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The Frightening Unknown


It was late at night around 2:30am when I had awoken from a strange dream that I had about a graveyard. These dreams had been happening ever since my incident with an Ouija Board.

I got dressed and headed out for a drive to clear my head and about 10 minutes into the drive, I felt an urge, a craving, to go to a graveyard. There was no second thought about it. The one I was suddenly craving to go to was called the Municipal Cemetary and there were actually 2 of them right across the street from one another. One graveyard had a bunch of trees and the other was treeless. I wanted to go into the treeless one, since the thought of being in a dark cemetery infested with creepy trees was just a terrifying thought to me.

I park my car in an empty parking lot near the treeless cemetary and started walking around the large gate, looking for a way in.

After about 5 minutes of searching, I found a rather large hole that appeared to have been cut out with bolt cutters, in the gate. I slipped through and started my random walk around the cemetary. I had no aim, no purpose for doing what I was doing, it was more like an urge, a calling. I didn't want to relate it to my dream but, it was like I had to. What was there that I had to find?

In the past, I've had a lot of luck in communicating with the veteran graves at any haunted place or graveyards that I would go to. My physic said she even had no idea why they were so attracted to me and my being. Knowing this, I wandered until I finally started walking into veteran territory. I felt at ease but also as if something was off.

I tend to always brush these "off" feelings due to my stubbornness which I eventually learned how to quit doing. Usually when I'm with the veterans I feel a sense of safety. As if there were any evil spirit around, the veterans had my back. Until this night...

I started to walk past each veteran grave and read their names aloud but to myself and took the time to actually look at when they were born to when they passed and what they did in the military. What they "were" in the military. It always fascinated me.

As I was doing this, I started to gain this very uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. As if I were all of a sudden alone, in the dark (Which most people would think I was in the first place if they wanted to be hypocritical lol) but anyways, I froze where I stood, and started looking in all directions, waiting on something to jump at me from the darkness. Finally coming to actual reality. I was alone... In the dark.

As hard as it was for me to stay as calm as possible, the calmer I got, the more I came back to reality and realized that I was in the dark, all alone, in a freaking cemetary, whatever trance I was under, wore off.

I looked behind me to see the figure of a man in the distance by a tombstone, looking down at it. Seeing him made me feel so much calmer. I remember thinking that I was just so glad there was someone else in the graveyard at the time. I didn't care what they were doing there at 3 in the morning like I was. I was just glad they were there. I wasn't alone... Or so I thought.

Though I was relieved that this... Man was here, I couldn't help but watch him. He was just a shadow in the distance, the only way I could tell it was a man was only by squinting. He was standing in front of a grave, looking down at it. He had one hand in a pocket and the other was being used to smoke his cigarette. When I thought I had analyzed him long enough, I went back to looking at graves for a second but, something still didn't feel right.

I stopped yet again and turned to look at him one last time and chills went throughout my body. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My mind was playing tricks on me.

This man was making the motions of smoking his cigarette. Just like a typical normal human would. A LIVING human being. The only thing I hadn't noticed the first time that I saw him, was the WAY his cigarette looked. It caught me off guard.

As he would raise the cigarette up to his mouth to take a puff, the cherry of that cigarette didn't show as a normal one would. In fact, the cherry on his cigarette didn't show at all, the whole time he had been there smoking.

Out of no where, this man had suddenly dropped his cherryless cigarette and bolted in my direction without any warning whatsoever. The "fight or flight" reaction kicked into my body and soul without hesitation and I bolted the opposite direction.

I avoided as many tombstones that I possibly could whether it be I had to jump over them or simply go around. I didn't dare look back, as badly as I wanted to.

This man was on my case guys. I could hear his heavy breathing and heavy footsteps getting closer and closer was making me push my body to it's max. What made this so much worse, is that I could hear him wheezing. Hard. While he was chasing me!

Just when I thought I was about to feel his fingers touch the back of my neck, I jumped through the hole in the gate where I came in through, scraping up my arm badly on the cut up fence pieces.

I quickly stood up and ran to my car and locked myself in and started the car to finally realize the man that had chased me wasn't anywhere nearby. When I thought about it, the heavy footsteps and wheezing behind me had stopped as soon as I jumped through the gate.

