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The Olde Angel Inn


This is my third story submitted to YGS. I have previously submitted occurrences titled, My Blackberry and My Mom, and also Eldon House Shoes.

In 2004, my wife and I were at the (now discontinued) One Minute Film Festival in Toronto, Ontario, where we had a couple of video entries up for public adoration. While our videos garnered no awards, I was fortunate enough to win a draw and received two tickets to the Shaw Festival Theatre in Niagara on the Lake, Ontario. My wife and I booked this for the following summer to see the play, You Never Can Tell.

As the time drew nearer I had to select accommodations (not included in the prize). Niagara on the Lake has quite a few Victorian era hotels that are quite extravagant and I am told are worth the money. Influenced by my Dutch heritage, however, I was looking for something a little less expensive. I stumbled upon the website for the Olde Angel Inn, their rooms were much cheaper and they had a room available for the night I needed.

There are only five available guest rooms in the Olde Angel Inn. They are all on the second floor above the restaurant and bar (I didn't sample the bar but the food is quite good). You are given a key to your room and one to the door downstairs because once the restaurant is closed for the night you are on your own, the staff does not remain. We stayed in the Colonel's Suite; in the "Irish Fertility Bed" (I think that name might have something to do with the bed's incredibly small size). We went to bed around midnight.

At around 2:00 AM I was awoken by a bang downstairs. I assumed that it was a late guest trying to check in. That is impossible at the Inn because if you are late you are locked out and there is no staff available to accommodate you. The first bang was followed by another bang then more of them. It became louder and LOUDER in rapid succession. There was then a very loud CRASH and the sound of the splintering of wood. This was followed by another series of bangs but they started to fade in volume. BOOM, boom, boom, boom, boom until the sound faded away completely. I was sure that something "big" had happened downstairs. Maybe people had broken in and were wrecking the place; I was not sure. I did have it in the corner of my mind that this may have been a ghostly occurrence. In either case I was not going to investigate.

My wife still seemed to be asleep so I did not disturb her. In my case I could not go back to sleep. My mind was full of questions and beside that the bed was so small that I was hanging on for fear of falling out anyway.

Twenty minutes later, there was again, a loud BANG. The exact same sequence played out. The bangs, the splintering of wood and then the trailing off of the sounds were all repeated the same way they happened the first time. My wife said, "Did you hear that?" I said yes and then asked if she heard the first cacophony. She had heard it.

I told her that maybe someone was locked out but she wasn't buying that. We both then admitted that we thought it was due to some ghostly agency. I don't know when we fell asleep but it was not a long time before morning came.

I was still trying to rationalize things so, to test my "person locked out theory", I went downstairs and let myself out. I pretended to be locked out and pounded on the door and shook the door in its frame. I then let myself in and shoved the door closed as hard as I could. I then stomped up the wooden stairs and entered my room where my wife was looking at me quizzically. She said, "Was all of that noise you?" I admitted that it was and asked her if that sounded like the sounds from the night before. She said, "absolutely not."

The Olde Angel Inn restaurant does not open for breakfast so we walked to another establishment. When we returned a woman was in the Inn restaurant cleaning it. I asked her if she found anything broken, to which she said no and asked me why. I told her about the noises and the splintering wood. She said nothing was broken and that she had only been working there a few months and heard enough tales about weird goings on. She did not want to hear more.

Later in the day I learned from others about the sad tale of Captain Swayze. He was killed in the cellar by the invading Americans during the war of 1812. It is said that he still appears in ghostly form, usually in the washrooms (which are in the cellar).

The American soldiers broke into many places that day and routed the inhabitants of the homes and businesses before burning most of the buildings to the ground. A terrible snowstorm arose and scores of the inhabitants of Niagara on the Lake froze to death that night. I wonder if the sounds my wife and I heard were a repeat of the soldiers breaking down the door all those years ago.

For anyone interested, Niagara on the Lake is a great little tourist town located where the Niagara River empties into Lake Ontario. I highly recommend you visit if you are nearby. Here are links to Niagara on the Lake, the Olde Angel Inn and to Captain Swayze.




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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Kindly_refrain, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Jazzisepic (3 stories) (20 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-02)
Hi Kindly refrain
Yes, in the future you should plan a trip to the UK.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-01)
Jazzisepic, someday I must go to England.

