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My Friend Billy


Now before I get to the story about Billy I have to give you a little backstory. I tried to write this story more than a dozen times a few months ago. It didn't matter which tablet I used or if I used the P.C. At some point I would lose the story. I thought it was my father-in-law was messing with me at first. Then one evening I felt something attached to my shoulder, thinking it might be my imagination I had my son put his hand a few inches away from my shoulder and asked him if he felt anything. He did so and he said he felt something like electricity there so I decided I would stop trying to write the story (crossing fingers). Here goes.

I met Billy in a Country Western Bar before I was going out with my husband. I liked him a lot and he liked me so we would hang out together on Friday and Saturday nights. He tried to teach me the Two Step but wearing 4 inch boot heels I felt like I had two left feet.

On Halloween I got tapped on the shoulder and I turn around and there was a werewolf standing there. I'm not talking about a store bought mask and hands. This was a professional makeup. It scared me and my fight or flight instinct kicked in and I chose flight. The costume was THAT good. Another friend stopped me and said that's Billy. Billy took my hand and held me until I stopped shaking. He said he forgot I was having a problem with a guy that bordered on stalking. He won the costume contest and went to take off the make up and said he needed to talk to me.

We went out to my car and he told me that he cared for me very much so all we could be is friends. I asked him what he was talking about and he told me he was going to die soon. I asked him what he was talking about and he took my hand and said you're psychic close your eyes and tell me if you see me after the New Year. I opened my eyes and said no, so we agreed we could be no more than friends.

I had to work New Years Eve and Day. I was reading the paper while on break and came across a story about a young man walking home and was hit by two drunk drivers early New Years Day who left the scene. The victim was my friend Billy. He died before he got to the hospital.

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spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-29)
Hello Red,

Finally found your story after going to your page.

Reading this made my heart sink.
It truly has to be a courageous and strong individual to hold and have a gift such as you.

To know a dear friend would not be with you within a certain amount of time must have been heartbreaking.

Billy sounds like such a sweetheart and still holds that love only true friends have.

I read part 2 as well.
And through emails, I know losing two babies is extremely difficult.

Those two plus Billy and many others are all there together having the time of their lives right now.

Just know I'm here for ya.
Thank you for sharing.
I needed that for the start of my day.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-08-01)
RedWolf - yes, I received your email. Filling up the character requirement.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-31)

Did you get my e-mail apologizing for my tantrum, hissy fit or whatever you want to call it? My apology is sincere and if you have seen my posts since then you will notice that I have not acted in such a way since. I hope you can accept my apology as I do not want one of my favorite posters to be mad at me for past bad behavior.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-31)

Thank you for reading my story. I wouldn't want to do that again. But in retrospect I have had dreams of when blood relatives came to me to bring them to their mode of transportation to the other side. I NEVER told any of them that I had a dream that they were going to die, but each died within a week to 10 days after the dream.

L_Melb (220 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-30)
Wow, I am so sorry for your loss Red, however it must also be so difficult to be able to "see" into the future in that way - a bigger responsibility than I could bare!
Thanks so much for sharing this - what an experience! All the best, L
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-30)

Thank you for reading my story. Out of all the men I was friends with he is the one I think about most. I had mostly male friends. Women didn't want to be my friend because back then men gravitated to me. I am not saying this to be conceited it's just I didn't try so hard to get a mans attention and somehow that was appealling. It didn't hurt that I was pretty. 😆.

When he told me he was going to die soon I cried for a good 5 minutes after I held his hand with my eyes closed and couldn't see him after New Years because I knew it wasn't just a line to get rid of me or get me into his bed.

ms_marvel (1 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-30)
I am very sorry for your loss Billy sounded like an amazing human being. Your story has touched me in so many ways and it has truly brought tears to my eyes. Amazing how he knew you were psychic.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-30)

I wish that were the case. I lost a friend in High School. He and his brother were trying to move their boat to a safer location before a winter storm. But the storm came in a lot sooner than anyone predicted and both drowned. Senior year was the first time we had classes or lunch together so we never really got to know each other before the fall semester.

yomomma (11 stories) (81 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-29)
Hi Redwolf! Thank you for sharing your story. I'm sorry for the loss of your friend. I too believe everything happens for a reason. Perhaps the reason Billy was put in your life and then taken away so soon was to teach you how to let go.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-29)

You're right Billy had no fear about dieing. I cried a river when he told me and he asked me not to mourn his death, just celebrate life. He cracked a few jokes until I calmed down. The worst joke he said was. What is a skeletons favorite song... Them Bones

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-29)

I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I say similar things to my daughter and I don't feel impending death. I think it was just a unfortunate coincidence that your mother died the next day.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-28)
Hi RedWolf--So sorry about the loss of your friend. I was very interested to read that he just knew his end was near. A few years back I wrote an article for a music magazine that looked at the life and career of singer songwriter Gary Farr. I interviewed a lot of people for the article including his wife who shared a bit of information that ties in with your account of Billy. To quote my article (yikes I'm quoting myself) "For six months before his death, Gary became obsessed with the time 3:33 and came to believe it was the time he would die. Suffering from an infection in his lungs that weakened his already enlarged heart, Gary "passed away in his sleep, the way he always wanted to go..." states Irma (his wife). It was right around 3:33 in the morning, on July 29th 1994, He was 49 years old."

