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Real Ghost Stories

Loveless Fanged Terror


This was back when I used to "ghost bust" with friends. There is an old historical war marker that's just outside my town that I used to visit during childhood field trips that's 30 minutes out of town. It always fascinated me.

For this trip, I had taken three close friends of mine, Nathan, Kaitlyn, and Brayden. It was around this time that there were multiple guys fighting over the love of my best friend, Kaitlyn. Mainly Nathan and Brayden. Kaitlyn claims that she was just going to stay neutral but, I knew she liked them both and didn't know who to choose. Nathan went to high school with us. He was a transfer in our senior year. Though I haven't known him long, he was still a close friend of mine. As for Brayden, I've known him since my freshman year of high school. We used to play football together. Nathan was all about muscle. More specifically, HIS...muscles. He was all about working out. Sometimes I felt like he didn't know how to love a girl because of how often his muscles would get in the way. Like a guy and his video games... Except with muscles.

Brayden had joined the Marines during his senior year of high school and deployed to California the moment we all graduated. I hadn't seen him since until 2 years later, when he was able to visit. He was the opposite of Nathan but, to Kaitlyn, lacked the looks compared to Nathan. Brayden however, was more into being the hopeless romantic. He was always a very kind person to anyone he came into contact with. Before Nathan came back into the picture, Kaitlyn was in love with him, I could tell. Every girl loves a guy with good looks and nice muscles right? Though Nathan had both of these, he lacked the compassion for love. He instead, was very stubborn and set in his ways. Throughout our senior year in high school, him and Kaitlyn were an off and on thing because of this. If something wasn't going his way, they would fight. He would never see her side of anything. He solved all of his problems with working out.

Brayden didn't believe in ghosts. When we started hanging out when he came back to visit, I told him that I ghost hunted and he laughed. Which was okay. I got that a lot and still do when I tell some of these stories to people. He didn't believe until I took him on a very dangerous hunt and he ended up getting hurt in the process I guess you could say but, I'll tell that story at a later time.

So, I think I've summed up the lover's quarrel that's been happening during that time frame as well as Nathan and Brayden's completely different personalities, which are essential to this entry as they were essential during the experience we had went on together. Now that that's out of the way, let's begin...

One Saturday night while I was animating in my room, I received a call from Brayden. He was asking if Kaitlyn and I wanted to go ghost hunting (but lord knows WHY he really wanted to go lol). I agreed and called Kaitlyn and she agreed to go as well. At the time it was around 10:30pm. I usually don't ghost hunt until sometime after midnight but before 4am so, we had some time to kill.

Kaitlyn, Brayden and I, all decided to take a trip to the nearest neighborhood Walmart to grab some snacks for after the ghost hunt, because I found out that Brayden had planned a movie night alone with Kaitlyn but, she insisted that her best friend join them (which is yours truly lol). Brayden wasn't very happy with it but, had no choice but to agree since I'm always a package deal when it came to having alone time with her. I remember swearing that he was giving me "the look" while I was looking for the biggest bag of Doritos in the chip isle. Anyway, at some point, Nathan had caught us while we were checking out and as he was walking towards us, I heard Brayden give out the longest sigh ever. I chuckled at him and gave Nathan a warm welcoming hug (so that things wouldn't be awkward). He eventually asked us what we were doing later on that night and practically invited himself to ghost hunt with us, which I didn't mind. Brayden however scolded me when we were back in the car, telling me that I should have said that we weren't doing anything that night or to come up with an excuse that would have basically gave him the hint that he COULDN'T invite himself but, I told him that I wasn't choosing sides and that they were both my friends... Also that I'm not anyone's personal matchmaker.

Later on that night, the three of us arrived at the Fort Phantom hill parking lot. After waiting a couple of minutes, Nathan also drove up in his super nice and dark green monster of a Chevy pickup truck (which Kaitlyn loved). Brayden wanted to up his "game" by giving us all pocket knives for protection. I've never thought about taking one on my adventures for some reason so I didn't hesitate on taking one but, I also knew what he was doing. To keep my mouth shut however, he had handed me the most magnificent pocket knife I had ever seen. He knew I had a thing for bright red or fiery colors, and that's exactly what he handed me. The handle of this knife was black, covered with bright fiery flame decals. He winked at me as he handed it to me as a sign of "game, set, match" and I just rolled my eyes. He handed Kaitlyn a similar pocket knife but, with pretty pink flames which she didn't hesitate to show her excitement for. He handed Nathan the smallest pocket knife I had ever seen. It took everything in me to not bust out laughing because I think I know what Brayden was trying to REALLY insinuate. Nathan of course rejected the offer until Kaitlyn made a comment, asking him politely to take the knife because she was concerned for his safety. So, as much as he didn't want to, he took the tiny knife and we all headed into the fort.