Later on that day, I phoned my physic and told her everything. She scolded me for knowing better than to let temptations get the best of me.

She was on the fence about what happened. She thinks either I encountered a very dominant war veteran, or an actual human being that was trying to harm me.

It still haunts me to this day. The most haunting part is the unknown. Did I upset a spirit? Or did I escape my very fate? It always lingers in the back of my mind. Typing it brought back all of the frightening feelings I had that day but, I've gotten some pretty helpful comments on my previous stories on my encounters so I'm hoping to get some on this one as well. Or at least some closure I guess you could say.

I would like everyone else's outlook and comments on what you Thank you for taking the time to read this💙

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Twilight1011 (9 stories) (323 posts)
7 years ago (2018-06-05)
I know this is an older post, but after reading the comments, I couldn't help but think that if the man that chased you was human (which no, I don't believe is the case), and like some mentioned, possibly a security guard etc, wouldn't he shout out to you in question of who you are, and what you're doing there? Instead of just chasing after you? Because from my knowledge, if someone was there keeping an eye out on the place, they would try to communicate with whoever in some way, instead of just scaring them to death, by running them out. It's just something that I thought about. I'd only hope if he was human, he wouldn't go around scaring people off like that lol I personally think because of my opinion on it, that he was a spirit. Luckily you got out safely, and for the most part, unharmed, aside your injury upon exiting the cemetery that is.
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-04)

I do like that theory that you have. You just could be onto something. As many times as I've told these stories, I've never thought that this could be a potential possibility. Thinking like a spirit. What WOULD a spirit do to get someone's attention? Hmmm...

As Jubeele said, I did go to the other cemetery in another entry since I did have the most terrifying experience in the treeless grave site.

But, I do like your theory on the guiding part. Ever since I've encountered my first paranormal spirit, I have felt as if I was supposed to be guided. The only bad thing is that I couldn't tell the difference in the 'good' kind of guide from the 'bad' kind of guide. There was nothing that would distinguish these two urges. Granted I HAVE had a few good urges that led me to some very beautiful experiences, which is why I continued to ghost hunt. I thought no matter how many bad experiences I had, it was all worth it for the 2 or 3 good ones that come following.

In the end however, the bad did win and I had to stop ghost hunting. Which I'm not upset that I did. Just some things aren't worth your own life, no matter how beautiful things may seem.

I do appreciate your theories and outlooks on the possibilities. Very insightful indeed
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-04)
Pardon the interruption here. Hi Rook, I think Gh0stHunter went to the other cemetery in "A Near Fatal Encounter".

"Since I had experienced the most terrifying and traumatizing experience of my life late at night in the cemetery that was treeless, I thought I'd go and visit the one full of trees after work."

Hope this helps. 😳
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-04)

Sorry its taken me awhile to get back with you...

You "...honestly believe the urge was originally towards the the one full of trees."

So its possible that this individual/spirit/entity that you saw in on the treeless side MAY have simply been there to 'keep you on task/track?'

What I mean is... If the urge was to be on the Tree filled side of this cemetery... And you resisted its possible that 'wherever/whomever' 'prompted' you to go out there was 'miffed' that you chose to go to the wrong side of the road. It is a possibility, that whatever chased you was not malevolent nor 'security' in any way but simply a spirit trying to guide you towards 'something'.

Is that a possibility? Was there something you were researching or maybe just something going on in your life that 'could' have led to this 'urge' to visit a cemetery? (Genealogy, research on another property...anything?)


Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-31)

I honestly believe the urge was originally towards the the one full of trees. I mean there was something wrong to begin with to actually WANT to go to any cemeteries to begin with especially by myself in the dark at such a strange time but, still part of me was too afraid to go there. It looked beyond creepy at night. I'm not sure what would have happened if I had went to that one instead. But yes, I remember specifically wanting to go to THAT one instead of the treeless graveyard. Thankfully I didn't go.

The man had one hand in his pocket and the other was used to smoke the cigarrette from what I saw. And I actually don't remember feeling ANY wind that day come to think of it.

