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Real Ghost Stories

Green Room


In the early 80's, we lived across the road from some lovely people with whom my parents were great friends. My parents lived in this house from the 70's to 80's.

I loved hanging around the adjacent neighbours and being in their home but there was one room I could not stand to be in, their lounge room. Aesthetically it was picturesque, floor boards, deep cream walls, a proud mantle piece, tapestry style upholstered furniture, ornate vases and ornaments. But vibe wise it was morose and heavy.

When I entered their lounge room I felt scared and a great need to escape. Intriguingly this paired with a green filter which grew in the room. It was like someone adjusting the green on a TV, only it was in the entire room. It was bright green, nearing iridescent, and seemed to intensify with my fear. At least once, that I can remember, it happened immediately upon entering. Like walking through a threshold of pre-adjusted green. In any case while standing outside the room, looking in, the green was never present.

Thankfully we always tended to hang out in the kitchen, backyard and porch. So the lounge room was never an issue, more a result of wanderings from curious me.

One afternoon we were at their place and The Munsters were on, it was one of my favourite shows. A few people were in the lounge watching it. I figured, as the room was occupied and the TV was on, the green would not happen. So I entered the lounge and headed to an arm chair. I didn't make it very far into the room when the green hit. I looked around, to see if anyone reacted but they did not. What stood out about this time was sound started to disappear. I quickly backed out of the room and instead watched The Munsters from the doorway. The green left and sound returned to normal. I don't recall if sound did this every time or if I noticed it this time because of the TV.

Memories of this green phenomenon I've brushed off as an over precociousness, nervous disposition and vivid imagination. Until recently (Christmas 2015) when this house came up in conversation.

All these years I've been aware of a murder committed in this street. However, I thought in a house further down the road from us. Turns out it was in this house opposite. With this clarification, the green fear phenomenon makes some sense and raises more questions. Like, why green?

Here's what we've known and what I long thought to have happened in some home further down the road. In the early 1970's a realtor, this street's namesake no less, entrusted or invested a large sum of money with a local accountant. The accountant embezzled the money or somehow lost it, either way it's dodgy. The realtor, out of revenge, disguised as a woman to kidnap the accountant's wife from her workplace car park.

I know, it's like something out of Monty Python. Well, hold onto your hats folks, 'cause it only gets more farfetched from here. If you're reading before bed I advise you to stop now.

Some of her co-workers saw her leaving with the 'woman' and assumed she was waving to them from the car window as it drove off. Unfortunately she was calling for help, not waving goodbye. This was the last sighting of her.

The realtor/killer, willingly confessed to police what he had done, but would not tell them where the body was. He hanged himself in either prison or custody. The woman's whereabouts remained a mystery.

I assume his willingness to confess was part of his twisted revenge and refusal to locate the body a final cruel blow. His suicide another cruel blow; her location dies with him.

In the mid/late 1970's one of Dad's friends lived in the house opposite, before the other neighbours lived there. My parents and their friends are the kinds of people to stay up late and have people stay the night. Late one night this chap, Dad's mate, said goodnight to his guests and got up to go to bed. He tripped over the rug, or the rug was caught on something, in any case it shifted. He noticed some floorboards were uneven and didn't match the rest of the floor.

This chap knew about the missing body and that his house once belonged to the killer. So he and his mates started ripping up the mismatched floor boards. Underneath they found a hand protruding from soil. They called police.

My parents weren't there that night but woke to the sound of loud banging in the night. Which were the cops ripping the floor apart across the street.

The body was identified as the accountant's wife and I guess the case was closed. The police wouldn't grant the media any access to this case. The stories published were complete fabrications, misinformation and slander against the home's appearance. How can you slander a home's appearance? That's just silly. Mum recalls those articles being laughable.

To sum up, throughout the years I thought all that floor drama happened further down the road in some other house. But very recently found out Dad's mate lived in the same house I used to experience green weirdness in. The 'green room' being the room she was hidden/found underneath.

Bloody hell, this has given me the creeps since forever. Now it's creeping me out all over again in new ways. But getting back on point...

Why the heck green? Remember this happened to me years after she was found. I can understand feeling fear and wanting to escape while in that room. But why green weirdness? I suppose this colour was significant in some way but I'll never know.

Unfortunately I can't give any details of this, and Dad's since lost touch with this guy. The chap who found her, some time before he found her, had one heck of an encounter with what he believes to be the same woman. His encounter was 'innocent' and didn't include any green, however.

We don't know where the murder took place or how she was killed. My parents sort of knew the killer only in passing and remember him as 'a real arrogant pr--- who no one missed'.

I'd love to hear from anyone who's ever experienced a weird colour like this before. What creates it? Was I seeing through the filter of a ghost's aura or mood? Was someone trying to communicate? Was it residual emotion?

