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Time Slip One December Morning


In my 20's I worked for NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California. You know the place with the gigantic blimp hangars? Yep, that's the one. It was a great job with a rotten commute. It took about an hour to go under 25 miles to work. I'm the workaholic type personality so I left even earlier than I needed to every day. One of the great perks was a canteen so you could sit down and have breakfast before things got hectic. An added bonus was it was so cheap that I could afford it every day.

One morning I got up very late. I had to leave about 5:45 to average getting there at 7:00. It was already 6:45. My alarm clock was old and it had finally died. Jumped up, got dressed (like ugh, I look like I slept under a bus) and ran out the door. No breakfast today and my boss had the dubious name of Wolfe Kahle. I don't think he ever got the pun, but he lived up to it. He would corner you at your desk and give you a good 5 minutes dressing down at top volume. At best, I'd be an hour and a half late.

Bay Area traffic is known for being bumper to bumper, even though the freeways are 8 lanes across. Anyone from the Bay Area will be saying preaching to the choir at this point, as an aside. Especially on 101 heading north out of San Jose. The later you leave, the more clogged the freeways are. I had to wait at a metered ramp for 10 minutes just to jump on at Cottle Road. Great. I turned on my usual AM station KGO so that I could get traffic updates. I want to stress that they update roads every 10 minutes. In about 20 minutes, I had gone maybe 4 miles.

Nail biting panic and worrying for the next 40 minutes until I got up to Logue Avenue exit. It's a clover leaf with a total pain of a merge. I had to come off the freeway, jump 3 lanes left and hit a turn lane with a protected arrow. The whole time I was hearing updates on the time and traffic. As I merged into the clover leaf I heard a pop of air pressure almost like when a storm rolls in.

Now here's the fun part. I hit the clover leaf, sighed and braced for the merge. No traffic. Not one car. It's quiet. I noticed the sky was darker and wondered if there was a storm coming in. The turn light went green and I drove the six or so blocks to NASA. It's darker still and the guard barely glanced at me at the gate. I was used to seeing the same man every day and at least saying hello. This guy looked 'wrong'. If you pulled someone out of 1950 and plunked him down in a mall, you would notice that all of the details are just enough to grab your attention, without knowing why. It hit me so hard that I watched him in my rearview mirror as long as I could. He never moved or went back in the little guard shack.

As I pulled in to parking lot, this is going to sound very loopy by the way, but my car radio went silent and everything 'shifted'. Have you ever been blind folded and spun around and gotten very dizzy? It's that feeling. Everything was subtly different. The lot was empty. I sat there for a minute with my mouth open trying to figure out if I had lost my mind. My car radio suddenly blasted back on and I heard the KGO announcer say "Good Morning, Bay Area. It's 6:29 and traffic is still light. We'll have updates in one minute, but first here's our weather outlook." I checked every station. It was the same. My watch said 8:29. Where did the time go? And did I really want to find out? After all, NASA Ames would have been a good place to monitor if you wanted to see what humanity was up to technologically. The rest of the day went on normally, but I never forgot it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, EmmalineTexas, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Martin (602 posts) mod
3 years ago (2021-12-05)
Bibliothecarius, thanks for the notification, but for an individual story, the author (or friends) should contact the other web sites. I only intervene when another web site copies our content in bulk, otherwise I would spend all my days on it. Also, I cannot always be 100% sure the author didn't simply publish it in other places.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
3 years ago (2021-12-05)
Thanks Biblio, I've notified Martin. And I need 50 characters to post. So I guess I'll just add some dribble...
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
3 years ago (2021-12-04)
This story has been plagiarized onto the following websites:
Https:// -posted by "Debi"
Https:// -posted by "Lon Strickler"

Both copies of the story were posted on April 22, 2019, about a year-and-a-half after Emma posted it here.

Strangely, in each case, the copied narrative includes EmmalineTexas' signoff "ETX," though that is not included on YGS.

The narrative has made it onto the "Paranormal Rising" channel on Youtube, as one of the stories included on this video, dated August 18, 2021:

I was listening to the video when I knew I'd read the story here, before.

Thanks for looking into this,
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-07)
Biblio - Thanks so much for your comment. I think I understand it. Wow. So you're saying that my subconscious mind was aware of the time overlap and the fact that I was literally in two places at one time? I'm going back to my Time Slips for Dummies handbook and will definitely read about the cases that you cite. Will try post a more literate reply when I've read them. Thank you...fascinating. You're amazing!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-01)
Greetings, Emmaline.

