, the only thing it got me was being dragged to church and made to confess because there was something evil in me. She would have me pray the rosary on my knees every day to help me get rid of it. I shared some experiences with my cousin when I was spending the summer with them and I was scolded by my aunt for making stuff up and scaring my cousins and siblings. I had to sleep alone at night because everyone was afraid to sleep in the same room with me. I told my ex-husband of the things I had gone through, he listened and told me that it sounded like I was dreaming or imagining things. Later, when my children would say that they saw something he accused me of putting those ideas in their heads but I never talked to my kids about any of this. So, you could imagine how all this feedback from family has made me want to keep all this to myself.

Regarding my sister-in-law's house, she had never had a problem there before. Before the incident with my children, she had been in that house for less than a year. She didn't last very long after the incident with her daughter. She listed to the lady that did the cleansing and moved out soon after.

Thank you for your comments.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Cuddlebear -

My children do not talk in their sleep. Well, my youngest daughter use to when she had a high fever. She would talk in her sleep and hallucinate when she was awake. She would be scared and kept telling me to "tell them to go away and leave me alone". I was told by her pediatrician that it was fever induced and that it happens to some children and it's nothing to worry about. She has slept walked before and has had SP but I don't recall ever hearing her talk in her sleep.
DeliverDawn (5 stories) (45 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Hi Haven,

I noticed you said that they might have been talking in tongues... 😳 Whoosh. At this time, have you ever heard anyone talking in tongues (especially in person)? It can be a scary experience for those who aren't prepared or don't really know what to expect or how to act. Years ago a friend and I were visiting a church. We didn't know anyone there sometimes spoke in tongues, and it unnerved us so much that we had to step out.

Anyway, whether they were talking in tongues or not is more or less irrelevant to whatever I have to say--which is just that I take back what I said before. If she's right and they really were responding to one another, and combined with everything else--I don't think it was just babbling.

I'm glad that there's been a cleansing done at this point! Does anyone feel that the energy is still there?
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Haven, I've read your other submissions on here, and from what all you've told us about, you seem to have really creepy things happen in your life, that most I would assume (especially including me) would be terrified to have to go through 😨 I do find it interesting how that room seems to be the only room that has any problems, and with the smell you mentioned, makes me wonder the possibility of it being something more sinister, as from what I've learned, a rotting/decaying smell is never a good sign. As for your niece being found on the floor by the door at the age you said, really worries me, as well as scares me to think of how that could have happened. It's times like that, you wish you had a baby camera of some kind, looking over the nursery, so at least you could review back over what happened up until that point. With your sister in law not seeming to have any past problems with that room, which I'd like to ask how long had she lived there when this experience with your children happened? I wonder why whatever resides in that room, stayed dormant for so long, and had enough strength to be so active that night 😕 did your sister in law never really use, or go into this room until the night your kid's stayed over? It's just that to me, if it was something sinister, I just don't understand why it only stays in this room, instead of trying to target others outside of the room, through out the house. I would think it would want to do more, than just stay isolated in a room. This is just another of my many unanswered questions I have about the paranormal, I wish I had a better understanding of. You said after the baby incident (being your niece found on the nursery floor) that your sister in law had someone come and look at her place, and had it cleansed, and was told by this person to move out of this place. Did your sister in law take their advice and move out? I'm sorry I'm not able to give really any helpful advice on this, but I hope to still be able to hear back from you on some of my questions, and as always, I look forward to reading anymore experiences you may still have to share with us, as it seems you have plenty of unnerving ones to tell. Thank you again for sharing another one of your experiences. 😊
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Haven ~

I'm not so certain that it must be a "coincidence" that your two oldest seemed to be talking to each other. I had a college roommate who would talk in his sleep and I found that I could talk to him and he would "respond". Even if I could not understand what he was saying he would respond to questions. I don't know if he made "sense" out of what I asked, but he would grunt and mutter at appropriate times.

I was told by a psych major that I could be messing with his dreams and should probably not not continue with this line in inquiries.

I should have asked do you children talk in their sleep?
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Hi, Cuddlebear -

I am also inclined to them mumbling but have to wonder about the timing of them sleep talking. It could be a coincidence that they were scared out of the room and they happened to both sleep talk at the same time. Also, it could be a coincidence one would stop talking and the other would start and so on and so forth for a few minutes. My son could have been having a nightmare and could have been trying to get up. Maybe his chest was too heavy, or he didn't have enough strength to lift himself up, I don't know. Also a coincidence, they stopped as soon as their aunt started praying. When seeking answers, I am open to any possibility.