As usual, we took an immediate right turn upon entering the gate and headed towards the hospital, where I usually go to to get used to any vibes that were in the area. Instead of using the ghost app for this trip, I instead took a small audio recorder out of my pocket because I thought it would be nice to switch things up for a change. However, after walking around the fort, talking to air, Nathan became bored and asked if he could use the ghost app on my phone so, I let him. We were there for only 30 minutes before Brayden suggested that we split up into two groups of... Well two and do our own thing to see if either of us would get more results.

As we all knew, this wasn't really the case. I knew exactly what Brayden was doing the moment he out of no where, paired himself with Kaitlyn and suggested that I go with Nathan. Starting a bit of a quarrel between the two guys, Kaitlyn grew tired of they're fighting and politely suggested to Nathan that he go with me. As upset as he was, he agreed and we all went our separate ways. Braden and Kaitlyn headed towards the officer's quarters and Nathan and I headed towards the food storage building towards the back of the fort. When we were just far enough from the other two. Out of ear shot, Nathan started his rant,

"Who does he think he is? I'm obviously the perfect match for Kaitlyn! You think so too right?"

I said to him the same thing I told Brayden earlier, that I'm not anyone's personal matchmaker, that I'm not choosing sides, and that I'm fond of them both. He scoffed with a "whatever" and we continued on. Eventually, we started a conversation on animating because he had asked what I do in my free time. It surprised me that he had so many questions about it. He was very interested in what I do, even though it can be very tedious. Animating is tough but, I for some reason loved it. I still do.

Another good half hour past by and I was just about to suggest that we regroup with the others until I heard a very odd noise over Nathan's talking and quickly hushed him. He asked what was wrong and I replied that I heard something weird. He comically replied with, "maybe YOU'RE weird..." and moments after that, there was a howl not far from us. It actually almost sounded like there was a wolf within the gates of the property. This of course freaked me out as my instinctive reaction was to demand, "We gotta go" followed by "That was too close for comfort" as we were walking back to regroup with the others. You can hear this same howl in the recording itself.


Once we regrouped with the others, I noticed my audio device was running very low on battery, which puzzled me. I've used it multiple times and the longest that I've went with it ON was approximately 5 hours. I had charged it before we came out and it was a full battery so, I went ahead and put it away in substitute for my phone's flashlight. Brayden asked if we caught anything and I told him that we didn't catch any spirits but, possibly a wolf instead. The hadn't heard any wolves nor caught any strange things. The weirdest part, is that they DIDN'T hear the howl. Which told me that it was closer to Nathan and I at the time. Very close possibly.

Of course as soon as I said that, Nathan starts about how wolves are super dangerous and territorial. Only moments after freaking me out with that, followed NUMEROUS howls and it sounded like it was coming from ALL directions but, mainly behind us. We all fell silent. Frozen in complete fear. I knew our bodies were reacting to it too. We all entered the "fight or flight" stage.

Now, in my previous entries, you all know that I'm the "flight" kind of person. If I get freaked out, I flee. I will whole-heartedly admit that. I am NOT a fighter. Especially in any of these cases because I KNOW that I am walking on other territory that belongs to OTHERS. Not me. Why on earth would I want to fight someone or something in it's OWN territory. That's just my thought process when it comes down to it. So, given that, my initial and primal reaction is to freaking flee.

As I was just getting ready to, however, Nathan starts to freak everyone out by saying, "We might be too late guys" and pulls out his freaking pocket knife, making Kaitlyn gasp.

"If they've been following and tracking us this whole time, we're screwed right now. They might be waiting for us to run and attack us from behind. We have to fight."

I mean, these wolves. They did sound really close guys. It sounded SCARY close and there had to have been at least 6 of them from what it sounded like. So, part of me felt like I could make it to my car without getting caught IF they were really pursuing us but, the other part didn't want to risk it. It wanted me to stay and fight in case they did come running out from any direction. Before I could think about talking Nathan out of it, I felt Kaitlyn's back against mine and looked over my shoulder to see that she had her knife out and ready. She was focused on watching her side. I looked over at Brayden who had his fists up as if he was going to get into a boxing match and it puzzled me,

"Brayden where the heck is your knife?" I frantically asked.

