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A Couple Of Creepy Occurrences


It's been a while since I submitted anything so I thought I'd post up a few creepy goings-on from recent times. I have been maintaining a journal over the past few months, but I haven't documented any specific times or dates of these events. I write in my journal when I feel the need to and occasionally include little footnotes on things that happened which I thought were odd.

Near the middle of last month, on no particularly special day, I had been sitting at my desk at work. My desk is out in the middle of a warehouse and it's normally very loud because we have a conveyor constantly running. The conveyor had been turned off for a few moments while someone cleared a jam, so it was quiet enough for me to hear if anyone was walking up behind me. I sit by three managers, all of whom were in a staff meeting, so I was definitely by myself. Very distinctly, I heard what sounded like a young man's voice call out from right behind me (though I didn't catch what he said), and I felt a cool brush of air, which is not unusual in a drafty warehouse during the winter. I turned around to acknowledge whoever it was, but there was no one there. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck prickle, so I stood up and walked around the desks, trying to figure out if someone was messing with me. With no luck, I finally decided to brush it off and assumed someone had just called out while passing by, and somehow I just hadn't seen them... But less than five minutes later, I caught sight of a reflection of someone pass slowly behind me in my monitor. I have one of those big clunky CRT monitors so the reflection was REALLY clear. It looked like a tall, skinny guy wearing jeans and a checkered t-shirt and did not look like anyone I'd seen working there. Again I turned around to look, this time feeling rather startled, and no one was there. When I looked back at my monitor, the reflection was gone.

This one happened last week. I was taking my usual morning shower before work and I heard a very loud rumbling sound that almost scared me into falling in the shower. Now, I'm not the type that spooks easily but this was a LOUD noise. My shower and toilet are separated from the rest of the bathroom by a second door and it sounded like someone was repeatedly throwing their shoulder into the inner door. I stood there for a second thinking, oh god; someone just broke into my bathroom and is trying to get in while I'm in the shower. The cruddy part is that the inner door doesn't actually lock... If you turn the handle hard enough, it pops right open. I gathered up my bravery thinking ok, maybe I can catch them off guard by confronting them, so I left the water running, wrapped my towel around myself and threw the door open. There was no one there. The other door was still closed and locked so no one could have come in to the bathroom. I stood there for a moment feeling dumb for imagining things, then put my towel on the toilet seat and got back in the shower. Almost instantly after I got back in and closed the curtain, I heard it again. At this point I was really getting freaked out so I decided to take the direct approach in the event that it was someone in the house. I said: "Ha ha, very funny. Now leave me alone." At that moment, I not only felt but physically SAW the shower curtain press in toward me as though someone had tried to reach out to me through it. I flinched away from it and threw the curtain open, but again, there was no one there. After finishing up VERY quickly, I got dressed and made a round through the house. My mom and brother were the only ones home and both of them were asleep in their beds with their doors shut.

That's pretty much it for now...I'll post again if anything else happens.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DeviousAngel, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

luce (2 stories) (44 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-27)
Hi Devious!
Spectral stalker? I hope who or what is haunting you won't do anything really nasty.

Thanks for sharing:)
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-20)
Xellie, thank you for your comment!

I've gone over it in my head, trying to figure out if maybe there was a little wind or air or something like that which may have pulled the curtain inward toward me, but like...visually, I SAW it "poke" inward toward me, like a finger or a pencil was sticking through it. I remember even backing up as far as the shower wall (which gave me a nice cold shock on the bottom as you can imagine) and just wondering what the heck happened!

As far as my house goes, the only thing on this area of land prior to the houses, which were built about 10 years ago according to the neighbors who moved in while our house was still being built, was a bunch of cow farms and dairies. Before that it was just open desert.

Now my work, however...that's worth looking into. Judging by the fact that the clothes I saw were modern-ish, but rather nondescript, I suppose it could have been from any time. There are some people who have worked here for almost 20 years, so I know that the warehouse had to have been there for about that long. Prior to that, I don't know. I think maybe it'd be a good idea to dig into it though!
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-12)
Sounds like you have a admirer! Lol
Have you looked into the history of your house?
Just to see if you could find anything that has happened there?

