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What Is Going On?



Recently (a couple of weeks ago), I began keeping track of things (so they can be more understandable and organized). I wrote what happened while it was fresh in my mind, and the date and time. Before I began keeping track, there were multiple things that happened, recently before when I started recording things. The following story is events (my next one may be ones that happened when I started recording them), It would be a good idea that you read my two stories about the man in the hall/ the shadow figure before you read this, because there may be things that can be related, and because it happens in the same place.

**NOTE: These happenings are not exactly in chronological order. (sorry about that, the next ones will be though.)

**NOTE: The time range for these happenings is between almost two months until two and a half weeks ago.


One evening I was up in my room reading Needful Things by Stephen King. I was reading for probably a half an hour, and while I was reading; I was hearing noises in my sister's room. It wasn't the cats because they were in my dad's room, so I thought it was my sister. I didn't pay much attention the noises, but after a half hour of reading my book sister came upstairs from doing the dishes, so after that I had no explanation. They were obviously normal noises because I wouldn't have thought it was my sister if they weren't, and I would have gone to check, and now I wish I had. If my sister had never been upstairs then who was in her room? And this isn't the first time I heard noises in her room.

I was downstairs, I had a deck of cards in my sweatshirt pocket, and I was getting my dinner ready. I reached into my pocket to get the cards to show my sister a magic trick, but the cards weren't in my pocket, (and that was not the magic trick). And she wasn't even paying attention anyway. I asked her where my cards were, even though I knew she didn't know were they were, or didn't even know I had them. She said I don't know, and that's when I saw the cards place neatly on the counter. After dinner I put the deck of cards on my dresser and then went to the bathroom. When I came back the cards where turned sideways and a card from the deck was kind of thrown on top. I'm not sure if it's important, but the top card was an ace of hearts.

I was on my bed when I suddenly heard something that sounded kind of like Dora say "Hey" to me real quickly. It came from nowhere, I couldn't locate were it came from, but I still know I heard it. And I had just replied go away, making it rhyme with hey because I was being a smarta** even though it creeped me out. I never heard more of this voice again, or yet.

One night I was laying in my bed reading some document in a piece of paper. (I'm not quite sure what it was about, I don't remember). I was using the light from outside to read (because I was in bed). As I was reading, I began to notice that the top left corner of the paper was flipping back and forth. And there was no drafts. I thought this was kind of funny. It was moving at a weird speed. The corner would bend forward, stay for a sec, then bend the other way, stay for a sec, and it would continue to do this, and sometimes it would do a few quick flips. I didn't see anything, I don't recall looking, I was busy paying attention to the paper.

**NOTE: I just realized something. Most of these things happened in my room or while I was in my room. Does that mean anything?

Another night, again I was in on my bed sitting and reading my assigned 11th grade English book, Catcher in the Rye. That was when I heard a bang on my sister's bedroom door (our bedroom doors are the hollow wood kind); it sounded like a shoe being thrown at the door. My sister then opens the door a dew seconds later and comes to my room and said "why did you bang on my door?!?!" I told her that I didn't and asked if she was sure she didn't do it. And she didn't. This had happened twice in the same night. The second time I asked If she had her window open, which sometimes when the wind blows it pushes the door back and forth while it's shut making a bang like noises. But she didn't have her window open. I don't know where the bang came from.

One evening I was in my room doing my homework, and my cat was sitting on my bed. He was just looking at me, and I was about to pet when he suddenly jumps a bit and turns his head towards the door (which was wide open) and looks out into the dark hall with caution (his eyes wide). I tried poking him to get him to turn around, but he wouldn't, so I just pushed the door shut a bit. It made wonder if he saw the shadow thing or something else in the "empty" hallway. My cat has never done this specific thing more than once, but he does sometimes seem to see things I don't see. I'm not quite sure what to say about this, though I have heard that animals are more sensitive than humans to paranormal like stuff. I'm not sure if that's true though, I haven't heard or seen any truly reliable evidence.

Sometimes what my cat "sees" is outside while he is looking out the window. There are squirrels out there but several times I've caught his eyes staring or following nothing at all that I can see. (This happens sometimes on rainy days). One last thing about my cat is that he on several occasions has suddenly ran away from the window scared, and he will either go under my bed or into my dad's room.

Another time, I was in on my bed and I get the sudden urge to reach my left arm out straight. And so of course, I did. When I did my arm started moving upward on its own, and bent back toward me. I was not moving my arm. I keep reach my arm out over and over again and my arm keep moving on its own. I didn't try my other arm I'm not sure why. All I know is that there was no one moving my arm... Or was there? Why was that happening.