He claimed he didn't need one. Especially after what he had learned in basic training. This of course set off the lover's quarrel between the two boys. Nathan scoffed at him, "what you plan on punching possible rabied wild dogs to death?" and Brayden replied confidently, "If I have to..." His firm voice sounded like an actor from a movie. These two were still competing for love... At a time like I right? (rolls eyes). Oh but, Brayden didn't stop there however, he still had to try and one up Nathan,

"I don't plan on really punching them, just so you know."

Nathan scoffed, "Then what exactly DO you plan to do without a weapon?"

"I guess you'll find out."

Now, I was getting to the point of irritation between the two. In my mind, I'm imagining bloody scary sharp teeth coming at my face. I would assume everyone else would be too but, obviously not.

A few moments after Brayden's last comment, the howls got louder. I had no idea where exactly they would jump out from if they did. We were in the part of the fort with just trees. It was impossible to tell. Brayden copied what Kaitlyn was doing and slammed his back against Nathan's, who didn't mind. He was too focused and panicked on looking around to care. Although he did continue as soon as the howling stopped again.

"If they carry rabies, our odds are screwed. They attack in packs, not one by one when they're hunting prey so, the moment you see one, shout to let the rest of us know and charge."

Brayden and Kaitlyn were furious with him for making that selfish comment.

Brayden: "Not cool man."

Kaitlyn: "Nathan!"

"Hey don't get mad at me you gotta do what you gotta do to live!"

This is and has been the problem with Nathan. He doesn't put anyone first. So, he basically said to everyone, if a wolf is coming at you, that you're supposed to shout to let everyone else know before charging at it yourself. My instant thought was Kaitlyn. She's a strong girl but, I couldn't see her charging FIRST into a pack of wild freaking wolves like Nathan did. This upset me as well. I personally would jump ahead of her if she was the one being targeted. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't. Nathan can.

So knowing this, that's the true ultimatum between him and Brayden. They both have their pro's and cons to Kaitlyn. Anyway, after Nathan's harsh speech, no one else spoke because of the tension. We all focused on our sides. I had my knife up and ready also. I didn't even remember taking it out. We all watched in our directions, waiting. We stayed in the same position for a little over 10 minutes. We were too afraid to move. We all felt like they were all watching us...waiting. It was the worst feeling ever. Though I will admit, the first few moments of the silence made me feel like I was in a horror movie and that I was involved in a last stand with 3 of my friends. It was an interesting moment. One that I will surely never forget.

Anyway, Kaitlyn couldn't take the silence any longer. She said we should just call the cops but, Nathan advised against it. There was a possibility of all of us getting in big trouble. The law would surely expect us of vandalism of course here. They wouldn't believe us if we told them that we "ghost hunt". So, the cops were out of the question.

After a few more moments of silently waiting, the howls started again but, this time they sounded further than the last time. Nathan saw this as an opening and frightened us with his command voice, "go go go!" We all bolted for our vehicles. Nathan got into his truck and drove home while Kaitlyn, Brayden and I drove to Kaitlyn's house in my car. It was probably the strangest car ride ever. No one spoke from the moment we all made it back to our vehicles. No one spoke all the way home. I don't think it was from fright but, from the unknown of what COULD have happened had we been attacked by a pack of wolves. I counted my blessings that's for sure.

When we were in Kaitlyn's room, we started to go over the recording and I of course fast forwarded it to the part with the howl. I'm glad I caught it. Really glad. We all didn't know what we were going to get into. Especially not WOLVES but, we did take our chances that night...

Any comments, questions, concerns and thoughts are appreciated. Thank you for reading:)

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Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-22)

It may indeed have been a bird. I've been listening to it over and over as well as doing some comparisons. It's a definite possibility that's for sure lol.

And thank you for sharing that story it gave me goosebumps! I would freak out too if I heard something like that haha
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
6 years ago (2018-03-22)

It does all make sense honestly. I've actually progressively stopped all communication with Nathan because of what he pulled on one of my adventures that I haven't posted just yet.

I did do some thinking about it though and I do think you all might be onto something.
terranigma (9 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
I listened to the recording and the sound is so low I had to download the sound file and merge it with a copy of it's self to hear the howl. Even after that I can make out a faint howl and has previously been stated may also have been a bird?

When I used to work as an aged care nurse we used to go outside on night shifts out the front of the building to smoke on our break and one time I had been the first to come out and I could hear this horrible breathing noise and it sent shivers down my spine. I still sucked away on my smoke but walked briskly to the front door with the lights.

