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The Oldman On The Staircase


Friends, today the story which I am telling you is a very strange supernatural experience which happened to my uncle (let me mention here, once again, not my maternal one).

My uncle (now dead) used to go for his business trip to Ahmedabad (a city in Gujarat, a state in India) . Whenever he used to come back home at night, he always used to see a unknown Maharashtrian old man dressed in dhoti and kurta, sitting on the staircase.

First of all, my uncle used to think that he must be some relative of our tenants, sitting and chewing tobacco on the staircase. First he used to just ignore that man and things were going finely, when suddenly one day things turned worse for my uncle. One day, at late night when he came home, the old man, asked him, "Hey Mohan (my deceased uncle's name) in Marathi, how are you? How is business going on?"

My uncle felt strange about him being asked something from an unknown old man, but he chose to ignore him, as he was old. Later on the same thing continued and finally my uncle got angry on the man and asked him angrily " Who are you and what you want?"

To which that old man replied in a silent manner, "Don't ask me who am I and what I want. I am just telling you, don't come in my way ever again. Next time you come, you will be found dead here."

My uncle looked at him in anger and was going to beat him, when suddenly he observed his feet, which were twisted back. Now he realized that he was talking with a ghost and fell ill badly after he went home, but chose not to mention to anyone. But since, it was a question about his bread and butter, he kept the sacred ashes of God in his pocket and after wards, never ever saw the unknown old man's ghost ever afterwards and he continued to keep it until his death in 2007, even when he shifted to a new home and nothing of that bad and evil sort ever took place with my kind and innocent, pure hearted uncle.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Amchi1986, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

BaiAnina (3 stories) (41 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-10)

Interesting. I stand corrected on the dead bodies part, then. I'll read up on those later.
Theomniscient (3 stories) (11 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-10)
Maybe, that entity was a guardian angel. Maybe he was there to give a vision of a circumstances which he would face in his near future and don't mean any harm. But anyway may that old man find light of an eternal bliss and don't render here anymore 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-09)

Actually, according to Wikipedia:

"In Hinduism, vibhuti... Is sacred ash made of burnt dried wood, burnt cow dung and/or CREMATED BODIES..."


Being the inquisitive person I am, I'd be tempted to bombard the OP with more questions about this subject, but have to refrain in order to follow the site's guidelines for commenting on a story, specially the one stating:

"...This site is not about religious beliefs, it is about actual personal paranormal experiences and exploring reality with an open and investigative mind so we can actually learn more about the paranormal, with the same empirical mind set that made science so successful in other fields. Religions have a lot of wisdom to offer in terms of personal spirituality, but they can also limit our knowledge of the world with old superstitions and unproven dogmas..."

From my point of view, it is necessary and even healthy to question ones religion and ancestral beliefs. One should not ignore the light science has shed over many things that, in the past, where considered unexplainable, magical or god's will. Otherwise human sacrifices to apace the gods; shrunken heads and other practices of the past would be still common.

But if a person is not ready to answer questions from "outsiders" about their religion, then they're not ready to question their own beliefs. Nothing wrong with that.

Anyway, if my question is not offensive, I would like to ask if the ashes of any person would do, or if who and what said person was during their life would affect the effectiveness of the ashes.
BaiAnina (3 stories) (41 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-09)
In my culture, our sacred ash is made from palm leaves that have been blessed during Palm Sunday, which is something we practice as Catholics. It is dried, then turned to ash, and is then put on our forehead during Ash Wednesday of the following year, which is the start of our Holy Week. Though it is considered sacred, I can't be sure if ours could ward off evil entities such as the one in your uncle's experience. We do keep the dried palm leaves to ward off evil in our homes, though.

I think we can all agree that sacred ashes are not the same for every country and religion, nor is it made of cigarettes or dead bodies. It is also quite valid to be upset when someone mocks your beliefs and baiting you with twisted words, disguised as curiosity. Would be great if sacred ash could ward off those kinds too 😜

That said, your uncle's story is with him to the grave, unfortunately. As long as it does not appear again in any shape or form to torment your family, it is for the better. ❤
Rajine (14 stories) (920 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-09)
Back here in South Africa a lot of people believe the thing about a spirits feet being twisted backwards, holy ash is something most cultures use, it's made from various things, such as wood, sandlewood, turmeric, lime powder and turmeric makes a red color ash. Praying with it is what makes it sacred.
NubianPrincess (6 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-05)
...Excuse the reptition and typos.

Using my phone and tend to miss things even when I preview.
NubianPrincess (6 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-05)
Ah, I see. The head makes sense.

So we just use it a bit differently, but for the same reasons.

We also place it around various parts of the house, like on top of wardrobes or in shelves to ward off evil spirits or bad juju.

Don't know if we can advise such on the site; but try putting it in your bath water with sea salt as well. Wards off evil and helps rid one of bad luck.

Or you can put it in a container with sea salt and before you leave the house for any reason. You apply on your face, hands and feet straight after taking a bath (while praying for protection). Let it air dry then you can apply your lotions, moisturizers and perfumes.

You don't have to do it. It's just always nice to share. This goes to others as well. Am see going to try putting it on my head.

One never knows.

Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-05)
We apply it on our head or just carry it in our pocket, to keep ourself safe from supernatural or evil forces.
NubianPrincess (6 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-05)
In South Africa we call it Holy Ash.

We use it in our culture as well. Mostly from burnt wood (as already explained) or charcoal that's prayed upon.

One can put it in bath water, carry it on their person or add it in their lotion.

Do you guys also use it in these other ways Amchi?
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-05)
No, I am not getting angry at you, just explaining and I am not lashing at anyone.
TravisCannabis (74 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-05)
Chill dude! Ain't making fun of no one just asked a question. Don't expect everybody to know your religion. If your not ready to explain without lashing out at people for not getting your stories maybe this ain't a site for you. 😐
Wicked_aj (1 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-04)
Traviscannabis its sacred because of how its made. Before mocking other's methods remember your roots and how strong your beliefs are if it comes to you
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-04)
Don't laugh at our hindu religion and mock at our faith and religious beliefs, or otherwise straightaway leave. Would you like it if someone mocks at your God and religion, Mr / misses travis cannabis. So never ever insult anyone's faith, belief or even religion.
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-04)
My dear friends, it is called vibhuti Or bhasma in our hindu dharma. It is made from cow dung, or wood materials. Since we hindus consider it holy, we don't like it to be laughed at. It is very sacred in our hindu religion. Did u all understand it now.
TravisCannabis (74 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-03)
Dude u didn't answer my question. I want to know what god is this and if the ashes are from its cigarettes or from its doobies or maybe come from its cremated body. 😁 Do u get it now? 😜
NubianPrincess (6 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-03)
Hi Amchi.

Sorry, but your uncle didn't seem to conduct himself in a kind-hearted manner towards an old man who was just greeting.

Maybe the ghost had wanted to warn him against some impending danger or had kept his safe all along, until he lashed out at it.

Since your uncle is no more, we will never know.

May he R.I.P
Amchi1986 (19 stories) (75 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-03)
We call it angaara in marathi (my mother tongue). It is God's sacred ash
TravisCannabis (74 posts)
1 year ago (2023-10-02)
What the heck are the sacred ashes of god? 🤔
No offense but your uncle sounds kind of rude and easy to lose his temper for someone kind and innocent, pure hearted uncle.😕 😁

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