Sometimes shower curtains try to attack you... Espesh the cheap ones you can get... It happens a lot to me. Its like they have minds of there own and just want to be attached to you. I'm not saying that this is the case but its a thought!

Maybe you should look into the history of your work too, that guy sounds pretty friendly though.
Ive just posted up a story about a ghost I have at work that comes in twice a day... Have a read if you like 😁

Keep us posted!
XXelliemayXx ❤
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-21)
OMG, Lou, I am so creeped out now. I really don't think that's the case but that's probably the side of me that prefers logic and doesn't want to believe that that's possible. He was a nice kid, but I was never attracted to him and as far as I know, he never showed any signs that he would be attracted to me.

Still, I feel unnerved now considering the two things that happened. I really do hope they aren't connected. I'm now very much GLAD I'll be moving out in just shy of two weeks.

Darkness: You and aussie are totally right about that. It seems a recurring "theme" that spirits who want to get our attention wait until we're vulnerable and/or are focused on other things to sneak up on us. I suppose it'd be easier than waiting for an opportune moment that might never come, though still... I definitely wouldn't harass someone while they were in the shower unless I REALLY didn't like them.

Although, I wonder how physical objects appear to spirits? Maybe it saw the shower curtain as a sort of "veil" or something? (I keep thinking of a confused ghost or spirit wandering around my house with a distorted view of everything, wondering if this is all really happening.) I can't say I necessarily felt dread or a malignant presence, but it sure seems like this thing was out to scare me.

Thank you for your thoughts... Even though I have the heebiejeebies now!
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-21)
I've thought about this one a bit... You said that:
The man who passed was relatively young (as are you), had talked to you on occassion (who wouldn't), had talked with you about paranormal beliefs (possibly flirting?), possibly was the one who made himself visible to you...
If I was a spirit inhabiting the earthly realm and wanted to try out my new status, I would likely look for someone who could sense me and was open to my existence. If he found you interesting in life...
I don't want this to get any creepier than it already has, but... What would stop him from following you home?

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-21)
You are killing me! Industrial-strength woodpeckers...awesome. Actually, being spring, even in warm climates birds and animals have a limited diet. The birds likely have a mineral deficiency that they are trying to make up for.

Chosen_One101 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-21)
the shower part was FREAKY! If that happened to me I would scream my head off! Oh my gosh your stories are SCARY! 😨
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-20)
Hey DeviousAngel great story once again! I was wondering wether or not the boys sister ever experienced anything of this nature and especially at the workplace, instead of residual he may be actually visiting her? Do you think you could ever talk to her about this kind of thing? I would assume not, but would be very interesting to know.

The shower ordeal sound like it came out of a movie haha would have been quite frightning indeed. I have noticed that because of the feeling of vulnerability we get of being in a frightning situation whilst showering, it may be the desired effect whatever it was, set out to achieve? Feeding of our fear? 😐
This I believe Good ole Aussiedaz touched on also! Ohwell just a couple of things that came out of my scrambled head thismorning lol. 😆

Thanks again DeviousAngel.

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-19)
Javelina - I'll be honest, I think a part of me just feels really silly about asking AP to view the footage, if there is any. I'm kind of afraid to go to AP about the cameras because I know those guys, and they will use any excuse to have a laugh at someone and it will open me up to a whole slew of practical jokes on their part. Plus, it IS a few days later so I'm not sure if they'd still have footage...still, I suppose I can try talking to the more serious of the three or four guys they have inside the building and tell them what I saw.

I was not very close to the boy that died, nor am I close to his sister. It was pretty much a wave and smile as he passed by kind of thing, and he stopped and talked to me on occasion but I suppose it wasn't anything special. I did know him since I've been on YGS, and we had actually discussed the thought of ghosts before at one opint, so I wonder if it's possible that he revealed himself to me because he knew I believed in spirits and maybe he assumed I'd see him? I really don't know for sure, but...

