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This Is Real


I'm Speechless...?!

Right now, just a little before 3:00 am in the morning I woke up to an awful burning sensation? I put my hand on my left arm that is on the outside of the bed, it hurt and came away wet, like it was bleeding. I'm laying there in the dark jolted out of a dead sleep thinking,"what the heck!" So I jump up and run into the bathroom and turn on the lights, the lower part of my arm isn't bleeding but it has a long burn on it, there is blistering now, a long red welt and the skin is raised and hurting from it, I don't know HOW anything like this can happen?!

My boyfriend came running in the bathroom staring at me and my arm in disbelief (he's never believed in the paranormal before) asking what's wrong? I put something for burns on it and it stopped hurting so much. He got out the camera and took a picture of it. It's began to blister now. Now he's so scared he won't go back in our bedroom, he's in the spare bedroom sleeping while I type this out. I usually don't talk much about my experiences but now I'm being attacked... Worse than the scratches a few years before. Now something is burning me. I need some advice, but I don't know where to turn, I'm afraid to go back to bed. I guess I'll just stay on the couch and turn on the TV until I can go back to sleep.

This happened to me in December of 2016. It blistered up and the popped open, it was awful and painful.😢 I have called so many paranormal phone numbers, but no one replies. There's a television show called "The Dead Files" and I did reach the producer on the phone once. They couldn't come out and do an investigation because we don't own the house, but now we do. I will look for that number again since things are more active around my place again.

Nothing that serious has happened to me until this past November 2019. First I heard tiny bells ringing in my bedroom as I laid in bed to go to sleep. I have some little tiny bells on a strip of cloth laying over my mirror. It was attached to a blouse, and I cut them off to save them since the blouse didn't fit me any more. I discovered that was the sound I heard the next morning. Then a few more nights later as soon as my head hit the pillow for sleep, a bell started jingling right beside me!? I was so scared I jumped up and turned on the light, nothing there. Later the next day, I found a walking stick I had added a little bell to. I had forgotten all about it. It was right across from my bed, I've moved it since then because it freaked me out.

Then this past November the 7th I was laying in my recliner and not moving at all. I was watching TV when something jabbed me in the lower part of my left leg. I yelled out in pain and began rubbing it with my other leg. I didn't know what to think and just laid there in the chair. I had the leg that got stabbed hanging over the side of the chair for a while. I got up for something. When I came walking back to my chair I saw three big drops of blood on the carpet! I began cleaning it up. I didn't know what to think as I stood up from cleaning the blood up. I had a long night gown on and raised it to see that my leg had been bleeding and the blood was on both legs, and all over my nightgown?! I'm once again speechless and don't know why these kinds of things are happening to me. I feel helpless and very alone trying to talk about it with people.

P.S. I submitted this story about a week ago but never got notification that it was received, so I'm submitting it again.

I'm also happy to say I got a phone call from a paranormal group that will be calling me back in a week!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Cherubim, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-30)
Hahaha! 😊 Thanks for the warning about "Morbid Angel" Manafon1. Your very kind comment truly lifted my spirits. Much love and light sent your way. ❤
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-30)
No worries Cherubim! I understand that other paranormal websites aren't always as friendly as YGS. As an aside, unless you're into the REALLY heavy stuff, I'd steer clear of Morbid Angel 😉
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-30)
Thanks for clearing that up for me Manafon1, I have never heard of that band and took what Tweed said the wrong way. I am prepared for feedback on all my stories, or I would have the ability to respond turned off. I too enjoy the light hearted bantering that happens on this website. It takes me a while to know how to take someone's comments since I really don't know anyone that well. I stopped sharing my stories on other websites because of the negativity I've received in the past. Pardon my defensiveness, I'll work on that. I again read through all the comments and did find where you shared a similar incident, I apologize. I've had a rough couple of years and didn't mean to be rude to anyone here. ❤
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-29)
Cherubim--I was lightheartedly responding to Tweed mentioning Morbid Angel--I'm a fan of that band. The term, "spat the dummy at me" that Tweed used is in reference to your your early, defensive response to her original reply. When you submit an account to YGS you should be prepared for members to give their advice and suggestions. This includes other possible explanations than a paranormal one for what you experienced.

