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Recent Indoor Activities


I thought I would take this time to mention some recent cool and uncool stuff that has been happening inside our house.

We really enjoy the outdoors here in Arkansas. This year we were blessed a mild summer so we spend a lot of time outside. However, living in the rural area that we do we have several ponds within a close vicinity. Which in Arkansas means mosquitoes and a lot of them. So we use what is called a Therma Cell. It uses a small propane cell that heats up a treated pad and works quite well to keep them little buggers at bay. One simply clicks the On button, waits just a moment and then PRESSES the ignition button. This takes quite a bit of pressure for obvious safety reasons. When they are not being used we keep them on a shelve in the utility room that's just off the kitchen.

So one morning as we were scurrying around getting the last stuff ready to leave for work we heard a very distinctive CLICKING sound. We both stopped in out tracks and looked at each other. It had just clicked three times and stopped. We were asking each other if we both heard it when it clicked again two more times.

We both turned our heads towards the utility room as I said it sounded like a Therma Cell it clicked again. We walked the 8 feet to the utility room staring at the shelves that had the Therma Cells (2) on it. We stood there only a moment when...CLICK,CLICK! Right in front of us. We were not able to see the top of the item to actually witness the depression of the button but it was only two feet in front of us. GEEEZZZZ we both backed up a couple of steps and were amazed at what had just happened. It was kind of "IN YOUR FACE", "DIDN"T MISS THAT DID YOU?!?!"

We both got quite a chuckle over that. I picked them off the shelf and demonstrated each one. Each had it's own different clicking sound so we knew which one had made the noise. Now we are unsure IF it actually depressed or if something just mimicked that sound. We thought it was cool. We went off to work with grins on our faces.

This next one happened this past Friday night. We decided to lay low for the evening and were sharing the loveseat watching a movie. We had been watching the movie for a bit when all of a sudden the smoke alarm started going off in our changing room directly behind us. Naturally I jumped up and ran the very short distance to see what was on fire. Nothing was on fire, there was NO smoke of any kind, and everything was as it always has been. We turned on lights sniffing, looking every inch of the room and bathroom that joins it. There was absolutely nothing. I examined the alarm and it was in perfect condition. I had just recently changed the battery when we had the time change. I need to make the point that it only screeeetched twice.

So after deciding everything was fine we continued on with our movie. About twenty minutes later it did it again. I did the same as before, checked everything out and nothing was amiss. Then it dawned on me. I went to the utility room and got a measuring stick and took it to the changing room. I reached up with the stick and pressed the "Test" button and there it was. Two long screeeetching sounds. Something was pressing the "Test" button. That made me mad. Really mad and I said out loud how "UNCOOL" that was. I explained that that wasn't a toy to play with and we relied on that for our safety.

Well it has not happened since that second time. I will add that it has never happened before and that when one does go off it is a continuous screeeetching over and over again. Only when the "Test" button is pressed does it do it only twice. We've had things get smoky in the kitchen from time to time and know how the alarms behave.

So that's some of the cool and uncool things that have gone on in our active house. There are a bunch more. Just thought I would share these two for now. As always I appreciate your time reading and comments.

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Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-21)
Griff- We never did come up with something solid as a trigger object. Other than the penny thing, which it has refused to interact with. It still is active though. It clapped three times and tossed a watermelon seed across the kitchen floor Saturday. Funny little thing.

Going to be moving in about a month or so. Curious if it follows or if I should invite it/them to join us.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-02)
Wish-Not, I have not been on this site for a few month as been off having another little girl, and in truth it has barely entered my mind, but for some reason I got to thinking about this post yesterday and wondered if you had had any further luck, or ideas, about a trigger object? Random I know...

Anyway, I hope I find you well and look forward to hearing from you 😊
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Sam222- I did see that. Thanks for sharing that with him. I am sure he appreciated it. And I did see that picture a while back.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Griff84- I wish there could be a way to record the various things that happen around our place. However there is no rhythm or reason to anything they do. We can go for months without anything (that we know of) happening. Of course Sophie may disagree with me on that point.
*That was not a zapper, it was a Therma-Cell. Completely different critter. It has not bothered that since nor the smoke alarm. I guess it just wants us to get up and take notice of what it is doing at the time. Busy with the Christmas lights HA.

Thanks for taking time to comment.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Wish-Not, thanks for the update.

To be honest the festive lights are actually an ideal trigger object I would think, and its fascinating that others have witnessed it with you. I wonder if there is any way to video and post if it is not to intrusive?

Has there been any more messing with the fly zappers?
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
I did not want be rude to put this under someone else's story so I ll just put it here.
I realize you enjoy old_dudes stories and he's (according to your page) one of your favorites. I thought I'd let you know that for his story "The doctors dungeon", I gave him a way to post the picture that he was talking about and know the picture is posted, the he gave the URL in a comment under the story, you should take a look at it it's pretty scary.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Griff- Just an update, we really have not come up with something for just our button pusher. However; It (They) are absolutely loving the Christmas lights that are around the inside of the house. Constantly turning them on and off. We checked each set of lights before they were put up and after they started going off and on. It is the actual switch that is switched off. There really is no particular pattern or a particular set. We get such a laugh out of it though.

We had a large birthday gathering last Saturday evening. Several that were there got to see some of it. Most there know of our "guest" but it was still kind of cool.

I'll let you know when we come up with something specific for our button pusher though. Oh, it has not touched the smoke alarm since I had to get on to it.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-24)
You right fire alarms can be tested by pushing the button. That's the manual way. A lot of fire alarms if not all do a "scheduled" test. My fire alarm does one every 3 weeks I would say, on its own which is normal. When mine does it, it makes a double beep noise like yours but it doesn't do it again in the next twenty minutes like yours did which is not normal. I would say you got some ghost or spirit that is bored and found that clicking buttons is fun. Unless you have scared him away, hopefully it doesn't find out the tv remote has buttons or buttons on a microwave, or even the toilet flusher, that would be horrible.
P.S. Thanks for posting this, you brought back a memeory of a weird Experiance w/a fire alarm that I had. And here's a hint it was not detecting fire...hehe.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-24)
Mandy- It got scolded is what it managed to do. But I guess it worked. Has not touched it since.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-22)
Sounds like someone is in the mood for attention and attempted to get yours in the most annoying way possible with the smoke detector, lol.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-22)
WOOO PIG! Lol Sorry figure d I'd give a bump and give a hoop on this game. But seriously;...
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-21)
Ha your welcome, I always think with things like this the simpler the better, that way, it is easier to rule out possible issues / causes.

Keep us updates if you manage to set something up and if anything happens.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-21)
Griff- That's an awesome idea. Guess it doesn't have to be anything elaborate. I'll have to come up with something. However, I'm not very electrical savvy. But wouldn't that be cool. Hmmmm you have my mind going.

Thanks for reading and the wise thought.
Griff84 (5 stories) (289 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-21)
Hi Wish-Not, I can't believe the cheek of your visitor / visitors, like you already said, its so 'in your face' its almost unbelievable.

I'm glad they have laid off playing with the fire alarm, like you said that is uncool. It is almost as it who ever it is is just looking for buttons to press, it would be interesting if you could set up a trigger object, perhaps a little door bell circuit or something... Just out of interest and curiosity.

Anyways, thanks for sharing another interesting story. 😊

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