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The Figure, The Touches, And The Door Lock


This is just a small collection of events that I feel belong in the same story. I have multiple things I'm going to post, and I'm trying to group them up so I don't have to post too many separate pieces.

Before I begin I might as well give you a quick explanation of upstairs. So you walk upstairs and directly to the left is a wall. Directly to the right is the closet and across from that is my room. Next to my room is my sister's room and across from her room next to the closet is my dad's room, and in between my sister's room and my dad's is the bathroom at the end of the hallway. Note that me and my sister's rooms are small.

1) this has happened three times as of today. When I go into my sister's room sometimes to ask her something (or for some other reason) and my backs to the wall where the door is and I'm standing about two feet from it, I'll sometimes get a little tug on the back bottom of my shirt. When I turn around no one's there.

2) This next thing only happens when I'm in my room usually on my bed. So sometimes I get touched but it's never the same, and it happens quite often and it annoys me. Sometimes it's a slight poke. Or it's an easy rub across the leg, arm or my side. Other times it's a pinch and that I hate the most. I feel like punching some one when this happens but, because I'm just trying to relax.

3) This part is the creepiest and it gives me goosebumps as I write this. When I'm in my room sometimes I see from the corner of my eyes this figure (it seems humanoid/man) will pass by my door, and always in the same direction. It never passes like its going to go downstairs. And once or twice I caught a bit of a better glimpse of the dark figure as it's about to disappear from my sight. This only happens when I'm alone upstairs.

4) This part is definitely somehow related to the previous one. I saw this happen twice the second time was a week ago. I saw what seemed to be a dark head (like a shadow) pop into view left of my door way like it was peeking in. Then I closed my eyes and it's gone. It's not my sister because she is asleep. It makes me feel like something's trying to watch me while I am or trying to sleep.

5) The last part I'm not sure if it should be included in this but I put it in anyway. It's pretty simple: The door in my house gets locked when we don't even lock it. But I don't have an explanation. And if your going to ask, no I never forget whether I lock it or not, and my dad nor my sister locks it either. I unlock it everyday before school. Also note that the front door is the kind of door you have to unlock in order to get in AND out.

Feel free to share your opinions, comments, and explanations. They are appreciated. Thank you!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sam222, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-31)
Oh wow cool, you live in Arkansas, that's pretty awesome, I live in maine it's pretty cold up hear I live by moose head lake. You have a great weekend too. Happy halloween.

P.s. Of your interseted there are two more recent stories by me that were just posted today.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-31)
Sam222-My experiences with them have been more passive than anything else. Now the first one I wrote about in "They Don't Like...". It was more of a black mass. It happened quick and I was more surprised than frightened. The last one I have not written about, YET. It was only a couple months ago. It showed up one Saturday at home. Reveled itself three times. Never felt threating or negative. So I would be quit hesitant to go off of shade or color. There are numerous stories in YGS that cover ALL possibilities. My last one seemed more of an observer than anything else.
I have been quite curious about these entities for a few years. I've had thoughts and some loose theories. But we'll leave that for another time. Thanks for your response. Have a great weekend. It's turning COLD here in Arkansas today. Lows are below freezing for the first time this year and even mentioned WINDCHILL! Geeezzzz lol
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-31)
Yeah I've been think that lock isn't really paranormal, but I decided to include to see what people would think of it, and it may be a defective, it probably is, but there's still a chance it isn't and may be realted, but I'm not too sure about it.
You say you have dealt with these shadow figures before, well do you what they are exactly, I think there pretty scary, I've seen a whitish thing like this before but it's not scary, (I will post a story about this white one wich happened at my papas,) I have a theory that black paranormal figures usually represents bad usually and white represents good (not trying to sound like a racist), you know like black magic is bad magic and white magic is good magic. It kind of makes sense that way, but this figure hasn't harmed me. Yet anyway.
I've also heard of this paranormal like thing called the shadow men, I guess they appear in dreams, and sometimes in reall life, I did think this is a shadow man though.
Thank you for commenting I appreciate it I really do.
P.S. Do you have any stories on these shadow figure you've seen.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-31)
When I'm ready to sleep I turn over and when I turn over I can't see the doorway, so that means in can't see the figure but I still feel something's wrong. Look for another story that should be coming up soon call the man in the hall is back with something else, it's the next experience with this and very very recent, and there a lot more too, maybe you can help figure this out when you read this next one. Thank you very much.:)
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-10-30)
Sam, This might sound like a dumb bunny question, but have you ever tried laying (like you do in bed), anywhere else and seeing if these touches continue? I ask because I was experiencing the same type of thing (no figure though), but it stopped after I switched to sleeping 'upside down' (feet where the head use to be). It seems that some spring or something was applying pressure to a nerve causing these sensations. Sounds crazy, but may be worth a shot.
The rest of your experiences... Well going out on a limb here - you say the tug comes at your shirt tail, that's child height, I'm guessing that of someone between 3 and 5 years old. (unless you are super short?) The kind of touching you describe is also common from that age group in trying to gain attention. You might do some research and see if there's something in the history about a child that age.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-30)
Sorry Sam, but I removed your comment for your privacy as well as the privacy of others in the apartment complex. Please don't post anything that could pinpoint your location on the internet, k? There are some people with seriously bad judgement out there.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-30)
Sam222- That's a whole lot rolled up into one!

Now that lock issue could be a defective lock. I have had to replace a few in my lifetime that would misbehave.

But those shadow critters... Oooooo I've dealt with a few of those. Freak me EVERY time!

Waiting on your next. Thanks for sharing!
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-10-30)
Hey Sam,

Is there anything around that area where your shirt got pulled, like an air vent?

I am wondering if maybe your room has a high electric field that could be messing you with. If a electric field is high enough, it can actually interfere with the signals in the brain, causing a large number of things- from mild hallucinations to feelings of unease.

Do you know anything about the age or history of the house?
The door lock is very strange. I don't have anything for that.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-30)
You owe my apology for getting it wrong. While reading I thought that you saw it in your room. I would be eagerly waiting for your forthcoming posts.
& Thanks for the greetings.

With best regards
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-30)
P.s. I'm so happy to know that your 100th posted under my storie
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-30)
I'm the only one seeing this that I know of I haven't asked any one eels yet, the only people who live in my house is my dad and my sister.
In your second sentence in your comment, you got a part wrong I "see" it in my room it was outside of the room.
Thanks for commenting I appreciate it. Be on the look out for mother one of my stories I submitted yesterday it's about this thing I saw in the story because it came back and it was an even worse experiment. When it's published it will be titled "The man in the hall is back with something else." But I have a few more stories coming out before it because I submitted several before the one I just told you anout
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-10-29)
Hi Sam222! Have you alone experienced such events or your rest of the family members too had experienced it?
It could be possible that all these activity is performed by that same ghost which you had seen in your room.
Have you talk to your parents regarding all this?


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