Quite often, fresh perspectives can help a person to look at a situation in a new light. Tweed's initial comment was friendly and helpful--your response, like your latest comment, was defensive. If you look at the earlier comments, you'll see that I had shared a similar incident to what you describe in your account. Aussiedaz and I went back and forth discussing elements of your story in a sincere and polite manner.

I would strongly suggest you read those earlier comments. I made no joke about you or your account. Just about any random account you could choose on YGS will have comments that often include little asides and bits of levity. This springs naturally from the friendly rapport most members share.
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
4 years ago (2021-07-28)
I've been away such a long time and regret to say I've had some serious family issues. I was reading through the comments on this story and got lost for a while!

Tweed--What do you mean "spat the dummy at me?" I called that paranormal group by the way and they did come over. What are you saying by adding "crank up Morbid Angel?" Well I'm glad you've "moved on!"

Manafon 1 -- I'm sorry you think my story is a joke for you and Tweed to laugh at. Good to know you have moved on with him.

Miracles51031--The investigation was very uneventful to say the least. Two guys along with two girls showed up after canceling the first time. The one girl tried to do what the first ladies found when they came to my house, but she didn't know how to use the EVP? 😲 They sat up cameras all though the house and garage, then asked if anyone would like to speak. We sat on the couch a few hours talking about past experiences I've had and they left. One of the guys wanted the picture of my arm that was burned. I don't know why, but I gave it to him. I personally thought they had more experience than they did. They do have a website, I can't remember the name of it now and wasn't interested in following them. On a happier note, I'd like to add that I haven't been stabbed or burned lately. I still have random happenings that I have learned to accept and live with. Thank you all for your thoughtful comments on this story. I hope I never experience anything like it again!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-20)
Tweed's right about cranking Morbid Angel--an added bonus is that it might serve as an audial vaccination for the coronavirus 😉
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
5 years ago (2020-03-20)
I've been on the fence with this since she spat the dummy at me.

This paranormal group's preferred contact method is via a form on their website. Cherubim said she hadn't visited their website yet in an early comment on this story.

Crank up Morbid Angel and move on, seriously.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
5 years ago (2020-03-15)
Cherubim, just checking in to see what the Big River Paranormal group's findings are.
mel8763 (1 stories) (19 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-24)
My goodness, Cherubim. That HAS to be scary! I've had ghosts touch me, and at 3 a.m. In the morning it's especially startling. Have you tried Rookdygin's method of cleansing? Other members swear by it.
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-13)

I agree; the burn was the part that startled me the most about this story. It seems hateful to burn someone.


Did the investigators find anything at your house?

- Maria
DarriuxDarkk (6 stories) (80 posts)
5 years ago (2020-02-13)
That is really scary. I was thinking if possibly you have some autoimmune disorder? I know some autoimmune diseases don't have such extreme symptoms as having 1st or 2nd degree burn marks but they do have some rashes forming. It is also worsens with stress as your adrenal glands secretes hormones that may aggravate symptoms:

That being said, I just want to approach your predicament health-wise first just to rule out health issues.

If it is paranormal, have you noticed anything sinister in the house? Just a feeling of not being safe and dread on some parts of the house? I'd rather take a restless spirit over the alternative which I know, you already have an idea of.

I'm scared that you might be haunted by a demon since the physical and emotional hauntings inflicted on you is really concerning. A blister from burning sensation and bleeding from unseen attacks, that sounds demonic to me.

Prayers goes a long way, may you be safe always. God bless.
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-28)
Yes Daz, I would laugh if it all wasn't so serious. 😳 The rabbit hole is very deep indeed!

Manafon1, WOW! Do you still have a scar from the "scoop" they took out of your skin... Who ever "they" are?! I can't imagine that, just like I couldn't believe what was happening to me with all the blood coming out of my leg!

Lady-glow, I sure hope it's not E.T.'s if I'm unable to get rid of it/them. I've been so busy these past few weeks trying to ready myself for this coming Saturday. I sure hope this paranormal group can help as well, thank you. Haha! I had to laugh about Donald Trump trying to build a "space wall" to keep the ET's out!

I will keep you all posted as to what happens when the paranormal team is done. I won't be back on line until afterwards.

