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Working In My Sleep


Still tired from this one and need to write down the details to help get it out of my head.

For most of the month my wife has been feeling 'depressed'. It started as her just being extremely tired but got worse as April progressed. Neither of us could figure out what was wrong so on Friday night as I said my prayers I asked for guidance in this matter. I awoke Saturday feeling that I knew what needed to be done.

After attending services at my Church, asking for strength and the power to help my wife I prepared myself mentally and 'went in' (astral projection / dream walking call it what you will) starting about 2330 (1130pm). I was met with a grey fog surrounding my wife's spirit. I met the resistance of spirits, calling upon my knowledge and strength I began to 'expel / exorcise / kick them out...' The first one was a human spirit, grey in color (glowing grey if that makes any sense), male, bald head, looked to be 200 years old with all the wrinkles on his features, he was covered in a flowing grey robe that hung loosely on his body. There were two more like him, then I was through the fog and able to approach her spirit. I encountered a fourth spirit, this one non-human, though in human form. It was a woman, same grey glow, wearing the same type of flowing robes as the other three. She was stronger, with fingernails like long claws and sharp pointed teeth. I called upon my faith, pictured a globe of white light surrounding her and 'pushed' it away, sending it towards the 'Light'.

Once she was 'banished' I continued my search, I found a fifth spirit, this one non-human as well, Picture an old hag, long stringy hair, hands like claws... Again wearing the flowing loose gray robe that the others had been. I can't find the words to truly describe her face, I felt she represented despair, anguish, feeding of a person inner most fears, causing one to dwell on all the negative things and pushing all 'good' things away. Again I pictured a globe of white light around this entity, but the bond between it and my wife was strong.

Long story short, it was done, with much help from my Faith in Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. (Amen)

My wife works 2300-0700 (11pm -7am) Sunday nights and when I picked her up this morning she told me that for the first time all month she felt better. I on the other hand felt / still feel like I didn't sleep at all, but I'm happy I could help her feel better.

Has anyone else experienced something like this?



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rookdygin, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Naira (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-05)
Dear Rook,

I have been reading about your experiences for so long, I love the way you write, and it is all so interesting! I loved the one about Israel, it was amazing.

I just wanted to ask you about this particular one, because my boyfriend is battling with a deep depression and he is getting physically sick at this time, and I think this might be happening to him, since he was always full of light, warmth and laughter.

I pray for him, light candles and send him light and love, but it doesn't seem to reach him...

Is there any way in which you think I can help him? I have never done any astral projection -at least consciously-, and I don't know what to do... If you have any information on people I can ask for help, please email me at beby. Akselrad (at)

Thank you in advance, for taking the time to read this post, and I apologize if I disturbed you.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-02)

A 'SHIELD' can be comprised of many things. Positive thoughts/energy, our Faith in a Higher Power and our 'willpower' may all be a part of a 'Shield'.

If you feel a 'build up' of negative energy around you it may not be a 'spell/hex/curse' it may just be what it appears to be, negative energy that has managed to 'cling' to you.

Meditation, Visualization can help you shed this and replace it with 'positive energy'...

For myself I do things like take a walk in a rain shower and visualize the rain 'washing away' my negative thoughts or energy that has 'clung' to me. Then, when I feel relaxed, I visualize the rain bringing positive energy to me. Another method I use is a walk in the park... Shoes off in the grass. I visualize the negative thoughts/energy flowing out through my feet as positive energy flows into me via the top of my head.

There are many, many different things you can do that can help change the 'energy' surrounding you...

Random acts of Kindness, Volunteer work or Charity Donations are some of the first things that come to mind. Prayer and Fasting (depending on your Religious Beliefs) may help as well.

Please, if you have questions ask them. I do not mind answering them... Or at least trying to. Just keep in mind anything I say is MY OPINION based on my experiences and research and may not be a widely held belief.


rynne (70 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-02)
Dear Rook-
Thank you for patiently answering my questions. I really don't know what to make of these things, even feel embarrassed at entertaining the thought of spells/hexes/black magic as I pose the Qs... But lately things have been going downhill and as someone who has been known to be beaming/smiley/positive/social/friendly/embracing of all, suddenly I find people (work place) unfriendly, ganging up against, not talking, spreading gossips-just plain confounding. And couldn't help but wonder. Believe in Eastern philosophies, am spiritual, so if that's what a 'shield' is, I should be ok. Right?
Respects to you as well,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-02)
Bad spells, Hex's often come from people who are Jealous of you and how... How did you put it...

"going about your life in a positive, happy, sincere to your values/goals/life/people..."

Either that or someone that feels you have some how wronged them 'hires' an individual to cast a spell/hex on you.

Why/How can it work...

We are all connected via the energy that was 'generated' (for lack of a better word) 'In The Beginning'. If someone who 'knows' how to manipulate this energy 'changes' the type (positive to negative) we have in our lives then things CAN (or may) start to go badly for us (I say may because if our 'guard/shields' are 'up' this is less effective, or we 'feel' the difference and can do something about it).