I will check the internet and read up on Tredegar House. If it is not too bad (read scary) maybe I will visit in person on a future trip.
Jazzisepic (3 stories) (20 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-01)
Kindly refrain,
Thanks for replying!
There are some very lovely old houses (and haunted) here in the UK I would recommend Tredegar House in Newport a few years ago I went on a ghost walk on Halloween there very creepy!
Thanks again for replying
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-17)
Jazzisepic, thank you for your comments and your compliment.
It is a nice old hotel in a very minimalistic way. I see from your profile, that our definition of old is not the same standard of old as in the country you come from. I would love to go to some of the really old establishments of your country.
Jazzisepic (3 stories) (20 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-12)
Hi Kindly Refrain,
I enjoyed reading your story I think you are right that the noises you heard was a replay of the death of Captain Swayze.
I'd loved to visit the inn as I love going to old and haunted houses.
Thank you for sharing your story I loved reading it as well as your 2 others.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-09)
Lol K.F...don't envy being that hard of a sleeper, I have one in my home as it is, he slept through a real fire right out side my kitchen door. (caught it in time, had not burned through siding, I was able to put it out... Ill have to submit a story as that has a "paranormal link" to it). Totally hear what you are saying regarding your reasoning for not investigating!

Manafon, I agree, so much to learn here and love the sharing of ideas!

To readers: I was thinking, would not just the mere fact that there was no buzz about the noise the next day in the hotel suggest that this "residual" was intelligent, selecting only the op and his wife to hear and feel it's story? You would think that after this hotel being open for so many years, SOMEONE would have recorded this same experience by now! I wonder, as anyone else felt a physical vibration (like in this story (yet someone with them has not? Fascinating!

Thanks for sharing this story!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-09)
Hi otteer--I am the poster who suggested that "residual" apparitions sometimes respond. It has been reported in very thorough case studies by venerable groups like the Society of Psychical Research (for instance the incredibly well documented Cheltenham haunting) where what would commonly be referred to as a "residual" apparition (which was seen by nearly twenty people over an extended period) did break its pattern of merely repeating its actions when it was directly spoken to.

My point is that the term "residual" may be an oversimplification of a much more complex phenomenon. In the case of the Cheltenham ghost, the concept of "exchange" is introduced. This theory suggests that by making direct contact with what is commonly referred to as a residual apparition, it's burden (for lack of a better term) is relieved (unto the person communicating with it) and it then, either quickly or over a slightly more prolonged period, dissipates.

The use of "residual haunting" has been overused as a sort of umbrella term for something that does seem to be more complex than some clear cut phenomenon of psychical tape merely replaying the same actions over and over again.

I don't mean to take away from the posters story. I hope this actually ties in with it. Really I just wanted to clarify what many psychical researchers think "residual" types of hauntings might be. It's discussions like these that make this site so worthwhile!
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-09)
Hi Otteer, I must confess that I was a little (or more) afraid to go investigate. When I heard it the first time I went through some mental gymnastics trying to decide what was happening. One of the considerations was that this was a break in downstairs at the restaurant. I did not want to play hero and check it out. The second time it happened I was pretty sure that it was supernatural and again, I did not want to investigate. I am not sure if it woke other guests or not; though the building reverberated with the impacts.

Interesting that the smashing of glass did not wake you up at your home. I, on the other hand, am usually quite a heavy sleeper. I slept through a (false) smoke alarm event at home once. The whole time it sounded as my wife checked the house for fire and then finally pulled the batteries out of the thing.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-09)
Great story, would have scared me to death! Hard to believe that the noise didn't wake everyone up and prompt them to head to the hallway to find out what is going on, but, the practical side of me says, if it had been me, I would have pulled my covers up and cowered saying "wtf" over and over lol. Perhaps you two were the only ones that were lucky enough to hear the event. Normally I am a light sleeper but last night a picture fell off the wall which in turn knocked the clock right below it to the floor. Broken glass everywhere on a tile floor. A very noisy event right next to my bedroom and I didn't hear a thing! I still can't get over it lol!
I would love to visit this place as well as the Fort. Alas, I'm on the other side of the coast. Ill just have to read up on it. Thanks for the links!

