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Phantom House?


I am 41 years old, and I've had a number of experiences but this one really stands out in my mind. While I was still in High School 1984 in Houston, Texas my girlfriend and I were taking a short cut across a wooded field that stood between an apartment complex and a city park. It was around 4pm and there was a clearing in the center of all these trees.

This wooded field wasn't 'dense' per say, you could see into the park or to the apartment parking lot through gaps in the trees and shrubs. The grass was just over ankle height in the clearing and the path we were following ran through it then back into the trees and to the road we were trying to get to.

As we crossed the clearing I 'felt' a resistance building in front of me, almost like the air was 'thicker' for a short space. I thought it kind of odd, but kept going, then I felt it again, this time however it was only across my left side. I turned to my girlfriend to ask if she was feeling what I was an I saw her standing at the edge of the clearing just kind of staring at the space.

I asked "What's wrong?" or something to that effect and she asked me if I could see the house. I had to admit that I couldn't see anything but the clearing and the trees and such. Her next statement has stuck with me all these years, "You can't see the wall you just walked through?"

I walked back towards her, once again feeling that odd change in air pressure, in the same spot as before, then standing beside her I tried to see what she was seeing... And I saw the empty clearing. Instead of fear I was curious, I walked forward with my right hand extended and as I began to feel the air pressure change she said, "You're touching the wall."

I'll cut this down; we spent from 4pm until it was getting dark "exploring" this phenomenon. As I walked I could feel the air pressure change... I could feel the shape of the windows, I felt the stairs push against my body as I walked forward, one about ankle height, take a step, one about 8 inches high, take a step, another 8 inches higher than the last, and my girlfriend saying, "Your at the staircase."

I could feel the tables, chairs... Bookcases and she was 'seeing' them. I still do not know what we experienced that day, but would welcome any ideas or feedback anyone has to offer.

My girlfriend became my wife... Then my ex-wife (Married after I joined the Navy and divorced 6 years later) and now we remain great friends. I have an experience with another house, with my current wife (now of 17 years) in Portsmouth, R.I but that is another tale.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rookdygin, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Caz (342 posts)
6 years ago (2019-07-07)
Hey Rook,
Just to say I hope you're well and it's nice to see you back!
majarlika012 (12 stories) (122 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-25)
Hi Rook,

Thanks for your reply. I have a follow up question. Did you try to go back to that place? OMG! I wish I could go there and experience it for myself hehehe.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-24)

That's the thing, I was never able to find any 'listing' of a house being built on the property that became the park. Doesn't mean there was not but, well I really just do not know. I place this one into the 'thinning of walls between dimensions'...It's the closest 'definition' that covers what we experienced.

If you have more questions please ask.


majarlika012 (12 stories) (122 posts)
6 years ago (2018-12-24)
Hi Rook, I can't go back read all the comments but I really wanted to know if there is an existing somewhat history of the phantom house? Was there really a house built ages ago? I never really imagines a phantom house. I wonder who lives in there. Or who lived in there before? What happened to that house? Was it burnt or so?
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Biblio and Rook - You are anything but the new kids in town. Many others are! The way I interpret the song is that everybody knows you and loves you and you just somehow get distracted. My interpretation! One of my favourites - I love The Eagles.

Dating myself here, a late sixties/seventies "chick" but I actually love music from any generation (unless its rap) πŸ˜†

Please take it in the spirit in which it is intended ❀

Regards, Melda
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
hahaha Val, yeup that song sums it up nicely!

(and I need more characters)
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-22)
Glad to see you, Rook! You have been missed. And Biblio - I was hoping life would allow you to stick around awhile!
What's that song, Tweed? The Boys are back in town? 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-21)
Thanks for the welcome back. 😁

Biblio, We have been working at re-arranging our Garage... Lots of boxs, dust covers and shelves involved. Mayhaps you picked up on that? Would love to visit and talk over a good cuppa. πŸ˜‰
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-21)
Definitely good to see your name pop up Rook! Hope all is well with you 😊

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-21)

While "hugs" may be a bit of a stretch (I'm still *that* British), how about a hearty handshake and "I've missed you!"

I knew, while I was being pulled in many directions over the last few months, that I'd get an e-mail from Tweed when it was time for me to return.

