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Real Ghost Stories

His Fire Burns Dark


The building our business resides in, had felt lighter after that night. A white light ceremony had been performed and many spirits which had seemed unable to leave were free to cross over. The following morning, the smell of flowers was unmistakable, and the building seemed brighter.

But two weeks later, darkness seemed to creep back into the building and touch those who frequented it the most. The first manifestation of this occurred early one morning. We were having an open house and being the weekend, we told our clients and potential clients that if they needed to bring their children with them, we would have activities for them. An employee had volunteered to set up a play area for the kids and had prepared a breakfast snack and games to keep the kids busy while their parents talked business. Our employee was serving the snack to six or seven children at a table when she distinctly heard a manly, almost provocative "Hello" from directly over her shoulder. She turned away from the table, startled, and looked behind her quickly. There was no one there. She turned back to the children, most of whom had stopped in mid-chew and were staring back at her, and asked each one of them if they had heard it, and if they had been the one who spoke. They all confirmed that they heard what she had heard, and none of them were the source.

There was also an odd feeling in our home. Neither my wife nor I could put our finger on it, but something was off. We were lying in bed discussing whether or not we should have the paranormal group back to the business, and to see if they would also check out our house. She had told me things were getting strange at the business again, and told me some of the employees felt uncomfortable and were hearing noises that seemingly had no source. We decided that since the paranormal group had told us to call them anytime, that we would give the group leader a call and discuss what was happening with her.

I talked with the woman for about a half an hour and she agreed to talk to the rest of the members about revisiting our property. She assured me that she felt they would all want to return. I agreed to wait to hear back from her the next day on when they could come, and hung up the phone a little relieved. Although my wife has believed me when I have divulged my past experiences with her, we both felt that the group could better identify the source of any problems present and help us to deal with them.

I turned off the light and we watched TV for about twenty minutes when suddenly an audible growl came from the open closet door, right next to the television. My wife and I both sat up in bed. I cautiously got out of bed and walked to the bedroom door to look down the stairs. As I suspected, our dog was nowhere nearby. I walked to the closet and turned on the light. Nothing unusual could be seen. We discussed what happened for quite awhile, both of us were a little shook. We turned off the TV and eventually went to sleep.

I woke up some time later, probably around 2:00 AM. The moon was fairly bright outside, our bedroom door was open and a light from one of our children's rooms partially illuminated the hallway. As I looked toward the large window of our room, in the moonlight I could make out the tree limbs of the large oak tree just behind the house. As I looked toward this window just to the right of the closet, a dark film moved in front of it and obscured my view to the outside. As I watched, it moved away and I could see the tree again. After a few moments, it happened again. I could make out the tree, and then I could not. This occurrence repeated itself probably six times. Suddenly my attention was drawn to the left of the closet where the TV sits on an old antique cabinet. Behind and above the TV, a small curio cabinet hangs on the wall. As I watched, the three objects seemed to morph into one shape, and that shape was of a large man. Again, the process repeated itself. Over and over the objects appeared normal, and then they seemed to blend together... Whatever was happening, I was completely mesmerized. After a few minutes, the darkness went back to the window, and as it did, I watched as it obscured the cabinet and window jam to the right of the closet before it settled on the glass. Any inkling that it was merely clouds obscuring the moonlight and causing shadows were immediately ruled out. After blocking the window three or four more times, the shadow moved towards the closet and disappeared. I lay awake for the next two hours until it was time for me to get up for work knowing that whatever I had seen was far from normal.

Around 6:00, I was just getting myself organized at work when the phone rang. Normally my wife calls around 6:45, but it appeared that she was up early today. As I picked up the phone, I realized immediately it was not my wife. Apologizing for calling me so early, the group leader told me she had spoke to one of the members of the group and felt they needed to get to our property as soon as possible. When I asked her what was going on, she said a member of the group who had not participated in the initial investigation, and was the group's reiki master, lives in our area and had driven by our business the night before. She had told the group leader, that as she drove by our property, she saw a very large, dark hooded figure slip into the brush behind the building. Although she was sure that what she saw was paranormal, her life experiences did not allow for her to get overly excited, until she pulled into her driveway a few miles away. As her headlights shone through her backyard, she saw the same figure standing before her. She kept the lights on for several minutes, not sure whether her eyes were distorting something in her backyard that was already there, or if she was seeing something else. Suddenly, the figure moved. It appeared to glide towards the car for several feet and then in the blink of an eye, retreated and disappeared. When she recounted this to the group leader, she said that it was definitely a large male figure and in its approach, it had left her feeling as if it wanted to make sure she saw him.