As far as my albeit basic knowledge of the meanings of colours goes, green is usually associated with healing and calm. However, I'm sure that's deep or dark greens. This was intense, loud green.

As a side note, while on Troll Patrol I think my patrol name has changed a few times. This is because I use another street name, forget which one I used, use another and so on. It's not the name of the street we lived on which bothers me so much, it's the disgusting person it was named after!

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)
Jaderae, far out. Very revealing, thanks for sharing that info! 😊
jaderae (3 stories) (29 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
Tweed and Elfstone,

I'm not a doctor... But I found the following condition while looking up medical conditions that could impact vision: chloropsia, or "green vision". It can be caused by light exposure, or " in people suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning and oxygen deprivation."

It seems you don't know how the woman died, but I could imagine someone who's dying not getting enough oxygen in their bloodstream for various reasons.


roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
2nd1st, hello sir! Sorry to bob in the conversation.
As I know, very few people could experience "the Color perception Filter". What I know of (I am not sure if this is exactly what Tweed is experiencing) is some people could sense the atmosphere and the temperature of a certain event (in this case the atmosphere when the murder is accorded?); they will feel or know how the victim had felt, sometimes the pain and the emotion as well. Most of this, they will not physically see what had happened but instead they will feel a barrier or a force to stop at a certain level of knowing the event (in this case Tweed is seeing a green filter, but she felt the emotions of the atmosphere when the murder is happening, perhaps the force stopped her from seeing the even physically and filtered it by making her see a green filter?)
This kind of encounters is sure very mystic but at least we know that a few people can experience it. Not to be religious, but a human being could never have abilities of a high spirit (May I address such beings as gods/goddesses?) Things such as looking back the truth past and knowing the future, we can do those in a human way though (like investigating the case and studying the histories)
Logically, certain people will have reaction against a certain location, could be explained as, the person might be allergic to certain particles in certain locations (house dusts, plants or molds, insects or flees, mice or other animals), such reactions can make a person to "see things" perhaps, just a guess not really too scientific if you ask. Hope that helped a little

Love from São Paulo

2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
I've read and re read this account and the comments a number of times over the last week or so. I must confess that I am mystified. I have never heard of a... I don't know what to call it... Colour perception filter maybe? Before. Interesting to hear that other posters have experienced similar.

I guess the question is... What is it? Not that any of us have a sure answer.
Given that it appears to be that it is not experienced by all present in the room, there must be a factor of the observer involved.
But is it a physical aspect, such as the ability of the eye to receive certain aspects of light? Or an aspect of the brains ability to interpret that which the eye absorbs? Or is it something that the brain somehow interprets aside from the actual optical input?

I have no idea. But it is fascinating.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-15)
Lunahenry, this is why I shouldn't post comments while busy😆 I meant to address your green hue before!

Further down in the comments Elfstone had an interesting idea about the green being linked to colour/light spectrum. She surmised that green being in the middle of the spectrum may have something to do with why I, or you, experience it. I've been thinking about that idea ever since.

That's cool you experience this too! I guess you're calm when you experience it? I ask because I was always scared. So now I'm wondering if the colour itself had nothing to do with the fear, that the colour would have happened regardless of how I felt or the history of the location. Maybe this green hue is specific to a paranormal energy, and not so much a fearful response. Far out interesting!
Lunahenry (2 stories) (50 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-15)
Tweed. Thank you for your response. We will never know the truth unless we search. There is a lot of questions unanswered regarding this incident. My post though was mainly to let you know that I too have experienced the green hue in my room many times.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-15)
Lunahenry, thanks for sharing your knowledge about this green. I'm going to look up the Philadelphia Experiments you mentioned in more detail. So far a bit of light reading turns up conspiracy theories and reports of these experiments being untrue. 😕
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-13)
Lunahenry, I did a research for The Philadelphia Experiment, yes, it's said that the room was all green but it is kind of a different story, is it? The Philadelphia Experiment is about rumors of crazy experiments during 1930's and 1940's, teleportation, time traveling and things. No, I believe it's different.

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-13)
Tweed, I see I see, I understand about time it happened so no worries for not being specific, I could totally understand the empathy thing could now I have heard and read too many stories about this, yours I believe is also one of those very special ones, I wonder why some people could be so brave to face them and tries to deal with the event though, as some people suggested it could be dangerous, I hope you are not one of those people.

Best luck!

Lunahenry (2 stories) (50 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-13)
I feel spirits around me. They also touch. When I am waking up I keep my eyes closed engrossed in the intense feelings of the spirits. When I finally open my eyes the room is always awash in green and quickly fades away. Could it be that the green denotes another dimension. If you read the story about "The Philadelphia Experiment", there were witnesses that said the area had become green before the ship disappeared.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-13)
Roylynx, yeup, what you've described is what an 'empath' does (from the word 'empathy'), they feel emotions of a location or object, picking up on events etc. I believe there was some 'empath' stuff going on with me and that room.

