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Grey Sock


You've all read about all the antics my father in-law has pulled at my house. This is a prank he pulled on my mother in-law at her house. By the way he's been making comments I'm trying to type disappear today. I have her permission to write this story.

My mother in-law was doing her laundry one day about two weeks ago and she put a pair of grey socks in the load. When she put the load in the dryer both socks went in. When she took the load out and brought it to her room to fold and put away one grey sock was missing. Who hasn't lost a sock in the laundry? When that happens to me I just figure the dryer ate it and forget it. Not her, she got herself in a tizzy. She gets into a tizzy over every little thing. She went back to the basement to look for the sock. She looked in the washer, no sock, she looks in the dryer, no sock. She told my oldest son about it and he told her it might have gotten stuck in the rim of the dryer. She told him that the dryer had been squeaking since the sock went missing. When she went home she checked the rims of the dryer AND washer no sock. A few days later she did another load of wash. When she opened the dryer lying there was the other grey sock!

In retelling the story I immediately said dad got you! My kids were telling her she got punked by grandpa. She admitted that she had a crappy week and needed a laugh. Knowing her as well as I do she probably was cursing him out and didn't laugh until she told us and we all laughed.

She said that was the first time that he got her. I reminded her that he got her at my house when he took a letter and credit card out of her pocket and put her in a tizzy. She and my husband looked all over even places it couldn't possibly be. When I told everyone to stop and said dad put it back, my husband found it easily after that.



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spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-23)
Red, 😆
Lol after I read this, it reminded me of those mysterious disappearing socks! Amongst other things that either go missing come back or are put in another spot they usually wouldn't go.

I know its my uncle at work here! Hes a huge prankster and gets his kicks out doing all this.

One sock lol I know, because I am ocd over matching everything.
Socks,shirts etc, drives my family nuts! And me nuts when I can't find the matching other.

Ha! Gotta love those family members still pranking us from the otherside! Really reminds me of the "dont take life to seriously" quote.
Hehe lighter side of things.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-23)
Seems as if you have a ghost that has good taste in socks but why return only one? Maybe it has only one leg and will return the other 3 after he has used them? Your husband better put a lock on that closet door so he doesn't lose any more socks. 😆 The great sock heist.I'm sorry but this is too funny, now you're going to have to yell at the ghosts to put socks back.
spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-23)

FIL and the socks.
Which may and seems a lot like the disappearing brand new pair of Tommy Hilfiger socks my husband just bought.

I keep his socks in the hallway closet, easier for me to grab them for him when he gets up at 4 am for work.
I have that closet as his, own personal clothes closet.
He bought a package of 2 pairs. I unwrapped and put them on the shelf, ready to grab and go.
A couple days later, on a Monday, I go in as I have matched the outfit with these particular socks.
The socks are nowhere.

I tear the house up, even rethinking "well maybe I didn't put them up there".

To this day I have only found 1 sock the other 3 are still missing. Lol

That one sock by the way was on top of the dryer, untouched still brandnew.

Spirits and the socks lol
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-22)
It seems my FIL is still punking my MIL because she asked me the other day if it's him moving things around on the counter while she is asleep or out. I asked her who else she thought it could be.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-22)
I am glad you are well, just busy. I was getting worried that you were ill. I'm sure other members were wondering also. I wouldn't want anything to happen to either you or Miracles.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
Red: Thank you for your concern. I've been haunting the site when I can, just have been pretty busy lately 😆
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
I haven't seen granny all week. Have you? I hope she is well.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-19)
I agree with you on all points. He loves that we know he is here. There doesn't need to be a reason for him too be here. My FIL loved to play pranks on me or joke with me in life so why not in death? My MIL is 86 so she is close to the end of her life cycle and I know that he will still be around because he told me more than once that she can be a huge pain in the bum. So coming to hang out here will be like a relief for my FIL. 😆

I agree too that some people are "why is this happening" "why me" or "what does it want". I find that unless it's a malevolent spirit it just wants to be acknowledged. Some pople think ALL ghost/spirits want to hurt them but that simply isn't true.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-18)
Red, I have a feeling if your FIL couldn't pull these pranks you wouldn't hear from him nearly as much! 😆 It seems like this is his way of communicating, pranks are his language. For some people simply being there with some one is 'the point'. I bet your FIL loves as many people as possible to know 'he's around', or not far off.

Your and your family's relationship with your FIL is a cool example of why there doesn't always have to be grandiose meaning behind ghost activity. Like how many people post here asking:

"Why is this happening? What do they (ghost) want? Why me?" and the like. Usually the answers are straight forward. Like how you guys know when your FIL is about.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-18)
My father in-law was a rip. It is comforting having him around. The dogs aren't even afraid of him. They'll just look up see it's him and just go about their business. Although the new puppy whines or barks at him.That's pretty funny.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-17)
Red--Your father in law sounds like he was a really fun guy. I imagine he loved playing little jokes and pranks on people when he was alive and death wasn't going to be any hindrance in keeping him from continuing his good natured hijinks. It must be comforting to know he is still around... Even if he can drive you a bit nuts!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-17)

It was hysterical. My mother in-law was dumb founded that he reached out to her in that way. She's 86 and set in her ways. She has a place for everything and everything has to be in that place. I think she even irons her underwear. 😆

He has been messing with us for years he used to tease me all the time. My family went to my husbands aunt house for a get together. I had messed up my right elbow a week before, one of my dogs tripped me while we were running in the road. Nobody in the E.R. Believed I tripped in the road they all thought I got hit by a car. So my right arm was all wrapped up and in a sling. My father in-law asked me to play Bocci Ball. I'm right handed but beat him at every game. He died December 6th,1992.

Right after the pranks started. He was always picking up my lighters and putting them somewhere else when he was alive and did the same after death, along with moving my keys and other things. It got to the point where I would say okay dad put it back and it would reappear a few inches to a few feet away. Keys that I threw on the counter because I was going right back out wouldn't be there *dad put them back* they would be hanging on the key peg etc.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
Red--Your kids were spot on, it does seem like your mother in law was punked by the spirit of your father in law! Just the idea of being punked by a ghost is funny. Now if we could only return the favor and punk a ghost once in awhile 😁!

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