We decided that a few members of the group would be coming in two days during the daytime. Before hanging up the phone, she asked me if there was anything I had not told her. Somehow forgetting the previous night's events, I honestly told her that I could not think of anything. We said our goodbyes and hung up. Ten minutes later, my wife called from home. She said she had experienced something unusual. Now daylight, she said that she woke up and when she opened her eyes, she briefly thought she saw someone standing at the foot of our bed, in front of the television. She said she looked at it for several seconds but as her eyes focused, she realized no one was there. She closed her eyes and began to relax again, when she suddenly felt a presence next to her. As is often the case, she immediately thought it was our four year old daughter standing by the bed. She opened her eyes and a shadow moved across the television towards the closet and disappeared. She sat up, now immediately wide awake, but nothing else occurred.

I spoke to her about what I had seen during the night, and she was relieved to hear the group was returning for a second visit.

The day before the group was to arrive, our four year old autistic daughter was having a bad day. I had asked her to stop watching television for a while and she became angry. I asked her to come downstairs and she begrudgingly complied. She plopped down on the sofa, and I asked her what was wrong, as my wife entered the room. She told me she was mad at me. When I asked her why she was mad, she responded, "Because you aren't even scared of that ghost". Afterward, neither my wife nor I could ever remember using that word in front of her, nor had we ever heard her say it.

Without hesitation, I replied, "That's right, I'm not scared. Do you know where the ghost is right now?"

"He's standing right behind you" she said. A chill washed over me.

"Do you know what his name is?" I asked.

"His name is Tank" she replied, matter-of-factly.

This is when everything changed for me. We asked our daughter some more questions, but as is typical with children with her condition, she lost interest and moved on, and she provided us with no more information. Communication, specifically pronunciation, is one of the most difficult situations for an autistic child. Although our daughter was well into her preschool years, she still was using toddler-speech. I don't know where the button is located, but the security code had been cracked and I went from cautiously concerned to venom spitting enraged. I controlled myself for the sake of my children, but once they were a safe distance away, I declared to my wife in a very soft, controlled manner that none of them were ever going to have to be afraid again.

Not knowing how much of our daughter's declaration was valid; using the same measured voice, I spoke to the presence I knew was not far away. "'Tank', or whoever the hell you are, you f---ed up! You came in my house and you showed yourself to my child? You are going to wish you never crawled out of that hole in hell you came from, you filthy #%@XXX!" I spat, my body shaking with anger.

The group leader and three other female members, including her sister, arrived at our business the next day. Since our last conversation mentioned, I had spoke to the group leader about what my wife and I had experienced in our bedroom. The team walked around the building and sensed a very negative energy. Proceeding through the unfinished second floor, the group leader captured two, Class I EVP's. Running through the usual questions, the group leader had asked if there was anything he wanted to tell us. The EVP distinctly stated "Get out". A minute later, not knowing what she had captured moments before, the group leader stated that she knew he was there and they were not leaving until they knew what he wanted. The response EVP was "B-tches".

Having never been to our home, the group followed me in their car to our house. They no more walked into the house and they all walked immediately to the kitchen. "It's right here" the group leader said. "What is right here?" I asked. She began to motion towards the ceiling, and then bringing her hands downward, "This is how he gets in".

The group leader told my wife and I that the group needed to do some spiritual preparations and that we, my wife and I, were going to do the blessing of the house. The group leader produces a box of compressed sage bulbs. She asked my wife if we had a glass dish or a metal plate they could be burned on. My wife opened her mouth to speak, and from all outward appearances, was struck dumb. She could not physically move in the direction of the cupboard where she knew she could find what had been requested, she opened her mouth but she could not make any words come out. Later she said it was if her mind went blank. Internally she was angry. She said she knew what she was trying to say and knew what it was that was requested, but her body and her mind were locked in place. The group leader immediately recognized the spiritual warfare she was being subjected to and placed her hand on my wife's temples and repeatedly just told her to think, until her mind cleared. Once it had, my wife was dumbfounded... She could not believe what had happened, even though she herself had experienced it.