To the poster speaking of residual energy that sometimes responds...well, to me "residual" is a definition," an event that does not respond to or appear to notice its surroundings, basically a recording playing back"... "Intelligent", just the opposite, "responds in some manner or makes a connection to its physical surroundings". If there is some kind of response, it cannot be a residual. Just my opinion. Thanks for the recommended reading!
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-08)
Manafon1, thanks for all the information. The theories you present are intriguing. I am going to have to look up the work of Tyrrell and MacKenzie. Maybe I won't have to cross to the "other side" to learn some of the truth.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-08)
2nd1st--That's great that you are going to look into the works of Tyrrell and MacKenzie. Both were true scholars and devoted much of their lives investigating various paranormal phenomena and developing some solid theories. Tyrrell's work can be heavy going at times but is well worth the effort.

So interesting to read about your father and his success rate in sending telepathic messages. There have been many telepathic studies undertaken over the years with high levels of success. In the first half of the last century there were several positive attempts in creating "experimental" apparitions. The sender would focus intently on a location and attempt to appear to the unsuspecting occupants of that location. With certain "senders" there was a high success rate where the occupants would see the "sent" apparition with great detail noted as well as the visual solidity of the apparition. It's too bad further attempts at creating "experimental apparitions" seems to have ceased as a serious avenue of study by the 1950s. So sorry to hear of the deaths of your parents when you were so young. I look forward to reading your experiences.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-08)
Manafon, many thanks for these contributions. I'm going to look up Tyrell and Mackenzie tomorrow.

Your commentary on telepathy reminds me of an experiment my father and one of his friends carried out when they were youngins. From what I understand, they took turns with one staying up very late so that the other would be asleep (they lived in different suburbs of London) and the stayer upper would try to telepathically inform the other of a time and place to meet the next day. The places were never common places they would go but were always fairly random spots.

My understanding is that when dad was the sender they had a relatively high success rate.

I would love to have discussed this with dad but he died when I was very young.

For context, my father's mother was a highly respected medium in her home country (uk) and then later here (nz). She also died when I was young. I won't identify her here as for professional reasons I need to protect my anonymity.

I think I'm about ready to post my own experiences and will probably do so this weekend or next (need to write it up at an Internet cafe, don't want to do it at home, some odd stuff happening there of late and I don't want to fuel anything by delving into some of my recollections).
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-07)
Kindly refrain--I forgot to add in my last post, in response to why sometimes one hears apparitional sounds but sees nothing and vice versa, that most psychical researchers believe that apparitions are always "imperfect". Sometimes a person hears with crystal clarity a voice or other apparitional sound and yet sees nothing. In another instance a person sees an apparition that looks as solid as a living human but it makes absolutely no sound. As it seems quite likely that telepathy plays a major role in a persons perception of an apparition, it makes some sense that the human mind is limited as to what is can present to us.

So sometimes we will see an apparition as clear as day, sometimes as an indistinct and insubstantial mist, and in another instance just hear it (or whatever else). It probably has much to do with the detail of the theme as transmitted from the deceased and the individual abilities of each humans unconscious that allows certain aspects to be distinct and others less so or completely absent. It's wild stuff to think about!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-07)
Hi kindly refrain--I wanted to jump in and offer some theories from well known psychical researchers that may answer (at least partially) some of your questions. G.N.M Tyrrell, in his important theoretical study, "Apparitions", stated that he believed apparitions to be a telepathic transmission from a deceased (or equally living) person in which the sender telepathically transmits a theme or motif to the recipient. Essentially this motif is worked out by the mid-level constituents of the recipients unconscious with help from the sender (I am hugely simplifying the theory) to create what Tyrrell calls an apparitional drama.

In the case of what is commonly referred to as a "residual haunting" the "ghost" which is seen or heard repeating the same or similar actions over and over again, has as its theme, "a figure moving about in a particular house or locality. Anyone in this house or near the locality becomes a relevant percipient and is psychically operated on to become one. If a ghost is seen or heard during a haunting, that is incidental and arises from the fact that people have placed themselves appropriately to enter into the theme of its drama." This could help explain what you experienced at the inn.