I'm catching up on the backlog of submissions I missed over the last two months. This narrative --and the tangent on the Mandela Effect--was particularly interesting. I, too, recall the "these aren't the droids you're looking for" scene, but the astromech that passes between the camera and the speeder on the Youtube link looks like it was one of the digitally-added characters from the re-release...

Anyway, I noticed that all of the commentary focused upon your experience as a subjective chronology that was consistent as a sequence, but diverged from the standard external reference points. Perhaps it's just me, but I was struck by the geographic anomaly: as you apparently travelled through a time slip, you were shunted backward by two hours, meaning that you would have been in two places at the same time for the entirety of the overlapped experience. Your sudden awakening could have been a simple habitual reaction of your brain to the alteration in your sleep cycle, of course, but I wondered if your sentience, your awareness of self, was jump-started by the overlapping hours; perhaps a hyper-awareness due to your confusion and subsequent scrutiny of the clocks upon your arrival would be enough to form a rudimentary telepathic link with your sleeping mind at home? Your personal chronology (again, *relativity*) would not permit this under normal circumstances, but a time slip event within mere hours (i.e.: not a historical time slip like the "The Moberly - Jourdain Incident" or multiple-year slip, as in the case of the R.A.F.'s Sir Victor Goddard) would put you in proximity to yourself. If such telepathic phenomena occur (I have had it happen exactly once in four decades), who has a brain better-suited to receive your thoughts than you? I know I've wandered into the deep weeds of pure speculation, but it was to illustrate that time-slips *may* allow for additional phenomena that appear to be cases of closed-loop causality that do not trap the individual permanently within a theoretically-persistent temporal phenomenon.

Kip Thorne (I think he's at Cal Tech) has written some interesting material on temporal/spatial anomalies that are logical extensions of both known and theoretical physics (I've recommended his "Black Holes and Time Warps" book on YGS in the past --relativistically speaking).

It's a shame that you had no equipment for objective measurement to catalogue your experiences; you could have held a conference: "Quantum Displacement in Biophysics: Epistemological Boundaries for Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle." 😲

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-23)
You may very well be right about it pertaining to YGS. Neutrinos as massless with a known oscillation. Now, if we could measure that in a handheld capacity we'd be farther along understanding different states of being. I really think sometimes that things we don't understand just lack the science at the time to explain them.

Wow, wow, wow.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-23)

Now reading your story again, I've just had a big Homer Simpson moment 'Duh'. I should have realized that AMES does not equal JPL.

One of the 3 figures was Juno and I think you're right another one was Mars. They were made out of an Aluminium alloy to withstand heat.

One other thing on the news was that NASA scientists had finally found that the earth does stop 'ghost particles' (neutrinos). I thought this was pretty cool from a YGS perspective.

Everything is Awesome

PS. I did not mention the Mandela Effect at all.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-23)
I'm so sorry I had a big old nerd moment there 😜 I meant Silicon Valley, not that I worked for JPL.

That reminds me of a T-shirt I used to wear. It said "Don't call me a nerd. I prefer the term intellectual bad***".

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-23)
Wow, you're kidding? That is the kind of thing you could tell someone and they would never believe you. It was a fun atmosphere when I was there. You always had to allow for everyone's idiosyncrasies. Some people refused to use the phone, others were hermits and some were big old frat boys who spent days playing with (yes, really) Legos. What was the purpose of the Lego figures going to Mars? Sounds fun but not a very practical way to prove a hypothesis including humans. JPL is propulsion if I remember right. My area did heat shielding tiles.

Tell me more, please. That's pretty fascinating.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-23)

This is insane! I watched a doco on TV called the Lego Story.

One of the recurring themes was 3 Lego figures stuck on a probe going to Jupiter? Towards the end, the story cut to JPL California and their 'Lego Room' for the designers of space crafts.

These guys in white coats looking very 'official' walking back and forth between the Lego Block bin and whatever they were constructing. The space probe was the 'real deal' - it really is on its way to Jupiter with the 3 Lego figures.

What an awesome place to work.

