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The Face Staring At Me


This is a fresh incident which took place in late December '12. I had my maths paper in a month's time and, owing to my poor mathematical skills, I hadn't as much as opened the book in the whole year and I was in imminent danger of failing.

Vidya, a very close friend of mine, decided to coach me the simple topics so I could pass and need not repeat the course again. She said she couldn't come over at my place as her parents wanted her to take care of the house while they were gone and so I should come to her place. Her house is situated out of the town and the neighborhood is a lot quieter than I'm used to. The road facing the one-story house is covered with trees and is usually deserted except for a car or two. I was scared of the place. It was silly, but it was unnerving really.

I wasn't overjoyed at the idea of staying overnight in her house but I didn't say anything and went to her home on a fine Saturday evening. It was a really nice winter evening with a crisp chill and it was a shame wasting it at home studying trigonometry. After two and a half hours of torment, I began to yawn frequently and, pitying me, she decided to take a break. It was nearly time for dinner and we decided to go out for dinner. There was an excellent restaurant nearby and we decided to walk instead of taking the car.

So it was late night when we finally got back to studying and she warned me that we had to stay up all night, I groaned and we started.

After an hour, both of us felt sleepy and I decided to make some coffee for us. She settled down for a quick nap while I went to the kitchen. As I set the microwave timer, I looked out the window. Just one fluorescent bulb cast a dim yellow circle of light. The rest was pitch black and not a soul was to be seen. All of a sudden I saw a shadow dart out from one of the trees outside and my heart skipped a beat. I continued staring outside and almost had a heart attack when the microwave beeped.

I took the coffee mugs and was heading to the bedroom when I heard a scratching sound. Thinking that it might be a kitten or something, I stole a glance out the window. What I saw that night still scares me. A pale face with bags under the eyes stared back at me. It was grotesque, hairless and the mouth bared in a toothless grin. I wanted to run but my body didn't respond to the frantic commands my brain gave it.

It turned out that it wasn't just a face but had a body. It raised a hand as if to open the window from the outside. I screamed and toppled backwards, tripped and fell, the coffee scalded me and my scream woke Vidya up and she came running into the kitchen. I could only say "Vidya... The window..." and she looked outside. There was no one to be seen. Although she pretended to believe me, it was evident that she didn't and as she helped me up and gave me some cold water to soothe the burns, we heard the scratching sound again. She searched for the source or the perpetrator with a flashlight but couldn't see anything.

It was nearly 1:00 am when I had calmed down. I was sure what I had seen was not a human and tried my best to convince her. We decided to sleep as I was too shook up to study any further when we heard someone walk outside the bedroom window. This time I gingerly glanced outside and I couldn't see anything. When she took a look, she too didn't see anything. We just heard the footsteps, both of us were scared.

We didn't see the apparition again but couldn't sleep. She told me that recently an old man had died by falling from the fifth floor and there were some incidents where people had seen him walking around the complex at night. We spent the night watching a movie and were glad when the sun rose and cleared all the shadows. After that we studied at my place without any further incident.

The only thing that puzzled me was that why did he take a look in the kitchen. Any inputs would be appreciated.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, curiousDevu, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Dip1904 (115 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
ya well the old man ghost wanted to have a midnight snack!... Another sighting is required - without that its really hard to set a pattern or reasons for the pattern
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-08)
Well now, that makes more sense to me. Thanks for clearing that up, curious devu!
Perhaps he looked in the kitchen window out of curiousity? Sorry you got burned though.
bluemoon94 (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-08)
That sounds pretty creepy. I hope your friend is okay in that house. Sounds like something that would make a person jump out of there skin. Has she mentioned seeing him again?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-08)

Thank you, your response helps make 'better sense' of your experiecne knowing that there is more than one building with-in a large piece of Property.


Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-07)
I'm sorry it does 'sound scary' but all I old think was... It's Gollum looking for his precious! I don't mean to mock I promise but that's all I could think of when I read your story! Looking forward t the answer to Rooks questions and any further info on your creepy nighttime visitor. 😊
H2olily (5 stories) (158 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-07)
I have always suspected that math is evil. This is proof positive!
curiousDevu (10 stories) (45 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-07)
[at] Rook, yeah I just stated the fact that the road is pretty lonely as it scares me, I don't know why but it does so I mentioned it and I'm not offended by your questions at all,
Regards 😁
curiousDevu (10 stories) (45 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-07)
For everyone who asked me the question about the five stories, I apologize I haven't been elaborate enough. In our country, people used to own a lot of land in the old days and later they sold it off to various builders and developers, the builders constructed buildings and the people got money for their land and some space for their house. I should have stated that the case is same here, my friend has her house in the complex and there are two 8-storied buildings as well. I'm sorry. 😢
ada-iram (8 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-07)
hi curious devu,
please don't misunderstand me but your story confusied me alot... Iam surronded with maney questions... Are you sureThat the face you saw is that old man face?
And the same question which valkricry, sds and rookdigin asked!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-07)
I too, have the same question as sds and rook. It's very difficult to fall from the fifth floor of a one story house. Was there something left out of your narrative that would explain this?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-07)
Dear curiousDevu, I also have the same question what Rook asked. That is quite a contradiction. Further, unless you have asked the people, who have really seen the spirit of the old man, who had died falling from the fifth floor, it is quite difficult to arrive at any conclusion. But still your narration was quite scary. Please clarify before we can advise you in the matter.

Regards and respects to you.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-07)
Chilling story however could you please resolve a question for me, I do not mean to seem rude but you stated a couple of things about the 'home' this happened in...

"She said she couldn't come over at my place as her parents wanted her to take care of the house while they were gone and so I should come to her place. Her house is situated out of the town and the neighborhood is a lot quieter than I'm used to. The road facing the one-story house is covered with trees and is usually deserted except for a car or two."


"She told me that recently an old man had died by falling from the fifth floor and there were some incidents where people had seen him walking around the complex at night."

So does your friend live in a single story home that faces a quiet street or does she live in an apartment complex with 5 stories?

Thanks in advance...


ghostsrreal202 (6 stories) (27 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-06)
That sounds so scary- I probably would have died right then and there if I saw something like that 😭. Hopefully you never see anything like that again. I hope you and your friend have better protection in the future! ❤

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