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Gift Or Curse?


I mentioned in my previous post (My Mum's Attachment) that I have certain gifts. I said I would discuss them in a subsequent post. I would really like your opinions and advice on these 'gifts' as I sometimes feel that they are more curses than gifts.

As I have said, I was raised in a Jehovah's Witness household and all talk of spirits/ghosts/entities/abilities etc was absolutely forbidden. No exceptions. I have been sensitive to energies as long as I can remember but I feel that the turning point or the point that my gifts really 'manifested' was during my mid teen years.

I was 16 when I had my first ever precognitive episode. It was so insignificant that I really thought nothing of it. My mum had given me a scooter so that I could get myself to and from school and work. My friends and I decided to take it for a joyride in the park down the road from my house. I was sitting on a hill with about 3 of my friends. Another of my friends (let's call him S) decided to drive the scooter to the other side of the park and back. He had a motorbike of his own and had grown up around bikes. He had given me lifts many times so I knew what he was capable of and was completely comfortable giving him a turn. On his way back to us a thought came to me which I verbalised to my friends, "he is going to fall". My friends all thought it was a joke because S was clearly in control. 5 seconds later he fell. Not hard enough to be hurt, luckily. He just all of a sudden tipped off the bike.

The next precognitive event was when I was at work and stepped out for a smoke. I was standing on the curb of the road just watching the traffic go by when I suddenly felt like someone was going to push me into the street where I was going to be hit by a car. I took a few steps backwards and looked around. No one was near me so I finished my smoke (away from the road, just to be safe) and went back inside. About an hour later we heard tyres screeching in the road right where I had been smoking. It turns out that someone had tripped and accidentally pushed another person into the road where they were hit by a car. I was officially freaked out.

The next event of significance was when my boyfriend (now husband) asked if he could use my scooter to get to work. I said yes and immediately regretted it. I suddenly burst into a fit of tears and sobbed to him about how he was going to be hit by a car. He told me I was being silly but let me ride with him to work. We were hit by a car which was trying to escape the police. My boyfriend broke his collar bone and dislocated his shoulder. I was 100% fine.

Next was my brother-in-law who is 3 years younger than me. He is staying with us until he can support himself. It was the end of 2016 (October). I suddenly had this horrible feeling that something was wrong with my brother. I called him immediately and found out that he had lost his job and had been told to go home. This happened again in December 2017 when he again lost his job.

I often get these terrible feelings and I don't always know who or what they are related to and it absolutely kills me. I have come to trust my feelings (as have my husband and brother) and I hate knowing that someone is or is going to experience something negative and there is nothing I can do about it.

My other ability is a little hard to explain (mostly because I can barely explain it to myself) but I will do my best. Since I was a child (the first time this happened as far as I can remember was when I was about 5 years old) I have been able to almost wish for anything and it comes true. It can't just be a simple want; I have to NEED whatever it is deep down in my soul. The first time I really wanted a kitten (as I said, I was 5 and this was my greatest desire in the world). My family said no and that was that. About a month after I had expressed my wish for a kitten, my mum and I found two tiny kittens in a box in a gutter. She had raised kittens before so we took them home to look after until they were old enough for adoption. My mum fell in love and we ended up keeping them. The second time was when I was 15 and my husband (who was my boyfriend at the time) broke up with me. It broke me because I already knew I was in love with him. He was absolutely adamant that we were not suited for each other. I wished and wished and wished for him to change his mind. Three months later, out of the blue, he changed his mind and we have now been together for over 10 years.

Before I had children I always wanted 1 boy and then 1 girl (2 years apart). Both of my children were conceived by accident (I was on the pill when my son was conceived and I was on the injection AND using condoms when my daughter was conceived). My boy will be 6 in February and my girl will be 4 in August (they are almost EXACTLY 2 years apart). There have been many, many, MANY other instances when this 'ability' has come through but I feel this post is already too long.

Your thoughts on all three of the above would be highly appreciated. I don't have any kind of training or background knowledge in any of this as it was forbidden when I lived with my mum and I live in a city in South Africa where this kind of this really is not prevalent at all. I have done internet research but there is SO much conflicting information out there and I can never find anything that FEELS right.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Bee_Beans, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

ThirteenStars15 (3 stories) (31 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-29)
[at] Jubeele

Aww thanks:DD
Honestly... I don't think I will ever be ready...
Hahah... Strangely I never predict any lotto numbers... I do have dreams of numbers and woke up telling my parents but it will never be the winning ones...

But as for random luck... With loads of wishing, I kind of have won maybe a few bucks... (And many concert tickets)

I hope my wishing 'powers' will come back soon... (Not too sure if its luck or the power of wishful thinking LOL)
ThirteenStars15 (3 stories) (31 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-29)
[at] Bee_Beans

Hmm... Happier... I am not sure if I am happier...
Because I would very much like my 'wish' one would come back... Because there are a lot of wishes I would like to come true...
Kesnitt95 (1 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-28)
It is good you have them. Use them wisely 😊. That is all I want to say
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)
You're made me blush, MrRiggs. 😳 But I thank you for your gallant words. Alas, there has been a moratorium declared on parties for now. Nevertheless, by virtue of the positive energies that they generate, laughter and light-heartedness are cleansing rituals in their own right to soothe away ill-will and hurt feelings.