It does seem there are people, like your friend Billy, who can sense, or have a precognition of their impending death. What I find particularly interesting is that most people who do know their time is short resign themselves to the knowledge without fear. Thanks for sharing your account.
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)
hi Red,

Sorry about your friend. I too believe people just know when they're 'close to the ground' as Val put it. I had a similar incident with my mom, 'til this day we're all convinced she knew she was leaving us. She was always level headed and never raised her voice, but day before she passed on she shouted at me; "what are you going to do when I am gone. I've tried to raise you to be independent."

I sometimes feel our stories have two endings, the one predetermined for us, and the one that's a result of our life choices... But they both lead to the same red traffic light when it's time for us to stop (Hope that makes sense).
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)

You should post your story soon. I'm sure it will make a fasinating read.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)
Red, yes definitely. It's all part of the plan.
I'm going to post sometime about something that happened to me along these lines that makes me believe this so strongly.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)

I am so used to my deceased father in-law messing with my electronics. Billy never crossed my mind until I felt something on my shoulder, my son confirmed that there was an electric feeling. I just said okay Billy I'll leave the story alone for now.
More to come in another story.

Lunahenry (2 stories) (50 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)
Hi Redwolf,

Regarding your first paragraph: It seems you tried to tell this story previously but was inexplicitly sabotaged many times. It's a simply and sweet story. Is there a reason why Billy did not want you to tell this story?
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)

Yes he was psychic. When I asked him how he knew he was going to die he said he just did. He never said that he had a prediction though.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)

Thank you for reading my story and putting it into your favs. Your right losing someone can be hell.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)

Thank you for reading my story. I was upset for a few days. First I was stunned that it came true. Then I just felt a deep sadness for a few days.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)
Thank you Dan.

You have to admit that some people make the wrong decisions and walk down the wrong path. Some people can get back to the right path but some don't. The people who don't end up in jail or a lot worse,

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-27)

I think you are right about him being close to the earth. He was so sincere when he told me he knew he was going to die soon. When I asked him how he knew and he said he just did. I knew he wasn't telling me this to blow me off because he was always happy to see me.

OCGirl (4 stories) (64 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-26)
Hi RedWolf:

How creepy and sad. How did he know he was going to die? Was your friend a psychic? Very sad. Thanks for sharing.
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-26)
The story is an instant fav. I enjoyed your account and really felt sorry for your friend Billy. Losing someone close can be hell.

And to the question of EB. As per Hindu traditions everything that happens here is predetermined and only few people are able to understand that almighty design.

Thanks for sharing! 😊
sweetsunshine1800 (4 stories) (85 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-26)
Hello RedWolf,

I really felt sorry about your friend Billy. And I agree with Val, that when someone's time comes they just know, like when my mum's time was coming she often used to say " I'll be no more Sonali, no more with you and your father " and a few weeks later she just died.

RIP Billy

Have a good day!

Best wishes and,
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-25)
Red, I'm very sorry. I can tell he meant a lot to you.

I agree completely that everything that happens to us was meant to be and that everything is what was planned for us, no matter what.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-07-25)
Growing up I was exposed to a lot of let's say backwoods or mountain lore. Many held that those 'close to the earth' knew when their time was near. You might not know exactly how or the hour, but you knew about when. Of course they also believed in a lot of omens; a bird in the house when no window or door was open, a man's hat appearing on a bed, hearing an owl call your name for 3 nights in a row, are just a few of what I was told were signs of death coming. Perhaps Billy was one of those close to the earth.
I'm sorry you lost your friend.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-25)

He never told me how he knew, when I asked him he just said he knew. Also I never told him I was psychic he told me that he knew I was. I was shocked by this and ased him how he knew. With a sly smile he told me a mutual friend from the bar told him.

As for a predetermined path since birth there are several theories on that. The most common is that everyone has a path in life but there are many forks (like in a road). Which way you go is up to you as you have free will. There are obstacles you have to overcome just as everyone. In the end people end up where and what they are supposed to be.
I hope that answers your question.

EB (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2016-07-25)
Hello! I enjoyed the story. So, in your story you said that your friend asked you to see if you could see him after New Years since you are psychic. How did he know he was going to die? Did he give any indication on how he knew that? Also, If he did know, and there are people who are psychic, does that mean everything that happens to us is predetermined since birth?

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