One early evening I was laying down because I was real tired. I was all covered up and everything and I was laying on my stomach. I felt some weight lift off my lower legs, around my feet. None of the cats were in my room, so it wasn't any if them, and also I would have felt their four feet lift up. It's weight felt only like a few pounds and it felt relieving when the weight lifted. As soon as I had felt the weight lift, I lifted my head up. And since the window is right at the end of my bed when I lifted my head I was staring into it. And as soon as I looked into it I saw something whitish/milky across the floor from what looked like under my bed. This thing was real small and didn't look like anything in particular.

When cars come up the driveway in the dark their lights shine into my room. So I know when a car is coming up. Well, for two or three nights I was seeing lights shining on my walls but when I looked there was no car. That bugged the hell out of me, I didn't know what the hell was going on here.

In the middle of the night I had gotten up to use the bathroom like I regularly do, but on my way out of the bathroom there was an unusually dark spot in the corner of the hall, it was no particular shape it was just a spot of darkness darker than the normal night darkness (sorry for being confusing). As I saw it and went past it I felt something weird, not a physical feeling, I can't explain it, but I didn't like the feeling. I encountered this a few times. Another time, I was going downstairs for a drink in the middle of the night and there was another unusually dark spot at the bottom of the stairs. This didn't stop me from going downstairs. I just closed my eyes at the bottom and quickly went through it. On my way back to my room I saw another dark spot on the couch like something was sitting there, and there was the same dark spot still at the bottom of the stairs. They gave me goosebumps, I just went quickly upstairs and crawled into bed and closed my eyes because I didn't like them at all.

Another time was sitting on my bed and my door was wide open and I saw something out in the hall. It wasn't the shadow man or the peeking head I mentioned in my other stories though I have seen them both around these time (the peeking head more often), but it was this big whitish transparent thing that seemed like it was passing. It looked like a bunch of blotchy strips and spots of cloudy floating things. And literally it was big. I was shocked, my mouth dropped open, and I don't even remember what happened after that, I know I remember it disappearing.

While a few of these things happened the same evening/night the outside light had turned off again, like it did in some of my other stories. And I'm not sure if this is a coincidence or not. I do have a question though; do paranormal things make lights and things turn off when they are nearby? Because it's the only light nearby when this stuff that happens that will go off when it happens.

Next I was laying down on my bed, on my back reading. The way I was laying and reading, my view of the door was mostly blocked. But there was a spot I could see, it was the upper left part of the door, I could probably see 2 1/2 square feet of it. In that area I saw a frightening thing. I saw this really tall shadow man walk by. Larger than the shadow man I usually see. He was over 7 1/2 feet tall. I was so scared I shut the door and tried to forget about, I did not like that thing at all.

That night following that evening, I was looking out the window and I saw a blue light float around in the field next door and then it disappeared. I saw this same blue light then next night in the same spot and it floated around again then disappeared. I haven't seen it since.

The last thing is when I was laying in bed. I had just gotten in bed, when I saw another thing pass by that looked like a person. I gathered enough courage to go out after it this time and when I went out in the hall, there was no one. And this time I decided to actually ask my sister. I said: did someone just go bye. She said no and I went back to bed. I know I saw something though.