Bee_Beans, I grew up in a family that accepts the paranormal and learned to live with things that can't be explained. Several of my relatives have abilities to sense what most people don't. I also know that to obsess over every shadow or odd sound in the night is not the way to go. Everything should be in balance. Faith with a dose of common sense, plus a whole lot of heart.

So do the best you can and be true to yourself. You will know in your heart what is best for you. I have faith that you will do just fine. 😊
MrRiggs (7 stories) (102 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)
You are fortunate to be making your way in the age of the internet. Instant global communication should make your project easy. There are a lot of good folks here and I expect you will find help forthcoming.

I think you will find Jubeele to be a gracious and wise source of information with a heart of gold. She throws a great impromptu party so don't be surprised to find yourself rocking the night away in Australia.

You might consider me as you would your garage mechanic. I don't mind rolling up my sleeves and pitching in to get something done.

Looks to me like you have come to the right place.

Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)

Wow! Your mother sounds like she is very talented! Your father must be a VERY stubborn man to remain a nonbeliever after that driver episode with your mum.

That viewing she had sounds appalling. I am not surprised that you are both traumatised by it. I don't think anyone would ever fully recover from something like that - especially a mother with a son.

Thank you very much for all of the effort you are putting into helping me orientate myself. I cannot express how grateful I am to finally have some worthwhile input and advice. I can finally feel that I am in good company:)
Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)

Thank you for your kind words.

You are right. I just need to be patient and explore my abilities as much as possible. I am beginning with meditation and I am sure that will help me straighten things out.

Thanks again.
MrRiggs (7 stories) (102 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)

My upbringing was the opposite of yours. My mother seemed more in-tune with the psychic world than day to day life. My father, a nuts and bolts practical man, would have none of it.

When I was about 5 years old my father was listening to a major auto race on the radio. My mother became agitated and told him to stop the race. Then she wanted him to call and warn a particular driver's wife he was in danger. She became more insistent and was losing self control. My father grew more annoyed by the minute. Finally, she lost it and became emotionally overwrought. Then the driver was dead, and my mother more or less said "l told you so..." I think my father didn't know what to say. He remained an unbeliever.

She had many stories that were not stories at all, but memories of her experiences. I heard them as a young child. Now I have a better understanding of what being psychic is about, and realize some experiences were remote viewing. She had a number of different gifts.

I remain emotionally ill-at-ease by her story of something she remotely saw during.WWll. It involved the slow deaths of a number of young men calling out for their mother's. I think that experience troubled her the rest of her life.

I passed you some general information on the YGS Psychic site. I'm not sure if psychic subject matter is of interest to the folks who are devoted to the pursuit of ghostly things.

As you working to get a sense of what being psychic is about, I'll be around to help you get oriented. I wrote some stories that are published in the psychic and astral projection sections of YGS. They might be of interest to you.

Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)
Hi Bee_Beans, I wanted to reach out to you some time ago, but I've been thinking on the right words for you. I can feel how it hurts you! You shouldn't take on the "blame" for things you can't control. Sometimes in life s--t happens. Sadly, even to people through no fault of their own.

Your gift is a special part of you. If you are ever to accept it and learn how to harness it in a positive way, you should make peace with it. Be patient with yourself. You're already on the right path. ❤

13***15, as with all gifts, come responsibilities. If yours came at a time when you weren't ready for it, then letting go is also a way of coping with the situation. But you're still a very special person and one of my favourites on YGS. (Though if you can predict next week's lotto draw... Just joking! 😜)
Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)

It's really great to hear that someone else shares the same ability (ies). Even though it sounds like neither of us knows what the heck we are doing (lol), it's still great to not feel alone!

I'm sorry that you had to sacrifice at least one of your abilities. Are you at least happier now?
Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)

Thanks. I have already posted in the Psychics area. I haven't checked to see if it has been published yet.

Does your family accept their abilities or are they like mine and push them aside?

I agree that it is a very useful tool to have. I just wish I had more knowledge on how to control it. I would really love to be able to use it to help people. Even in a small way.
ThirteenStars15 (3 stories) (31 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-25)
Omg... I have almost the same thing as you have.
But mine isn't as strong and precise as yours and usually comes in
A dream form.

I can understand the stress and pain when your predictions came true and there is nothing you can do to prevent it.

And about the 2nd ability you have, I totally understand what you mean... I used to have that as well but when one of my dream predictions came true and it traumatized me quite badly so I wished hard to have the "dream predictions thingy" to stop and I kind of sacrificed the "magical wish thingy" too. (It sounds stupid when I used that... But I really do not know what to call that...)

(Which I kind of regret because I do need the luck for wishing things and having it to come true now... Ehehe...)
MrRiggs (7 stories) (102 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-25)

I'll watch for you in the Psychic's area.

I was born into a psychic family and have had psychic ability since I was a child. I can't say I regard it as a gift; it certainly is not a curse.

If anything, it is a sixth sense, and in my experience, it pays to take premonitions seriously.

Think of it as personal radar as you pass through life. You are better off with it than without it.

Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-24)

Thank you very much for your comment. I will definitely follow up on your suggestion.

Thanks again:)
MrRiggs (7 stories) (102 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-24)

This is going to be easier than you might expect.

You are psychic. What you are experiencing is completely natural. Those abilities are often inherited. There are different types of abilities, and these abilities can vary in intensity. Talents and gifts differ from person to person.

Look to the top of the page at YGS. A little right of center you will find "Other Related Topics." Use that to locate and enter the Psychics page. You will find that area a better fit for what you are looking for.


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