She went to the cupboard and retrieved the metal tray that had been requested. The group leader gave us our instructions on smudging the house. We lit the sage and went to the first corner of the kitchen, waving the smoke into it, blessing the space in God's name and banishing evil from our home. The group had joined hands and began saying protective prayers for us and themselves. We proceeded to the second corner of the kitchen, intent on blessing every corner of every room of the house, and recited our commitment. We turned from the corner and were about to walk past the group when the woman nearest us, and the smallest in stature, was shoved down and back, striking the small of her back on the refrigerator hard enough to rock it. None of the group members missed a single word of their prayers, including herself, as she gathered herself and the members holding her hands pulled her upright.

My wife and I continued the blessing throughout our home and no other incidents occurred. When we returned to the kitchen, the group finished their prayers and we stood talking about what had happened to my wife and the group member. The group leader said that she and the group's historian had been pouring over the deeds of our property and the local history of our area and that she thought she knew who this dark force was. She said she did not know enough about him to put the pieces together yet, but she was sure when she read his name that it was him.

We told the group about the conversation we had with our daughter the previous day. The team leader listened intently, nodding her head. When we asked her if any of this meant anything to her, she said that it proved that she was right. She went out to her vehicle and came back with a file folder. She opened up the folder and handed me a photocopy of a local newspaper article from 1864. The article told of a local man named Jacob McIntire, who had been arrested for performing some kind of a Native American ritual in the town cemetery. As part of the ritual, he had built a large fire, and several town men had confronted him, put out the fire and held him for the authorities. His mother was the original deeded owner of our property. In the article, he was referenced as Jacob "Hank" McIntire.

As I stared at the paper in front of me, the nickname struck me immediately. "Hello,...Tank."

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, LouSlips, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-27)
And with that, I hope we can get back to the original topic of this story... This is one of the best accounts on this site, and it's a shame to cast a shadow over it ❤
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
Pjod,You said you did not get it. I just offered my opinion as to why someone would do what you did not understand. Its my take on it, anyway. It wasn't said with any malice.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-26)
How difficult would it be for someone to skip over a post or entire thread, should the content offend them?
I liken this subject to that of politics. In the way that it causes some folks to drag out their soap box. Anytime the topic of politics comes up in a thread (different site) I drop out of that particular thread and move on. To make an announcement that I'm deactivating my account over a couple posters debating who is right (or left) is rather childish- and with all due respect to those who have resigned their account over the comments in recent threads... Get over yourself- this site will continue on with new members joining, while disgruntled old members lurk.
MizMiMi02 (8 stories) (56 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-22)
You are free to see (or not see) things however you wish. I never asked for any sort of validation of my opinion (that's why it's called an opinion), but thanks for sharing yours.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-22)
MizMiMi02: Who are you yelling at? Have you seen all these new stories that are up? Hypocrisy, bullying and debauchery I have been on this site longer then nearly everyone here, and I don't think the site is Rampant with it whatsoever and never was! Just my thoughts I'm not having a go at you but I disagree with your comment that is all!

This comment from MizMiMi02 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

MizMiMi02 (8 stories) (56 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
Down vote me all you want. Unlike some people, karma point mean ZIP to me. It's just a popularity game, controlled by those who think they're in charge.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)

I'll remember that statement the next time you play a week long slap and tickle with taz on one of my threads (Her Abductor).


Love ya' Taz
MizMiMi02 (8 stories) (56 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
There is only a certain amount of hypocrisy, bullying and debauchery that one can take. And all of those frequently run RAMPANT on this website.
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
Thats an easy one, Pjod. I think there are some people who come to YGS to discuss ghosts. With a name like Your Ghost Stories it is reasonable to assume that discussing ghosts is what the site is about. Were it named Unrelated Pissing Matches I don't believe those opposed to such activity would have joined in the first place. It is disappointing to me to see this kind of activity take over entire threads but for some it is completely intolerable.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-21)
I stumbled on this thread, and normally don't kick up a thread that has not been active for two weeks- but I have to say of the one's leaving, checking out- I don't get it. Why would anyone close their account over a "back and forth" between a couple of folks who can't agree? Do these same people leave home, a business, their job- when all isn't "peace, love and micro-dots?" (not to compare a web site with the above) It just seems silly to deactivate an account, when the "back and forth" in a comments section has nothing to do with you.
stephyw2001 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-06)
OH STFU "Lou". Seriously! I am sick of all of this crap, which this site is so full of, it should be called "Your Gastro-intestinal Stories". I'm bailing, my life is too much touched by REAL death, to be troubled any further by stupid, annoying people and their idiodic fabricated stories.