I have brought this up a number of times on this site that (as psychical researchers like Tyrrell and Andrew MacKenzie have postulated) that residual apparitions might be better described as somnambulistic apparitions. In other words they are like the sleepwalker who is operating on a very basic level. You can sometimes get garbled/mumbled replies from a sleepwalker and there are several interesting cases where a "residual" apparition does respond, in slight ways, to a person directly addressing it. This suggests there is much more to residual hauntings than is commonly believed. There may be much to the thought that events are "imprinted" in certain locations but there is also intriguing evidence to suggest there is a thinking consciousness that directs even these residual ghosts.

This is just skimming the top of the proverbial iceberg. If you want to read more of these (and other) fascinating theories on ghosts (residual and otherwise) I would suggest "Apparitions" and "Science And Psychical Phenomena" by G.N.M. Tyrrell and "Apparitions And Ghosts" by Andrew MacKenzie. Both can be found easily online and for reasonable prices.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-07)
Hi 2nd1st, thanks for your comments. I suppose much of my commentary to Macknorton also cover your comment.

I have never heard of it being referred to as a "Death Echo". I like the ominous ring to that.

I am not sure what it would be called though, when for instance, a platoon of ghostly soldiers is seen walking as if to battle. I am sure many of them would be facing their deaths but what of survivors. Is this the same type of event even though multiple persons are involved and the trauma had not yet occurred? Is this something different. Why is there sometimes audio, sometimes video and sometimes both.

I wish I knew.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-07)
Hello Macknorton, thanks for your consideration and comments. While there was no toilet flushing in my account I can see, from personal experiences, how you may have cooked up your speculative theory in this regard. (By the way, a toilet flushed during a haunting at my aunts house, years ago.)

As far as residual hauntings in general, I am not sure how they work either but it seems the consensus, in this type of community, is that it is the emotional impact of an event "imprinted on the ether". So if the ether is not a person or has no personality, how is it that something can even seem emotional to "it". The activities of people, highly emotionally charged or not, you would think would be no more traumatic to the ether than a falling tree doing the same type of damage to the inn's door. There has to be, in my opinion, a personality (or many personalities) connected with it. This is of course all speculative as I don't really think there is a way of truly understanding much of this from this side of the veil. It is so intriguing and I would, however, love some answers before that day.

I cannot dismiss it entirely but as far as the idea that the staff at the Inn were playing practical jokes, I doubt that. The extreme volume of the event would have necessitated a very robust sound system. The old building shook with the impacts. If, on the other hand their "japery" (nice word use) consisted of actually banging on and splintering wood they would have had to hang around too long to clean up and also risk getting caught. Doing any of this for increased bookings doesn't seem a sufficient motive either. There are only five rental rooms in the place and they have no trouble keeping them booked solid through the summer months. At the time they were also not really acknowledging any ghostly presence at the premises, even though they do advertise it today, on their website.

Just a side note, I did see other guests in the place that morning but I was too embarrassed to ask any of them if they heard the same noises. If it happened today I would be more fearless about asking.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-07)
Hi sds, I only asked a few people while at the Inn, so I am not certain how regularly people have experiences there. I have since, however, looked at the many sites that have reported (usually repeated) Olde Angel Inn tales from other people. It seems from that "research" that events occur sporadically and the banging/crashing type of event has not been reported by others.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-07)
"However, we seem to have lots of toilet flushing and hand washing going on in many other stories that seem like residual hauntings, but why on earth would THAT be imprinted on the ether? Unless the toilet event was one of those that severely distressed the creator... You know what I'm talking about... "

I've wondered about this too. If the emotive element (fear,stress) etc is the vital element, then we must consider that the heights of those emotions may not occur at the time of the event that triggered them. Could rumination after the event not produce a sufficiently high or higher emotive level? To use the last posters example, perhaps the high stress event occurred and the person pondered it and became more distressed whilst on the loo later?

Or to use the op's example, maybe the captains fear was much higher when the troops first started smashing down the door than at the moment of his death, causing the initial assault to be captured but not the actual killing?
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-06)
Very interesting events Kindly Refrain.

I have two theories on this. One (that Manafon has raised) is the most likely; a "residual" haunting. That is where an event is somehow imprinted on the "ether" and under certain situations, the scene is replayed and can be viewed by certain individuals.

Don't ask me how that works... But this event in the story points to it as the sounds seemed to be exactly the same and heard by two individual witnesses. It would appear that these were indeed the last events in poor old Capt. Patrick's existence.

