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More Than A Coincidence


I've often wondered about coincidences... Are they really? Someone once told me there are no accidents or coincidences. This made me reflect on past memories. One my mind keeps going back to is of my aunt. We were only 9 years apart so she insisted that I call her by her first name. She was so much fun with a witty sense of humor. She was my favorite aunt out of the 3 that I had.

When I left North Carolina with my grandmother for California she's who we stayed with. She had left the south and joined the army and was living there at the time. It really was a culture shock for me because now I was in a big city and I was just a small town country girl. My aunt took me everywhere. We went to Disneyland and I never wanted to leave, I loved it. She took me to the Anaheim baseball stadium and many Roller Derby games. She was really in to that. With her help I was able to settle in to city life. All was going well.

Then the phone call came, my aunt was dead from a brain aneurysm at the age of 28. My world crashed, she was the main adult in my life that ever took me places and showed she cared about me except for grandma. Her death left a void in my life that no one could ever fill. No one told jokes like her or could make me laugh so hard, I missed her so much!

Which brings me to coincidences. A year after her death some friends wanted to go hang out at this apartment building. I didn't know who the people there were but went along. I was stunned when we pulled in the parking lot. It was the apartment building my aunt lived in when I had left the south to stay with her! Memories came flooding back as I got out of the car and slowly started walking up the stairs. I couldn't believe we were also walking into the same apartment as well. What are the odds of that?! I don't remember a thing said or who we met that day, in my mind I was reliving some of the happiest times I ever had with my aunt. I could feel her presence there and got goosebumps.

Fast forward ten years later. I was in this city I didn't know well. My car broke down and there were no phone booths around, just a bus stop so I went and sat on the bench. No one had cell phones that I knew of in the 70's. I figured I go to my cousins house, he'd help me with the car. I must have sat there well over an hour before I realized no bus was ever going to come. I got really depressed and didn't know what to do. As I got up from the bench and turned around I realized I was at Rose Hills Memorial Park where my aunt had been buried?! I didn't recognize it when I sat at the bus stop. It has a huge brick wall around it.

I walked through the gate and up to my aunt's grave and began to cry. I told her I was so lonely without her, and that I was stranded and didn't know what to do. I apologized for not having any flowers for her. I touched all the letters on her grave and told her how much I loved her and hoped to see her again someday. Then a calmness came over me as I got up to leave. I just started walking down the road to where I didn't know. I turned a few corners without thinking about where I was going and there was a phone booth! I was so happy to have stumbled on it, what a coincidence... Or was it? I like to think my aunt showed me where the phone booth was and she was at the old apartment building we once shared. It was meant for me to go with my friends that day so I'd know she was thinking of me too. I'm convinced there are no accidents or coincidences after all.

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Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-17)
Yes MrsRamsay, spirit KNOWS who will notice! 😊 That's amazing the way your husband has chosen to let you know he's around. It is fun realizing it's them, and it's just as fun meeting someone that has these same experiences. Nice to meet you. I hope the class enjoyed the assignment you gave them for Halloween and came up with some great ghost stories. ❤ Thank you for your thoughtful comment.
MrsRamsay (guest)
5 years ago (2019-10-15)
I love all your "coincidences" and love it more that you noticed them! I believe we all have these things happen, but it takes a certain quiet awareness to note them. Last week, for example, I asked my high school class to write an essay on any ghost story or paranormal thing they might've experienced, something fun for October. As an example, I told them about how my late husband (died 25 years ago) used to tie our mini-blind cords up into a certain knot so the kids didn't get entangled in them (it was a thing back then, babies choking on these cords). He used to do it all the time, I even have a video where he's doing it as our daughter toddled around at her first birthday party. Over the years, I've come to notice, through three houses we've lived in, that the cords will be tied. I notice them infrequently... I think I noticed them subconsciously at first and would "untangle" them, but weeks later would notice the same knots to where I realized this was something being done on purpose (we never let the blinds up and down, just opened them via the twisty rod on the side opposite the strings). Over two decades, this has happened at least 25 times if not more, though I didn't document it. After explaining this to my class last Wednesday evening, I was opening my son's blinds the next day and realized the knots were there! As if my late husband, Scott, had been listening in my class! So yes, this is just one way our loved ones can communicate with us. We know down deep it's them, and isn't it fun when we realize it?! I love being able to share this with people who might have experienced similar things. So sorry for your aunt's tragic early death! Many blessings your way...
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-17)
Yes! Thank you Jubeele, I appreciate your comment. ❤ I hope to see her again some day, she was/is the BEST.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-17)
My general rule is: once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, thrice is a definite pattern. The apartment, the grave and then the phone booth. With such a close bond between your aunt and yourself, it is very likely those incidents were not accidents, but signs from her.