It's all so interesting silverthane61, I think we (the baby boomers) will all hear some breaking news about ET's in our life time.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-28)

Thank you for an excellent read and synopsis back from 2010, you'd summed it extremely well I can grasp from your background you have a firm undertaking of what's going on at the moment. Even ex personal from the pentagon are now permitted to take evidence to the public and as you so rightly put it, disclosure is happening on the grassroots level and it is a slow burn that will probably end anti climatically.

I hope this analogy serves my take on disclosure and not taken as inappropriate, disclosure is like the whole 9 month birth process of a mother and her baby. You don't go from day one of inception to giving birth to a fully born baby on day ten of the pregnancy, the stress and grieve it would cause the mother would be emotionally unbearable... As too with e.t landing down on your neighbours house in the middle of barbecue tomorrow ''people would freak''... It may take another 50 years in my opinion before we see the future Donald Trump sipping moon juice on the white house lawn with planet folk from x y, or z...the baby boomers will be gone, as too most of generation x...the millenniums will be the ones who will share the days of the old fools who thought earth was flat and pigs flew backwards and beer was the greatest gift man gave to his best friend.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts, if you feel like posting another comment please put it on one of my walls as I feel the author here is being a little shunned out of the way on interacting with others on her account.

Regards Daz
silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-27)
Aussiedaz, it seems that we see things in a similar light, I have a whole lifetime dedicated to finding the similarities between the occult/paranormal and the subject of UFO's/extraterrestrial -dimensional life. I will not go into any detail, but I will leave you with a synopsis of a paper that I had published back in 2010:
"One topic of discussion in the UFO community revolves around the possible imminent disclosure of the extraterrestrial presence to the world. There are "teasers" from time to time as one pundit or another hypothesizes about a particular event and how that event is just one more brick being laid in the foundation before disclosure becomes reality.
The news is full of examples: The Vatican announces how extraterrestrial life will have no effect upon the faith; prominent politicians make cryptic remarks involving extraterrestrial life, "secret" government files involving UFOs are becoming more prolific, and learned men are becoming more open to the possibility that ET life is visiting this planet.
Add to this mix the action of several disclosure groups--the most prominent being the one organized by Dr. Steven Greer (though his actions are not the only ones extant), and it is easy to surmise that something earth-shattering is just over the horizon.
There is even an underground belief that the ETs have set their own timetable for disclosure, and this supposed date occurs after 2012! Interestingly enough, believers in this action aver that the ETs have already contacted the governments on Earth with this timetable and have given them the option of permitting disclosure before this date!
But are the above arguments really relevant? One only has to do a small bit of surface research to establish the fact that UFO sightings are becoming increasingly common and slowly becoming part of our (and other countries') cultural identity.
With the expansion and explosion of information gathering devices (cell phone cameras, portable digital cameras and video cameras, UFO web sites, etc.,) the common citizen not only has easy access into information on the subject, but also has the capacity to add to the already burgeoning amount of evidence supporting the presence of extraterrestrial visitation.
But again, what does this all mean? Simply this: I submit that if (or when) disclosure occurs, it will be anticlimactic. Disclosure is already happening, but at a grassroots level. Despite the government's churlishness and refusal to share publicly their work on extraterrestrial matters, public dissemination concerning ET matters is occurring nevertheless."
For what it's worth...
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-25)

Hearing a ticking clock may be a metaphor for interpretation?
I'm not jumping on the E.T angle however I did ask you a few post back if you have had any other weird accounts over the years...''as I was writing this'' you heard a ticking clock... Hmmm That's interesting Manafon and extra interesting it's not the first time?

Btw, Jim Sparks was the person who offered me an explanation to the jab in the left calf muscle and on one occasion, I'd experienced an abduction myself with full recall Manafon, I'm still trying to figure out if it was real?... My intuition and gut tells me it was, however, I can't rule out other explanations. I have had many paranormal experiences over the years and boy, nothing comes close to that account... Anyway, the jury is still out, talking about jury's.

