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Possession, Apparitions And Terror


The events I am about to reveal are extremely personal, so bear with me as I try to relive the most terrifying night of my life. (Names have been changed due to the sensitivity of the story.)

I was 17 at the time, finishing my last year of school, when my brother, Sean (22 yrs), and his girlfriend, Claudia (20 yrs), had the idea of going away for the weekend to stay in a cottage in Hermanus, just outside of Cape Town. They had invited two of their friends along and encouraged me to invite a friend of mine, James (17 yrs), to join us.

We arrived on the Friday, I can't remember the exact time, but the sun had not yet gone down. As with any group of friends going away for a weekend, we immediately ran into the cottage to try and get the best rooms. I had been to this exact cottage a year or so before, only realizing this once I walked through the front door, and remembered that night as being pretty freaky, what with noises, cold spots in the house and doors being open or closed after I had either closed or opened them. Quickly reassuring myself that I must have been imagining those occurrences (as we were young, and the dark of night can play tricks on a person's mind if they have a vivid imagination), I dumped my bags on the living room floor and we proceeded to start the weekend with a bang.

At approximately 22:00 pm my brother's friends had had a bit much and decided to go to bed. Sean, Claudia, James and I stayed up, sitting in front of the indoor fireplace. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw what looked like the shadow of a man against the wall near the ceiling, as if someone was crouching on an invisible shelf. The light from the fire was blocked by the fireplace walls, so it was not one of our shadows, and the strangest part was that the shadow appeared more solid than the shadows around it. When I turned to face it head on, the shadow had disappeared. Not wanting to freak out the others, as all of us believe that there are things that exist around us we cannot always see, whether good or bad, I just shrugged it off and continued to watch the flames of the fire.

I began to feel cold, colder than I should have been sitting in front of a fire with a blanket over my legs, and I could see my breath as I exhaled. James turned to me and asked if it was just him, or had the temperature dropped suddenly.

I remember getting up to make some coffee to warm us up, and all of a sudden getting this overwhelming sense of fear of being alone, so I asked Sean if he would come into the kitchen and help with the coffee. I had my back to the kitchen door when I heard his footsteps behind me. He put his hands on either side of my head, and I felt his breath in my ear as he said to me, "I've been waiting for this. Are you ready for this?" I brushed his hands off my face and turned to ask him what he was talking about, when he tried to kiss me. I instinctively moved back and pushed him away from me but the face I was looking at and the eyes I was looking into were not my brother's. His eyes had become thin, red slits (when I say red, I don't mean bloodshot, I mean as red as fresh blood), his teeth looked like fangs and his hair appeared to be like horns. He just kept mumbling, "Are you ready for this?"

Needless to say, I got out of the kitchen as quickly as I could and sat down next to James, completely forgetting about the coffee in the kitchen. Ten minutes later, this being that was not my brother walked back into the living room and whispered something into Claudia's ear, then she said that they were going to go to bed. I was cowering in the corner of the couch, the whole time watching this thing watching me with such a look of malice on his face that I will remember it until the day I die.

As soon as they disappeared to their room, James turned to me and, white as a sheet, asked me if I was seeing or feeling anything weird in this cottage. I, whispering so as not to be heard, told him about the "Shadow Man" I had seen and what had happened in the kitchen and he just got paler and paler. He told me that he had been seeing shadows moving the whole evening, shadows moving within shadows. He also told me that he was feeling very uncomfortable around Sean.

It could not have been 5 minutes later, and Claudia came running out of the bedroom Sean and her were sharing, crying hysterically. She bolted passed us and into the bathroom. James and I ran after her to find out what had happened. At first she wouldn't open the door, but eventually I convinced her to. The three of us sat in the bathroom with the door locked and she told us what she had seen in Sean and that he had tried to rape her, which was extremely weird as they had been dating for some time and he would not need to rape her. There were red marks on her wrists and a red hand print on her cheek. My brother, by nature, is not a violent person, as the saying goes, he's a lover not a fighter, so I knew that this thing was still in him. We heard a knock on the door, and a voice that sounded like a child, ask when we were going to come out. This happened two or three times. Each time the voice was more insistent that we come out of the bathroom.

We sat in that bathroom for the rest of the night, huddled together, praying for the sun to come up. When it eventually did start to lighten, I opened the door and found the main part of the house empty. James and I quietly crept out and went to the main bedroom, where my brother was fast asleep in bed. To this day he has no memory whatsoever of the events of that night. The other two that went to bed did not experience anything, or if they did, they did not speak of it.

Unfortunately, whatever was in that cottage followed me home. For two years after that night I would wake up at roughly 03:00am every night and see a dark shadow sitting on the couch in my bedroom just watching me. This thing had me believing, for two years, that my family was out to kill me.