It's way to long ago to remember sudden temperature changes. I remember that room being mostly cold, but that could just as well have been the position of the house. The emotions were only felt in that room. Once out of the room I'd return to normal pretty quick.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-12)
Sinto muito! I did not see the message for me until I read this story again. So you have sensed to mood of the event? OK. I see.
Were there a temperature change? And did you become emotional from times?
Well, I did a research and heard a story from a relative from my father's side (my grandmother's father's brother's son's daughter), that some people can sense the emotion of the deceased ones, it could be the emotion that they had during the death or it could the the feeling on how they felt before they passed away (if they were suffering, some people would also suffer the same way in a particular location). Most ocation they would feel the atmosphere and the weather (tempertaure, humidity, etc), I don't know if this would help but I hope you find it interesting.

Love from São Paulo

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-09)
Thanks Lady Glow and Notadaddysgirl, glad you both enjoyed it.

As a side note it feels weird using words like enjoy and like for this, but I know what you mean!😊
notadaddysgirl (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-09)
Ive been off this site for a while and this is the first story I read when I came back on.

I loved it thanks for sharing.

As always Tweed an interesting read. ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-08)
Tweed: thanks for sharing such an interesting story.
More characters?! I really like it. 😉
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-07)
Biblio far out! In reading how you describe what happens with your yellow filter, I can imagine my perception's part in this green. I don't recall any other location from back then feeling as bad as this room. But maybe if I'd had exposure to somewhere with an equally negative past, just maybe I'd get the same colour.
Cool you do it with people!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-07)
Oh, dear, I was very late when I typed that!
"Colour=bonded" was supposed to be 'color-bonded' (American spelling and a hyphen!), and "seeing a filer" has nothing to do with filing cabinets; that was supposed to be "seeing a filter."
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-07)

I'm reading this very late at night, and I'm just damn relieved I'm not alone in this! I've never had it happen in a single location, but it usually happens when I REALLY focus on someone else.
The individual's face usually remains unaffected, but the rest of my field of vision becomes obscured with a yellow glow. For the most part, this has happened in well-lit public spaces, usually with overhead florescent bulbs (which don't emit the full spectrum anyway). I have no idea why this happens, but it coincides with feelings of strong empathy, awareness, and trust. If someone or something interrupts my concentration, the normal world all snaps back in to place; if I immediately try to resume focusing on the person I "colour=bonded" (for lack of a better term), I can reestablish the focus; if I wait more than a minute, it's gone.
I'm well aware that this is an odd post, and one which provides less hard data than usual, but It's possible that seeing a filer is in some way connected with specific brainwave patterns. Your brain may have been creating a visual feedback in response to some other stimulus, and it showed up as "green" in your perceptions.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
Jane, thanks for your thoughts.
You've got a good point about the residual emotion aspect of this, as I feel this is at least part of what the colour was all about too.
The green association with money I'm going to rule out however, because in Australia money is very colourful. Australian money has since gone through some design changes, but even the old design from back then was colourful.
With the residual emotion theory I was wondering if 'envy' had anything to do with it. Only from the old saying 'green with envy'. Wondered if the woman was attractive and jealousy arose from this. I don't know what any of these people look like, so that's just another guess to the long list.

Kiiko, thanks too for your thoughts. I completely agree that colours carry emotions. But I've got to disagree on painting walls neutral colours to keep the calm. I find the generally popular 'everything white' trend very, well, boring. 😆 You and Val have both touched on insanity and I feel this is part of the green too.
I don't know if this can be classified as an 'ability', as I've never experienced this in any other location except this room.
kiiko (1 stories) (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
Colors can express emotion or feeling. It's just like painting a whole room red and feeling quite hot in it. That's why most rooms tend to have pale browns and whites to give it a better atmosphere. In this case, the room was green. It could symbol greed and money. Heck, even jealousy. However, I think it could be green to induce paranoia or to lose their sanity. That's why you could of felt fear because of panicking or whatever.

I can only feel spirits, sometimes see them. It's a family thing that gets passed down through generations. I gotta see if someone in my family has this sort of ability.

Great story.

Your friend,
jane_lee (4 stories) (32 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
Hello Tweed... Wow interesting story... I feel sorry for the accountant's wife... It is unfortunate she paid with her life for her husband's action... As for the green color and you felt scared and the need to escape, I have an opinion that maybe it's the residual energy of the victim wanting to be found or escape from her grave and because the green color also means safety and also associated with money and greed.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-04)
Elfstone, wow I really love your theory, thanks! 😊
It did seem like the world was washed with green, as you say. The way it grew more green the longer I stuck it out in there certainly fits this kind of scenario. Also the shade and tone of this colour is just like one of the green shades along the spectrum of light.
Oddly enough the other day I was reading about how mirrors work. (I get curious about random things now and then!) This lead to playing with the colour spectrum using different light sources in a mirror. Your observation is very timely and way cool!
elfstone810 (227 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-04)
I've been thinking about this since I read it last night. I have a suggestion. It's pretty far out and I haven't found any science to back it up but...