As an observation, 12 average Joe's, a judge and circumstantial evidence can put away a person in prison for 30 years with the broader public accepting due process and the outcome of the allegation. 500 witnesses under oath on the presence of E.T, 8 congress members unanimously ruling a cover up, not one major media network in the U.S was there to film or report their finding and the broader public? I think people are waiting for Donald Trump and other leaders to announce it on air before we all fully accept their presence. Disclosure has begun, unfortunately it may take another generation to pass by before we all benefit from the greater knowledge our space neighbours have to offer.

Anyway, I do appreciate your input and contribution on the topic we all need to keep an opened mind and filter information with caution and I do apologise to Cherubim for hijacking her thread as Ladyglow pointed out, her own account may be something totally related to the paranormal realm.

Regards Daz
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-25)
aussiedaz--I agree that we are not alone in the universe and that "E.T." might be here. I have watched the citizen hearing and understand that there are many who insist we aren't alone and I also believe that governments cover up a great deal of things.

Completely out of the blue as I was writing this, I heard for the third time in the last few years (and the first time with my wife present) a ticking sound, like that of a shelf clock in an otherwise silent room. I've previously heard this ticking sound twice before: the first time it sounded like a wall clock and the second time like a small shelf clock. Both of us stood up to search out causes but as I walked towards the source it moved upwards and stopped. As I walked towards the ticking, I had shivers from head to toe but not of the "scary" variety. It was like an invisible but intense hug. The sound hasn't resumed since I started writing again.

This incident felt "human" and as I felt no sense of alien intrusion, I will assume it was paranormal as opposed to extraterrestrial. In answer to your question, I do concur with the findings of the citizen hearing. I believe in the possibility of alien intervention but I am more committed (because of my own studies and personal experiences over the years) to paranormal interaction. Both, however, are strange and wonderful in their own ways and I hope you understand I am not being in any way argumentative (to remind all the passer byes) but only expressing my opinions.

It's after 2 A.M. As I write this, so I bid all a g'night.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-25)
I should add the same sentiments as you in relation to Jim sparks, although I believe the guy is speaking his truth I don't necessarily take every detail he proclaims as gospel fact... We should always approach information in this field with some caution, however, his story at the least very interesting.

Regards Daz
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-25)

I would suggest you have a look at a link I left Cherubim further down the thread relating to a Citizen Hearing on disclosure, 500 military and civilian witnesses, including Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, an ex Canadian defence minister plus many excellent researchers before eight ex congress members all under oath of whom all reached an conclusion E.T is here and the government are covering it up.

Jim sparks would not have a look in at these types of hearings however, the point is this... With all the evidence put before the ex congress members do you concur with there findings?

Regards Daz
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)

Absolutely agree in regards to leaving it to Cherubim,

I have stated a couple of times I do believe I may be off mark on this one, however I am delighted to find out Cherubim study's the Ufology field.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)
LOL lady-glow! Ain't it the truth 😆 And a few la, la, la's to hit my minimum word limit...
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)

"One would assume Donald Trump would rank high on the list to receive some of the unpleasant abduction experiences Sparks has endured!"

That's only if he let the E.T's enter the USA without a visa!
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)

That's a fascinating theory though, to be honest, I would very much prefer if Cherubim's experience has a more "traditional" explanation and this is why: if E.T's are involved, I think it would be close to impossible to put an end to these weird attacks... Definitely no cleansing/blessing/exorcism/prayers/smudging etc, would ever have an effect over E.T's technology.

But then, it's not up to me to decide who or what is doing this to the O.P.

Cherubim, I find this thread very interesting and informative, and hope the paranormal group can help.

Thanks for sharing.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)
aussiedaz--I watched the multi part lecture by Jim Sparks you left the link for and found him to be lucid and sincere. I am completely open to the idea that there are alien abductions that take place with government involvement. That said, Sparks suggests that the "agenda" of the aliens is to show average humans how they're destroying the planet through a combination (I assume) of both overpopulation and the pollution that increases exponentially with that growth.

One of my biggest "causes" is overpopulation and its negative effects on Earth's fragile ecosystems but it seems a roundabout way for aliens to point out to average humans how pollution is destroying the planet. If aliens really want to give the world a wake up call, it would seem better to start at the top with governments and corporate leaders who make the policies and set the low standards that allow pollution to take a backseat to the bottom line. One would assume Donald Trump would rank high on the list to receive some of the unpleasant abduction experiences Sparks has endured!