Martin, don't get sucked into this, its so stupid. The site is fine, so long as the PUBLIC doesn't ruin a good thing.

Mods - I love you guys, but for GODS sake, just delete the damned annoying comments without providing an explanation from now on. You don't need to provide a reason, the guidelines say so. All you're doing is provoking more stupid comments.

To the naysayers of Mods - EVERY FLIPPING SITE HAS MODS. Get over the fact you weren't asked to be one and move on.

I am. I have outgrown this stupidity, and am now in search of more intelligent conversation.


PS, go study math, because I doubt your percentage is correct.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-06) few answers, over so much time. It sucks to be suspicious of everything, but when so few answers are provided... It makes alterations to guidelines seem to be futile attempts of covering one's ass. We all know how long this has been going on, and now we know why.
Although I have not always agreed with the opinions or tactics of the mods on this site; my respect for your efforts grows daily... As an irrelevent, and apparently entitled poster of this site... I can only thank you for providing the filter, albeit selective, from what we all could have to suffer through.

The ygs 47%
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-05)
Kryodrache: The submissions page is open, so hopefully we can return to our "normal" selves soon 😆...I agree, time to move on 😊
Kryodrache (3 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-05)
Alright... It's gotten a little ridiculous, the unrest that's been going on in the site lately. I'm neither here nor there, not looking for a fight, nor do I have the capability of holding people back from it. But I just gotta say...

Crap happens.

I've been seeing people leaving the site. And I just have to request you guys, and point out... It doesn't have to be that way. This was the best ghost story site I came across, with people who actively researched, studied, and tried to debunk their stories to find lies from truth. There are some really, really smart people here. And it isn't worth it to, as they say in popularity now... 'ragequit.'

Opinions are a good thing to have, it means we're not some communal hive of ants. But understand that it takes a lot to run a site that a lot of people visit. Not everyone will agree, and we have to learn to tolerate each other. Again, I'm not launching out at anyone here, I'm just the person holding a cake in each outstretched arm hoping to urge in some relaxation. There's enough chaos and frustration going on in the world as it is.

So please... Have some cake, and sit through it. It saddens me to see people leaving this site over arguments... They happen, and will always happen, and they won't go away if we just turn tail and scarper. Only from the unity of the whole can anything be fixed, and repaired, and upkept. So I think, all we gotta do... Is chill. Take a breather, turn away from the computer if you have to, and don't make any rash decisions. I love this site, and a lot of the people in it... And the purpose for which it was made. So let's see if we can't chill for a bit, huh? If this really needs to be resolved, I'm very certain that the offended parties could organize a date over an instant messenger. Everything posted up here can be seen by other people, and it could turn away new people from joining if all they see is arguments like this. It can be done with maturity, no?

That was longer than intended... But I felt I had to say something. I'd recommend "Goonsfraba" here but... Naw, that really does not work.:P

By the way, Lou... Amazing story. This is definitely going into my favorites.
Martin (602 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-05)
LouSlips, you're going overboard here and you're ignorant of what it takes to run a web site. We discard about half of the stories we receive because of low quality or credibility. They still need to be read and we're the ones getting angry emails for not publishing the stories or heart breaking pleas from people assuring us it's true. It would be 10 times easier to let anyone publish what they want, like many social media out there, but the quality of the site would go down the drain. Just read comments in Youtube or Yahoo Answers to have an idea. A site about ghosts attract many kids and immature pranksters who want attention, 95% of our content would be garbage or spam. And then everyone else think they know what's a true story or not, yet everyone has different criteria. Funny how it is, but no one is more ignorant than when they think they have the absolute truth. So we err on the side of indulgence when deciding if story sounds true or not, because we're not omniscient, which means for skeptics around here, a great portion of stories will appear incredulous. That's fine, do your own filtering, read the user comments and publish your own opinion. I have considered for a long time, actually right from the beginning, to have a voting system such as the comments for the stories, but in the end, this site is not about judging people's experiences with a number, it's not a popularity contest. So if anyone have an opinion on a story, they will have to at least articulate it as a comment and explain their point of view. If I was about quantity and popularity, I would let everything be published with no effort on our side and let people vote on it. But I prefer a site with a degree of credibility on the matter instead of raw traffic numbers. We don't all agree over what's quality, but no one ever will. If you think that's possible, you're deluding yourself. Yes, we have karma for comments, but these are not as personal, it's mostly to hide comments that are poor in quality, but not abusive enough to be moderated completely. The user karma itself doesn't mean much, but extreme negative or positive scores can reveal if someone is a troll or a longstanding and appreciated contributor to the site.