Just throwing this out there, if I happen to die an untimely death, I am SO going to haunt some of you guys...😆

Peter - thanks for your comment! I was also thinking, as Javelina suggested, that this might be a residual deal. There were a lot of people coming and going in that area long before I started working there, so I don't discount anything.
Petersspirit (4 stories) (144 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
Hello DeviousAngel,

One of our house ghosts is on and off on imitating sounds like: voice's of us living here, walking, handling objects, so the ghost in your bathroom could be very well imitating the sound of beating against the door. How ever, a scary experience!

And I think it mite be the guy at your work walking by hoping you'll say hi to him again.

Much enjoyed reading your sharings.
SmokeyKnight (3 stories) (193 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
Devious, I think asking AP/LP to just look to see if there was a guy in the warehouse that day wearing a checkerboard shirt like that was seen. You can at least narrow down whether or not anyone else saw anything without sounding too crazy.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
Devious - are you and the sister of the guy who died friendly at all? Would she talk to you about this? In a not so "omg I think I saw your brother" way of course 😆. You know what I mean, even I'm not that blunt LOL.

Like Javelina said, more people are open to ghosts nowadays then they were. I was watching Syfy last night and saw a new ad for Ghost Hunters "One in three people believe in ghosts..." I'm finding out myself that more people I talk to believe in them, or have had experiences they can't explain, than I would have ever thought.

Anyway, you work with her so you know what will and won't go over. Good luck. BTW, I work with a woman who believes in ghosts and probably has had experiences, but because I don't like her at all, I won't discuss anything in her presence. 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
The cooling unit is on our roof, woodpeckers nest is in a cactus. However, if you've never really experienced any other type of activity at your house then I would still be looking at alternative explanations.
Now, about the tape from that day. You have to know that more people are believers these days. So what I'd do is get to talking to these people and tell them what you saw. Your description of this guy you saw was very detailed, which is why no one here has really tried to debunk it, we believe that you saw what you said you saw. You also know that you're not the only sceptic here right? Well, unless you feel your job or position would be in jeopardy, I would give them a chance to find the evidence on their own, so to speak. Everybody loves a mystery, and working security can sometimes mean you have certain times in your shift with nothing much to do. If you had a chance to find evidence of a residual haunting wouldn't you be looking through those tapes to find something? I would. And so would most people. I think you should at least plant the seed, then step back and see what comes up. Let curiosity work for you.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
Javelina, that is definitely a great theory but I really don't think that's it either. In all of my years of living in Southern California, I've only seen woodpeckers twice. Once when I was living in a house with a giant pine tree outside and once when I was walking through a forest. I live in a heavily suburbanized area where a majority of the trees are palm, orange, cherry and plum trees. Not too many big trees out in my neck of the woods for woodpeckers to chill out in and a lot of larger birds of prey in my area since there is a lot of open land (desert). On a daily basis we see and hear falcons, hawks and owls. Where I don't think it's IMPOSSIBLE that a woodpecker might be hanging out around our house, I KNOW it's impossible that one could be pecking on the pipes or the water heater because, as I mentioned, the water heater is inside a closed garage and there are no exposed pipes. We also have central heating and A/C so there's no wall unit for them to sharpen their beaks on, if that's why they were doing it.

In addition to that, the noise was very precisely a heavy thumping against wood and judging by the direction, it was directly to my right if I'm facing the shower head, which is where the bathroom door is.

However, thank you for the suggestion. 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-18)
I came up with another idea, only because this just happened this morning and it's a yearly thing at our house. Each spring we get this family of woodpecckers that have a nest in my neighbor's Saguaro cactus and each year one or more of them gets to pecking on the cooling unit on our roof. The rate of the pecking is fast though, like a jackhammer. Plus it only does this in the early morning hours, anywhere between 5:30 and 7:30am. It will miss a few days here and there but it always comes back. The units housing is made of metal so at first we were freaked out and couldn't understand where it was coming from. My husband figured it out one morning but we still can't understand why they peck on the cooler. The only idea I came up with was maybe they use it to sharpen their beaks?
Anyway, it's just a thought.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
Taz - I knowwww, it feels so creepy now that I almost want to take the outer curtain off, which leads me to