The circular "scoop" I received was extremely odd and I have never come up with a good explanation of how it occurred but I can think of no other strange or intense events associated with it (although it was twenty five years ago). I was also a bit unclear about Sparks' assertion that when some people have a paranormal experience that it's often used as a way for extraterrestrials to present themselves. Although it would be impossible to prove, I am quite convinced that when my mother (as an example) has visited me in spirit form that it was indeed her spirit and not an alien masquerading as her.

In my final analysis, I will continue to listen to people like Sparks but will also continue to read the works of parapsychologists and psychical researchers whose field and theoretical works resonate with me and which focus on the frontiers of what it truly means to be human.

Apologies for going a bit of topic from your story Cherubim but I hope it has at least a peripheral bearing on it.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)

Your account sounds identical in the sense of how they try to take human tissue samples without disturbing the environment of the subject too much and apparently, they do have medical and healing techniques that would make our treatments seem primitive.

Jim Sparks has been an abductee for 20 years with full recall, he has been on their crafts where they basically extracted the tar out of his lungs from 20 years of smoking.

I can't quite remember how he explained the procedure never the less it was a pretty quick one. If you can't rule out your account any other way and have no doubt what you saw was actually skin tissue healing extremely quick, I would suspect it may be E.T related.

Did anything else around the time occur to you, that you found strange or ''intense''? We don't talk about the Incubus/Succubus topic here at ygs anymore. What I will put out there for those reading this who may think they have had similar experiences, sometimes you'll feel a tingling sensation around the naval area and sometimes there'll be intense sensations around the genital region of those they interact with. Please be aware, that not all of those accounts are E.T interaction.

Here's a link where Jim Sparks talks about his accounts there are other links of him out there... Jim seems to me like his being honest about his story.


Regards Daz
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)
aussiedaz and Cherubim--I've been following this thread for a bit and realized I had a similar experience some years ago. At the time I was renting a house in a suburb of Chicago and one weekend evening a few days before Christmas, I ended up falling asleep under the Christmas tree in the living room. In my defense I was 27 at the time and had had more than my fair share of "Christmas cheer." I write this just to set the scene, when I awoke there was a perfectly circular "scoop" on the back of my left shoulder.

There was no accompanying hole in my shirt and no blood but several layers of skin were gone but, and this is the really odd part, it was already nearly healed. I'm not prone to sleeping under Christmas trees and apparently slept for several uninterrupted hours, something that even under "x-mas cheer" conditions is unusual for me.

Both of you have experienced puncture wounds on your leg but I do know "scoop" marks are reported in extraterrestrial encounters. Just thought I'd share this. If my DNA has been used for some experiment I hope it helped;)
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-24)

I haven't read Ascension Masters however I'm quite familiar with David's work he's far less conservative than some of the others in the ufology community game enough to try and piece together the mystery behind the mystery kudos to him for that and yes, if people thought Star Trek was only science fiction they have no idea what universe our grandchildren will be in some 50 to 100 years from now, I don't believe full disclosure is anytime soon for all of the reasons these links have presented and for the simple fact ''peeps will freak out''.

Ok, my theory and your account of which may be off the mark however I'll put it out there on the platform for at the very least entertainment if nothing else... These early civilisations not only mastered technology like anti gravity etc. They fully mastered the science of consciousness and once you do that you go inter dimensional move around the joint faster than the speed of light, walk through walls,it's real beam me up Scotty stuff right?... Ironically, our human family do it in primitive form we refer to as astral projection, premonitions, precognition etc and don't even realise what we are tapping into.

So,through my own personal experiences (of which i'll keep to myself) and theory, I have concluded E.T have acquired the knowledge that allows them to perform medical procedures on humans no matter what state of consciousnesses you are in, awake,sleep,astral dimension, walking your dog, whatever... I do suspect based on intuition and some basic research, there are some tissues in our leg muscles (calf region) of particular interest relating to their hybrid programmes off planet... These spontaneous jabs people have reported may somehow be linked to these projects?... In the same kind of way we perform science exercises on our animal kingdom in the name of saving them etc,... If you are in their sights for these programmes, you are fair game no matter who you are.
...Interestingly, sleep paralysis may be another symptom of those chosen under these programmes?... An interest or obsession in the UFO topic, may be another symptom you are in their sights?