When I had jumped through the hole... The moment I did, I don't remember hearing anymore sounds from the man. Footsteps and wheezing but, I sprinted to the car and didn't look back at the fence until I had the car started. So I would say... Around 30 seconds from the moment I hit the ground, to the time I turned my key in the ignition. Thus which is why I question whether it was a human or not.

My entire life living in the city I'm in and out of all of the times I've been ghost busting at graveyards, I've never seen any guards or any law at night. Now I have seen some during the day but, never at night. I've gotten into contact with one of my police friends and he says they don't worry about the grounds at night. They usually stay in the streets and catch crimes. However, the moment the grave sites open, is usually when security will be scheduled to check on damages, vadalism, etc.

But, still... It could be a possibility. Maybe there was a guard that was out there finishing up something at that time for some odd reason and saw that I was there. The grave sites here usually close around 11pm. But I do like your theory on the situation☺

I do appreciate your outlook it was very interesting. Made me thing about the little things that I may have missed! Kept me on my toes!☺
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-31)
There are a couple of things in this experience that make me go, hummmm...

You stated...

"...I felt an urge, a craving, to go to a graveyard. There was no second thought about it. The one I was suddenly craving to go to was called the Municipal Cemetary and there were actually 2 of them right across the street from one another. One graveyard had a bunch of trees and the other was treeless. I wanted to go into the treeless one, since the thought of being in a dark cemetery infested with creepy trees was just a terrifying thought to me."

So this 'urge' was strong enough you went to this cemetery, but because the side with tress was creepy you chose to enter the treeless one... Where was your 'urge' pulling you? Or did it 'feel' like it did not matter which side of the cemetery you entered?

The 'man' you saw at a distance... Could he have been 'cupping' his cigarette? If so that may explain why you did not see the 'red "cherry" at the tip of the cigarette. Also, where you 'upwind or downwind' from his location?

After you jumped through the hole in the fence how much time passed before you looked around to see where the man 'was'?

It may very well have been a grounds keeper or security guard that chased you... Without more details on the timing at the end of the chase its hard to say.


Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)

I was assuming that the whole in the gate was there from previous delinquents and trouble makers. Any cemetary that's gated or fenced here has it's way of entry at any times thanks to these horrible people.

That is true and a very interesting story! Anything and anyone could have been triggering the danger sense. The mind works beautifully!

I am also glad I was uninjured from this adevnture. I'd like to say lesson learned but, sadly, I have yet more freaky experieces in graveyards that I will be sharing in the future lol

I appreciate your thoughts and concerns!😊
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)

My psychic, Lorie was led to beleieve that my sudden cravings for the graveyards at strange times were also connected to the OB. It made sense as much as I didn't want to believe it... I mean I was asleep. Peacefully asleep. Why on earth would anyone wake up just to do such a thing? Sadly, this wasn't the first time it's happened...

I had a nice chuckle when I read "beef jerky"😂 though I wouldn't put any of this past me. I was pretty shaken up so anything could be possible.

I do appreciate the possibility. You make a fair point! I've thought about the same thing if it really was a real person. That he had probably made his point and stopped when I jumped through the fence. As far as drugs goes (another possibility) I know this could be messed up but, there could have been drugs that he's hidden next to that very same tombstone he was standing next to. He could have probably been just protecting it. With all he's got apparently lol.

I did have a flashlight on my phone but, I didn't use it in case authorities apprehended me in case they thought I was another one of the delinquents who were vandalizing graves. I used the beautiful glow of the moon. It was a full moon that day and when I walked just close enough to certain graves, the moonlight allowed me to read them.

Your thoughts are greatly appreciated!😊
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)

My thoughts exactly. Part of me wants to believe that he was an actual person who just works at the cemetary. Only thing is, no one works at cemetaries here. It doesn't exist.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)
Hi Ghosthunter: interesting read and interesting comments.

There are two aspects of your experience that make me think about the man as a living person, the first one is the hole in the gate, why would a spirit need to cut the gate?

