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Sleep Interupted by Spirits


First things first, I know about sleep paralysis and night terrors. What I experienced was neither of these. I had moved in with my mom and her boyfriend into a very old farm house. I had noticed shortly after moving in that I could hear voices, male voices mainly about the same time every night. At first I attributed these to my Mom or her boyfriend leaving on a TV or radio, but after speaking with them and doing some investigation on my own, one night I determined that I was wrong.

Then I started waking up in the middle of the night, not being able to move or speak. This went on for a few months off and on, but it began to happen more frequently as time went by. I was often able to move after saying the Lords prayer or one of the psalms, now I am not a deeply religous person but I believed this helped me. Things really got bad near the end, I was waking up in this conditon almost every night. One night, as it was happening, my mother walked into the room, I saw and heard her walk in, but I could do nothing until I said the prayer, she said that she could hear me saying something but couldn't make out what it was and that the closer she got to me the colder the air felt. I told her what was going on and she said she had experienced the same thing a few times since moving in there.

Well the next night I awoke to the same thing happening, I was asleep on my side and I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder which immediately woke me up, once again I was unable to move or to speak, like what ever it was didn't want me to see it. I willed myself to roll over and confront what ever it was holding me down and to my surprise, in front of my face was the face of an old woman, no body, nothing, just her face and she screamed at me: "what do I do now". Well being as mad as I was I told her to leave me the (blank) alone and go into the light. When I did this she gave me a puzzled look and disappeared.

After that I never had another incident. I did some investigating of the home and wasn't able to find out if anyone had died there or not. Now that I think back on it I guess I could have been a little more polite to this spirit, but hey after several months of interrupted sleep who can blame me.

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hauntedhighways (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-16)
omg lololol! "leave me the (blank) alone and go into the light". Classic purely classic. The spirits reaction would have been mine as well.
Francois (220 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-01)
Dear Shane,

Thankfully you said the Lord's Prayer and the entity backed off. The experiences sound pretty disturbing and a tad annoying considering the rude awakenings. On the bright side, at least the old lady knows modern vernacular and finally went into the light 😁.

Great story, the humour helped. Out of curiosity, when you yelled to the floating head, was it out of fear or was it out of plain frustration and anger?

Thank you for posting your experience and sharing it with the yourghoststories community. I cannot wait to read your next post. God bless you and take care.


Francois 😁
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-14)
Oh, Shane. I also wanted to let you know that I definitely agree with you on the whole '666' thing NOT being the sign of the devil. Remember that story "666" by CenterCore? I have knowledge of that, as well as yourself, and I'm not that educated on the whole Devil, Lucifer, Beelzebub being the same being, but I do know that I saw on Discovery or History channel about the whole misinterpurated scriptures and such. Just thought I would let you know that I am, very much, in agreeance with you on that, for what it is worth. ~Shelby ❤ 😊
mustang (5 stories) (749 posts)
17 years ago (2008-01-14)
Hello Shane. I know it has taken me a good while to get to this story but I have a hard enough time, sometimes, keeping up with the new ones. Atleast I'm reading and commenting now. RIGHT? =) It would sound like sleep paralysis but I know you and your experiences from what you've told on the site and you do not exaggerate or make up stories. Not only that your Mother experienced it and you were repeatedly bothered by this. It is obvious that you are a see'r among other things like feeling and hearing, as well as your Mother. However, I think that they are more attracted to you rather than your Mother. Kind of like me. I'm glad those incidences are over for you. Thanks for sharing and sorry I didn't get to it sooner. ~Shelby ❤ 😊
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-02)
Count, I haven't had any attacks like the ones described in my story since then. I have had a dark entity attack me and believe me I would much rather deal with losing sleep than to have to fight off another dark entity. I hope that you are able to find a way to stop the attacks all together.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
count (1 posts)
17 years ago (2007-12-02)
wow that was great I must admit I have the same problem and I finally learn how to move during the attacks but even better I learn how to tell if you will get attack that night before you sleep in the room. And my question to you is do you get attack anymore at all? I had this problem since I was 5 and now I am 26 I been all over the world and it seems like everywhere I go it happens but after finding out how to fight it it brought me relief and I know ways to keep it away but I think what bothered me the most was when my wife seen it leave out of the room while I was blessing it.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-18)
Hey Ohiowatha, you handled yourself better than I did. I was so mad for not being able to sleep that I just sort of lost it. Sorry took me so long to answer back as they have me extremely busy right now and I haven't had a chance over the last couple of days to visit the site. Leaving the island here in 17 days so they are trying to get as much work as they can out of me. 😆

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2007-11-16)
Shane man, that's another great one. There's just something about every one of your stories that makes them totally credible. You have definitely fostered trust in me and I often take pages from your book.