Now about your whole rant over exploiting people to work on this web site, it's honestly ridiculous. Any community driven web sites out there have volunteers, even big corporate ones. I've been one myself with many sites over my years on the web. You do it voluntarily because you're passionate about a topic, and you stop doing it when you lose that interest. Mods and editors are free to stay and go as they please, and they have my gratitude, as online friends, for their assistance with managing this site. Nothing would please me more one day to hire employees if this site becomes popular and profitable enough, it would actually be a dream of mine. But it's simply nor happening right now, this is a niche with little profit, so it's mostly a labor of love and I don't expect it to change in the long term. I'm sorry, but it's simply not your business to know whether I get to buy myself a pack of domestic or foreign beer at the end of the week after all my hours creating, programming and managing this site. If that is enough to entice bitterness on your part, feel free to start your own web site and see how much work it can be. You'll realize that you read about the big success stories in magazines because they're out of the ordinary, just don't confuse them as the norm. Maybe one day you'll get to deal with entitled users out there who think enjoying your site for free is still not good enough, they have to dictate how it's run too. Lol.

All right, I'm done with that topic.
Mimi1963 (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-05)
This is so sad. I've been reading and learning from this site for months. I only started posting last week, right when it started falling apart. I know, really bad timing on my part. Anyway, this used to be such a wonderful resource for people who needed it. It was the best place on the internet to find help. Not anymore. I'll be deleting my account as soon as I submit this.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-05)

I think you missed your chance to put minds at ease, personally. The root and motivation for my opinion was never addressed or even hinted at. First impressions stick, and you have lost your ability to make one on this subject matter from this point on. Your multitude of counter questions that you feel exonerate your behavior, only highlight it from my perspective, and although I see no reason to address them all, here are a few thoughts:

"Quantity instead of quality?"
You're kidding with that one, right? You're not?! We live through summer vacation every year; and we all know the level of credibility goes down seasonally on your website, without even addressing the regular lunacy.

"Do I favor drama and sensationalism over real information just to get more links and traffic?"
Obviously you do. Why else would you continue to use a system of popularity votes as a measure of someone's good intentions or credibility?

"Do we publish everything indiscriminately?"
Already answered that question, scroll up and refer to the quantity over quality issue you have.

Although some may not believe me in light of recent comments, I do genuinely care for and wish the moderators of this site well. Regardless of the guise of anonymity provided by website comment blogs; those who have genuinely experienced the paranormal and accept others in for such discussions, know the level of personal disclosure and vulnerability involved in sharing what only you once knew.

"but I still need my day job, by a long shot, and needing to put food on the table can take a lot of my time away from this site."

I do not think I have ever felt more disrespected on behalf of someone else then when I read this.

And they do not? Are you saying that because you must put food on your table, they do not?...or that your needs take priority over theirs? They also have day jobs AND families. Do you know how much time they lose with their loved ones simply to do you a favor? When does that ever factor into your decision? No wonder they get dismissive and somewhat surly, this is basically an Internet sweat shop without the perks. The only satisfaction I see them get is when they gang up and beat down some ill informed poster whose story was only likely published after you overrode the decision one of them made to reject it.
Compensation is in the position of control you give them by allowing them to unload on others for relief.

"still have some compensation for all my time developing and managing the site"
How do you defend that? You are not OPENLY here, the mods are. Why would you consciously decide to cut them out of any sort of compensation? You are essentially running your business using slave labor; taking advantage of their desire to aid others with questions or in need of help. There is no excuse, no explanation you can offer for doing so. You do realize women are still considered a minority in this country, no matter the race?

This isn't a web site, it's a plantation run by an absentee landlord who has the nerve to say he simply cannot share his compensation for what they do, with those who do all the work. I'm pretty sure most of our country has accepted a minimum wage for employees. It may be worth your while to consider what you may owe them in back pay BEFORE they ask for it. What you call a good business decision the law calls exploitation/theft.

Posters on this site aren't the ones who owe the mods respect, Martin... You do!