Thanks for reading and please continue to ask any questions you may have.


rynne (70 posts)
12 years ago (2013-05-01)
Dear Rook- given your experiences in reading, following those things that "cannot be explained", want to ask you one more thing: what do you ay about one hears about hex/voodoo or someone putting a "spell" on you... I don;t understand why, if you are going about your life in a positive, happy, sincere to your values/goals/life/people, should someone else's "evil plans" affect you? I tend not to believe in them, but off and off you will hear something along those lines and can't help think about it. What are your thoughts this (putting bad spells, voodoo, hex etc.)? Thanks,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-31)

Wow...first let me thank you here for taking the time to read all of the experiences I have shared... I will answer any questions you have made on each... Like this one for instance...

" (1) What made you want to do astral projecting?"

After breaking from the church I turned to 'witchcraft', I never gave up my belief in Heavenly Father... But was searching for a 'better way' that's not quite right... A 'more natural way' to pray to Him and as I researched things I came across references to Astral Projection and it caught my interest. So I started to study it.

" (2) How did you learn how to do it?"

After some research I came across this book...

The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral Projection: The Out-of -Body Experience (

" (3) Have you ever encountered anything dangerous while doing astral projecting?"

The short answer to this is YES. Astral Projection is not without it's risks.

(4) How did you come out of it?

You mean the 'dangerous' encounter (s) I've had. I may post one or two of those as experiences... But those are not exactly 'ghost' experiences and better suited for the YGS's sister site.

(5) From your personal experience, would you recommend it?

Yes...though everyone may not be able to achieve's good to be well rounded in ones knowledge.


geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-30)
I have to get back to you on this one because I have to ask my mother or one the elders in my family. Different cultures and faiths have different names for these entities. I have a few friends who are Native Americans and their elders have mentioned the Tempters in their stories.

My grandmother and many of the elders (uncles, aunts, great - uncles, and aunts) told me stories growing up about the Gods of our Hindu faith. Some of the stories included entities that were not demons but entities that fed off the innocent people and other entities. Many times these malevolent entities were created by Gods at war and / or witches and wizards who practiced black magic. I was also told that if anybody got attached to these entities, there were only two known ways to banish them. One is though poojas (which may take days depending on the strength of these entities) and what you did (astral project). I was told that both of these were only done my priests and / or witches and wizards who practices white magic.

My elders also warned me against astral projecting because of the high change of our spirits not returning to our bodies because we would get lost and also the changes of these very evil entities entering our bodies.

Now some questions for you. From what I learnt from my elders, they portrayed astral projecting as dangerous and shouldn't be done just for the fun of it. From reading your stories, I know you have done astral projecting many times.

(1) What made you want to do astral projecting?
(2) How did you learn how to do it?
(3) Have you ever encountered anything dangerous while doing astral projecting?
(4) How did you come out of it?
(5) From your personal experience, would you recommend it?

I'm asking the last question because I know with elders, they tend to tell stories for us kids to behave and not do something really stupid.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-29)

A spirit or entity may have tried to attach itself to you and bring you 'down'. However the environment around you did not 'promote' negativity around you so it gave up.

I'm glad you have enjoyed my experiences and thank you for sharing yours.


Christine_Pandora (1 stories) (80 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-29)
First of all WOW I really love reading of your encounters and I love the fact you are an open minded christian (Which for someone like me, I find really comforting and rare 😊).

And second, I do believe I have felt exactly the same way your wife did, it lasted for just over a month as well.
I am a very positive person and love my life, I have a great family, At the time I had a best friend too (Unfortunately unfair things happen), I have a good relationship built on communication and working together and have been together for just over a year and a half (which I find rare for people my age), I have an adorable baby brother and extremely cute and amazing siblings, I have a car AND a great full time job where I am now doing a trainee ship... So as you can see no major bad things and I should be happy after all that I've been lucky enough to have...
So I had no reason to feel depressed and I couldn't seem to shake it until one day it just disappeared 😁
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-07-26)
Fry Bread! I love fry bread taco's, and I LOOOOVE fry bread with butter, and a cinnamon sugar mixture on top. Holy cow, I'm going to have to make some fry bread. Yummy!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-26)
I apologize for stepping in here rook, but I saw the magic words "fry bread" come up on the screen and something grabbed hold of me. The next thing I know I am over here typing away wishing it were morning already so I could head out to the Mission and get some freshly made, still warm when they put it in your hands, most wonderful treat of all... Fry bread. This craving went into high gear at the mere sight of those two magical words. And like all cravings go, this will only get worse until the taste buds are fully satisfied.
Since I am on Mountain time, it looks like about four more hours before the sun rises, another hour for them to have set up...
Tick tock tick tock...

Jav 😁

Thank you LakotaWinyan, those words never fail to produce a smile. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-26)

Well met. I hope you choose to frequent the site often as your insights and advice from a point of view that is different and based closer to a very 'natural' understanding of the Earth and all Her inhabitants, be they physical or spiritual.