Comments are welcomed, I would appreciate any suggestions, ideas and opinions to this story or any of the happenings. Thank you for taking the time to read it. I appreciate it.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sam222, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Yes this is getting out of hand. Any further comments on this story that are unrelated to the story itself will be deleted. Thank you.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Sam, you are not mature enough to be on this site. Please go find another.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Uhhhhh - I do not find my comments embarrassing and I said "you are WELCOME to delete them" I am fine with that and I try not to ask so often to delete them, and I didn't now it was frustrating to delete a comment. Okay I'm sorry Okay?, can we just stop now, because now I am getting frustrated, and you guys are making me feel like you have nothing better to do than beat a dead horse on me as the subject.
Can we please be done on this topic? If your answer is yes do not reply.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Sam, no one is suggesting you start adding members of this site to your social media. All anyone is suggesting is for you take your random, tangential discussions to a more appropriate venue with a more appropriate audience. Like friends your own age.
It's very frustrating for us to have to continually ask you to chill out, especially as you acknowledge we've asked you, repeatedly, to comply with the site's guidelines. That needs to stop. You know the rules, follow them. Period.
It's also incredibly frustrating that you constantly ask for us to delete your comments. We will delete inappropriate comments, but you need to learn to think before typing. We do not have the time to follow you around deleting comments you find embarrassing after the fact. Comply with the site's guidelines, make some attempt to behave with an appropriate level of maturity, or go find another site.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Yeah you know your right, you have a very good point, but using another social media site for the talking would mean giving info to someone you don't really know, but you've got a point, know enough said, miracles- or any other mods - your welcome to delete these comments if you'd like.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
notjustme - you sensed that, huh? And here I thought I was hiding that rather well 😆
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
LOL my pleasure Miracles. I understand sometimes it's hard to get the message across when our patience strings are tugged at. ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
notjustme - thank you, from the bottom of my heart 😊 You said it much better than I and I appreciate that ❤
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
SAM I think the reason for no chat rooms is because this site is specifically for people to submit stories in which they often need help with. For people like me, I really do not need this site to turn into another social media group as we have more than enough of it. Social media is for people to rant and post things that are random, thus leading many people to comment and talk about gibberish topics.
And as we know, people have their own opinion on things so social media often leads many arguments on unnecessary subjects. By not having a chat room, those things are avoided. That's why we have comment boxes. Also why we have the choice to participate in them or not when a story is submitted. Many people here are mainly because of their interest in the paranormal, not quite to make friends. We comment off each other and such, but it's deeper than that for many people. I personally really respect this site because of all that 😊
Hope that helped clarify some things for you.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Sam - as mods we don't have to tell anyway who deleted what or why, but I didn't delete that thread of conversation. And from my understanding, years ago there was a chat room but it got out of hand. To my knowledge, they have no intention of ever starting another. Like I said, that's what Facebook is for. Or email or other friends.

I realize it's easy to get excited because people are answering your questions, but you use the internet all the time and can get most of the questions you ask answered off the net. Try and keep to the story, okay? And I'm done now.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Yeah I know I have been told, and again I am sorry, and I'm fine with you deleting that long comment, I guess it was unnecessary, and I'm guessing that you the one who deleted the big long conversation between me, ifi, and val, and I'm fine with that. I do understand this is a ghost stories website, but I think there should be like a chat room, or some way to talk to other users on the website, without going off track in the comments section under a story. Again I apologize, an I understand what your saying sometimes it's hard.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Sam - it's not about placing blame or pointing fingers. You were the one who was keeping the conversation going by asking another question; therefore, I addressed my comment to you. You've been told before to try and keep comments related to the story and not veer off track.

And while I'm speaking of off track, I want you to know I am the one who deleted the longest word you posted. I don't care if it is on one of your stories, it was completely unnecessary. No one is going to seek out our site to find the longest word. That's what Google is for.

This is a ghost stories site, and no matter how many times we get sidetracked it remains a ghost stories site. To deliberately post nonsense like that is making a mockery of this site.

I'm not in any way stating we can't cut up, but use some sense. If you want people to talk to about general stuff like that, make friends or join facebook.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-20)
Miracles, okay yeah your right, sorry, and I'm not trying to put blame on someone else, but ifi should have answered the question under one of my stories, but then again I could have replied on my own also, but did you make that comment because you have an answer?
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-16)
Wow this sounds exactly like some scam ad. LOL.
The someone would post:
This is all floccinaucinihilipilification!
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-01-16)
LOL, Sam, I can just see the following comment being made:
Dear Sam,
As a medium, I can tell you that the gibberish you posted is because you are possessed by the demon, Typonitis. Please see notjust and ifi so that we can wrap you in a nice, snug BS blanky to prevent further harm to your keyboard and our eyes. They will exercise that demon from you with your FREE 1 year gym subscription while feeding you the pea soup to accommodate the 360 degree turns your head must be making. 😆
Hard to believe that is a REAL word, isn't it?
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-16)
Well I posted it on mine so now we know and if anyone in the future asks about this word elsewhere they can refer to the URL I gave under Valkricy's story or be directed to that comment down below 😆 😆 😆
ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-16)
Yep that's how the comment was going to like on valks story so I didn't post it 😆
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-16)
Hey Ifihadyoux, I had to do it under one of my own stories just to see how much room it would take up and to see what I'd get if someone looked at it lol
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-15)
Nope they wore nothing and had nothing but he darkness of a shadow. Thats all they were, shadows.
queenie (2 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-12)
When the light is on the ceiling its a little bigger than a softball. When its on the door its smaller than a baseball. Sometimes it has like a shimmering look or glitter look. I don't see it move. Just when I walk in the room its either on the ceiling or closet door. Did any of the shadows have eyes? Did they look like they have clothes on? I mean like a cloak.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-12)
How big is this blue light that you see and how does move. Like describe its movement.
queenie (2 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
I just want to say I also have seen a blue light except this blue light is in the corner on my ceiling but sometimes moves to the closet door its there every night. And I did hear that animals can see and sense things that we can't.
jess001 (1 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
I have seen it once head on but it scared me so I ran upstairs away from it. To be quite honest I haven't really saw it in quite a while:) but I'm pretty sure it will soon return.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
Yup that's pretty much what I see, except for I see it head on for a sec everyone in a while.
jess001 (1 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)