Anyway, It's good to know there are others out there looking into this stuff, it is the biggest unsolved mystery and most important breakout of information of which will transform our human history like it has never seen before.

OK need to go, they are just fitting on the white jacket for another visit to hospital as I finish up, what can you do but laugh Cherubim...seriously, that damn rabbit hole is deep as S...

Regards Daz
Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)
Yes Daz, I'm with you on this subject and read a lot about it. Have you read David Wilcock's book The Ascension Mysteries? It's about the battle between good and evil extraterrestrials that has been going on for a very long time and how it will affect us. It's also a real eye opener about how our music and movies are used to "introduce" us to "them." Just think about Pink Floyd's song Dark Side Of The Moon. In the book David tells how there is a civilization living there. The military is starting to declassify their secret space program this year. I have a link to that too, it'a a long video so get some popcorn! 😁
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)

With respect, I'll hold off on my theory for a while until I read your reaction and the interest of others in relation to a link I'll provide for you all below.

In 2013, Eight ex congress members overseen a citizens hearing on disclosure in the press gallery of Washington... 500 witnesses most of which are military testified under oath that we are not alone. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell an ex Canadian defence minister are on the list of which goes on and on... Basically the congress members concluded at the end of the hearing it's a huge government cover up and the people of the world are being lied too.

I'll say this much, 39 million planets in our galaxy in a universe 13 billion years old does anyone really believe we are alone and at the top of the food chain?. Anyway, the rabbit hole is there for you to go down if you want...IMO,full disclosure is inevitable and within 50 years time that science fiction movie I was referring to will be our reality.

We will conquer consciousness and understand it relationship to our existence.

I'll wait for feedback before I go any further I understand there'll be those here who will giggle about the phenomenon I personally don't really care anymore because the truth should be known.

One last question, did you ever live near a military base and are any of your family members in the military?

Regards Daz

Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)
Thanks so much for the hug AugustaM. I appreciate that very much. 😊 I guess I'm still a bit "touchy" since my boyfriend shared this experience with his cousin and his wife at a get together at our house just before Thanksgiving. I was surprised he did since he never speaks about my experiences. His wife started laughing her head off like it was the funniest joke she had ever heard. I was shocked and angry at the same time and said very loudly, "well I'm glad YOU think it's funny!" Needless to say it put a damper on the holidays. I understand the community here would have valid questions and am sorry if I seem so defensive, I'm usually not. Thank you for the link. I still have "Rooks Cleansing Method" and haven't tried it because I just don't have enough faith it will work I guess.

Well don't hold back aussiedaz, let's hear the theory! I remember someone's theory on one of my stories about my chains that would be tangled in my jewelry box. I don't remember who it was but they were saying by jumping up and down chains can become tangled. Maybe, but my chains would be in knots so bad it took hours to untangle them. My boyfriend is not a believer but was very surprised when I insisted he look at my chains in my jewelry box! I've solved that problem now. I hammered nails in the wall and put my chains there... No more tangles and knots. I was stabbed with something just above my left ankle, it wasn't in the calf muscle, there was blood everywhere!😲 You could see a tiny hole there, as if it were some kind of needle mark. I wouldn't have given it another thought if there hadn't been blood all over both my lower legs and at the bottom of my nightgown. It also pooled on the carpet where I was sitting. I'll ask my doctor what medical condition could cause that to happen.

Dido, I sure hope they can help too! Actually I called a couple of churches leaving messages that were never returned. I don't go to church any more but have studied with a few different religions. I'm more spiritual than religious.

I want to thank everyone that has commented on this story and tried to come up with some reasons why this might be happening. ❤
dido (5 stories) (20 posts)
5 years ago (2020-01-23)
Dear Cherubim,

Sounds like you have been through terrible experiences.
I hope that the paranormal team is able to help you and you can get rid of this entity.

Have you ever gotten a priest (from your religion) to come over and bless you and your house? Not sure if you are religious or not.

Really sorry that you are going through so much. Hoping it all gets better soon.

Daz - waiting patiently to hear your theory. Intrigued!

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