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Real Ghost Stories

Mysterious Children In The Mountain


I was in high school when my dad planned a trip to visit our grandparents in Catanduanes, which is one of the provinces here in the Philippines. When he asked us to come with him, we got pretty excited since it will be our first time. We could have taken a plane, but we don't want to miss the chance of witnessing different breathtaking views. So we took a bus for 11 hours, a boat ride for 4 hours and another bus ride for five hours from the port to our grandparent's house. Whew! It was a day's worth of travel. It was exhausting, but it was worth it.

They were so surprised and delighted when we arrived. My dad knows how fascinated I am with tales of the supernatural and mentioned that my grandparents have a lot of stories to tell. I keep bugging them even while we're having dinner until finally they started talking. Haha

How I eagerly listen as they tell me this story...

My grandpa came from a family of fishermen and farmers. He remembered one night when he was just a small kid, his dad awakened him around two in the morning to prepare the things needed for fishing. Still confused and half-asleep, he slowly got up to help his dad. He carried the fishing rods on their way to the beach. They got on a small boat and paddled their way into the open water.

They've decided to anchor near the foot of a mountain and cast the bait into the water. They have been on the boat for almost two hours, but they haven't caught any. Not a single fish was taking the bait. My grandfather being a kid, was getting cranky and insists on going back when all of a sudden, near the top of the mountain, torches appeared one by one accompanied by children's laughter as if they're playing. My grandpa was startled. He was asking himself who might those kids be? What are they doing in the mountains in the middle of the night? His dad uttered that they might be one of the neighbors' kids.

The next thing they heard is a rumbling noise, and the water started to ripple. The sound they heard seems like a big boulder is rolling down the mountain, but they can't figure out where it's coming from. My grandpa got scared and demanded them to leave or else they might get crushed. His dad told him to stay still and be quiet. When all of a sudden, something started pulling the line. It was a fish. They put it in a basket and not long after casting a bait, again, there was another catch. It happened over and over and even some of the fish would just jump into the boat, all they have to do is grab it. When the basket was full, the rumbling sound disappeared, the water became calm and the children carrying the torches vanished one by one as if they're going inside a cave. They went home puzzled, but with smiles on their faces.

The next day, his dad asked the neighbors to find out if any of their kids was on that mountain that night. They told him that no one's been there, and nobody goes there especially at night. Nevertheless, whoever or whatever they are, he appreciates the help.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Hommie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-20)
Spot on, Randy!

I've said this before and I will say it again: You can always tell the real experiences because they are generally short and simple.

Some people just think this is a site for fiction.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-20)
Argette and Melda

True paranormal experiences are rare and very brief most of the time. I realize there are people that are sensitive and more tuned to being able to experience them than most.
That said, when someone comes along that is claiming all sorts of paranormal experiences my red alert goes off.

I also think that there are those that fancy themselves as the next Stephen King and love to see if they can tell a campfire story and get all sorts of oooohs and awes.

Best to you both
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-20)
Melda, I was trying to be diplomatic.

I do think some people like to see their words online, though. Perhaps they are so enamoured with their writing, they assume we will be, too and will heap compliments on them.

Fat chance.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-20)
Argette - I'm not so sure that this can be confined to all newbies. Perhaps they join the site for the wrong reason, in other words simply to get their experiences out there and unfortunately at times to post fiction.

I can still be regarded as a newbie, only joined in February but from the time I posted my first experience I was on the site constantly to read comments and questions and reply to whatever the members' comments might be.

I also joined to learn from highly experienced members.

I do, however, understand your comment - "five minutes of fame" so to speak - if you can even call it that!

Regards, Melda
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
I suppose it is possible that newbies are not aware that sometimes the best info is in the comments, where questions are asked and answered.

Looks like Hommie has never commented.

Oh well, onward and upward...
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Val, I can only echo yours and others sentiments on that fair point.

Maybe Hommies too busy churning out his next installment to answer all his readers questions?

His profile page is like something out of a dating website. All he's missed out is that he enjoys long, romantic walks on the beach and he loves cats, particularly kittens.

On that profile page he states "...Always with delight to be acquainted with people from all walks of life and highly enjoys sensible conversation. Who knows, one day you and I might explore a place of beauty and wonder together..."