Humans see light in the visible spectrum that runs from red to violet. If you list them in order, like the colors of the rainbow, they run red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Green is in the middle of the spectrum.

Maybe when someone is dying, as their vision starts to fail, they lose the ability to see color, starting with the extremes at either end. If that happened, it might seem like the world is being washed in green.

Also, there's a theory that sound is the last sense to fade.

So maybe you were picking up on the dead woman's experience as she lay dying. The room turned an eerie green and the sound began to fade.

Just a suggestion.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-03)
Sushantkar, thank you for your kind words. 😊

I have done a little healing work over the years but no where near as much as someone like Hecate. I think I understand what you mean with the colour associations involved. I like that perspective, thanks!
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-03)
Hello Tweed! I would say I have read an incredible good and knowledgbly new experience form you.
As far as color green is concern, I will also mirror the same as manefon had said. Have you ever done pranik healing?
bspilker (1 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-03)
Yeah I was just throwing out some possibilities. It is still baffling about you seeing the room in that filter. Who knows maybe someone will stumble read this story with more information of why you saw it the way you did, and maybe a better idea of the meaning like Valk and Manfon have.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-03)
Val, thanks for saying that.😊 I kind of needed to hear it because when I was a kid that's pretty much the impression I got from the colour, one of toxicity. But I didn't know how to process what was happening or why it was happening. Had I known this was the same room and house from the floor drama I'd heard about it would have made sense to me. That said, I might have brushed it all off as overactive imagination as an adult.

I've been thinking about how my mix up with Dad's mate's house has been a strange blessing in that way. By the time I was born the guy had long moved out. He used to visit us, I pieced together that he lived in our street from their conversations. Wrongly assumed that he still lived in our street at that time, and that he must live further down from us, then carried that misunderstanding ever since.
When I was corrected about his place being the one opposite I darn nearly fainted lol! Well, not really faint but you get the idea.

Manafon, lol it seems you stumbled upon the same nonsense I found when I went a-searchin for this colour phenomenon. Yeah, don't know about the validity of those domains. I'm sure they have some useful info but, like you, I came away with 'meh'. 😉

Bspilker, no one knows how or where it happened. The police might have known, but didn't make it public. All those possibilities I listed are sort of just that, possible. But I've got no reliable fact to base it on. It could also be a conglomerate of factors, a detail including this colour, plus the overall emotion represented by this colour, resulting in an overload of green. 😕
bspilker (1 stories) (15 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-03)
Tweed that was also my second thought on it, that the murder has something to do with the color. Like you said maybe wrapped up in it or maybe even the color of the shirt she was wearing. Did they ever disclose the cause of death in the Murder? Another thought was maybe she was suffocated with like a green throw pillow or something. Again I am just thoughts of the reason.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-03)
Hi Tweed--Apparently the color theory of orbs seems attached to "new age" types of thinking. One website I found ( states, "In spiritual practice, green is associated with the heart. It is also associated with nature. Green orbs are sometimes thought to be an indication of a human spirit, as opposed to one that was never on Earth in human form."

Meanwhile, states, "Everything in the universe is composed of energy vibrating at its own rate or frequency. The individual vibration or frequency of each color incites a particular emotion, mood or state of being, and therefore can also represent a particular emotion, mood or state of being." This site then shows a chart which suggests that greens are associated with neutrality, healing, communicative and psychic healing.

I am really on the fence about interpreting what the color of an orb signifies and I have no idea if any of this info correlates with the green color you saw but thought I would give you some new agey orb insight 😜.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-03)
The color green can have many meanings, among these are toxicity or poison. It can also denote an illness of either mind or body (usually a kind of neon yellow-green). I can't help but wonder if perhaps that room held a kind of double whammy for you: picking up on the both the killer's and victim's status/emotions at the same time.
Think about it for a moment: over-all most don't take killing lightly. Arrogant s.o.b. Or not, odds are there has to be a snapping point. Somehow we convince ourselves that x must be killed. Fuel ourselves with the bile of hate and revenge. If you watch films/shows from the late 60s, early 70s, quite often 'bad' drug trips/insanity scenes are seen through green filters (and the infamous fish-eye effect). So perhaps this green you saw, was the killer's toxicity, his insanity.
The need to escape, get away would be the victim, I'd think. I can't imagine that the feeling wouldn't be strong.
I can't say I've experienced a color change like that, but have felt emotions simultaneously. Anyways, that's one heck of event you had!

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