I believe there are times when our loved ones do reach out to comfort and reassure us. Perhaps they become our guardian spirits looking out for us. The numerous 'lucky escapes' that occur from time to time. The insistent voice in your head telling you to take another route or not get on the bus. Or the feeling you must get home to avert a crisis.

Your aunt remains in your heart and she continues to watch over you. In ways that are more than mere coincidences. ❤
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-13)
One last thing about the eggs:
The small egg never went with the other ones when they were at her house. It looked like she spent more time engraving details in it and I think she was probably more proud of that one. ❤
I thought of moving the other eggs to join it just to see what would happen but the biggest one will block part of the tv. So, I won't know if they will move by themselves because a living person will probably move it away.
Like: "Hey...down in front!" 😆
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-12)
Hahaha! That is wild! I have things disappear and reappear all the time over here. I used to get upset over it but don't anymore. When I hear things like you've mentioned it reminds me that the veil between worlds is lifting. Maybe it's just your aunt's way of saying HELLO!
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-12)
The other day I inherited a trove of my aunt's trinkets from her house in Dahlonega.
Many of them are wildly eccentric "objets d'art". Some books, pictures, vases that she made and painted and three eggs that were made of polished stone. She made those with rock shaping equipment.
I set them on the tv stand from smallest to largest.
Yesterday morning the smallest one was sitting alone on the opposite side of the stand. I moved it back.
The small egg repeated that action five times during the day yesterday so I'm just going to leave it there. It was just me in the house. It's obvious that I'm not going to have the final word here even though I want it to sit with the others.
It is awkward looking in the place where it keeps ending up and it galls me when I look at the tv stand but I don't want to bother it anymore.
I thought you might like that. 😁
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-12)
Haha, I never even see phone booths anymore. 😆 We are lucky these days, and I feel even luckier that my favorite aunt was there for me when I was so lost and really needed someone. Thanks Daz for your kind words. ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-12)

Those dreaded days of finding a phone boot, I do remember them all so well btw, how spoiled are we today with technology at the tip of our fingers and yes, there are no such things as coincidence's...your Aunt heard your call and pulled a few strings, they really do watch over us in ways that keep us safe.

Regards Daz!
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-10)
I'm sorry for your loss. ❤ I believe our loved ones are always with us.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-10)
This story touches me as well. A beloved aunt of mine died three years ago shortly after a stroke. She was one of the only members of my family to go out of her way to build a relationship with me. I feel her presence sometimes too.
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-05)
Thank you so much silverthane61 and lady-glow for your kind words. ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-03)
Very touching experience, it's reassuring to know that our loved ones are always trying to help us. It seems like your aunt and you had a great relationship and was/is still looking after you.

I'm sorry for your loos.
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-03)
Cherubim, coincidences so powerful as many deem that they could not have happened without the hand of a powerful spiritual being are called a synchronicity. I do believe that yours is an example of this. It warms my heart that your loved one was able to touch yours in such a significant way.
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-02)
I'll always believe it was her. At the time of these incidents I really didn't pay that much attention to it. My life was in such turmoil. As time has gone on I came to believe it was her trying to comfort and help me. ❤
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-02)
I agree wholeheartedly! There have been too many things that have happened in my life that when you consider their odds seem astronomically improbable. 8 can't help but believe that when certain little details really resonate with you, that means something.
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-01)
Thank you, I will always believe it was her. Those memories stay so fresh in my mind. ❤
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-01)
Well, if it wasn't your aunt, it was someone looking out for you.

May her Memory be Eternal.

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