The other night, as I was preparing for bed, I felt something tap me lightly on the top of my head. This happened to me twice before about 3 years ago in the same building. I brushed it off as nothing until about 5 minutes later, it happened again, but this time with such force that I could not deny that I had been "thumped" on the head. I froze out of fear and mustered up the strength to say, similarly to Shane, "please, please don't do that again, it really, really scares me. Thank you!" I was sure to be polite, though, so as not to anger anyone(thing).
supernaturalgirl (6 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-27)
That's sooo crazy! I'm not sure what I would do in that situation, but that was a good response. I'm reading all your stories, and there amazing. 😁
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-03)
I hope so as well Kim. I felt bad after screaming what I did at her. But when your sleep is interupted night after night you tend to get a little grouchy 😠. LOL I am sure she did move on as I never saw or felt anything for the rest of the time I was in that home.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-10-03)
It appears you have the ability to attract entitys regardless of where they orriginate from. I can certainly empathize with that. I do hope she took your advise and crossed over to find peace.

God Bless!
PrincessKatie (7 stories) (420 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
I have had something poking me ear one night and on the same night I saw something black flying past me just above my head it flew past. Me and my sister have separate rooms and she saw the same thing flying past her head.
She woke up started crying in the middle of the night I was wondering why and she told me the next morning and I said I saw the same thing. 😐 She believe now that is wasn't nothing she doesn't believe in this stuff and I don't like her because she doesn't believe in this stuff and she thinks I'm going mad I hope they get haunted then they believe me anyway I enjoyed reading your story. 😊
Shenny (guest)
17 years ago (2007-09-28)
Now that's...just...scary 😐
Keep posting cause I love your stories

Take care And God Bless,
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-20)
Thank you for welcoming me Shane. I felt welcomed when you and others helped me understand the wierd things that have happened in my life. I haven't had other wierd expieriences so far though my friends told me of some that they have had. I will write one of them soon. I hope I don't screw it up 😁.But first I have to ask for permission. I hope that I get to know you beter but reading your comments helped me understand that you do have a great knowledge about the paranormal, history and other things. You sure helped me and others with your help. I thank you for that. I hope I can hear from you soon and take care.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-20)
Welcome to the family ChrisB, I am sorry I missed welcoming you when you first arrived. Please sit back and enjoy the mayham that takes place. 😆I shouldn't say that, we have a pretty great bunch of people here. Look forward to getting to know you better.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-08)
Dear Shane,

Helen Keller said it best,

Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light. ~ Helen Keller

Thank You for being my friend in this ghostly dark.

With My Love, As Always, Your Friend, Abby
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-08)
I know I can always count on you for a good laugh every once and a while Abby. Your right Chuck would know.😆 I know exactly what you mean by imposters and copying others. I never take to heart when someone copies me as maybe I said it better than they could. Love you lots also my dear friend. Always look forward to your pearls of wisdom and your humor.

Peace, Love, and tons of Lottery Luck for you.😉
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-08)
Dear Shane,

I think my posted comment to Mr.(DJ)Potatoe pretty much says it all in regards to mimics, such as the one on the other site in regards to myself, and perhaps, some mimics on this site as well.

I don't mind being copied if a person means well and intends to blend their own individualism and ingenuity into the copied material, but to outright copy, especially in a mean jest has never quite set well with me. My friends say it is a form of a compliment. I personally think it devalues a person's own originality and uniqueness. I do not like clones, clowns or cloned clowns who copy at my expense and debit their own individuality. That is but my opinion.

I am signed in on both earlier sites, but not on the spiritual one. I'll get there if the spirit moves me. 😉

Shane, I was never good at Math or Latin, but Chuck "wood" know. 😉

I do so Love Ya' Lots My Dearest Friend,
With my signature, Blessings,--Abby

P.S. Maybe you might want to mix up your signature post sometimes and keep us all guessing! Ha! Ha!
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-08-08)
Dearest Abby, You are most welcome. I was off visiting other sites and noticed that you were on spiritual experiences and had a run in with an imposter. I thought you handled that person quite well. I wouldn't let them keep you from posting to any of Martin's sites and I am sure that if the maturity levels happen to fall to what they were here at one time. Well you know what happened here. You should sign in and and then participate as you do here. I wonder what they would think of me over there? Probably best if I stick to what I know best. As always my dear friend.