Smokey - The inner curtain is clear and the outer curtain is a tan color, so I can't really see through... Although I'm starting to reconsider the outer curtain so I can keep an eye on what's going on. 😨
SmokeyKnight (3 stories) (193 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
See through curtain? No one can sneak up on you if it's clear, and as long as that first door is locked you can have it.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
hi again devious that's exactly what I was talking about, when the curtain sudenly billows towards you that's the air vortex effect, seen it mentioned on a tv program.
As soon as I hit publish I thought you would have known the difference and would not have mentioned it if it was this but now with you saying it was like fingers pushing it in that's even worse.
Think I will be sticking to having a bath from now on lol
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
Well, she was working here, but she's up toward the front office. It's a pretty huge warehouse so she's a good quarter mile away. I suppose it might have even been a bit of residual energy, now that I think about it... He used to walk through this area quite a bit since it was "his" department. Shortly before this gentleman died, he had been promoted to a lead position. He was only able to enjoy his promotion for a week at best before he was killed.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
D/A: So was his sister working at the time?...And if so, in the same area?...
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
To Spockie/Lou- believe me, I'd love to pass it off as the pipes, then I wouldn't feel so creeped out every time I take a shower now! As granny mentioned though, I'm a pretty skeptical person and I've tried every which way to debunk this (actually since I joined YGS and read so many "debunked" stories, my mind goes all analytical over all the usual stuff first before the adrenaline kicks in...I'm such a nerd, lol) Also, the house we live in is pretty much brand new, with all new plumbing. It's a two-story house and the water heater is downstairs, out in the garage. The only access is through the garage and you'd pretty much have to swing on that thing with a hollow aluminum bat full of marbles with the garage door open to hear anything on the other side of the house and through the floor.

The house itself was built about five years ago on top of what used to be a bunch of dairies. It's very sturdy since Cali is notorious for earthquakes. We have never heard any noises with the plumbing before or experienced any issues in that realm. I guess there's a first time for everything, but I've lived in houses where the plumbing was a little funky and this did NOT sound like that.

As far as the window creating gusts of air, as I mentioned, I did consider that also... Like most people I shower with the window partially open so that the steam doesn't cause mildew to blister the paint, but it was an absolutely still morning (the slightest breeze makes my poor naked butt freeze in the shower, haha) and there are also a set of heavy blinds over the window that extend below it and rest against the wall. If there had been wind, the blinds knock against the wall and that sound is distinctive tapping, which has also scared me witless in my paranoia before, and I did not hear that in this case. But again, I suppose anything is possible... Just don't think that's the probable cause.

Taz - I've never heard of that happening or experienced it before, but again, I'm open to the possibility that there was a natural reason behind this. It freaked me out because it looked SPECIFICALLY like someone reaching in. It wasn't one of those things where the curtain just waved or billowed toward me--it was concentrated to a specific area, almost like a hand reaching through a sheet, if that makes sense? All I can liken it to is like one or two fingers prodding through the curtain at me.

Zzsgranny- thank you for sticking up for my (albeit, limited) "experience" in this field...❤

Javelina- I DO NOT appreciate anyone, living or otherwise, interrupting my shower time! That is especially an off-limits time for me to be haunted. 😆

Lou- I didn't necessarily feel any weight... As soon as I saw the curtain move, I cringed back against the wall like a chicken, and it only faintly brushed me for a second. Ugh, that was enough for me. And lol, spotter...😆

As far as the guy goes, I'm not sure what was on this property before the warehouse was built here, but the guy's clothes looked pretty modern. I didn't get a good look at his face but he had kind of dark, slicked hair. Unfortunately, even though I'm buddies with the AP guys, they wouldn't let me check out footage if there was any. The cameras are focused on the loading docks to make sure the guys aren't pocketing merch, and I don't think there are any cameras that focus on my desk area or they would have busted me with my cell phone on numerous occasions (we're not allowed to have them on the floor). If they do have a working camera in the area, they seem adamant not to tell me.