Usually, but not always, the event (s) were intense, such as a battle scene, a murder, or some other deeply emotional event.

However, we seem to have lots of toilet flushing and hand washing going on in many other stories that seem like residual hauntings, but why on earth would THAT be imprinted on the ether? Unless the toilet event was one of those that severely distressed the creator... You know what I'm talking about... 😉

My second theory, and people may say "Mack, that's just too cynical", is that the owners of the The Olde Angel Inn were up to ye old shenanigans and were playing ye olde audio tape of fake ghoulie soundes through hidden olde speakers to convince thine guests that thoust were stayeing in ye haunted dwelling. This cloak-and-dagger japery would then encourage gaggles of paranormal squealer-types to spend many a trembling night under ye olde bed covers, hearts-a-poundin' at every creak and nightmarish scratchin' thus boosting the coffers of the owners.

Wow, it's really hard writing tenuous, cynical (and kind of wild) theories in Olde Englishe...


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-04-06)
2nd1st - the only way I know of is to list this story as one of your favorites. There is a ❤ at the top of the page, under the title. On my computer it is on the right. Click on it. That will start you a Favorite Ghost Stories list.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-06)
I find this story particularly interesting as it may represent what us sometimes termed a death echo. From what I gather, such incidents are replays in some form of events leading up to a death or other traumatic event as opposed to a sentient thing such as a spirit?

I understand that the difference is that one is a replay and non interactive and the other is a being of some capable of interaction, reaction and changing behaviour?

It seems to me that the two are very different and distinct phenomena.

On a totally unrelated note Is there some way I can flag a story as a point to return to to check for updates such as new posts? I have a lot of questions and am having to search extensively to check if anyone had replied
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-06)
Hi Kindly_refrain, thanks for sharing your experience. I can understand how you must have felt when you heard the "banging" for the first time and it got repeated with increasing decibels. I like your investigation in the morning. I just want to ask you one question. Do those people, whom you have asked, informed that it is a day to day affair or does it repeat itself at intervals?

Regards and respects to you.

Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-02)
Hello AugustaM, as I mentioned to others, visit Fort George for their ghost tour, if you're ever in the area, as well. If you stay at the Olde Angel Inn get a different room than my wife and I did, unless you're small, that bed was so tiny. I'll be curious to hear if you have any supernatural experiences on your visit.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-02)
Hi kindly refrain--My email is on my profile page. I would be interested to hear about the Video Festival and your video entries! I highly recommend you visit Amherst someday. It's residents are incredibly friendly and the island is one of the most relaxing and bucolic locations you could hope to experience. Hope to hear from you via email.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-02)
RCRuskin, if you go to Niagara on the Lake also take in Fort George. It is supposed to be very haunted and they have a great ghost tour during the summer months.http://www.friendsoffortgeorge.ca/ghost-tours/
The town is one of those picture perfect little spots to go visit.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-02)
Hello chapulin1234. If you do go, they claim that Niagara on the Lake is the most haunted town in Canada. They further claim that Fort George is the most haunted place in Niagara on the Lake. You can book a ghost tour with Friends of Fort George.
Http://www.friendsoffortgeorge.ca/ghost-tours/. I did not see anything there but my niece and wife have on different occasions.
Kindly_refrain (16 stories) (196 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-02)
Manafon1, sorry I have been late responding to posts, I have been away for a week.

Amherst Island is about 4 hours east of my home. I would like to visit sometime.

The Video Festival had themes every year. The theme for that year was called Farm Fresh. I would tell more but this does not seem like the place to do so. Can we contact each other directly through this site?
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
9 years ago (2016-04-01)
Thank you for posting this second great story and about Niagra too! I'm forwarding this to my husband - if we've the courage, maybe we'll look up that Inn while we're there... If we do, I'll be sure to report back!:-)
RCRuskin (9 stories) (847 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-31)
I live not too far from Toronto and Niagara Falls and have been looking for a reason to visit again someday. I think you just gave me one. Thanks.
chapulin1234 (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-31)
Hi Kindly refrain - I live in Toronto and me and my friend are ready to visit Eldon house and now we are going to keep this Inn in our list, 😁; Although I don't think we will spend the night, I like visiting haunted places but definitely not to stay the night 😭
Thanks for sharing.

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