LOL - "escape risk". I have seen babies make a run for it, my own babies would crawl out of their crib before they could even walk. Monica's baby however, was only a couple of months old, she really wanted out...

I hadn't thought about the two different entities, it makes sense. You're right, if something evil wanted to possess them then why would it tell them to get out.

Thank you so much for your comments.
Cuddlebear (4 stories) (173 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Haven Greetings!

Kind of creepy and significant that it all happened in the one room over quite some time.

A couple of thoughts:

I've been around any number of people who talk in their sleep. Some people you can understand, others, well not so much. Without actually hearing what the children were saying I'm inclined to believe that they were mumbling rather than speaking in a foreign language.

Secondly is it possible that there are two entities active in that room? One that issued a warning (Get out) and one that presented some danger? It's just it seems to me that if you are intending evil, you don't warn potential targets away.

I also found the baby near the door a bit creepier. However Mom tells me that as a young cuddlecub I was an escape risk...
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Hi, LuciaJancinta -

Yes, the baby on the floor would have had me running out of there and not coming back.

The kids could have been dreaming, it is a possibility. A weird one, because they would have had been dreaming the same thing, they were talking to each other.

I'm just glad it never happened again or I would have freaked out!
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
AndrewSimpson -

As far fetched as your comments seems, (I see it was down voted), you are not the only person that has said that. We were told that it would appear my children were trying to get possessed. I was told that they were speaking in 'tongues'. I didn't know what that meant and had to research it, still doesn't make much sense to me. But, I was also told that the reason they couldn't get possessed was because they were both baptized, this made them "stronger".

I'm not really sure about this. I believe in ghosts and spirits and even poltergeist activity but I have my doubts on demon possessions.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Hi DeliverDawn -

The first thing I told Monica was that the kids were babbling in their sleep. She was very adamant that they were talking. She said it was a conversation going back and forth between them. She said their faces seemed angry and they were agitated.

Monica went and talked to someone about this experience. They came over the house and did a cleansing. The lady that did the cleansing said that she sensed something evil in that room but didn't tell her what. The lady told her it was better if she just moved out.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Hola Lady Glow-

Gracias por comentar.

I don't know the history of the house, to be honest, I don't know how to look it up if I had to. Monica went to go see someone to get help after what she saw with my kids. She had someone over and they did a blessing and everything was okay until the baby was born. When she moved the baby out of the room into her bedroom she would still here knocking on the wall coming from that room at night but nothing outside the room.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Hi Miandra -

I didn't bring it up to my kids anymore beyond the first 'interrogation'. I just let it go. It was harder for Monica to let it go, she was the one that witnessed most everything that happened that night. She went and seeked answers but I'm not sure if they were the right ones.

LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-11)
I have no idea. But to me it's scarier that the infant was out of the crib on the floor. Yikes. No way to explain that one. The kids could have been dreaming. But the baby, that's really weird.
AndrewSimpson (1 stories) (1 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-10)
That's a demon actually. Looking for possession, it will go for the weak minded. The aunt wasn't affected because she wasn't weak at the time.
DeliverDawn (5 stories) (45 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-10)
Hi Haven,

That's definitely scary! It's possible (and maybe even probable, although I don't want to rule anything out completely) that they weren't actually talking in different languages, but instead were just babbling. If that were the case, it's not hard to believe that Monica, in a frightened state, would have mistaken the nonsense babbling to be some foreign language.

I'm interested in knowing if the rest of that house has had any strange occurrences, that you know of? And out of curiosity, have you ever suggested to Monica to do a cleansing, at least of that room?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-10)
Hola Haven -

That was creepy... Something there didn't like children.

Do you know the history of the house? Also, what did Monica do after realizing that the spare bedroom wasn't a good place to be used as a nursery? Did she experience anything in any other of the rooms?

I would prefer to think that your children were in shock and just blabbering in a half asleep state, than to think that something or someone was controlling their actions. Thank goodness for prayer!
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-11-09)
Hello Heaven,

OMG! What a scary ordeal. Your poor little children. I find it hard going through my experiences and I'm 53.

I hope they forget what happened. Your husband is right, help them forget by not bringing it up. If it troubles them, they will bring it up to you if and when they remember.

I don't know why they were talking in different languages. No doubt some of YGS more experienced members will give you feedback on that.

Monica's baby being on the floor near the door is even scarier. That poor little baby.😨

I will keep an eye out on this thread so I can read members comments about why your children were talking to each other in different languages. I'm interested to know why myself.

Stay safe and well.

Best wishes,
Miandra 😘 ❤ 😘

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