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Real Ghost Stories

The Walls Have Eyes


There stands a house in Marinette, Wisconsin that from 1958 to '98 belonged to my grandfather. Constructed in the late 1800's, area realtors posted its origin as the home of a logging baron during the boom of said industry. Its' first story consists of several formal rooms, and it's second several bedrooms and a storage room. A sizable structure, it appears to have been the recipient of one or more additions. Beautifully decorated, with ornate floor and window moldings, elaborate wallpaper, venetian blinds and hardwood floors, my grandmother laughingly remarked that it was a "showplace"... "And then we moved in".

That the house possessed a storied past was obvious. Charring on the wood floor framing in the basement indicated a prohibition era still explosion. The interior basement masonry walls were adorned with white plaster and murals depicting what appeared to be a Mexican festival.

As a child, my father recalls only specific segments of the house causing uneasiness in him and his three siblings. Among these was the back bedroom, always sensibly colder that the rest of the second story, always making them feel watched. He recalls bringing home a family pet, a black lab puppy, for the first time and the creature ran through the house. Finding his way directly upstairs and down a long hallway he turned directly towards the closed door of "the" room.

In spite of this, it wasn't until my uncles had begun departing for college that the high strangeness began occurring. My grandparents had by then acquired the habit of closing the trapdoor to the upstairs to preserve heat. For their sons' weekend homecomings, they would re-open to allow heat into the bedrooms. One weekend in particular will not be forgotten.

My father was asleep in an upstairs bedroom during the wee hours of the morning when he recalls waking to the sensation of a discreet presence. He rose in bed, finding himself eye to eye with the spectre of an elderly woman hovering at the foot of the bed, appearing herself as startled as he was. As the experience was unprocessable, he recalls only falling back and just shutting down.

The following morning, yet uncertain as to the night's occurrence, he told my grandmother of the strange "dream" he had, only for her question if indeed that's what it was. Over the years she and my grandfather had other experiences, many that were kept secret.

My father recalls nothing sinister in her appearance, simply a heavy set woman in winter garb with a large purse or bag in her hand. In the future, a cousin would admit to encountering the same entity during a past sleepover but had kept it a secret to avoid scaring the family.

Two to three years later, after my father's relocation to the Chicago area, he received a phone call late one evening from my grandmother. They spoke at length, and when it became apparent she sought to prolong the conversation he inquired as to her emotional condition. She admitted then the presence of "something walking around upstairs" despite the presence of others. My father suggested that perhaps a squirrel or mouse that had found its way in via the attic but was assured that this was no small animal, as the sound of footsteps were that of a person. My grandmother was not prone to fantasy. My father remained on the phone until his father returned, who, citing the late hour, refrained from opening the upstairs to investigate.

On one family occasion, with the grandchildren present, my grandfather excitedly began informing us of "the latest haunting". He was derailed by my grandmother, shooting him a look and a nod towards the grandchildren who would be spending the night.

After my grandmother died, my great aunt assisted my grandfather with the housekeeping. She was never comfortable in the house, and particularly on the second floor. One on occasion she arrived with her granddaughter and began vacuuming a bedroom. After a minute she sensed the touch of a chilly hand on her arm and, assuming it to be her granddaughter, turned to see no one. This marked her final venture on to the second floor.

Our family was apparently not the first to have experienced these oddities. A mere two years before his passing, my grandfather shared with my father and I during a fishing trip that he had been attending a convention in Green Bay where he struck up a conversation with a man who had been a past Marinette resident. Upon describing his home the man not only recalled it but also was also aware of it being haunted, in spite our thinking we had never shared this. I recall him bemoaning the fact that upon finishing his dinner, he was to return there for the night.

The same room was unusual in while lacking a bathroom; it featured a toilet in one corner with no privacy, leading to speculation that a past resident had once been isolated there for reasons unknown. My father recalls one incident in which a cousin was accidentally locked inside when he inexplicably felt an overwhelming sense of exhaustion he fell to the floor and lost consciousness. His absence stretched to hours until his "rescue" by relatives, responding to the revelation of the length of his sleep with disbelief. An uncle of mine relates an experience of awakening in the dead of night and, seeking to use the toilet, found himself flat on the bathroom floor before being able to use it.

The occurrences in the house were always of a rather abstract nature, producing feelings and sensations rather than revealing concrete personalities. With my grandfather's death in 1998, we no longer had a use for the house and decided to sell it. It had to be rid of its contents before this could be done, however; ensuring that the majority of the summer was spent there. It may have lost its definitive resident, but it hadn't lost its other attributes, which now assumed an even more overwhelming and impersonal flair.

The interior of the house had developed into a sort of self-contained Twilight Zone, in which time passed so slowly as to be nonexistent, and space seemed to be equally endless. Within this warped dimensions, one's thoughts became absorbed by the house, causing one to forget about the outside world and their existence therein. One quite literally felt as if they had been there forever, and gazing out the window felt the outside world to be a distant and unfamiliar place. This was accompanied by a "walls have eyes" sensation, that you were being watched, followed, and having your mind read the entire duration of your time there. Not a single person who stepped foot in the house during this time period was spared this haze-y, dreamlike environment.

I bid you to read through each account individually, evaluate them according to your own personal standards, and arrive at a conclusion most sensible to you. I look forward to hearing your feedback.