I did eventually face that entity down and banished it from my life (with the help, I believe, of my, for lack of a better description, Guardian Angel). I came to realize that the fear it projected was what it needed in order to gain power over me.

Surround yourself with light and love from within. Do not show it your fear, and it will disappear.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Nephylim, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

AllieB (10 posts)
11 years ago (2013-12-20)
I don't know if this will help you but evil beings LOVE to cause pain in others in any and all ways. It possessed your brother just so it could hurt you and make you think differently about him. The fact that he didn't remember anything proves he wasn't really even present that night. I've been possessed before and it is extremely difficult to keep control and I've had training. For the average person it's next to impossible. Unless your brother is a powerful sensitive or psychic he had no way of stopping it.
Desir3 (2 stories) (19 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-07)
oh my god, imagining it and scaring myself at 1am what am I doing hahahah.
Great story and wish you all the best! Thanks for sharing. 😁
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-07)
After reading your stories and one of your comments about having a strained relationship with your brother. It is understandable the emotions you go though because one side of you know that your brother wouldn't do anything to hurt you but on the other side seeing your brother doing what he did (even though he wasn't himself), you can't get over it.

The same thing goes for your brother. Just imagine three people, who he really cares about, tell him that he tried to kiss his sibling and trying to rape his girlfriend and have no memory of it. Just imagine the turmoil he is going though. The only thing that he can do is deny it.

I just want to make sure that you and your brother are okay. For that, I suggest both of you (either together or separately) go for therapy. It will clear up all the misunderstandings.

I understand that you finally banished this evil thing. I am glad that you did but I would like to know how you did that.
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-05)
Hi Beatthefear,

As soon as the submission page re-opens I will post the account of how I finally managed to get rid of the Shadow Man.

Simsinfire - I'm glad so many people have offered advice and comments as it all helps to create a broader understanding of what I went through, so please keep them coming 😁
Beatthefear (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-05)
Nephylim, thanks for sharing your story. Would love to hear how you got rid of your 'shadow man' as I have my own that I see multiple times a day and although I've charted it down to not be paranormal I'd be willing to try just about anything to go back to 'normal'. All the best.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-03)
This has been a neat post with all the different comments. I notice a lot of quoting different books, the Bible, different traditions people toss back and forth at each other. For what my two cents is worth, every tradition agrees on the need to pray and quietly meditate. I mean, if you have a friendship with someone, how would you best understand their mind, or work together with them, by reading their books or by visiting with them every day? Only a thought, I love reading, jus'sayin'.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
I read both of your stories and first I'm glad you learned your lesson about Ouija Boards.
Your brother was not himself that night in the cabin so try to make ammends with him. I am not close to my family, my one younger sister says she loves me but I know by her actions she hates me and I have to live with that pain. Out of 4 siblings only 1 calls me but I feel she avoids me as much as possible. I am 52 you are young and you don't want to go through life not having good relationships with your family. Your stories were both very powerful.

Where did you get your information that a ghost can't go anywhere other than where they died. They can attach themselves to a person or object. In the case of a ghost attaches themselves to a person it goes where the person goes. Personally I have 2 ghosts of children that come and go as they please. I also have dead relatives pop in from time to time even though I know they have crossed over.
pandora0791 (2 stories) (38 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-26)
WOW, what a great story... Chilled me to the core! You say this shadow man stayed with you for 2 years... Mind sharing more... PLEASE & Thank You!
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
I've read your account over several times. Totally creepy.
It does not surprise me that your brother has no recollection of it. It is important to remember as he says, it wasn't him, he would never do such things is true. Because it was not him. The real question is, can you cross that bridge yourself? What happened once, could happen again, is a very real fear and I feel this is what has put the strain on your relationship. He was not responsible for his actions of the time, and I sense you know this, but overcoming it - THAT is a real challenge. I wish you luck.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
Andreaa, I wonder what Bible this Stacie Spielman reads. The King James version has many passages that speak of guardian angels. Just to mention a few of my favorites:
Psalms 34:7 - The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.

Psalms 91:11 - For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.

Acts 12:15 - And they said unto her, Thou art mad. But she constantly affirmed that it was even so. Then said they, It is his angel.