That's fascinating because the same has happened to me! I recall it looking like a dark shaddow kind of head and I see it out the corner of my eye but when I look directly its gone
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
Yes I do know what your talking about and during the time of theses events I still saw it a few times.
What does it do? Here's the answer:
I'm just laying in bed and the way I lay in bed I see the door and out into the hallway, and I can sometimes see a head quickly peak into my room, a lot of times it's out of the corner of my eyes and when I look it quickly goes out of site. I sometimes just barely see it. Only three times that I recall have I seen it head on, full head peaking out at me and that's the scariest.
jess001 (1 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Hi sam. Loved the story:) what I'm about to say isn't relevant this this actual story but another one you mentioned. The peeking head? Or something. I have seen this to erm please could you explain what it looked like and what it did:) sorry that this isn't relevant to this story. Thanks
feefoo222 (1 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Its not an idea or question... (sorry)
I ❤ your story...
I like long stories as well

Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-09)
Thank you, someone has finally commented, I was thinking no one was going to read my story because of the length, but you see, a lot of people say sorry for how long this was at the end of their story, but I like long stories, and I don't care if your comment was long or short all that matters is that someone was kind enough to comment, because I like opinions and suggestions.
Now I'll answer your questions, I'm always happy to.
1- I knew it wasn't the cats because I could see out my door and see that my other two cats where asleep on my dad's bed.
2-The cards of the deck mean something? I didn't know that. And what, about a loving female figure?
3-nope I had been up since that morning, and I was actually reading on my stomach, my arms where tired of holding up the book.
4- yes the paper thing was odd, my room has the least amout of heater vents in the house it's a 5ft one at the end of my bed, and I did think it was the heater the next morning but the heat hadn't been turned on yet because this is one of the first things that happened in this collection, and it was still warm enought not to turn on the heat. I still don't know why the paper did that.
5-nope ther wher no windows open at the time, usually if there is I feel the coldness, if the wind is blowing, though there may have been one open downstairs.
-- no question
-- no question
6- I have never seen or heard a mouse in the apartment and um I really don't think it was a mouse unless they can be the size of a rabbit.
7- no they were like a car was going by, but I swear there were no cars, and after those few nights it never happened again.
-- yes very strange it was a bit scary though.
-- oh thanks for answering the question I asked in the story, I forgot I asked that.
8-Well in my hallway ther are two electrical out let's and the hall light. Which usually isn't on when stuff happens. Yeah and blessing it, um well I don't know any priests or officials from a church, I not really religious, but is there a way to bless it myself, I also have a feeling that if I had to tell my dad that the hallway needed to be blessed that he would think I'm crazy.
Don't be sorry for all the questions I love questions don't be afraid to ask more. And know people who read this will no more if they see these two comments.
So know what do think? Any other ideas, or questions?
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-09)
This may get long, I'll go a point at a time.

If you were in another room, are you sure it was the not the cats? How can you be sure?

The ace of hearts signals love and an ease of troubles, if I recall correctly. Maybe a loving female figure?

When you heard the Dora voice, were you about to fall asleep or had you just woken up at all?

The paper being is odd! Was the corner of the paper previously bent at all and were the are the heating/cooling vents in your room located?

When your sister's door started banging, were any other windows open nearby? Perhaps one in another room?

I have long since stopped trying to explain cats. I own three and it's always an adventure (especially now, with the holiday tree up). Only the kitty knows what it say. I have a cat, my youngest kitty, who is a mighty hunter and tracks even the tiniest bugs through the house, but they don't run from their prey.

The arm moving is also strange. Your muscles could have moved from memory or even your brain anticipating that you would move your arm back. Or it could have been moved by another force. I am not sure.

I don't suppose the white thing could have been a mouse? Can you explain it a bit more?

The car lights without a car is very strange. Were they just sitting on your wall with no movement?

The blotchy cloud is fascinating. Truly. That is very strange!

There is a theory that ghosts/spirits need energy to manifest- draining batteries, ect. I don't see why they could not drain the power from a light source if they needed it.

Your hallway seems to have a lot of activity. Have you considered blessing it? Are there are lot of electrical sources in the hallway?

Sorry for all the questions! Very nice journal of events.

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