P.S. Artificially inflating your karma points to make your stance seem popular, would be much more convincing if you equally deflated mine... I highly doubt there are many who are agreeing with us both... And quite frankly, I have no use for them.

Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-05)
Lou: I see the messages clearly. I really had to read between the lines. It's amazing what we can find out behind the scenes. I applaud you my brother.

JS aka Brandon 😊
newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
Miracles I do accept your apology and I thank you for offering one. Truth be told from what I have seen and read on here you are probably the most fair mod on this site. I am aware that anyone can do karma, its just frustrating that trying to be respectful and civil is veiwed as a negative thing, that being said I have no issues with starting fresh.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
newhunter - apology accepted and I hope you accept mine and we can start fresh from here. Just so you know, mods aren't the only ones who can give or take away points. All members have that capability.

As far as the karma points go, they're not a big deal anyway. It's best not to pay any attention to them; just read the stories, comment on the ones you feel drawn to and you'll probably be a whole lot better off. Sometimes the karma points are more of a pain than anything 😐 In theory, it's a good system; however, when you add human nature to it...well, it doesn't seem to work out the way it's supposed to.
newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
For the record Miracles I was not referring to you in my comments of certain posters being targeted, just a general statement.
newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
Miracles I did not mean to imply you were the one that gave me negative karma but I had 5 positive karma points total on the comments that I had posted and now have 2 positive (I apparantly did my math incorrect so I lost 3 points) and prior to you posting your comment I just got 1 negative so I have received in total 4 negative karma, again I am not saying that you did it as I said it could have been coinceidence or who knows another mod may have seen it and done it, that I do not know. I have no issues with anyone on this site or any reason to be disrepectful to anyone on here, if my comments have come across that way I do apologize.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
newhunter - and by the way, just so you don't misunderstand me... I did not give you negative karma points for any of your comments.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
newhunter - having read your comment to Martin, I am confused. I'm assuming you are referring to the conversation you and I had and apologize if I am wrong. If I am right, however, I don't see where you have a negative karma point, let alone two. I accepted your comment in the manner you gave it and also said "no hard feelings," which I meant. If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't have said it.
newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
Martin I mean this comment with all respect to you and your mods but I feel it needs to be said. I have noticed while going through many of these stories that there are a great number of comments that are off topic and just rude as others that are not dealt with unless it is a certain poster. I have never said anything I feel is disrespectful to you or anyone else on this site yet when I posted a comment that was either written unclear in how it was written or taken out of context I was given negative karma and told to go to you if there was an issue. I stated an APOLOGY if anything was taken in a negative light that I posted and again was given negative karma. I can not speak for all posters but as far as I am concerned I try to be respectful and civil and am veiwed in a negative way for it. I know you don't have to answer to any of us and I'm not expecting you to answer this post, I just felt it needed said, for the record I didn't receieve negative karma until the exact time that a mod answered my comments, I suppose it could be coinceidence but I'm just saying.
Martin (602 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
LouSlips, I don't feel I have to justify myself to you, but I can assure you, a site about ghosts isn't a very profitable venture, unless you have a nation wide TV show or book to sell. Feel free to ask other web site owners in the paranormal field. Judge the site on its own merit... Is it spammy with ads? Is it pushy with product placement? Am I sending promotional emails? Does it go for quantity instead of quality? Do I favor drama and sensationalism over real information just to get more links and traffic? Do we publish everything indiscriminately? Am I using loud, pop up ads, interrupting interstitials, text links ads in the content, etc? Compared to average sites out there, I believe I have a clean and user friendly site focused on visitors and helping people with paranormal issues. Yes I do make sure my hosting cost are covered and still have some compensation for all my time developing and managing the site, but I still need my day job, by a long shot, and needing to put food on the table can take a lot of my time away from this site. If there's something better out there, feel free to tell us why and visit it instead. And yes, our mods are doing this voluntarily out of their free time, so let's give them the respect they deserve.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
Newhunter - I guess this is a prime example of how comments can be misinterpreted. No hard feelings 😊
newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
Miracles I never stated that I had an issue with the way things were "moderated" I simply stated how things look to someone who is not involved in the situation. I apologize if you feel that I made some personal assualt on how you all do your jobs.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-02)
newhunter - if you have issues and/or concerns with the way we moderate the site, please contact the site administrator, per his instructions, which are posted on the Home Page. Thank you.

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