I only know of two people who have died since they worked here. One was (coincidentally) an AP manager who took a fall from a cherry picker while cleaning a camera lens outside the building. The other was a young man who worked in the area near me, whom I think could have possibly been the person I heard/saw. He was only 22 years old when he died. I used to say hi to him every day when he passed by. One evening, he and his friends were cruising the freeway (I believe the I-10 if anyone wants to research it) when a drunk driver in a pickup truck going the wrong way hit them head on and killed him instantly. It was a really terrible and sad experience, especially because his sister still works here. He and his sister were close, and she took it hard. Everyone here liked him. If it was anyone from here, I think it might have been him.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
Hey, DA.

The pipes theory mentioned is a good one but it would either be caused by air in the pipes or unsecured pipes... Both of which would not be one-time occurrences.
Did you feel any weight/substance behind the curtain when it touched you? The flutter of the curtain would have a different feel than one that was pushed in.
Need a spotter at showertime, let me know...I'll sit outside the door, of course.;)

cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
Hey DA, glad to see you posted another story. 😁 I am in the same boat with you and the others regarding hearing things when in the shower. That used to happen to me all the time when I was growing up. I can't even count the times I heard the front door open and close, footsteps, and keys being tossed on the kitchen table thinking one of my parents was home, only to come out of the shower to an empty house. 😨 Never had the shower curtain push in on me though, and I think I would have screamed louder than Janet Leigh if that happened to me. 😭 I'm curious about the boy's reflection you saw at work. Javelina has a great idea. Maybe you can review the video footage if there is any to see if it was caught on tape. Thanks for sharing this with us.
msroxiie (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
Very creepy!, I wouldn't want that to happen to me 😕 😢 And Keep Posting more stories! ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
Hi Devious, it has been sometime since you last posted a story here and I wish it was under better circumstances... You have every right to be angry and confront this un welcomed visitor the way that you did... The only piece of advise I can offer is to stay strong and firm toward this presence around you... It may well being trying to frighten you... And a frighten mind would play into's its hand if that is it's intention... Keep us posted.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
There are just a few things that will rattle me, and you've got two of them right here:
1) Anything weird when I'm in the shower, it's just not fair play in my book, I mean come on!
2) Reflections in the glass of a TV/computer screen, mirror, or any other glass. Especially when you know you're alone.
I think that freaks me out the most, turn around to find no one there? Yikes!
One thing I wish I had paid more attention to growing up in So Cal, was if there was a rise in the level of activity during the Santa Ana winds. I do know that after the first week or so is when the freaky insane type crimes start getting reported more frequently, so I've always wondered if maybe the paranormal activity picked up then too.
Sorry for going off topic there. Try leaving a recorder out when you shower, maybe you'll pick something up.
The guy at work? I'd check with Loss Prevention, see if you can view the tape from your shift that day, paying special attention to that reflection. Maybe they caught it.
Oh yeah, if LP tries to tell you they don't have any cameras in your area, they're lying. All areas are monitered, particularly any area employees have access and can wander freely.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-17)
Smokey: I guess my "giggle tone" didn't come across on that huh? 😆...I was just amused... You guys did bring up good points, though! ❤
SmokeyKnight (3 stories) (193 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-16)
ZZ, you do have a point! Sorry Devious. Did you get any vibes, or was it just the weird stuff?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-03-16)
D/A: Please pardon me for one second...

Umm, guys?...Have any of you read D/A's previous accounts or comments?...This is one of our more experienced posters who is most likely to think of banging pipes and open windows prior to deeming anything pararnormal... Not that your suggestions are inappropiate, but should be reserved for those less experienced in dealing with "stuff"... 😊

Okay, back to the story... Holy Crap!...I don't like the shower in our master bedroom, for that reason...I'm just really uncomfortable there... I can, however, take a bath! LOL 😆...Scarey "stuff" there...You're bravery is beyond mine!...

And I'm curious about the guy in the warehouse, too... Looking forward to your research about that... Thanks for posting ❤

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-16)
hi devious wow freaky goings on there!
Would be interesting to find out if anyone else at your work has seen this guy hanging around.

Just a thought but could the shower curtain have been moved by the water preasure changing causing an air vortex I get this myself at home and parts of the curtain move inwards like its being pushed on. As for the door that would have just scared me silly!
Thanks for posting 😊

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