Peace, Love, and Luck be with Abby always.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-20)
Lady Athena, please become a member and protect your name. I would hate to see someone post under your good name and use vulgar and demeaning language as someone obviously did with me toward prophetess. Martin took and implimented your idea for the checked boxes and I would love to see you as a full time member of Martins site. Who knows maybe you could write an article such as I did and Martin could put it on here also. You have a lot of wisdom and a maturity beyond your young years dear. So what do you say? Do it for Martin and me and if not for us for the peace of mind that your good name is protected. Not to mention I think some of the readers look to us for good advice, I would be willing to bet there are others who would post the same thing I have about you.

I heard that! :) I also see that smile :)

Peace, Love, and Luck be with you always
Martin (602 posts) mod
18 years ago (2007-04-19)
Hi Athena, I have finally found time to integrate your idea to the story submission process, you can see it on the submit page but you'll also see it with the newest published stories in a few days, authors must now indicate their expectations towards users comments on their stories. The options are:

- I won't be reading the comments
- I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion
- I will read the comments and will also participate in the discussion
- I will participate in the discussion and I am asking for help

It will be displayed in the intro paragraph of the comments section of a page. I agee that this will help people decide about the feedback they will provide to authors. It's a waste to see someone write a long post to help someone who won't be checking back their comments, and, like you said, if someone really wants help and you know they'll reply back, it's a shame when there are no posts.

Although I must add that no good post is really wasted because even if an author doesn't check back his feedback, there are still many people who arrive from a google search and can use the advices. They may not always show themselves with a post, but they are there, believe me.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-18)
Prophetess, I know the bible dear, it is you who have been deceived into believing that all who are not of the same faith as you are hell bound. I commend you on your faith though, but do you really believe that by preaching on a website dedicated to the paranormal that you are converting anyone? I do not believe so. People coming here are searching for answers to experiences that they have had, not to be preached to. As for me being a non denominational minister I became one because of the larger churches and their teachings. Why is it that I am not able to worship Jesus and God in my manner without someone who is just as much a sinner as I telling me how to do it and that I am a sinner and headed for hell while they are rightous and headed for heaven? Does it make me any more of a sinner to teach as Jesus said; Compassion, empaty, tolerance, and acceptance of those different from ourselves, not only in skin color or culture but in beliefs? So prophetess I will ask you to please kindly refrain from quoting the bible to me. Martin if you feel that I have overstepped my boundries here please feel free to delete it.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-16)
Ah dearest Athena, your words are once again straight forward and to the point. To communicate with you outside of this venue would be an honor. Maybe we could exchange our email addresses through our dear friend Martin. As we both seem to know how to contact him. That is if he would be willing to pass along my info to you?
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-13)
Dear Shane,

It's been great, what fun and good wisdom shared. Until next time I bid you adieu and good day. Blessings to you and yours, Athena
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-13)
Athena this is true, I have read a story or two which I feel could use a post. Hopefully Martin will not hold it against us for the descriptions. Plus it won't be too long before it's time to head out the door here. Take care my friend, peace, love, and luck be with you always.
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-13)
Dear Shane, I think I have sensed enough for now. Ha,Ha! No, I would not sugar coat what I sense about you either. I have after all seen some of you in your orb photo and story. The blacked out face does not do you justice though. I know you are much more good looking in whole person. Isn't a good sense of humor fun? Really though I guess we must get back to the business at hand and read some stories, make a few comments and the like.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-13)
Dear Athena, I almost hate to think what you envision of me. Now don't you be going and inflating my ego again. That would not have been the image I would have given Martin, I was thinking more of the slightly receding hairline, glasses, mustache and beard type but yours is much better. :D
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-13)
Dear Martin, I know this probably sounds bizarre, but I often see a vision of you as being in a dark castle like Count Dracula. I sense you as a Gothic, Vincent Price with an athletic build and pocket protector. Please forgive me, I don't mean to be offensive, but that is how I feel about you. It's like you have a heart of gold but there is a black pirate's chest one must open before one can gets to it. You will probably want to delete this? Ha,Ha!
We will all be scared to death. You like the macabre.
Shane (13 stories) (1258 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-13)
You are right Martin my friend, that was why I started posting my off topic post here. I can only imagine what you have to go through day in and day out with some of these stories. But I bet you do get a good laugh out of some of them. Athena once again your wisdom shines through. I think Martin, created a place where people, young and old alike can voice their experiences without fear of ridicule. Like the young guest lady prophetess who preached to me about all spirits being either angels, devils, or fallen angels and how being an ordained minister I should know better. She is entitled to her opinon, I don't have to take what she says to heart and vise versa. So once again Martin thank you, your genius creation is dare I say it, "SPOOKTACULAR!"
Abby (710 posts)
18 years ago (2007-04-13)
Dear Martin and Shane, I must be psychic. I must have been posting when you, Martin did too. Ha!Ha!
Great minds think alike or psychic alike!

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