I also had odd mental images of darkish, almost-empty rooms with internal support struts/columns (Attic? Basement? Barn?) and stored items in crates or under tarpaulins when I thought about you a week or two ago. No idea how relevant that is to you, or if it's a metaphor, but I thought I'd mention it. [Feel free to e-mail if I've stepped onto a private issue.]

I do hope all is well and I'm glad you're safe & sound.

Best, as always,
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-21)
Rook! It's been a while and I just saw a comment from you. *HUGS!*

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Tweed, we must be bumping brain cells. I was literally just wondering about Rook myself.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-20)
Don't mean to be nosey, but has anyone heard from Rook lately?

I emailed him about Jan ages ago, and didn't hear back, not that I was waiting to. But I notice he's not been online here much. Hope everything's okay.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-15)
Rook, I still think your ex wife is somehow more connected to this building than perhaps you were, even if it was just the outline of a building, maybe I'm wrong and maybe it was just a random phenomenon that you both stumbled upon quite possibly?...I'm speculating more about the reason why did it materialize more for your ex, than it did for you. She seemed to be the one configuring more shape out of her observation... Very intriguing account old mate!

Regards Daz
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-14)
Aussiedaz--Thanks for including the link to the Michael Talbot interview. It was thoroughly absorbing. After I sent my last comment I did some searching online and did find some other references to the account of the hypnotist that were all linked back to Talbot.

His theories are expansive and provide massive food for thought. I guess it seems like a real missed opportunity for Talbot (or another researcher) to have not yet tried to replicate the results of the hypnotist planting the idea that specific matter isn't there allowing for the perception of something that should be hidden! The human mind is an incredible thing and with some of the possible ideas suggested by Talbot, even more amazing and "interconnected" than many would have previously considered.

I have to pick up Talbot's book The Hollographic Universe. His theories touch on much that is presently considered paranormal. Of course it helps that Talbot has had several, as he puts it, "mystic" experiences. At any rate thanks for your thoughts and the link. Groovy, groovy stuff!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-14)

Does the fact that my 'ex-wife' only saw the 'outline' of this building change the equation? She did not see it as something solid but rather as a 'see through' object...

Just curious...


aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-14)
Manafon, I'm sure I heard about this account from Michael Tablot, I have heard the story elsewhere, but I don't know if there's anything written down per's the link where I'm sure he shares the account... If the holographic universe is what we are living in, then consciousness must be the source. If an hypnotise can alter the perception of our brain and the perception of our universal hologram, then I would theorize that the source (consciousness) is still able to see the remainder via elimination of physical mind (objects)? In Rook's account, his ex wife was able to view the physicality of a hologram in the sight centre of her brain, as Rook basically was able to feel the particles in the surrounding area... The 64 thousand dollar question is... Which and who's hologram were they experiencing and why? Some say our consciousness or "higher self" is experiencing many lives simultaneously in different multi-verses which also may explain the doppelgΓ€nger phenomenon?

Here's what's possible? In some of these universe's,the same person live's another life with different outcomes of sorts. Perhaps in one of these universe's, there is a building located there and Rook's ex wife, is somehow associated with the building? She might live or work in it, but perhaps not with Rook.

Perhaps her consciousness was having some sort of static reaction to the Higgs field and other holograms that was allowing her to view one of these other lives simultaneously?... Which made her attempt to manifest the building or drag it into their reality, whilst Rook's source of consciousness, was having some sort of confusion about their agreed realm, that's where the transducer may play a part, it keeps us separated from other holograms? There is one other interesting experiment the BBC ran a story on... Apparently this experiment suggest, we are receiving a signal from somewhere, they are able, through wiring the brain up with electrical impulses to determine your choices 6 seconds before the you consciously make one during a relative simple experiment, the subject is told to push a button every six seconds, left or right, but must not make that decision until the last second, but yet apparently this experiment demonstrates you made it 5 seconds ago and others observing you know your answer... Our ego may think it's in charge of this reality, but maybe not?

Regards Daz
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-14)
Aussiedaz--I have really enjoyed your thought provoking comments but I had a question about one. You state, "It reminds me of this hypnotist who convinced a father his daughter was not on stage... As the little girl stood right in front of him, he couldn't see her, but he could see everyone behind her, including the time on the watch the hypnotist held up behind the daughters back."

I was interested in reading more about this case. Has this incredible result ever been replicated? If this hypnotist is able to convince a man that his daughter is not on stage and that he can see through her to correctly read a watch behind her back that is a serious mind blower!