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-18)
Hi Jubeele ❤ Thank you so much. I saw that and honestly my first thought was hmmm, news isn't transparent no matter what people like to think. Someone in the early stages must have had an oops moment. 😆

I love how thorough you are! Oh my gosh, Jubeele. You are amazing. I love researching things also.

Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-18)
Emma, I saw this news snippet and just had to share it with you. I knew someone at NASA was messing around with time travel!

This wormhole theory only allows for travel backwards in time. Hope someone doesn't sneeze at the wrong moment and set off an unpredictable chain reaction...

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-11)
L_Melb - I've wondered about that a few times over the years. If they did get on with my life, then I hope that they made better choices than I did. Like investing heavily in Bitcoin a couple of years ago. 😁 😜 Thank you.
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-10)
Hi Emmaline,
Another great read and fascinating experience.
Am I the only person who wonders if in an alternate dimension "you" woke up on time and got to work a couple of hours late and are telling your friends about it and just as confused?
We can only hope Wolfe is a sweetheart in that dimension! 😜
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Trisk- good luck on finding originals. Like I tried with the books lol. I even love asking librarians and people who work a book stores. And when they spell it the way I do. All I can do is grin and ask " are you sure?" LOL and of course they will go to the shelves and find them and then say noooooo lol. Then they say I'm going to check my old ones at home. So if half the world can remember it as Stein... Definitely something going on there 🙄 we can't all be having bad memory. And actually my memory is very good. No one can ever tell me it was stain all along and Luke I am your father is a HUGE one too lol.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Haha I, too, would be happy to take to email. Would love to confer with fellow "sliders" on ehm, "anomalies."

Thank you, Emma! Someone commented on the video "Yay! The unaltered version of the scene!" That means it was at least in one of the original versions!
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
Hmm near death experience I have had and that would kind of explain it, but my hubby has not and he remembers what I remember. If we are getting out of hand (let us know MODS) and I can feel Miracles coming soon to steer us into emails hehe I am open to this topic over email.
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-08)
I wish I could explain what I started here. Sorry guys lol it just fascinates the crap out of me. And since I do believe in time warps, I thought it was somewhat suitable to mention 🤔 but please do not let it consume u. There will always be things we cannot explain as no one knows 100% how this world works, or else this site wouldn't exist 😊
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-07)
Triskaideka - Sorry for going way off topic everyone, but I was able to find a clip from the Star Wars theatrical release that does have the Obi-Wan mind trick scene. Https:// I love how we cover all topics on this site and again I apologize for hijacking.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-07)
I've had some near-death experiences, as well. So glad that I've been helpful. Please check back in and share if you find anything you think really seems a fitting explanation for what you experienced! This is so fascinating.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-07)
Triskaideka - That's fascinating! Thank you. I don't know about you but I've had a couple of times where I should have taken the exit ramp. I'm sure that quite a few ghost stories are 'sliders' who are perceived as ghosts. Now, I have a new area of theories to explore. Thank you so much. ❤
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-07)
Update: Reading through another forum for hours, I've read many comments postulating that near-death experiences often cause people to be more prone to what they call "sliding" (slipping between alternate realities and times). Another interesting hypothesis is that ghosts are actually people from 200 years ago, for example, dreaming and sliding into the present. Interesting. It appears that ghosts, time-travel, psychic stuff, etc. All connect in some way.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-07)
I don't know what my thoughts are because I fell down the Mandela Effect rabbit hole and now I'm questioning everything. Poor memory? Maybe. Not sure. I have a few trains of thoughts here, I suppose. 1) "Sliding", 2) Poor memory en masse, 3) False news reports (re: deaths of people, massacres, etc.) Still doesn't explain the Star Wars thing. 😕
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-07)
Thank you! My friends, ages ranging 26-34 disagree. They claim it was added into the new release.

And it wasn't on my parents' VHS tapes.

I... May need to ask my dad for those tapes before they move and Mom makes him toss them out! 😳
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-07)
Triskaideka - I CLEARLY remember the scene where Obi-Wan Kenobi says "These aren't the droids that you're looking for. Move along". I just asked my husband and he remembers it also. This was in the original release! I'm having a brain boggle... Thoughts, please?
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-07)
Okay whoa hold the phone.

Going off on the tangent here.

