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Real Ghost Stories

Calamba Cemetery, Cebu City, Philippines


In the early 1990's Cebu City wasn't still a full city scale. I mean, not too much edifices, malls, etc., the roads weren't that wide as today, and mostly not well lighted (even some today, still). On the dawn of 90's, it is still like holding to the 80's.

Anyway, this story is one experience I had with my family. My father works on an insurance company then, that from time-to-time he'll use the company car, especially if their office has some events, as to drive the visitors and other co-workers. Not to mention at that time, there's not so plenty of cars running in the city.

One night, that was December, after their company Christmas party, my father drove some agent-visitors to hotels and some office mates to their homes, and brought the car home with us on board.

It was around 10PM then, and at that time it's already very late. Only few people and vehicles around, and the city is almost snoozing. We were passing V. Rama avenue then, when abruptly the car bumps like it hits something, and we heard a scream like a screech or cry. We panicked as we were thinking my father had hit someone, somebody or maybe something (of an animal). So we went out to check, but to our surprise no one is around, nothing, the street is plainly empty. Dark and silent. We further search around, but simply nothing. Then we notice that we're in front of the Calamba cemetery which scares us a lot. So we hurriedly went back inside and drove off.

We interrogated my father if somehow he was asleep while driving or maybe drunk, but he insisted he was fine, and driving clearly. We really felt that we hit something back there, and just wonders.

This cemetery is one of the oldest in the city, and has its own stories to tell.

Many years had passed and the city has changed so much, yet every time I passed by that cemetery, I still remembers what happened that night.

Thank you for reading.

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valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-23)
Just call me Val - much easier on the fingers 😊. Ah, the detail of how that road is lit, makes your story all the more perplexing! Because your father would have seen any animal or person prior to hitting it. So spooky indeed!
v0xp0puli101 (10 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-23)


Yes, the street was not well lighted, but definitely not that dark, one can still see the road, clearly. And after the impact, we immediately went out of the car, so even if it's an animal (dog or cat, most probably), we could still see it.


Philippine cemeteries all has their stories to tell, especially the old ones...


Nope, we never dare to investigate further, because we knew there were some couple of accidents that had happened in that road, as well as that cemetery itself has its creepy stories.

Best regards,

valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-03-23)
Here is a theory of what may have happened - your father may have hit an animal and the body could have been thrown a distance away or it may have even dragged itself away before you could see it. Like you say it was late and not well lit. And animals can emit some pretty strange cries/screeches. Some even sound very human.
But even if that was the case, hitting something unexpectedly just outside a place that scares you is definately creepy!
Igorota_lee (2 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-22)
v0xp0puli101_Hi there_Im from philippines as well_there are lot of creepy things that realy happens in those kinds of places. Even just imagining me standing in the middle of a cementery alone give me goosebump_
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-21)
I have a love/hate relationship with cemeteries. They are beautiful and can be peaceful at times but at the same time it can be really haunted places and it could creep you out. I would never visit a cemetery during the night.

Nice account. Did you or any of your family members try to investigate if someone die of a car accident or something similar?
v0xp0puli101 (10 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-21)
Hi, DelzLdy!

Yes, I was with my father, mother and a cousin.

Best regards,
DelzLdy (2 stories) (50 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-20)
v0xp0puli101 - I'm sure it's the translation and language barrier, but I'm having trouble discerning whether you were with your father during the incident. Not that it matters in the authenticity of your story. Just a clarification request;-)

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