Do you know of any other experiments involving hypnosis which enables participants to see though solid objects (in the above case a person)?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-13)

Thanks for commenting. Your explanation is as good as any others I have heard.

Based on the history of the property and park it seems a HOUSE was never there... At least in this it what you will. What we experienced may have simply been a thin spot between our dimension and another... Something I was only able to feel and she could 'see' the outline of...

Thanks again for reading and offering your opinion.


aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-12)
That's an interesting account Rook, I'll take a shot at explaining what I think was going on. Theoretical Physicist believe our universe is made up of an energy that they refer to as the Higgs field, "The Higgs Field is an energy field that is hypothesized to exist everywhere in the universe. The field is accompanied by a fundamental particle called the Higgs Boson, which the field uses to continuously interact with other particles".I'm sure you're also aware of the multi universe theory without going into that... And apparently there is no external world out there only this field of potential and other fields of potential in the multi-verse.

Everything we see, with colour shape etc, goes on in the sight centre of our brain, for some reason, your ex wife was able to view this building in the sight centre of her brain, as you were basically feeling the dense particles of a building, that seemed not to be from this reality. It reminds me of this hypnotise who convinced a father his daughter was not on the stage... As the little girl stood right in front of him, he couldn't see her, but he could see everyone behind her, including the time on the watch as the hypnotise held it up behind his daughters back... So what might this mean? We apparently eliminate our reality to a point, where we generally share experiences in the same realm from one of the multi-verse's via some sort of divine transducer, not the case with your account. The density of fields where meshing to a point, where the observer's were experiencing different accounts!

Regards Daz
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)

Many thanks. This was a very unique experience to be sure. This area has been changed some... Most of the brush has been cleared and there is a Frisbee Golf Course set up in this part of the park.

Thanks for reading.


SilverBreeze (1 stories) (7 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-27)
Hi rookdygin
This is by far the most curious and intriguing anecdote I've ever read. Weirdly enough, it kind of made me feel childishly happy while going through it. Maybe I'm still experiencing the hangover of euphoria after reading tales of fairy lights and gnomes on YGS today. πŸ˜†
P.S. You seem to be an amazing person. Wish I could go exploring the wilderness with people like you...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-02)

I would so love to figure out what we experienced. I find myself drawing out the floor plan on graphpaper sometimes... It was really an amazing experience.

Thanks for the comment.


Moonkeeper (guest)
9 years ago (2015-09-01)
That is highly intriguing, maybe it's someone's dream house that hasn't been built yet. Whatever the case may be it would be awesome to see.
geet10 (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-22)
This is really an amazing experience Rook... Wish I could visit the place and sense the phantom house...
By the way, could you please tell me how to submit a story... I'm new here, 😊
Zander (7 stories) (148 posts)
10 years ago (2015-07-11)
Fascinating...I had a friend who swears she has visited places out of their right time sequence... Not any place special like a Burger King of all things, which hadn't even begun being constructed. She is a very serious published author on paranormal topics and not one to embellish [nor need Thorazine.] I believe your story. You two seem to have had very connected, complimentary abilities. Thank you for sharing the story. I'm going on to read your others. I also like the list of favorites you have collected so far. Thanks again.
ozuckky (3 posts)
12 years ago (2013-08-07)
The name of the park caught my interest, it's my last name!
Debi Moffatt
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-21)
Loved the story Rook. It's fascinating! You are one treasure trove of experiences from which kiddies like us can learn! I'm your fan now:)
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-16)

Thanks for reading and selecting this experience as a fav. 😁


Mimi2011 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-15)
The Island of Eternal Love by Daina Chaviano speaks of such a house. I was so intrigued by the idea that I searched "phantom house" and picked this website from the list of results which led me directly to your story. I have often wondered if such a phenomenon existed as it is presented in the novel I read. This is very interesting to me because many years ago, I dreamed of such a house and entered it and spoke to the occupants. They spoke of Nixon as if he had not yet been elected. And they had buttons, flyers, and other campaign materials as if they were current. I had this dream in the early to mid '80s. Yet, I remember seeing Nixon resign on a black and white TV nearly a decade before. The house in my dream could not have been real in my time because of the location - the front porch would have been in a church parking lot. I have not had a lot of experience with the paranormal but I dream dreams that are filled with symbolism and some of them have come true. Thank you for the story. I have marked it as my first favorite. (I had to register in order to comment.) 😊

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