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It Comes At Night


For as long as I can remember, I have been bothered by something at night time. Nothing sexual, just my bed moving, my sheets pulled off, my hair being touched, breathing and hearing whispering next to me. I even got hit with a water bottle cap once as I was trying to sleep. It stops for a while and then when I least expect it, it will start again. It really doesn't scare me that much anymore, more than anything I feel annoyed by it. I'm not sure if it is always the same "thing" or not, it's been going on for a very long time. I also don't know if it friendly or not. I say this because a couple of times I've been woken by something just in time to avoid danger. I can't remember if I have submitted a story on that here yet, I'll check and if I haven't I will submit one.

Anyway, this happened to me just a few weeks ago. I keep thinking about it and trying to relive those few seconds.

I'm pretty sure I was dreaming, I'm not sure if I saw myself in bed but I remember seeing a black shadow standing at the foot of my bed, it looked like it was getting closer as if it was ready to get in the bed or was leaning in. I remember thinking "I got you, I finally see you!" I was really angry and started kicking out trying to hurt the shadow. Next thing I know I'm awake and kicking my feet, I had my eyes open and for a few seconds I was able to see the shadow and another more solid looking form standing next to the shadow. I remember hearing a sigh, not made by me, the kind you make when you are surprised. Then I saw both forms go down really fast, like they ducked or like a vacuum sucked them in. Sorry, I'm not good at describing or explaining things. The thing that surprises me the most is that as I was kicking I felt I was hitting something solid but what I was seeing was a shadow. Even if I was hitting the other more solid looking form, it shouldn't feel solid. I thought ghosts or spirits or whatever were supposed to feel like air. One other thing that I should mention is that my feet were uncovered so I was not hitting a blanket. I stayed awake for the remainder of the night and I remember my feet having that sensation like when you just kick something solid.

What I find funny now is that instead of being scared all I was thinking then was "I knew it, I knew there was something here, I'm not crazy!"

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Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-02)
I would be unnerved if my pet refused to come in my room like that 😨 as for what's happening here, going to sleep at a decent time doesn't really make a difference right now. Whatever is messing with us is affecting my dreams, to where I'm normally being scared awake between 2 & 3 am. I would like to just dismiss the bad dreams as just a bad dream, but with how it normally feels, and with my husband even seeing the same thing I saw before falling asleep, hovering over me before I woke from my nightmare, makes me think otherwise. Luckily no actual harm has been done from whatever it is, just some scares. I'm mainly curious as to what it is, and why is it doing this now 🤔
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-02)
Hi Twilight,

It is nice to hear from you. I'm sorry that you are going through the same thing. I haven't had much activity since this last experience. Actually, I had not felt or heard anything since then except for what happened a couple of days ago. When things are "active" in my room my cat refuses to come in. Even when carried in, as soon as I put him down he will run out of the room. Then I notice when I stop hearing and feeling things he will come in and sleep on my bed and pretty much follow me around the house. So anyway, a few days ago I was sitting on my bed reading with the door open and I saw him standing right outside the door. I called him and patted the bed so he would come and lay next to me. He just stood there and didn't come in, then I noticed that he was looking at me but at something else. Suddenly he ran to my son's bedroom and hid under the bed. My son was trying to get him to come out but he was not having it. After about 30 minutes he was coerced with some treats and came out but ever since then he will not come in my room. This happened a few days ago and I really haven't sensed anything strange but then again I've been exhausted these last few weeks and have been falling asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow. I will start working from home next week, my desk and computer are in my bedroom so I will be spending a lot of time there.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-02)
Hi Aameer, thank you so much for your kind words and suggestion.

Stay safe.
Twilight1011 (9 stories) (322 posts)
4 years ago (2020-04-01)
Hey Haven, it's been awhile since I've responded to one of your stories. I haven't been on this site as often, so I'm trying to catch up now. After reading this last experience of yours, it in some ways reminds me of what's been going on in my room, and home. I really just need to submit that experience, as it's quite a bit to tell, but the way you described that shadow figure moving, as if ducking or being sucked up, makes me think of how they seem to move around here, as if trying to hide from our site. It can be unnerving at times for sure. Apparently this new year has seemed to have brought more activity, which I'll be writing soon about. The solid feeling one you mention sounds creepy, and makes me curious as to why it felt solid 🤔
Aameer (1 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-24)
May peace be upon you haven,
These dark entity that u speak of are know as jinn in islam... However they go by different names in different cultures and religions... These entities just like us do exist but in the non visible spectrum of our eyes... Though some animals are able to hear and see them... I would recommend u to play SURAH AYATUL KURSI FROM THE HOLY QURAN... I am a 100% positive it will help u if u play it before your sleep... May u be free from this entity soon and may god bless you... And may your life be filled with happiness and joy... And kudos for having a strong spirit and soul kid... These entities attack the weak souls... And they haven't been able to hurt u so far cauz u are strong ❤ ❤ ❤
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-06)
Oh wow, Haven. It would really annoy me to be bothered like that. I've noticed that the state between sleep and wakefulness, is a period where many people have reported having OBEs and otherworldly experiences. That's when we're at our most vulnerable and receptive, our natural defences or barriers are down.