That's just a very few. Of course she could mean that nowhere specifically does it say angel A is assigned to watch over person B. But then, I wonder why would it? For me Psalms 91:11 covers it. Just my personal thoughts you understand. Mind you, I'm not saying she is wrong that when it comes to banishing evil one should lean on God's protection. Who does she think sends the angel? I really need to read her book before I say more on it. No offense, but I believe each person gleans something different from the written word. You and I can both read the exact same book and come away with two different views on the author's intent and meaning. 😉 But, I just had to point out that Angels being there to protect mortals is in Scripture.
Andreaa11 (54 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
Hi nephylim it's interesting material but remember everyone has different views. The most intriguing thing I pulled out of the books was surrounding yourself with light does not nessescarily mean you protected. Her proof was she was surrounded by spirits telling her they were demons the whole time, and 'surrounding with light is a new age idea' introduced by mediums that communicate with these dark ones thinking their good. It's just another way to look at things but it sure made me weary of how to view the spirit world!
mermaidclover (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
hello Nephylim,
I think your story is actually quite exciting and I think I believe too. However, whoever/ the dark shadow that you believed hunted you in the cottage didn't follow you to your house. I am not sure of course, the dark shadow might has been following you but this dark shadow is a ghost and I have good reasons to believe that too. So people believe that ghosts don't cross to the light as they have unfinished businesses, it might be true and might be not. The point is that ghosts only stay in one place and wouldn't be able to get out of it so it couldn't have followed you. You know that after earthquakes, there is smaller earthquakes called aftershocks so that might what happened with you. You had aftershocks of the accident and I think it's a way for the mind to reflect the feelings you had when that incident happened.
Thank you for reading my comment,
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
Hi Andreaa11

I will definitely look into that book. I can't speak for anyone else (and would not presume to) but I can say that what I have taken away from all my experiences is that the power to banish evil exists in each and every one of us. Remember the saying, "God helps those that help themselves." I may not be a believer in the bible or in organized religion, but I do believe in God and I do believe in Guardians an by extension, Demons/Demonic entities.
I have found that it is the belief in itself that provides the power. Whether that belief system is Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Spiritual or any of the other belief systems out there, it is your conviction and your own power of Will that will get you through.
I do not claim to be an expert, but these are the beliefs that have seen me through all of this. So, if it works for you, then use it, if not, don't. As always, knowledge is power and I am always looking for more knowledge on how to protect myself and my family (my reason for joining this site) so thanks for the comment and as I said, I will definitely give this book a read.

Andreaa11 (54 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-23)
I am an avid reader and recently discovered a book called "Betrayed by my guardian angel", and "What demonic spirits don't want you to know" by Stacie Spielman. This author has some very controversial views and how it relates to this story is "surrounding yourself with white light" will not protect yourself from these entities, proof is they always seem to come back, and the only way to get them out of your life is to pray to God to banish these spirits from your life completely. And she also qouted "The bible has no mention of guardian angels", she even challenged Sylvia Brownes guardian angel Francine, her idea is they are not guardian angels, just masquerading fallen angels, and even if they say their from the light, doesn't make them good. Very interesting reading, and I'm not saying I back her ideas 100%, and I'm not trying to open a can of worms, but it makes for some good reading for those interested in the spirit realm.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
wow. What an encounter! And very creepy. The fact that it went into your brother and tried to get with you and Claudia... And the eyes. I'm very happy and glad to hear you got rid of it with love and the light of God.

God bless you and your family, NOTJUSTME
looney85 (3 stories) (188 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
Nephylim, thanks for the reply and you're very welcome!
Trust me, it took me years to find the courage to tell the my story.
Hope all is well.

Looney 😊
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-19)
Thank you all for the comments. I would just like to say that, yes, these things happened to me, and yes, it was terrifying at the time (even now if I think about it) but I am actually glad that I have gone through these things. They have made me more aware than I was, and I would not be who I am today if I had not had these experiences. As I have recently had a son of my own and am seeing 'Flits' again (what I call shadows that move just on the edge of your vision) I feel that I am well prepared for whatever may come. I joined this site to share my experiences and get new perspective from other who have gone through paranormal experiences, and so far, I am not disappointed.

Looney - Thanks for the comment and understanding. It has taken years for me to be able to openly talk about this, so having positive feed back is extremely welcome.

Swimsinfire - There is always a lesson to be learned from any experience. Sometimes you've just really got to look hard for it 😉

Shlain - Not a problem. Send me a mail and I will respond when I can. I have since been back to Hermanus, and have many good memories of the place. I did talk to my mother about what happened. The aftermath is a bit of a sensitive topic for me still to this day, but I will say this, she tried everything in her power to understand what I was going through and help me during that time. I still carry guilt for believing that she would ever be a part of the whole thing, to which she always replies, "Suck it up and get over the guilt. You were not yourself, but I love you and I am proud of the man you have become."
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-19)
Nephylim, I'm so sorry you had a negative experience in Hermanus. We go there quite often and its too much of a beautiful place to harbour such bad memories for you. I hope you go back there and make good memories. Anyway...

Did you tell your mother about what happened to Sean? What's her view on it?

I read your other story too. Learned your lesson right? Lol

I would love to hear your other experiences!

PS: If Triden gets to email you I want to do it too!