Mandela -didn't- die in prison? *Googles*
Good grief. See, I remember him dying of being ill. But then a little over two years ago, someone told me that he died in prison. I was extremely confused, so I googled it then, and indeed, got returns that he'd died in prison. Interestingly, that same year was when I found out the books were Berenstain, not Berenstein. I went hunting for my childhood books that I had in a box, didn't locate them, had uhm, an experience which I won't share here but it also seemed like time travel.
So here I am, wondering at Nelson Mandela's death yet again. It is now what I had remembered. What the heck?
Checking Wayback Machine... The 2013 capture has been deleted. 2014 and on also report his death due to respiratory failure.
People remembering "Luke, I am your father" I always believed just don't know how to quote things. My partner and I quote things all the time and we are quite precise about it. I'm also frequently correcting people's "but then I took an arrow to the knee" quote from a videogame called Skyrim. It's "-in- the knee", not to the knee.

That said, I stumbled upon the mandela effect blog... And... I remember that episode their friend is speaking of, if it's the one they were talking about. They went in a hovercraft in the desert and there's a bit when obi-wan waves his hand at the guy and convinces him to let them pass, said "these aren't the droids you're looking for". You see, that was in it when I was a kid (I was born in '85.) But then when they released the remaster, everyone acted like it was a -newly released- scene. I was like what on earth are you talking about, that was always in it. My friends were incredulous. Told me I was crazy, I was misremembering, no one had seen that scene before because it was never released. I watched Star Wars over and over and over again in my childhood. I knew that scene existed in the original.

Visited my parents, pulled out their VHS tapes and VCR, rewatched the movies. The scene was missing.

Someone please tell me, was it in the original or not?

Were there multiple releases? I watched them on repeat at a friends' house. Perhaps her parents owned another version of the VHS tapes?

Is the Mandela effect actually a thing or are people just confused by a) poor memories and b) multiple releases and poor documentation?


Thank you, Emma, for sharing your story. That's absolutely fascinating. I, too, wonder what NASA was researching then.

PS - Sorry for rambling / hijacking. I'm just so dang confused right now.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-06)
Melda - Thanks so much for your comment. Mandela was a great man and very missed. I think that some people are destined to be a person who changes the world. They never have easy lives and maybe that's why the Mandela effect is so pronounced. Twenty seven years is enough to make someone a figurehead or a legend. I wish that leaders everywhere had the same wisdom.

Rook - Thanks so much for your comment and your questions. I know you said disregard, but I want to clarify a little if I can. I write like I talk and sometimes I leave details out. I'm sure it wasn't DST because that's in November and this was in December. The car radio was silent for only maybe 10 seconds. It happened right as I turned into the parking lot section for my building (Research and Development, R&D for short. Lastly, my watch was wrong, the radio stations were right. When I went into the building all of the clocks said it was around 6:30. I love all of the points that you raise. It neatly explains everything being so off. I don't think that there was any way that I could have mistaken it but wow, you're brilliant.

Rex-T - I forgot to thank you for pointing out the Nobel Prize for gravity wave theory. That's fascinating and I wonder if it accounts for people who experience holes in time or shifts. Thank you.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-06)
Whoops please disregard my comment... Your entire Title does away with it being 'Daylight savings'...


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-06)
Is there any small chance that this was a 'day light savings time' MESS? I ask because if you set your clock 'ahead' rather than 'Falling Back' with the time it could explain the two hour difference between 'radio time' and your 'watch time'.

It does not however account for the 'lack of traffic' on the cloverleaf/merge. You also stated this...

" My car radio suddenly blasted back on and I heard the KGO announcer say "Good Morning, Bay Area. It's 6:29 and traffic is still light. We'll have updates in one minute, but first here's our weather outlook." I checked every station. It was the same. My watch said 8:29."

At what 'moment in time' did you notice the radio had gone 'silent'? Or was it not until it 'blasted' back on?

Nor does the 'daylight savings' idea help with the way the guard appeared nor your 'impressions' after the 'pop' of air pressure.

Last question... Which was right, your watch or the Radio Time?


Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
Emmaline - What a fascinating experience you had.

I googled Berenstain (ein) Bears. I have to admit that I'd never even heard of them.

What is very significant to me is that the Mandela Effect was mentioned on that particular site. Nelson Mandela definitely did not die in prison, which I'm sure most people who keep in touch with world events would know. He was the most wonderful President and his death was a huge loss to our country, South Africa. If only we could find another like him 😟

Regards, Melda

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