I would hear this breathing which sounded like someone trying to breathe through fluid on the lungs.

I was out another night with a co-worker on our break and we both heard it and I freaked out. She laughed at me and told me that it was a mating call of a tawny frogmouth which is a bird that is native to Australia. It is mostly nocturnal and has one of the creepiest calls I've ever heard!

Great story by the way, just thought I'd give an example of a different possible answer for the howl.

Thank you for sharing 😊
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-05)
Hi Gh0stHunter, I've listened to it again on my mobile phone, using my regular Sony headset. But it still sounds owlish to my ears. I think we need to consult a naturalist like David Attenborough!

I also think Hawkseye and Rook (birds too! 😉) may be on to something about Nathan's behaviour on that night. My BS radar went quietly "ping" as well.

Have you tried ghost hunting with other people to see if the group dynamics affected the outcomes? Just curious. 🤔
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-05)

If you do find a bird that makes that odd howling sound, please let me know. I'd like to see what bird can make such an eerie sound. I would find it fascinating!

The rest of the howls began shortly after we all regrouped after we had heard the first one. If you're asking for a time in general... I would go with roughly 3am.

As for the guesstimate, there could have been 5 or 4. We were panicked and heard multiple. To me it sounded like around 6 animals in the surrounding area.

As many times as I've been there, I have never seen an officer or ranger on or near the grounds. I believe it was the least of they're concerns. Plus the cops here are very very lazy. I do like that theory. At the time however, Nathan did have a warrant for his arrest for burglary in the past. But that is an interesting theory.

Interesting. Maybe in panic he meant to say 'coyote'? Because I will admit my mind is sometimes jumbled in the midst of sheer terror. Then again, I've never heard a coyote make that kind of sound before.

An infected pack does sound cool for a good horror movie lol
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-05)

Have you listened to it through your phone? I've tried listening to my recordings through my laptop and it just wasn't as effective. As much as I would rather it be an owl with an odd sense of vocals, I do believe it wasn't the case. The howl sounded to odd for it to be.

SO much drama indeed especially that night lol. Lorie said the same thing about our group emitting negative energy as a whole, drawing in even more negativity. I like that you mentioned that!

If that was the case, I'd never want to come into contact with THAT bird lol
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-05)

As much as I wish that was the case that day...

And yes, he was and still is. We stopped being friends ever since one of my very last ghost hunts.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-05)

I have to agree with Jubeele. I got home from work and your re-post worked 😆 so I was able to listen to it with my sons head set (once he started working he saved up for a NICE BOSE headset...) and my very first though when hearing it was that it was a bird call of some type... I am still hunting down which night bird it may have been, but my first though was 'OWL'.

However that does not 'cover' what everyone heard a short time later...

Here is a question (s) about that...

At what time did it begin to sound like multiple animals?

What was the determining factor in the 'guestimation' that there were 6 'wolves'.

In regards to 'calling the police' Fort Phantom Hill is a location my wife and I have planned to visit and I have never seen any 'normal operating hours' posted, at least not on the web site. I understand that the visitors center is only 'open' during certain hours, but isn't the rest of the site pretty much open 24-7? (When you were hunting you seemed to like this spot... Ever see a police officer or park ranger enforcing Park Hours?) If so the only reason for Nathan to not wanting the Cops or maybe The Game Warden/Animal Control involved is the fact he did not want anyone 'making noises' to get caught out. (Just a thought, Remember he 'invited' himself and arrived a wee bit after you and the other 2.)

Another thing that 'gives me pause' and makes me wonder 'what' Nathan may have been up to... Wolves are PACK animals... If one of them gets sick and rabies is a very good example of this, they do not tend to let the sick animal stick around the rest of the pack... Let alone 'hunt as an infected pack'...

So just a few things...

Thanks for sharing.


Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-04)
Gh0stHunter, I've listened to the recording a number of times with the volume at its max. To me, it sounds very much like the hooting call of an owl. 🦉 Whooo? Whooo?

Oh the drama! I was drowning in testosterone reading about Brayden and Nathan. All that angst, hormones and conflicted emotions. Not to mention the raging waves of negativity that must have been emanating from your group. I don't think you were exactly inconspicuous to the spirit world that night.

Hmmm, maybe some entity pounced on all that simmering energy and augmented a bird-call to play a trick on you. Why? To scare you off, of course. After all, you were disturbing the peace. 😜
hawkseye12002 (3 stories) (36 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-04)
"As I was just getting ready to, however, Nathan starts to freak everyone out by saying, "We might be too late guys" and pulls out his freaking pocket knife, making Kaitlyn gasp."