When you spoke of seeing "both forms go down really fast, like they ducked or like a vacuum sucked them in", I was thinking of your visitors stepping back into their own plane of existence, like though a portal. I know, too much sci-fi and fantasy in my diet again. But it made me wonder, what if somewhere in an alternate reality, a few curious 'travellers' have been visiting you in their dreamstate?

I went "yay!" when you said you kicked something that felt solid. Hope that teaches whoever, or whatever, it was to respect boundaries. See, NO touch!
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-04)

I appreciate your concern. I have addressed these sleeping issues with my doctor (several). I have been evaluated and I don't have sleep apnea, I also don't snore. I just don't like sleeping at night.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-04)

Paying back your sleep at the end of the week is classic case Insomnia and can be detrimental to your health Haven, I would suggest you talk it over with an health expert you may also be suffering from sleep apnea and may need evaluation?

I have suffered with both of these conditions through out my life they can lead to problems such as heart conditions and anxiety.

Good luck with it all mate, I hope you find all the support you need with in and from those around you to turn your life style around for the better.

Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-03)
Hi, Maria.

Makes sense. I have the bad habit of being on my phone right before bed every night. I will be replacing that with an actual book. That just reminded me of how much I love reading and how it's been a while since I actually read a book. Now I'm excited about starting to read again, thank you!
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-03)
Hi, Daz.

Yes, you are right, it's always right before falling asleep.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions. I will definitely try every single one of them and see if I see a difference. Ever since I can remember I've had sleeping problems. I sleep better during the day than at night, problem is I have a day job. I'm used to only getting a few hours of sleep every day. I make up for it on the weekends when I can sleep during the day. When I was a child, I always wanted to go to bed before anyone else because I hated having to try to sleep when everything was quiet. It made me feel safe that everyone else was awake, I felt protected. Now, as an adult, I have to have background noise so the television stays on all night. I do it for the light too, I can't sleep when the room is completely dark. It helps drown out any noise I don't want to hear.

Thanks ❤
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-03)

Daz has given you great advice for falling asleep fast! I would like to add something:

If you read a book before trying to sleep, try to make it an actual book and not an e-book. I have read that the backlight on gadgets such as phones and tablets ruin the balance of melatonin and make it more difficult to fall asleep.

I used to read e-books while I was lying in bed. After I put my tablet down and tried to sleep, I would end up lying there until after midnight wondering if I had insomnia or not.

- Maria
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-03)
Hi, Biblio.

I never told my parents because to me they were just dreams. As a child, I experienced a lot of nightmares, I would constantly wake up screaming. I remember my mom being really concerned for me, it would upset her so much that after a while I stopped telling her just so she wouldn't worry. I remember crying into my pillow so she wouldn't hear me. In the morning, she would ask me if I slept okay with no dreams, I would lie and say yes and she would get really happy. She would tell me that she was praying and asking God to take away my nightmares and that it was working, I didn't have the heart to tell her the truth.

It almost seems like I got used to the nightmares and after a while wasn't so scared anymore. I would constantly tell myself "just a dream, just a dream, they can't hurt you". And just like that, they stopped. I hope my night visitors stop as well. Funny but hearing that surprised sigh and seeing how fast it vanished gave me a sort of power. I think that finally seeing it helped me too.

Thanks ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-03)
Hi Haven,

Interesting to know most of your experiences happen to you prior to you falling to sleep? As if though these entities are waiting for you to reach a state of mind where they can react with you, before your consciousness slips off into gar gar land? Btw,

Most of my own profound accounts happened to me exactly at the point of closing my eyes.

I understand you don't allow these experiences to get the better of your own sanity, however if you want to reduce these experiences I can offer a few suggestions that may help you eradicate them or at the least reduce them.

The objective is for you to hit the pillow and fall straight off to sleep and not give this sucker anytime to mess with your mind. You may have the symptoms of insomnia Haven of which is the catalyst behind putting you into this state of reception.

