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Real Ghost Stories

Child Spirit


This is a true story that I would like to share. Several years ago, my sister and her husband bought a trailer from the previous owners. My sister's son, Jordan had a strange, ghostly encounter when he was a child. He now is in his early twenties. He remembers this well and speaks about it when he visits his grandmother. His grandmother does believe him about this because; she had seen spirits, herself in the past.

When he got up at night to use the washroom, he saw this little boy standing in front of the door staring at him. Jordan would just run back to his room out of fear. This would bother him and the little boy would vanish and later on appeared again. He often saw this little boy at night and sometimes, in the day time.

He saw him sitting in a bedroom on the floor once and he would just stare at Jordan. They never spoke to each other but, this was happening a lot. Jordan realizes today that he was seeing a spirit.

He told his mother but, she didn't believe him and his other three siblings never saw what he was seeing or even his father. Now he now wants to try and find out if, someone who once lived there had a child and if, the child had died there.

I believe, in spirits and the paranormal and I think something did happen there at one time. The trailer now belongs to my sister's husband's brother, Cliff. I hope he finds the information about the past from the previous owners or from somebody that knows some knowledge about his sightings of the child spirit.

Thanks for reading my ghost story.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, canadian123, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-25)
Hi Marq, thanks for sharing this interesting story. I wonder if something happened with the child within the trailer or on the land. You must update us on this story if Jordan finds out the truth. Is strange but I don't know how I will react on seeing a child spirit. I never saw one of a child though. But it's hard for me to trust a child spirit. I was brought up the same way as like Darkness. Like Solik I also like to believe that children go straight to heaven, but there are many things we still don't know yet. Thanks for sharing. Take care. Trix ❤
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
Solik I was brought up Christian also and I was made to believe that to witness anything spiritual was to be the work of demons imitating people you haved loved and known and what not. But this simply is just not true, perhaps in certain cases yes but the majority of experiences are actually human spirits acting and behaving the same way they did whilst still having there physical bodies. Just something to think about. 😊
SoliK (13 stories) (44 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
I always get confused with child spirits. As a Christian and someone who has seen a child ghost recently I wonder why children wouldn't go straight to heaven. Someone mentioned to me that a child ghost could be another spirit disguising itself as a child because most people wouldn't be as afraid of a child ghost over an adult one. I really get apprehensive about communicating with spirits. I know it could make the connections stronger. If its not bothering anyone then just let it be. It wouldn't hurt to research it too just to see what you find...
Zorforler (1 stories) (55 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-24)
A ghost boy? Usually it's a ghost girl. Well if you ever see the spirit again ask it questions.

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