When I got to this point in the story, I said to myself, "A-HA!". Your friend suggested the ghost hunt so he could get her out there (and the other two of you, accidently) and have his friends howl at them so he could show his bravery and be her "hero", therefore cementing his position as the alpha male between her two suitors.

This was my take on it, I guess anybody could take a recording of wolves or coyotes and play it in the area if this was a pre-arranged deal made to made him look like the knight in shining armor in her eyes.

In my eyes, he just looks like a douche. Sorry.
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-04)

I haven't done any research on wolves so, your theory could be correct about the coyotes. There is more of a possibility about those instead of wolves I agree.

I do not believe in 'phantom wolves' either. I have never came into contact with animal spirits in all of my days of hunting. It is true I did not see them thank goodness. Whether it be wolves or coyotes. The only reason why I say wolf, is because the howls did not sound none of a coyote. But, I could be wrong. They gave out very odd howls and sounded more like how a wolf would.

The howl in the recording is hard to hear but, can be heard at a higher volume with headphones most definitely.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-04)
What I mean to say is the link is not working for me... Could you re-post? Thanks


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-04)
Couple of things...

Most importantly: Wolves in Texas? Let's see... The most common type in Texas was the Red Wolf... Apparently extinct in the wild by 1980... As well as the 'Texas grey wolf' which was a sub-species of the Common Grey Wolf. The next candidate is the Mexican Grey Wolf, however... The last wolves were recorded in Arizona, New Mexico and in Texas in 1970.

Fort Phantom Hill is in Jones County Texas, near Abilene which is West of Fort Worth.

So unless you were 'stalked' by a pack of Phantom Wolves... Well let's just say I am not sold on the animals you heard as being wolves... Nor that they were 'ghosts'.

Is there a chance they could have been Coyotes?

Additionally, you only HEARD these animals, never 'SAW' them is there a chance that they were actually, physically there?

Do you still have the recordings of the howls from that night, if so could you post a link to them? Would love to hear them.


Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-02)

Crappy drama indeed lol

If that was the case then they have a very impressive way of projecting their howls and made it sound like it was coming from every direction as if we were surrounded. Very impressive. I've never been one to underestimate animals. Especially those who are very self aware and good at their stealth as well as the element of surprise.

It surely would have gone a lot better without the love quarreling that's for sure lol

Thank you! I appreciate it (:
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-02)

Oh yes we were safe indeed thank goodness. Very thankful that nothing happened that night.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-02)
GhostHunter: I was able to hear a very faint noise during the 'howling' part of the audio... Had there been a wolf in the proximity of 2 km, it would have sounded one hundred times louder.😐

You guys were safe... You had a Loveless Fangless Terror!

Thanks for sharing.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-02)
This is why I didn't have any friends as a teenager. Too much crappy drama, erugh.

I have to agree with Lady Glow about human stupidity with wolves. I didn't know wolves were dangerous to people, but then I never grew up with them.
Animals, particularly nocturnal ones, can project their calls in impressive ways. This might account for the feeling of being surrounded. They also may have camouflaged into the night, you'd be surprised how self aware predators are of their own stealth.

Whatever you encountered out there, it's a shame it was marred by your idiot friends. I'm glad you're all safe at the end of it. It feels like those love lorn numpties obscured what may have otherwise been obvious, paranormal or not.

You write well, thanks for sharing.
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-01)

Brayden loves pocket knives. He is a collector of them. 'Customized' or not he had a lot of them. When he realized Nathan self invited himself, he went back home and picked out I guess the best looking pocket knives, well knowing to look for a small one to give to Nathan to prove a point. Of course none of us knew he was even carrying pocket knives until he started handing them out out of know where, which I'm glad he did that day.

The howl is there in the video I promise lol try wearing headphones and listening to it with the volume up. You'll hear it. If it were other animals making crazy howling noises exactly as wolves do, I would love to know what. I haven't thought of any other animals.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-01)

If Nathan joined the group without previous notice and after self-inviting, how come Brayden was prepared with enough pocket knives for everybody, specially since he seem to have 'customized' the chosen knives according to the message he wanted to convey to each one of you?

I didn't hear any hauling in the YouTube audio, besides, it seems that human's stupidity have driven these magnificent animals to their dismiss in Texas since 1970. Could it have been some other small animals making those noises?


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