Eat healthy,
Don't eat of drink after 6pm,
Cut back on coffee,
Don't sleep in after 7 am, go to bed around the same time,
Don't take afternoon sleep breaks,
Read a book before you go to sleep,
Play some light music?
Sleep with some light entering the room.

I am not a doctor, have my advise checked first if you decide to follow it.

Regards Daz
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-02)
Hi, Haven.

When you were young and you had "a recurring 'dream' that used to scare the living daylights out of me," did you tell anyone about it? Most parents would give a well-intentioned "that's only a dream" response to reassure their child. However, in your case, your attitude toward the dream changed over time from positive to negative. I'm going to state the increasingly-obvious that this is an ability you've possessed since childhood, but have have suppressed in order to avoid the nightmare scenarios, such as drifting too far away.

The brain, under stress, can perform some remarkable feats of recollection, endurance, and insight; I think it is highly likely that your brain opted for the unused skill out of desperation to determine what has been bothering you. I'm rather happy that your OBE self essentially ambushed the negative presence. Well done you!

Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-02)
Hi, Daz.

Oh boy, this is getting very interesting. I will look more into the double slit, I would like to know more about it.

To answer your question, I do wake up several times at night. I have to mention that most of the times when I have felt or seen this "thing" that visits me at night is when I'm trying to fall asleep, a couple of times I have seen my sheets move when I'm sitting up in bed fully awake. This is the first time I have seen this entity in my dream and then when I wake. Hard to explain but I thought for a second that I had dragged this thing out of my dream. Crazy, I know. Kind of like the Nightmare on Elm Street movies, if it makes any sense.

Thanks a lot for taking the time to comment and making me understand more of what is happening to me. You have no idea how much it helps.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-02)
Hi, Melda.

Thanks for your comments. The whole OBE experience is new to me. This last experience I shared here to me was just another "ghost" experience. It wasn't until I read Lady-glow's and Biblio's comments that I was open to the idea that this could have been an OBE experience. It makes perfect sense now. When I try to go back in my memory to see what other experiences could be chalked up to OBE I remember a recurring "dream" that used to scare the living daylights out of me. In this dream I would be running or walking and I would begin to float. At first it was fun, it was like flying, I would impulse myself up and I kept going higher and higher. Later, I would be able to go into houses and see people sleeping, including myself. This started to scare me. In one of the dreams I floated up so high I remember being petrified that I would not be able to come down and I would just float away into heaven. The few times I dreamed about this after that time I remember telling myself to "go back to your body". I would wake up so scared and would be afraid to go back to sleep. All these years I thought it was just a dream, now I'm not so sure - LOL.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-01)

All good, btw, I too have come under one of those physical OBE attacks,
I know what you experienced and they are the most terrifying.

If the power of prayer worked for you that's good to hear, our loved ones and angelic beings who watch over us, do respond when we reach out over these sorts of accounts.

I wouldn't wish them on my worse enemy.

Regards Daz
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-01)
Aussidaz - No problem, that is what I thought you meant. Just wanted to be certain.

Interesting comment from you, especially since I also don't tend to be much of a sleeper myself - I go to sleep, doze, wake up - nightly routine. Perhaps Haven experiences the same.

Haven, let's hear from you on Daz's opinion. There could be so many aspects at play and I still don't believe that you are stuck with this forever.

Regards, Melda
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-03-01)

Thank you for the correction it was meant to be
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-29)
Aussiedaz - Please forgive me for jumping in. In your second last paragraph do you mean "state of meditation"? You say "mediation". Sorry, no criticism intended but "meditation" makes more sense to me.

Regards, Melda
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-29)

I would like to paraphrase the double slit experiment in my own attempt in explaining your account based on my own research and experiences.

Although it's not a fact just yet, there are many scientist who believe consciousness is fundamental to our existence.

The double slit experiment validates the relationship between the observer, all of the properties that enter into the domain of our universe (via the wave energy field).

Most of your account happens at night when I imagine you are in and out of sleep? Most of your accounts take place or start when your eyes are shut or when you are dreaming, right?

Here's my theory, the instance we close our eyes we can and often do enter the wave energy field via our own input of consciousness that is rooted in such a way that '"we are the universe and it is us"".

As our minds slip deeper into the delta, theta levels of consciousness most of the population go off to sleep usually without any thing seeming strange.

I'm assuming you are one of these people who wake up at night several times? Even if not the case, I feel you are putting yourself into a natural state of mediation where on some occasions, you are interacting with entities on different frequencies of existence and just like the law of the double slit experiment demonstrates, you are the observer interacting with the wave energy field on a slightly subdued frequency that solidified for a brief moments of linear time.