The second is the fact that you were in an open space and anything or anyone could have been hiding and observing you.
Once I went to a nature park in a tropical forest, I had the feeling of being watched and in danger, but after a quick scanning of my surroundings I saw nothing. I kept walking around but the feeling of danger on my back persisted. I had a second look and, to my surprise, a full grown and beautiful JAGUAR was looking at me from no more than 15 meters away! - Fortunately, for me, it was confined in an enclosed area.

My point is, a person is able to feel the bad vibes not only from a spirit, but from another person, or an animal, or from a dangerous situation.

Anyway, I'm glad you got away from there without getting harmed.

Thanks for sharing.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)
Gh0sthunter - Although it is indeed very strange that you felt an urge to drive to and take a stroll around a graveyard at 2:30 in the morning it might, as others have suggested, been connected to your OB sessions. Giving the figure you saw some consideration, however, has me thinking it was a weird dude who thought it would be fun to scare the crap out of you.

There are those who hang out in the middle of the night in graveyards, often to indulge in a drug of choice. I don't think it would take a huge step in logic to believe a person hanging out in a graveyard in the dead of night who suddenly realizes he's not alone, while they're possibly strung out on something, would try to scare off another person they might perceive as someone invading "their space". Possibly for a laugh or out of some drug fueled paranoia. Maybe they were just a mean spirited person who enjoys doing such things. There are a lot of sadistic people out there and you might have encountered one. As you didn't see a cherry on what you assumed was a cigarette, maybe the creepy guy was eating beef jerky or a Slim Jim. That might give the impression in the dark of a person smoking a cigarette with no glowing tip.

Maybe his reason for stopping at the fence was because he felt he had made his point and could go back to doing whatever he was doing. Of course what you saw could have been the spirit of a veteran on guard but I thought I would throw out another possibility.

I do have a question too. As you didn't bring up having a flashlight or a lighter on you, how were you able to read off the names on the graves in the middle of the night? Thanks for sharing your account.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)
I have little to add to what has already been said. However, I don't think it was a real person. If a real person had been chasing you, why would they have stopped at the cemetery wall?
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)

That's is an interesting point I've never really given thought too. Just the mere fact that your brain somehow knows something is there. The brain is so beautiful and fascinating (:

I also didn't think about the smokers wheeze until he mentioned it also😂

Oh...yikes...I've honestly thought about the fact that something may have latched onto me from the board to be honest but I usually don't think or talk about it. My psychic is on the fence about it she feels like its there but it's not there to harm me. She also said it wasn't a good thing though...
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)

Haha yes I have indeed. Figured I'd go ahead and post again since it's been so long. I want to get all of my experiences out here at least. So I don't ever forget. Though I feel like I've already forgotten a few small adventures😔

I will eventually get into the OB story. It's a bit touchy right now but, I'll work my way into it. It's the least I can do for the people who truly read, understand, and participate in my experiences such as yourself (:

A very low act indeed. If it was really a spirit, I guess I wouldn't really blame him for almost giving me the most massive heart attack anyone could ever have. I'd be pretty upset if I were a wandering spirit, watching people vandalize my gravestone as well as others as well🤔

You do have a good point about running at top speed. He was on my case! The wheezing sounded so scary!

An angry ghost indeed. My mind will never truly process how angry spirits are able to gain such... Physical features and attributes. I've been having such a hard time determining if it was human or not. That's how real it felt. That's how real he LOOKED. But still... He vanished without a trace, as much as I'd more rather say a human would do out of thin air. It just doesn't add up. Still, you're right, main thing is I made it out in general lol thank goodness!
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)

I do appriciate the caring lecture💙 sadly, the OB is too sensitive for me to talk about still to this day. However I have been thinking of gaining the courage to face my fears and post it. It's a very long, sad, and stressful srory. To sum it up just for now, no, there were no experienced users. So you kind of know how that usually goes: (I haven't messed with one ever since though. I will hopefully post the story later on down the road.

I like that. Hindbrain reactions. I most definately don't ignore those anymore thank goodness. Although now I freak out a little more than needed over little things. Still, always better to be safe than sorry!

I haven't thought about an e-cigarrette! I wouldn't put that past me. Here, no security guards work any of the graveyards but, gotta keep the options open!