Thanks for sharing! ❤
Trishah1 (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
Thank-you for sharing your story. I'm glad you were able to finally get rid of it.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
That was amazing. And a great lesson too. You are so lucky to have family that talks about this kind of thing and how to deal with it. Appreaciate the stories and the lessons at the end.
looney85 (3 stories) (188 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)

Your story was quite creepy! I have experience with possessions before as some readers have read my possession story, and I truly understand the fear of feeling powerless. I'm glad everything is ok now and that you and your brother are doing well. I'm sorry to hear things are not the same and is understandable too.

Keep us posted.

Looney 😊
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
SDS - I have asked myself the same questions over and over. "If I have seen the 'Shadow Man' on so many different occasions, perhaps it is the same entity." I have had many lengthy discussions around this with my mother too. She has told me that she used to have dreams of a 'Shadow Man' when she was younger and she would see it and feel it around her at times of great stress in her life. The last time she saw it was in her dream as I stated in my other post. Since then she has not once dreamed of him or seen him. At the time of this experience I was going through a lot of pain and confusion and my mother thinks that her 'Shadow Man' may have attached itself to me. Perhaps you are right and it was the same entity. I just don't know. I say that I sometimes get the feeling that he didn't go far because my oldest brother (there are three of us, me being the youngest) has told me that he has had similar dreams to my mother about a shadowy figure that is always watching him from a distance. I will post the story of how I eventually got rid of it within the next few days.

Amihet, hi, thanks for the comment and queries. To answer your question, I lived in total fear. I practically lived in my room. I could not sit and eat with my family because I was convinced they were putting glass into my food, so I would take my food to my room and rub it between my fingers to make sure. I slept with my door locked because I was scared my brother would come into my room and suffocate me in my sleep. I began to lose contact with all my friends. My girlfriend at the time tried very hard for the first two or so months to get me out of the funk I was in, but eventually she couldn't take it anymore and left. I don't blame her though. I read a lot of books about the paranormal, looking for some help. I knew that my mom could possibly have helped me, but I just kept seeing this thing everywhere and I believed she was part of it all.
I know it sounds like I had gone a bit crazy/schizo, and to be honest, I thought I was.
It was a constant struggle.
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
Hi Nephylim: That is one scary story, I would have peed my pants. Your brother is in denial and I truly understand because I have experienced the paranormal since I was young and because it scared me so, I used denial as a coping mechanism. How were you able to cope during those 2 years with that entity watching you? You were brave in standing up to it and good thing you were able to fight this entity and send him off. We can all learn from it and for some of us who are dealing with shadows or entities in our home, it gives us courage and hope that we too can fight these things and send them off packing. Thank you for sharing your experiences and I look forward to reading some more. Take Care.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
Dear Nephylim, if what I read through your two narratives are correctly understood by me, then I do not think that this entity has got anything to do with the cottage. The cottages are, perhaps, haunted. But, I think this entity, you describe as 'shadow man' is different and came to follow you, I don't know for what reason.

However, I am interested to read how you at last banished it.

Regards and respects to you.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
Hello Nephylim, that was a scary experience though. But you said in your first story that you narrated your seeing this shadow man in this narrative. But how did you banish and why you say that it had not gone far. Please post it. Also, I do not think that 3 a.m has got anything to do with paranormal but I feel that could be coincidental.

Thanks for sharing.

Regards and respects to you.

Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
Hi Jazzyq,

I tried to speak to him about it over the years, when we can actually have a conversation, trying to figure it all out, but he denies it and puts it down as me just being full of it. I have even tried sitting him down with the other two people, Claudia and James, and we all tried to get him to believe what we went through but he wouldn't hear it. He can't come to grips with the idea of it all. He just says that he would never do what we say he did.
Unfortunately, since this experience, my brother and I have had a very strained relationship. We hardly speak to each other. It has been 13 years now and I still find it hard to be in the same room alone with him. The image of him/it coming in to kiss me is still with me, and makes it hard to look at him without seeing it.
I did do some research into the cottages in that area and found out that the cottages used to be occupied by the local fishermen, back when South Africa was still very racially segregated, and that there were many deaths in these communities due to lack of proper health care. Alcohol was also very prevalent as many workers would be paid in wine, which led to a lot of alcoholic related violence.
Trishspooky (4 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
to me it sounds like a vampires stuff! Seeking for blood maybe... 😲
jazzyq (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
wow that would have been so scary what did your brother say when you told him what had happened? Very happy you have rid this thing from your life now
Nephylim (10 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
Hi tino,

It did try the door handle, but we had locked the door from our side. Each time it knocked, the knock was louder and more insistent. I don't know why it stopped after the last time it knocked though. The only thing I can think of is that my brother either fought back or the entity knew it had put the fear into us and was content to let us sit there terrified.
tinohoang (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-18)
wow your story gave me the chills as I look at my clock its says 3am. But what really freaked me out was when it was knocking on the restroom door asking when you guys were coming out. That is very creepy. It didn't bang or try to get into the door?

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