Well, Hommie (ahem) in case you haven't noticed there's a lot of people here who would like to have a sensible conversation with you regarding your many experiences. I'm not sure about any desire of the readers to "explore places of beauty and wonder together" with you, but it would be GREAT if you could explore the comments section of your many submissions, at the very least...


grain_of_sand (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
lady-glow: Hello. That's okay, I just liked the story, whether it was true or not, for it's air of mystery, etc. I know what you're saying though. Thanks.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
🤔 It does make me wonder, when someone checks will participate in the discussion, yet never makes a single comment. Especially when they apparently have time to submit multiple experiences. Yet no time to check for responses, or to clarify certain aspects? Or even post on someone else's accounting? Very curious...
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
Grain_of_sand: not meaning to disagree or contradict with you but there's not much mystery about this story, just check online and you will find extensive information and videos about this 'fishy' behavior.

Actually, there's only one thing I find mysterious...

Was that mountain covered by a forest of bonsai trees or the children with torches were taller than the tropical trees that grow in the mountain, or these events happened at the foot of a rocky mountain with a bare surface? 😕

Earth to Hommie...!
Earth to Hommie...!

Are you listening (reading)? 😐
grain_of_sand (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-19)
I liked it for its air of mystery, sense of doom and foreboding. Otherworldliness. Thanks for sharing. These types of things do happen.
BruceWade (1 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-18)
It would have been better if the details are not that vague for the readers.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-16)
Hommie - I see you have published quite a few of your experiences. I have read them all and have in fact commented on this specific one but I would like to ask you this question.

You have not as yet posted a response to any comments or questions, for example this specific account. I know that your last few submissions are new and there are no comments on them as yet.

Is it your intention to post all your experiences and then start responding to all of them?

I do not want to come across as critical of your modus operandi but I am a little bit curious 😊

Regards, Melda
Argette (guest)
8 years ago (2017-06-15)
Simply beautiful. I'm with Augusta and Melda.

Some experiences cannot be explained.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-15)
Hommie - I loved this account and how beautiful it would be to believe that these fish were "sent" into the boat to assist your grandfather!

However I have to agree with other posters and take the route that there was some sort of natural underwater activity.

I am rather curious about the children's laughter and the torches. Coming from South Africa we call flashlights "torches". Were these flashlights or actually "fire burning torches"?

Regards, Melda
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-15)
Hi Hommie,

I too am thinking along the same lines of lady-glow and Mac.
Fish do sleep and the disturbance would be enough to wake and disorient them enough for them to jump in the boat. I've seen fish jump in a boat on a Nat-Geo show. Also I live in an area that doesn't get earth quakes. But when my daughter was an infant I was awoken just before dawn. My husband and I were living in apartment in his grandmothers house. The furnace was old and I thought it had blown up. I woke my husband up to check it but it was fine. I later found out that there had been an earth quake over 100 miles away.

How early do people wake up in that region to know if children were out playing with torches?

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-14)
I don't know... I get a feeling this might have been paranormal... Perhaps the spirits of generations of fishermen and sailors lost at sea pitching in to give their brethren a hand. Again, I don't really know... But I just really like the idea of this being paranormal - the whole thing seems so beautiful ❤
aisyah1987 (2 stories) (31 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-14)
This is beautiful...
Trying to imagine how it felt like to be in the waters...
Might be freaky but it must be really nice...
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-13)
Hi Hommie

Yes, I'm thinking along the same lines as Lady-glow, these events could be explained in a non-paranormal way. I would think an earthquake could account for the noise, or an underwater landslide or an underwater landslide caused by an earthquake?

The fish behavior could be caused by the earthquake / landslide disturbance or just coincidence that they were biting at that point the geological activity was happening.

The lights and voices on the mountain could be actual people going up the mountain, and really, would the neighbors actually know who was or wasn't on that mountain at any time, including the early hours of the morning?


lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-06-13)
Welcome to YGS.

I mean no offence but, if it had been me I'd had ask your grandfather a lot of questions about this experience, probably to the point of earning a smack on the head.😐

-How close/far to the shoreline was their boat?
-Were there any trees on the mountain?
-How high is this particular mountain?
-How sharp or soft is the slope of the mountain?
-Does he know if there's any kind of activity on the mountain? I know you have established that it was "the middle of the night", but considering that they got up at around 2:00 am, plus almost two hours waiting for fish to bait, plus whatever time it took them to get ready and to reach the spot where they decided to anchor it must have been close to the sunrise. Is he aware of the existence of a mine or a workers camp in that area?
-Is it possible that the rumble and rippling of the water were produced by a small earthquake?
-Would it be possible that the fish began jumping out of the water because they were either hunting for insects or they were trying to get away from a predator?

Your story is interesting but, in my opinion, not necessarily paranormal. Some of the facts can be explained by natural causes.

Thanks for sharing.

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