I did also like Emma's theory. Part of me did feel that sense of safety and you are absolutely right about the mean spirited. There's always that ONE person who has to be in every group.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I appriciate your feedback!💙

As for the psychic, I met her only days before messing with the board so if I go into detail about her, I'll have to tell the entire thing lol. She's a very interesting woman. I think by fate I was supposed to meet her. Oh she was furious when she found out about the board and she had every right to be.

She saved me. I'll put it that way. I know it may sound cheesy and cliche but in my heart, when everything was falling apart, when everything was after me, she knew what to do. Its been years since the incident and she now lives states away but, we always check on each other every so often. That woman is like a mother to me💙
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)

Thank you for commenting I like the thought of sentry duty. It's also surprising that you say that because around the time I went, there had been reportings of vandalism in the cemetary! I wouldn't put it past me.

Thank you💙
MrRiggs (7 stories) (102 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)
As a vet myself, I think it is possible he was standing over a friends grave. He could have been feeling love, respect, personal regard for a comrade lost in war or a deep sense of loss. You may have interrupted a very private moment.

I doubt he was a man of flesh and blood. You would have seen the glow of his cigarette and smelled the smoke. He sounds like a WWll vet as smoking was very common then. Because he wheezed when running I would guess he died later in life, after his service was concluded.

His method of attack, if you want to call it that, sounds like a Marine or Army Ranger. I have no idea what a spirit or ghost would be capable of when it comes to confronting a living person. I do know this without a shread of doubt, Marine or Ranger, his heart was in it when he made his move.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)
Jubeele - What an excellent point. If you are being watched, your reptilian brain is going to be sounding off like a fire alarm.

Rex-T - You are so right. I remember the smoking wheeze. I'd never thought of that.

Gh0sthunter - I wanted to ask you a question. Could you have already had another spirit around you from the OB? That would fire up the attention of veterans like no one's business. They would not want anything bad encroaching on their peace. That might explain why they'd chase you off.

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-30)

You Wile E Coyote, you'd already posted this experience when I was welcoming you back. Well met indeed. 😁

I'll leave commenting on the OB alone, as I said my piece in my last posting and you'll find plenty of others as well.

If this graveyard had been previously vandalized, I agree with Emma. The spirit sentry may even have had his own grave disturbed. (To vandalize the resting place of someone who risked their life for their country and people is a very low act.)

From an ex-smoker's perspective, to run at top speed after having a cigarette, would cause one to wheeze... A lot!

Interesting to speculate what an angry ghost is capable of doing. Maybe the psychological 'kick in the behind' is more effective than the physical.

Anyway, main thing is that you made it out intact!

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-29)
Well, Michael, you've gone and said the dreaded OB word. I'm wondering what happened there? Was it a controlled session with experienced users? There are many examples on YGS that these things are especially risky for people with sensitivity to the spirits or the paranormal. No more OB, ok? Alright, lecture over. 😟

I think the "off" feelings are early warnings from our 'reptilian' hindbrain that controls our instinctive reactions. They tell us: "Danger, danger!" I'm glad you don't ignore those any more.

I do believe that someone chased you. You saw him, heard him wheezing. Your primal senses registered him as a possible threat. Just to toss in a more prosaic idea, could it be a security guard smoking an E-cigarette, one of the smokeless types that are heated but not burned? 🚬

Though I much prefer Emma's idea that it was a veteran's spirit on guard duty. Maybe the others who normally give you that "sense of safety" should've told him that you meant no disrespect to the gravesite. But then, there are always those who are just plain "mean-spirited".

Thanks for sharing about this. I enjoyed reading it.

P.s. I'm being nosy, but who's this "physic" that you talk to? Just curious, that's all. You know some interesting people, that's for sure. 😁
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2017-12-29)
Hi Gh0sthunter - I had an immediate thought when you saw a man standing alone smoking a cigarette. You were in the veteran's section and I was raised on military bases. There are a lot of graves vandalized these days. My immediate gut instinct is that you surprised a spirit on sentry duty. The classic thing to do is stay in one area, fire up a smoke and keep an eye out. I'd be willing to bet you that you got chased because he thought you were up to mischief.


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