(I originally wrote this account as an article for a newsmagazine and am re-posting it here.)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Illuminati322, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-04)
Remembering this story, I took a drive down the street it was supposed to be located on during the Thanksgiving weekend. There are only a few houses on this street that remotely fit the description provided by the o/p. Most of the older, larger houses on this street are quite ordinary, and really don't look like they were built by a lumber baron. Nor do they look - other than one or two plain houses - like they have too many additions.

I remain very suspicious about this story, which obviously stuck in my head after nearly a year. I wish the author had stuck around longer...
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-04-09)
Avia, what is the deal with Hattie Street? That street seems to be haunted from one end to the other!

I know Menominee pretty well, too and would love to hear your stories.
Aviaiannabraun (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-27)
anyone know of any other ghosts around town? I have a few stories Id be happy to share
Aviaiannabraun (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-27)
I live in Menominee Mi right across the bridge I know marinette well and have been ghost hunting of late with my lady friends. I can tell you this house is probably on the river and most likely by Hattie Street.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
The other story was set in Waupun, and yes, I know that city, too. Did not get a real feel for its veracity.

I am not sold.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
Argette: Have you read his other story yet?...In the comments, he describes the town quite nicely... It would be interesting if you kne the area in that story as well... One of our other posters, johntravis, seems to know the area too...I'd be interested in your take on that account... 😊
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
Thank you, Zzsgranny. I am still hopeful we might chat. I drove around over the holidays and have some possible locations.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
Argette: I know it's frustrating when you want to discuss something and are given what adds up to the cold shoulder...I'm with you in the skeptical department now, too... Seems fishy that since the author has come into contact with someone who knows about where his claims originated, suddenly they end the public discussion... 🤔
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
I'm really wondering now if this is a true story. I posted my e-mail address on my profile so the original poster could contact me. Nothing.

Also, when I was in my early 20s, my parents moved to Marinette, and I know the town fairly well. I've been inside a lot of the old lumber barons' homes. I know there are some that are reputed to be haunted, but only one or two really fit the description Illuminati provided.

I'd still be interested in talking to him/her via this site or e-mail. I'm fairly well versed in the history of many of the houses here - used to read about them when I visited my parents' house over the winter holidays.

If a poster writes something and appears to avoid participating in the discussion, that is a red flag for me.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-06)
I think everyone, including future readers, would be interested in anything you care to add illuminati. Don't think because you were busy you can't continue to discuss this in the comments if you would like.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-06)
Illuminati, I have added my e-mail address to your profile so you can reach me.
Illuminati322 (7 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-06)
I am the original author of this story, and I apologize for the belatedness of my reply. I could not respond immediately to your comments as I was busied with academic and holiday related activities. Given that at this date the conversation itself has died down, I will contact the posters individually for further discussion.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
Again, it would be nice if the original poster would return and respond to some of the comments. I was in Marinette over the holiday weekend and I am anxious to know more!
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-05)
Love the description and information included in this account, seems as though residual energy is still present, though not including the spirit that was witnessed by your father. I have heard many other accounts when spirits, have been just as flabagasted at witnessing a living person aswell, food for thought indeed. Great account Illuminati322, as previous posters have mentioned it would be great to hear from you.

Thanks for sharing.

Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2012-01-01)
Illuminati, I really wish you would return and participate in the discussion here. As I in another post, I am familiar with this city and a few of the old houses here, and I know of at least one that may be haunted. There is, however, a staircase, not a trap door to upstairs.
ambercrystal (23 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
Wow, a creepy story. To be honest I've never heard of a house dimensions existing as if though seperate from the outside world, very weird and interesting. On this thought I think that Nysa might be onto something.

I don't know much about the houses being 'sperate from the rest of the world' but could it be something to do with different planes of existance? I'm probably wrong with this 'theory' although,I'd love to hear more.

Thanks for sharing such an amazing story

Peace and Blessed Be!
Ffeather (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
I am not discounting these events in any way but the phnonenon you are describing can also be caused by high emf readings. Did you do any emf or any other electronic readings in the house?
ghostlover6678 (1 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
*SHIVER* The title itself gave me goose bumps 😳 hahahah lol! I loved the way you wrote your sentences (if that makes sense at all!) Reminds me of how I write too!

The "wee" hours of the morning... I loved reading this story! This is not exactly advise is it 😳 I'm so sorry for not being helpful:- (

But all I can say is good luck <3 xx

-ghostlover6678 <3 <3 <3
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Hope the original poster returns to add more to this story! I have been inside some of those big houses and would like to know more.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-29)
Still curious here. Has this house been converted into an inn, or is it still a one-family house? Is it on a corner?
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-29)
Rod Serling would've approved of your description of the house.
angelus_crudus (3 stories) (35 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-29)
Thanks for sharing your family's stories. It sounds like a very nice old home, and an interesting occupant to boot. Very enjoyable read, and very believable goings on, thanks again for sharing!
minimom (50 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
What a pleasure to read a story such as yours! Well written, concise and totally believable.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
Considering the time anomalies, I wonder if the ghost was in fact a ghost, or was she perhaps a former resident who thought she was seeing a ghost too? If the past & present were overlapping it would also result in footsteps & a sense of someone unseen present, I imagine.
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-28)
I have vacationed in Marinette, and I know the big houses there are located along the river, so I am curious if this is one of them. Nice old Victorians - sorry to hear one is haunted. Many of them have been restored. Do you know if the current owners are having problems?

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