Seeing these entities in this state of mind is possible and ''they'' were a little surprised to be seen.

Regards daz
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-28)
Haven - I often follow stories which I have commented on and so of course I've looked at yours again.

I really do understand that life has become difficult for you. It appears that you have now reached the stage where you are accepting, because you feel you have no option, whatever is happening to you. Actually I can't accept that there is no end to this. I don't know where the answer lies but there has to be one.

For a long time I experienced involuntary OBEs. I won't go into too much detail, I could fill two pages. We are talking about your experiences, not mine but what I want to tell you is that I found my last OBE experience very scary and after that incident I prayed to whatever was holy, God, my guardian angel, St Michael, any good spirits who could hear me, to never allow it to happen again as it had never been my choice. For the first and last time in my life this "praying" seemed to project me into into an almost trance-like state. Not an actual trance, I don't want to be dramatic. Guess what? The OBEs never happened again. Perhaps this was simply mind over matter.

The above is on the assumption that you're experiencing involuntary OBEs. I think it could be more than that but believe in yourself. Others might tell you that this will happen to you for the rest of your life. Do you believe that to be true? I don't.

What I am saying to you is that I can empathise.

Regards, Melda
Socracy5 (3 stories) (64 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-25)
Hi Haven,

I believe the thing which keeps attached them to the living world are the desires or the emotion which they had left behind in this mortal realm, this is not only applicable to the evil spirits but the spirits on general.

The more the intensity of their desires are more they expose themselves to the mortal world. The more energy they have the more you feel their presence so I guess being their sensation only gaseous depends on the spirit how they wanted to be exposed

I'll share an incident when I was little I tend to feel someone's presence on my bed and I tend to hug it whenever I felt scared and believe me it felt like I was holding an actual human hand, this presence soon fade away with time.

The whole point of my words were what you felt is not abnormal in any way, like I said spirits control their way of exposure.

However, if this spirit continues to harm you in anyway, I'll suggest you to perform a cleansing in your house cause the believe the thing residing in your room is strong enough to allow it's presence to be felt by a human in conscious state of mind.

I'm sorry if my explanation is very long.

But hope this helps you understand things better

Take care:)
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-25)
Hi, Melda.

My house has been blessed by a priest several times. It stops for a while and then it starts up again. I have had a number of people come and do cleansings, I have done several myself. Different houses, different cities, different countries, they always comes back. I've had mediums, spiritual healers, clairvoyants etc try to help. I've been told how to make them go away, especially the negative ones but basically I've been told they will always come back. It is like trying to keep a moth away from a flame.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-25)
Hi, Tweed.

Yes, I know what you mean. I have had things around me for as long as I remember. I don't know why but I know when something is "different or new", I can tell the difference between that and something that has been around for a while. Even with the familiar, I am still surprised or freaked out but for the most part it has become annoying. Especially when I'm trying to sleep, there are times when I just turn over and go right back to sleep. When I'm not in the mood I will kick my feet and yell out "leave me alone" and go right back to trying to sleep. Good thing I sleep alone.
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-25)
Hi, Biblio.

Honestly, the OBE had not occurred to me until now that you and Lady-Glow mention it. It makes perfect sense. If you guys could see me right now, my mouth is literally hanging open and I must have repeated "oh my God" and "of coarse" about 10 times. This is one of the reasons I like sharing my experiences here, you guys all make me make sense of things and giving me a different perspective. Thanks!
DancingSheDevil (6 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-25)
Hi, I would love to narrate this and other stories of yours on my channel may I have your permission? I will add a link in the description crediting yourself as the author and a link to your story:)
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-25)
Hola Lady-glow! Gracias por comentar.

I never really thought about them being the same entities. It is a possibility.

Your theory is very interesting. Kicking it with my "spirit feet", I am very intrigued.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-25)

It is amazing, my son and I saw a car disappear in broad daylight, so yes, It's especially easier for me to believe Telly is being truthful, what does it all mean? I would assume the after life is just as physical if not even more alive than the earth matrix because we humans place so many limits on ourselves.

Most of the time we enter in from the after life as apparitions, who or what are puling strings enough for spirit to transform themselves into physicality is mind blowing.

silverthane61 (4 stories) (344 posts)
4 years ago (2020-02-24)
I believe you. I understand the feeling of how visual validation might sometimes be a more powerful emotion than fear. You finally saw what has been bothering you for so long! It is fascinating that you were able to temporarily bridge the boundary between the "awake" world and the "dream" world by seeing the entity in both realms.

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