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Comments for Be Careful What You Invite Home: Page 2

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Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
Me too! In one aspect I'm even GLAD I went through the crap because it brought me here and I've learned sooo much because of it!

I know what it's like to game for far too long. Yeah, you got to pace yourself with that stuff, keep an eye on the clock. It can lead to fatigue otherwise, which you really don't want when you're trying to get rid of a nasty spirit.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
Tweed, I got on to this website at just the right time! I cannot believe how many gifted and knowledgeable people have helped me get this far with this. I thought I knew a little metaphysical stuff. Then wham.

I do agree there is a co-dependence. In his decline he has attached to this entity and to his computer and video games. So, you are right, it is not substance abuse, but these are still attachments that must be weakened (with the computer) and broken when it comes to this entity. He and I have been talking about that. I expressed that just his feelings of missing the tenderness he remembers could draw it back. That voice, at the end, it was not the sweet girl voice. So, he just has to remember that it was that nastiness around him.

I am also extremely grateful Rook has offered to help. Miracles will play a role, too. I don't know what I would have done lately without all of you.

Hecate ❤
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
MandyyNicole, I read part of the article so far. Thank you. I have also read of healers in Brazil and Philippines that come from these same views. When my son was hospitalized, his roommate had made a makeshift Ouiji board. At night when my son was trying to sleep, he could see dark things all over the ceiling and walls. He could not wait to get out of there. He did not report being able to detect the energies around people there, but he was very off balance then, too. Thank you for your recommendation. I will read this in detail later today.
Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
OMG! MandyNicole I just got half way through this article and I LOVE IT! Thanks so much for posting this link. 😆
Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)

I feel the key to this will be with E. He must be ready to get rid of this presence. If he's currently at the point where he's just starting to see the light he may take longer to get to the point you're at now. I'm guessing there's some kind of bond between them, only he can break it and only when he's ready. There's a few details in this which remind me of an addict experiencing withdrawal; restless nights, spiralling out of control etc. I'm wondering if this presence has served in a co-dependent capacity. I'm not suggesting he is suffering from a substance addiction, but an emotional one, a perceived 'need' for whatever this presence has given him initially; peace of mind, company, comfort etc. The use of the words: "So this is how you repay me!" sound passive aggressive to me and smack of a woman scorned.

I'm happy Rook's offered to help, great timing too with the days off, whoohoo!. Hecate, it seems you have submitted this at just the right time! 😊
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-04)
I am so sorry to hear about your struggles. As a mother myself, my heart hurts for your son. I believe the two of you will be able to overcome this. It sounds like you have all the bases covered and the rest of the posters have given great advice (as usual, they're amazing- lookin' at you, Rook)!

On another note, this reminds of me of a great article I read about what a shaman sees in a mental hospital, or "Looney bin".;) It's definitely worth a read, very interesting!
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
Rook, I'm game. I really look forward to what you find. I think it will be interesting. Again, thank you!

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
I shall see what I can do. I have tomorrow and Wedensday off so I will see what I can do. When I do post again I will start with a series of Validation 'Points'...if you verify them I will post my 'findings'. So, let's kick this up a notch and see what we can see. 😲


Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
Rook, Thank you! I had a feeling you would tell me "wash, rinse, repeat", so thank you. And, thank you for offering to reach out. As you may know, my house is protected by a love barrier, but we invited this thing in. But I know your intent here is loving, I can tell by all of your posts! So, if you feel you have the time and energy, I would be eternally grateful for you to reach out and see if you feel any intently negative entities around me and my son. Obviously, I look forward to hear what you sense. You have no idea how grateful I am.



P.S. I do not undercut western medicine. So, we are lucky to have both a primary care doc and a psychiatrist that we love. We check with them before changing meds. Good call on that, too! 😊
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
Tweed, I definitely used your element of surprise when starting this whole thing. I am hoping we have it removed. He is mostly doing better. And what we think he is experiencing is kind of residual, his body is hyper sensitive right now. I am definitely going to call in a third party to see if we have removed it and to look into our home in general. But I already loved your stealth. I also always call on our guides. So, luckily, I have been doing that right from the start. They almost line up all excited to get tasks, what they impart to me anyway.

I so appreciate all of your ideas. I so want to be sure I am covering my bases. 😐


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)

Bless you and your Son. What you are going through is not easy. So I am sending healing energies your direction.

To answer your question, Yes the Cleasning and Salting and Sageing... What ever you have done will have to be repeated. Mayhap not every day but get with your Son and do it once a week for the next...6-8 weeks, then change to every other week for the same amount of time, then start doing it once a Month. This includes his bathing with Salt and Rosemary (No its not a BBQ Brine...LoL)

Now I have a strange offer... I can try and 'reach out' from here and assist you... If you feel the need for 'outside' assistance.

Another thing, please do not stop any medical treatments your son may be undergoing or meds he may be taking... While this 'spirit' may have amplified what he is going through emotionally, he may still need to assistance of 'modern meds and treatments'.

Thank you for reaching out and letting us into a difficult time of your life. Ask ANY questions you may have and we will do our best to answer them.


Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
Obviously this thing is feeding off your son's depression and meds problems. You *may* be able to use this weakness to *trick* it. If you go down the road I used. However, make sure your son is healthy, both in mind and body, to withstand that kind of deception.
I would make all that an absolute last ditch resort method though. It sounds like you've exhausted every trick you know and are at *that point* where you've had enough, it is difficult to pull off, very exhausting in itself. I must warn.

If you've got the money look into an impartial third party perspective/spiritual healer, ghost hunter etc (I've no clue here!) If you don't already know someone who can do this for free, I imagine this kind of thing isn't cheap but I have completely no clue, that's NO clue on cost of such things.

Just kind of posting things randomly as I think of them here.
Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
The only other thing I can think of right now is to call on your guardians/guides and those of your son. I don't know what I would have done without mine during my bad run. It's how T got rid of it too. Work out a roster between your protector ghosties so they're not all overworked. What worked for me was the element of surprise. So be careful she/it isn't around while you're reading stuff on here for example. I don't know, this kind of stealthiness worked for me. I know how difficult it is to get rid of something which has slowly crept into your life, as it did with me. Feeding its ego worked in the end, so yeah, just watch what you read and make sure the wretched thing isn't around. So it/she is clueless of what you're up to.
Call those ghosties to action.
Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
Tweed, I agree with you about outside opinions. I have two suggestions from friends, so likely not quacks. But I agree, this thing has been capitalizing on both of us for a long time. I may not be as impartial as I would like to think. I do think it left things on him, and that is why my continued healing is important.

The guy in the closet just sort of lost it. He sat there for 3 days with a little food. The one after him started doing equally strange things.

If you think of anything else... Love your suggestions always! 😊 Thank you. This has been difficult.

Tweed (35 stories) (2500 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-03)
Oh Hecate HUGS to you and E ❤

Goodness me.

May I suggest you both have someone impartial assess E's spiritual/psychic problems?
The only thing I can think of right now is that perhaps you, being very close to E, *may* be what this entity is clinging to. That you, in all your haste to get rid of it for damn good, are so worked up that *it* is somehow able to slip through the cracks. That it is taking advantage of both of your emotional conditions. Having someone impartial and *not* emotionally invested may be the piece to the puzzle which is needed to get rid of it. You may have to shop around so you don't wind up with a crack pot, but I'm sure someone out there would be equipped to deal with this sort of thing. I'm really sorry to hear about everything you and E have been through. 😢

Question do you mean someone in the closet had taken their own life and not been found for days?! If so holy freaking crap!

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