Now if only SOMEONE would publish some experiences...


LakotaWinyan (2 stories) (63 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-25)
Han, Rook, maOglala Lakota Winyan. (Yes, Rook, I am [an] Oglala Lakota Woman.)

My husband is a Holy man. He's the one who said, "Ahhh...the Tempters". Gave me a small definition, then asked me why I was talking about them, and then let me know they are not something he wants to talk about. Lol

Makes perfect sense. I meant it in the latter form, malevolent being. One who brings harm, in whichever way it was created to do so. If you hear us say demons when communicating in English, we are not talking about Ogligla Wakan Sica. (bad angels).

Peace, Love and frybread,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-25)

Thank you again for reading and your comments.

The Tempters... Is that what they are called in Lakota folklore? (By your username I 'assume' you are at least part Lakota I hope I'm not wrong)

Your the first to give them some type of name but I have to ask this you described them as Demons... Do you mean this in a Biblical sense or in a Malevolent Entity sense? (I hope that question makes sense)


LakotaWinyan (2 stories) (63 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-24)
Hello, Rook...

Looks like you did a great job dreamwalking and removing the Tempters.

Tempters: Demons that enjoy feeding off of the negative energy you create by listening to these Demons, and following their demands. These Demons are very old and do not ever manifest a form for itself. They bind to the soul and cling to it until it is removed forcibly or through self-religious ways.

None of those grey robed entities were human, but they are great at fooling people. The "leader" was the one directly on your wife. Then the 2nd in command, and so on. It's a good thing you fought them off with the Circle of Light... But you really should surround your wife in the Circle of Light.

The only way to "see" them is to dream walk. Please don't confuse what I am calling dream walking with the "dream walker" myths that are evil people who can manipulate people's dreams, turning them into nightmares. You did battle, armed with complete, unwavering faith. This was a very good thing.

Take care, Rook.

chicken-nugget22 (17 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-04)
Yes! I have experinced something like this. My mom was not feeling good so we called my uncle (priest) Things where chasing my mother, a black fog. My uncle sprayed the house with holy water and it never came back!
a1222222 (1 stories) (12 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-30)
Rookdydin thanks for your comment. I have not "used" (notice I changed the word "play" with used) the quija since that night at the Roosevelt in 2002. I'm 30 now and being a former skeptic I now believe that the quija is far from a game. Thanks and be safe
sinisterrotica (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-07-21)
Great job done you will be fine mate, may god bless you and your family. I will pray for you and your family
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
16 years ago (2009-05-01)
Thanks for the comments folks.

Putting on armor and doing spiritual combat is just what it was. I am not sure what I was 'banishing' but it had attracted other spirits that 'feed' off of negitive 'energy' and they put forth an effort to keep the 'host' in that negitive state of mind for as long as possible.

It helped, that much I know. My wife is no longer 'doom and gloom' and things are better than they were before.

Is there a name for a non-human entity that can/does feed off of negitive energies and call attract/call other spirits? That's what I want to know. To know something, to call it by name, is to be able to defend oneself or others from it.


Kecoughtan (1 stories) (211 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-30)
Like hobbyholly I must admit this is a bit beyond my personal experience, rookdygin. It sounds as though you girded yourself with armor and did some spiritual combat. I am glad your vorpal blade went snicker-snack and it has fled.
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-29)

I've never heard of someone doing what you did. Maybe that makes me uneducated in this field or just naive. Regardless, Whatever you did, hopefully it has worked for good.

I've been stressed out about wedding plans. Think you could tell some of my "demons" (i.e bridesmaids) to leave? No offense to your story... Just a little humor.
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-29)
Hi Rook,

Who knows maybe I will have the pleasure of reading the bits left out one day.

As for what you banished coming back, if you put your partner in your circle of protection, all will be fine. You appear to have very strong protection.

I look forward to reading more of your submissions.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-29)

Thank you for your comment. While I do tend to put the welfare of others ahead of myself I learned a LONG time ago to bring up my protectives. (excuse the spelling... Or perhaps a new word for the ghost hunting world?) Lets just say I learned that lesson the hard way and leave it at that.


JamesRobiscoe (419 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-29)
Rookdygin--I agree with the others who find your accounts grounded and dependable. While you may leave bits out according to your discretion, you offer the salient elements according to your purpose.
A few explanations seem plausible for what you encountered during your act of love, although in the first analysis I think you know what eschelon of existence you were dealing with. I compliment your character and being true to your code of a warrior for the sake of good. The proof is in your wife's relief. Remember, though, to protect yourSELF with white light before you engage in further encounters. All the best.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-28)

You are not mistaken, I do leave some things out, depends on the story. Everyone needs validation and I guess it's just my way of allowing for it.

I'm still not sure just what I banished. They are gone for now, but I feel without knowing just what they were that they will be able to come back.


Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-04-28)
I always find your stories a good read. But I always feel like something is not complete, I wonder why... Mystery to me.

I am glad you were able to banish all those demons. Hope you caught up on the lost sleep.

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